How Sarms effect Athletic Performance

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In this ES INTEL Blog we are exploring how Sarms effect Athletic Performance and their role in helping the body reach higher levels of athleticism – in speed, strength, explosive power, aerobic and anaerobic endurance.

In Elite Sarms we break down Athletic Performance into 3 main categories. They include:

1. Strength & Power

2. Muscular Endurance

3. Cardio Endurance

We believe that when an athlete reaches a high level of all 3 categories listed above, they become a fully rounded athlete. Fortunately the athletic performance Sarms in our range target and activate the areas of the body responsible for muscular strength and power, muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance.


The Elite Sarms products that activate the androgen receptor sites in the body responsible for the amplification of strength and power are:

Decavar® (MK2866) is one of our best products for both males and females increasing total strength. This is due to the powerful action of Decavar® on muscle, bone and supporting tissues including the myofascial sheath Androgen Receptor (AR) sites.

Physique 400® (LGD4033) is the next contender in the Strength and Power category. This comes from its rapid muscle building properties. Combining this product along with the major lifts; deadlift, squat, bench press and shoulder press will result in fast muscle growth and connective tissue adaption, leading to great strength and power gains.

Finally, our product Tight® (RAD140) is a Sarm that completes both tasks of increasing strength and building muscle, having a major effect on power and strength

Of course, these Elite Sarms will amplify your strength and power – when the correct stimulus of weight, repetition and repetition tempo (time of eccentric and concentric portions of a movement) and rest are applied to the body via quality training and recovery – both of which Elite Sarms assist.


If Muscular Endurance is your main focus the following Elite Sarms products that are best suited for this Athletic Performance task include:

Stanazine® (S4)
has been compared to the compound Winstrol in its athletic enhancement abilities. Due to its powerful activation of muscle and bone Androgen Receptor (AR). This product provides blood flow and nutrients to the muscles to assist in increasing muscular endurance.

Decavar® (MK2866)
is best known for is rapid muscle repairing properties. It is this factor that makes Decavar® a powerful muscular endurance enhancer.

Finally, Hyper Lean® (SR9009) has proven in studies to increase the mitochondria in skeletal muscle. This means more energy and waste products caused by fatiguing muscles can be shuttled through the body quicker resulting in greater muscular endurance over time.


If Cardio Endurance is your main Athletic Performance focus the best Elite Sarms products for this include:

Cardio Shred® (Cardarine) is dubbed exercise in a bottle because it mimics the effects of cardiovascular exercise creating the environment inside the body compared to someone training cardio at high intensities. When Cardio training is combined with this product, then cardio endurance is even greater enhanced.

Hyper Lean® (SR9009) works by increasing mitochondria counts in skeletal muscle. Mitochondria are termed the powerhouse of the cell and provide most of the cells energy. They are directly linked to our metabolism and therefore in exercise, this increase in mitochondria leads to an increase in metabolism meaning recovery times between intense exercise sets drastically reduces and cardio endurance increases.


When you get down to the core foundations of what athletic performance is – I mean, all the way down, it basically occurs through 2 core events:

1. Physical stimulus is applied to the body

2. Adaption to physical stimulus occurs

As we all know, athletes aren’t just born athletes. Athletes may be born with a passion for a specific sport and may also possess faster adaption to certain physical stimulus which makes them ‘more talented’ in a certain sport. However as we’ve all experienced at some point in our lives, as we train for something, we get better at it. We have to apply new physical stimulus to our body and then our body adapts to that stimulus and then we repeat this process over and over.

Now enter Elite Sarms. Elite Sarms make the COMMUNICATION between the androgen receptor (AR) and the tissues of the body ‘clearer’, ‘louder’ and ‘faster’. What this means is when we apply physical stimulus to the body in the form of cardiovascular training, muscular endurance, agility, strength, power and/or explosive power then the body is able to adapt drastically faster as well as repair drastically faster because the Signals from the AR to the tissues being stimulated is faster, stronger and clearer.

Sarms allow one to progress in any chosen athletic endeavour at a faster pace with a significantly lower chance of injury or overtraining – which leads to even faster athletic progress. As you can see Elite Sarms don’t do the work for you, however they create the perfect environment for the work you do to be expressed at its full potential inside and outside your body.

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