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Hacking Your Bioage With NAD+

WhatsApp Image 2021 06 23 at 15.13.16

By M.G. Thibault
Edited by Ryan McTeigue

Aging is a natural and organic process that everyone undergoes. Both our bodies and mind go through cycles of changes throughout our life. As we age, our cells have a lesser capacity to divide and multiply, some lose their function, and eventually deteriorate. This is the scientific meaning of ageing

The dilemmas that come with aging

As our age advances, wrinkles become more prominent in our skin, our hair thins and loses pigmentation, and our memory is not as retentive. More importantly, we feel a decrease in energy and strength; we become more susceptible to diseases, while abnormalities and dysfunction begin to show within our body.

So, when this article mentions about “hacking” your biological age, this means we are providing you with science-based information that leads to some adjustments in your lifestyle and diet, which can intervene with these signs and symptoms of aging.

The Role of “Nutrigenomics”

When we talk about Biohacking, we have to mention its close associate, “Nutrigenomics.” This term supports the idea that our body’s total genetic expression can be optimized by taking the right nutrients that influence our overall health over time.

The thing is, genes may be critical for determining inherent abilities, but Nutrition can modify the extent to which different genes are expressed and thus modifies whether an individual reaches the potential established by their genetic pre-disposition.

This emerging knowledge can transform nutrition and dietary practices to optimise health, promote longevity, and prevent or even treat certain diseases.

First off, we’ll identify the “poor-quality” foods that induce inflammation. Some studies consider aging as a chronic inflammatory state, so one of the best anti-aging hacks would be to stop eating junk food (such as fried foods) and start incorporating more anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory foods in your diet.

Avoid trans fats, that easily produce cancer-causing free radicals and literally slow the body down. It will also benefit you to refrain from eating too much sugar and processed carbohydrates (like pasta, bread, and pastries) as this may lead to chronically high insulin levels that positively correlate with age-related diseases including diabetes and heart diseases.

Treated meats like hot dogs, bacon, and pepperoni are usually high in nitrates, which also lead to inflammation. Moderate drinking (a 5-ounce glass of red wine per day, 5x a week) may be good for your heart, but heavy drinking will only speed up the aging process.

Boosting NAD+ levels

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide otherwise known as NAD+ is a chemical compound, which is found in essentially every cell of the body, and produced in abundance during adolescence all the way up to early adulthood. Its main function is to facilitate healthy brain function, regulate metabolism, repair damaged DNA, and strengthen our cell’s defences. Like most compounds secreted by the body, NAD+ levels start to decrease as we age.

Recent lab tests on animals have shown that raising NAD+ levels may help reverse signs of aging and reduce the incidence of many chronic diseases. You can boost your NAD+ levels by:

1. Exercise. Daily workouts require more NAD+ for energy, and your body responds to increased demand by producing it.

2. Raw foods that contain vitamin B, like avocados, steamed fish, whole grains, and nuts can boost NAD+ levels. Consider adding fermented foods and drinks to your diet like sauerkraut and kombucha. These are rich in NAD+ and also effective in easing persistent bloating and chronic joint pain.

3.Oral NAD+ supplements. One article shows that supplementation of Nicotinamide Riboside (NR, 500 mg, 2×/day), a NAD+ precursor, effectively stimulates NAD+ metabolism in healthy middle-aged and older adults.

4. NAD+ infusions. The Intravenous route promotes higher bioavailability, compared to oral supplements meaning a fuller dosage enters the body to help restore the mitochondria, and renew power at the cellular level. Specialised health and anti-aging clinics may have this available, shop around the internet to find one near you if you are interested.

5. Growth Hormone Mimetics. GH Pep® (MK-677) is a growth hormone secretagogue, which amplifies the body’s natural release of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like-growth-factor 1 (IGF-1). Among their many benefits such as lean muscle gains, accelerated fat loss, and tissue repair, the increase in GH and IGF-1 levels regulate mitochondrial mass and function and contribute significantly to mitochondrial biogenesis, respiration and ATP production.

How does this relate to boosting NAD+ levels?

A Study from the University of California demonstrates that the mitochondria in cells create NAD from the nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), one of its precursors. This explains why NAD+ levels decline with mitochondrial dysfunction aka slow metabolism and reduced NAD+/NADH ratio is implicated in mitochondrial disorders, as well as during aging.

As far as anti-aging goes, Elite Sarms product: GH Pep® (MK-677) is a remarkable anti-aging supplement since it not only boosts your growth hormone and IGF-1, sustaining your hormone profile in a state of perpetual youth, it also increases the production of your NAD+ which you now know is another Key Level Player in the quest for the fountain of youth.

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Normal Fat Burners Vs Elite Sarms Fat Burners

WhatsApp Image 2020 11 24 at 07.28.37

Normal Fat Burners Vs Elite Sarms Fat Burners

I remember the days when the newest fat burner to come out used to fly off the supplement store shelves. However in the last couple years it seems that science has caught up to the fitness trend and we are starting to see people becoming aware that most of what is sold as a fat burner at your local supplement shop is nothing more than artificial caffeine and other Central Nervous System jacking ingredients, unfortunately.

We are however, becoming more intelligent and looking at the ingredients and reading about these ingredients and their effects before we go and buy the next latest trending fat burner on the market. Having information at our fingertips has made us all more informed and more choosey with our supplements.

To help fast track your fat burning supp knowledge, in this blog we reveal what is in MOST fat burners on the markets and how they stack up compared to the Scientific-Founded Fat Burning products in the Elite Sarms® range. Let’s dive in….


Go into any supplement store and look at any fat burner on the shelves. The fat burning ingredients that create any effect will most likely include:

1. Caffeine Anhydrous (CNS stimulant)
2. Green Tea Extract (CNS stimulant)
3. Cayenne Pepper extract (Thermogenesis/body heat)
4. Other herbal and chemical CNS stimulants

As you can see, the main active ingredients in almost ALL normal fat burners on the market rely on cheap stimulants in the form of caffeine, green tea and other stimulants both from chemical and herbal origin to CRANK-UP the CNS (central nervous system). The ‘science’ behind this is that once the CNS is overstimulated and cranked-up the heart rate increases and body temperature goes up. This increased heart rate is then supposed to lead to an increased metabolism which then burns extra calories.

The problem with Normal Fat Burners

The problem with using CNS stimulants in ALMOST ALL fat burning products and cranking up the CNS to levels beyond normal to increase the heart rate and therefore attempt to increase the metabolism is this – CNS stimulants put your body into the “fight or flight” state. When the body is kept in this ‘fight or flight; state for long periods of time the body WILL drop weight. The problem though is that a little of the weight will come from actual body fat and most of the weight that is lost comes from:

1. Water (the body is 90% water at cellular level)
2. Muscle tissue
3. Bone mineral
4. A little bit of fat

So by using traditional Fat Burners on the market, the end result in most cases is; a little bit of fat is lost but majority of the weight that is lost comes from; water, muscle and bone and these 3 elements are all things we want to build and increase in the body and not tear down as they are responsible for our healthy: movement and function, strength, metabolism, cell hydration, bone strength and posture.

Elite Sarms – Along came science…

Luckily our awareness, knowledge and accessibility of excellent scientific products has expanded since the times of – all fat burners pretty much being CNS JACKING-UP products. Science and common sense has evolved when it comes to New fat burners. And we now know that for a Fat Burning product to actually be effective it needs to address the biological functions of the body that actually create or prevent fat loss. These include:

1. Insulin (Body Sugar levels)
2. The bodies ability to uptake glycogen (body sugar) into muscle
3. Mitochondria (the cells that are directly linked to our metabolism)
4. Cardiovascular exercise improvement (faster recovery & greater endurance)

As you can see from above, the Normal Fat Burners in the market do not even begin to address the real-life biological areas associated with fat burning and weight loss.

Below we take a look at how the Elite Sarm fat burners (Cardio Shred® and Hyper Lean®) in the range change and improve the areas in the body that are responsible for fat loss:

1. Insulin (Blood Sugar levels)

Insulin is the most anabolic and the most Lipogenic hormone in the body. This means that when the insulin system is functioning properly, it is able to help create muscle tissue in the body however, when insulin is abused and kept at high levels for a long time, it WILL eventually lead to fat gain and can also create other more serious health problems. Basically, the lower ones insulin levels the more one burns fat for energy over Sugar. And when insulin levels are kept high from consistently consuming refined carbohydrates (sugar, donuts, lollies etc) the more the body will rely on sugar for fuel and the more fat the body will store.

Insulin drives fat into fat cells and excess insulin not used by the muscle, liver or brain converts into body fat also.

Elite Sarms product – Cardio Shred® (GW0742) and other PPARδ agonists in the GW family have proven in scientific studies now to lower insulin levels – even those who had insulin resistance, which is the early stages of diabetes, in the studies displayed improvements in insulin sensitivity.

2. The bodies ability to uptake glycogen (body sugar) into skeletal muscle

The body can burn 2 types of fuel which is then converted into our energy, they are:

1. Fat (from body fat) or
2. Sugar (from the sugars we eat, after that is all used, it is then taken from inside the muscles in the form of glycogen, resulting in muscle loss).

Both Cardio Shred®(GW0742) and Hyper Lean®(SR9009) influence lipid (fat) and glucose (sugar) metabolism in the liver, resulting in more sugar being taken up into skeletal muscle instead of being stored as fat. This means the body will drive more of the sugars that are eaten into muscle to contribute to muscle growth which will result in less sugar being stored as body fat.

3. Mitochondria numbers in body and the health of those mitochondria (the cells that deal with energy production)

Mitochondria cells produce most of the ATP in the cell which is a chemical energy used by the body to perform all activities. Mitochondria cells are also termed as ‘powerhouse’ cells. The number and health of these cells determines the speed and health or your metabolism – metabolism being the bodies speed and effectiveness of processing (food to energy) and eliminating (removal) of energy.

Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® is compound SR9009.
SR9009 works by increasing the number of mitochondria in muscle, therefore increasing the body’s metabolism. It also carries the duel role of eliminating damaged mitochondria and replacing them with new ones for an overall improved metabolism 🔥

4. Cardiovascular exercise improvement (faster recovery & greater endurance)

Obviously the better a supplement works for Cardio performance the greater one can take their training intensity and the more comfortable one is to move and stay in high intensities during training – the better ones fat burning results will be.

Caffeine sourced from coffee has been proven to help with greater endurance times for athletic performance. As far as normal fat burners go, that is really the only athletic performance enhancement you are going to find. And that exercise improvement is miniscuel in comparison to something like what products Elite Sarms – Cardio Shred® and Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® produce for athletic performance.

The increased number and quality of mitochondrion that Hyper Lean® creates when combined with HIIT (high intensity interval training) leads to a drastic increase in metabolism and metabolic conditioning – creating an increase in exercise capacity by increasing mitochondria counts in skeletal muscle.

Cardio Shred® is an activator of the receptor – PPARδ in skeletal muscle. This special receptor in the body regulates muscle metabolism and reprograms muscle fibre types to enhance running endurance. Cardio Shred® helps to create and develop TYPE I muscle fibres in skeletal muscle. This is the Muscle Type that an advanced endurance athlete will train many, many hours to develop and condition.

Cardio Shred® does not complete the kilometres of endurance training it takes to develop excellent cardiovascular fitness for you, however any and all work you do put into cardiovascular training while supplementing with Cardio Shred® will be reflected via greater cardiovascular performance and all the associated health and aesthetic benefits that come from this increase in cardio performance.

Happy cardio training everyone 🚴🏻

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Metabolic Boosters for Effective Fat Loss

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Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

Adopting the latest diet trends or purchasing the next weight-loss “wonder pill” may seem like a sure-fire way to shed pounds. However, on a more important note, you also have to consider metabolism to get the results you want. Weight watchers for example, is a system that count fats, carbs, and calories diligently. However, to effectively lose weight and burn off unwanted fat, you have to understand the metabolism and what it does for your body, performance and fat loss results.

Metabolism has always been a hot topic among health and fitness groups. Read on to dispel the common myths regarding your metabolism and discover evidenced-based techniques to rev it up, and reach your fat burning potential.

How to Measure your Daily Metabolic Rate

A good starting point is calculating your BMR (basal metabolic rate), which measures how many calories you burn when you’re resting. Even when you’re just lying down, your body is still burning calories to keep your heart beating, support your respiration, regulate body temperature, and to keep blood flowing to all your muscles and body tissues. Then add to your BMR the calories you burn doing your daily activities, plus the calories you burn during workouts, and presto! You have a close estimate of your metabolic rate! Use this calculator here to work out your BMR:

Common Myths about Metabolism

Myth 1. The speed of your metabolism is determined by your genetics.
The Truth: A consistent exercise regimen paired with an effective fat burning supplement will seriously rev up one’s metabolism which allows for safe and rapid fat loss. If you are alive and blood is pumping to your heart, then you can always Crank up your metabolism by environmental factors such as exercise, nutrition and supplementation.

Myth 2. Cooler temperatures slow down your metabolic rate.
The Truth: When it’s cool, your body turns up your internal thermostat and burns extra calories to maintain your core temperature. Keep in mind, a sedentary lifestyle and greater amounts of food consumed during the winter months can undo this boost in metabolism!

Myth 3. All forms of training/exercise affect the body’s metabolism equally.
The Truth: The calories you burn while exercising varies depending on the type and intensity. Strength training enhances your metabolism because the added muscle micro-tears boost your calorie consuming capacity – for up to 48 hours post-workout. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has a double benefit since it burns calories during and after your workout sessions.

Science-backed Fat Burners in the Market

Green Tea
. Drinking green tea boosts your metabolism. Green tea’s antioxidants, particularly cathechins, and caffeine can increase the calories your body burns. When choosing your green tea, look for higher EGCG content and natural caffeine levels.

Capsaicin. Capsaicin is found in cayenne and other spicy peppers. A 2007 study claimed that consuming 150 milligrams of capsaicin an hour before working out increased fat oxidation by 40 percent. This may also be attributed to higher levels of adrenaline released by the body.

Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® (SR9009). Popularly dubbed as the ultimate ‘exercise in a bottle’ due to its unique ability to modulate the body’s physiological response as if it is in a state of constant exercise.

As a REV-ERB α and β agonist, Elite Sarms Hyper Lean® (SR9009) increases the basal metabolic rate and regulates energy balance by altering the expression of genes involved in lipid and glucose metabolism.

Clinical research shows that intake of SR9009 also diminishes the storage of fat tissue, facilitates cholesterol metabolism in the liver, increases mitochondrial production (the cell’s power house), and improves glucose and fatty acid oxidation to support skeletal muscle development.

This means the body’s metabolism continues to stay high at rest, and burns even more calories during exercise without effecting the central nervous system (CNS) at all!!! Or exhausting your adrenal glands!

To summarise, Elite Sarms Hyper Lean® (SR9009):

In the Liver: Turns off the genes that synthesizes cholesterol and bile acid.

In Muscle: Promotes the generation of new mitochondria while protecting the breakdown of already present mitochondria. The Result: More pumping power and longer endurance for skeletal muscles! Hyper Lean® also increases the activity of mitochondria, thus promoting the muscle’s fat burning ability.

In Fat cells: Turns off the genes responsible for storing fat in white adipose tissues and decreases triglyceride (Fat) production.

The Takeaway:
Paired with a HIIT and/or Strength Training regimen, studies show that the fat burning supplements: Elite Sarms Hyper Lean® (SR9009), Green Tea, Natural Caffeine, and Capsaicin are scientifically proven to boost your metabolism and ensure weight and fat loss resulting to a more toned and well-defined body.

Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® (SR9009) is an excellent supplement for athletes, bodybuilders, or fitness enthusiasts looking for a more shredded physical form. Hyper Lean® (SR9009) will effectively trim excess body fat, build muscles, and provide energy to sustain high-intensity workouts so you can scientifically burn your way to a better physique in each training session.

Our Intel Sources:

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Have you hit a plateau in your training regime? Have your workouts become boring and lengthy? As we get deeper into the season of heat, the next step from dieting for weight loss is to gain momentum with your training. Here, we will discuss alternative ways of training to reach any aesthetic goal.

Let’s get moving with HIIT!

If done right, an intense focused session of this training should take about 30 minutes including your rest intervals and your body will naturally burn fat for the rest of the day; this routine is called High-Intensity Interval Training otherwise known as HIIT. A workout that is time efficient, an ideal way for a productive day including enjoying our summer days without spending most of our times in the gym or running around all-day without showing any results.

One of the reasons why this workout is effective is what they call EPOC or Excessive Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. Due to the fast-paced workout is done within a short time you will be out of breath, excessive sweat, and that good ol’ muscle tear sensation. Once the workout is over and you are back into your daily routine, your body’s metabolism can continue to burn more calories than when at a complete slumber or rest from the night before. This is because the amount of oxygen required to restore your body to its normal state takes time. That is why the resting level of metabolic function burns calories as oxygen travels back throughout your body for restoration.

The most important step before beginning this workout is warm-up. This only takes about 5 to 10 minutes to ease your breathing and muscles in tune before giving it an intense shock without any obstacles and injuries in the long run. The beauty of this routine is that it can be done both outdoors and indoors. Here are a few basic workouts for any beginners:

Catabolic workouts you can use a track (*highly recommended), cycling, which can be done both outdoors or indoors. As for indoor based: treadmill, elliptical, and/or inclines.

  • One lap of jog gets your heart pumping, steady breathing and leg muscles going.
  • Sprint for a 100 metres as a start for day 1. (Increase these lengths only as your body can permits to its limit)
  • Take a day break and make it interval, as this workout can be done within 30 to 45 minutes at a maximum.

Anabolic workouts can also be done both outdoors or indoors, kettlebells, sandbags, or bodyweight lifts.

  • Simple weights from lightest to heaviest at your maximum stretch
  • Make sure to keep lifts to the same amount on each rep, the weight increases as much as needed until your maximum rep.
  • Give yourself at 10 seconds of breathing in between reps, this method can also be done within 30 to 45 minutes

This is a workout method that is a two-birds-one-stone where not only you are burning all the unwanted fat from summer delicacies but also work on your muscles especially on your glutes and hamstrings as it is a full body workout. Give yourself a whole week of catabolic and anabolic for the following week. This is recommended with a partner to get the best results as this method of workout is easy to talk yourself out of. But done right, rest assured it is the best workout you have ever done.

Time for Power Hour with Texas Method

One of the most common workouts we see at the regular gym, or cross fits is Power Lifting.

We always like to show off our shoulders, biceps, triceps, and traps especially this time of the year. Avid powerlifters tend to stagnate without any recovery process done along the way. There are some that overdo these lifts with little to no success of refined muscle build up. The most efficient lift known to get the best results is the Texas Method Powerlifting.

This balances the stress of increased weight and varied volume with adequate recovery time so that intermediate lifters will progress for an extended period of time.

This method consists of a three day per-week. Here is an overview example of the week regarding squats with weights:

  • Mondays are for high volume which means to lift at your limit of weight and goes up from there with at 10 intervals, and 30 reps per interval.
  • Wednesdays are active recovery which means increase maximum weight but add more batch of reps for 5 intervals.
  • Fridays are high intensity start on your maximum weight of say 315lbs for 20 reps, rest, 275lbs for 20 reps, rest, finally 225lbs for 20 reps, call it a day and recovery at home.
  • Deadlifts are only done at least twice in a week, as it does not have a recovery phase. There will be less results when overdoing it, and may result in injury.

The Texas Method is very simple in terms of the number of exercises. It is based on an increase in the loading weights of the basic structural exercises, not in the number of different ways you can perform a triceps down. Successful weight lifters or body builders works with effectiveness rather than complexity, and most importantly this progress manifest through proper diet, rest and sleep.

Mobility training and healthy recovery

There is one last training that will help you ease intensity after the first two methods and give yourself a break. Ideally, to end the day with light workouts or stretches like Hot Yoga. This gives your body some more flexibility after recovering from tearing any muscle from lifts done during the week.

Always remember:

  • to rest with proper posture in bed and sleep at a decent time for a good amount of hours (7-8 hours)
  • to make sure to put ice on any areas you have some sort of sore
  • to compress your body with some light massages
  • to elevate your lower body, feet up when laying down or sitting

Finally, consider Epsom salt baths with essential oils to build your mind and soul in preparation for another day or another week to maintain momentum and motivation.

These workouts is not filling up most of your time focusing on just shaping up your body exercising. Elite SARMS encourages everyone with these provided workout methods and supplements to live a better day to day lifestyle in the most efficient way. Be able to stay healthy and enjoy life through mind, body and soul.

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Feel Good & Look Good this Summer

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Summer has finally arrived! We, at Elite Sarms would like to give you tips on how to stay in shape and still enjoy the food and drinks summer has to offer.

Over the winter season, we have accumulated enough insulation to keep ourselves warm and cozy. However, hibernation is over, and it is time to take out those swimmers and bikini tops that have been hiding all winter season long.

Let’s get to it! We will be talking about Carb Cycling and Intermittent Fasting to amplify your results with Elite Sarms products.

What is Carb Cycling?

Carb Cycling is a dietary approach in which you alternate carbohydrate intake from high to low and low to high. Complex carbohydrates are a high-quality source of energy in our diet and are therefore essential to our physique results, however, too many carbohydrates consumed over a period of time can lead to excess fat storage.

Usually, in order to burn fat and build muscle mass simultaneously, we consume less carbohydrates and more protein; we also lose a lot of water weight along the way as result of low carb intake. Anabolic workouts such as high-intensity intervals, supersets and drop sets are highly recommended during this phase of dieting to help amplify your fat loss and muscle building results.

However, when you switch from low carbohydrate intake to high carbohydrate intake the insulin spike will drive sugars into the muscles giving you energy and creating a fullness to the muscles. The flat-muscles look that can be seen often in bodybuilders and figure models on stage (for example) is when carbohydrate intake is run too low and is not replaced properly. By running carbohydrate intake too low or not replenishing glycogen stores effectively the body can release hormones such as cortisol, norepinephrine and adrenaline putting you in a catabolic state (muscle breakdown).

One effective way of carb cycling is to run 2-3 low carbohydrate days followed by a cheat meal that is high in carbs. Pick your favourite foods, pizza, a home-made burger, sweet potato fries etc and take note of your energy levels and muscle fullness post meal. After the cheat meal you return to low carbohydrate intake and this can be rinsed and repeated for as long as you wish.

Elite Sarms products Hyper Lean (SR9009) and GH Pep (MK-677) both help to drive carbohydrates into the muscle instead of them being stored as fat, essentially mimicking carbohydrate cycling and can therefore drastically amplify your results, especially in combination with carb cycling.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting is when you fast for sixteen (16) hours and eat meals within an eight (8) hour period. This method of dieting is very simple that most people can do it consistently. If you do this fasting with some guidelines, it will keep muscle retention high and body fat low. This in return will help you take advantage of insulin sensitivity (the bodies effectiveness of driving carbs into muscle) when it matters most!

There are three (3) different methods of Intermittent Fasting. These include Alternate-day fasting, Whole-day fasting, and Time-restricted feeding.

  • Alternate-day fasting is alternating between days of no food restriction with days that consists of one meal that provides at least 25% of daily calorie needs to replenish your body.
  • Whole-day fasting is when you give yourself at least 2-3 days of the week fasting or up to 25% of daily calorie intake for replenished energy, and then no food restrictions on the other 2-3 days of the week. This really depends on how well your body can adjust to days without food intake.
  • Time-restricted feeding is one of the most common fasting methods in which you designate a time frame for fasting and a time frame for eating. One example is waking up and fasting until 2pm. Then from 2pm until 10pm consuming your entire daily energy intake in meals spaced-out throughout that period.

In all cases consuming black coffee or black tea (1-3 times daily) during your fasting period and drinking plenty of water can help to blunt hunger and keep you energised for training and work.

Elite Sarms encourage you to try these different diet methods and see what works best with your personal biology. With these tips, you can stay motivated with your nutrition and dietary regime and get great results while staying active and having enough energy to function during the entire day. All for the purpose of looking and feeling better this summer!

Elite Sarms Team