

Elite Sarms – Anti-Aging Stack

Original price was: $708.00.Current price is: $566.00.

100 in stock

Included in this stack

2 x GH Pep (MK-677)
2 x Hyper Lean (SR9009)
2 x Decavar (MK-2866)

The Anti-Aging Stack

combines 3 Elite Sarms products to warrant tissue regeneration, muscle and bone building benefits. This stack will last for 8 weeks or more.

Elite Sarms Decavar (MK-2866) or Ostarine as other studies term the novel compound,  has been documented to show healing on test subjects with muscle wasting  and bone density problems, either due to disease or aging.

MK 2866

MK 2866
promptly became a favorite supplement for  sports enthusiasts, athletes recuperating from injury, and older individuals  who like to stay fit. MK 2866 promotes speedy recovery from intense workouts  and tissue repair without any adverse effects on the heart, prostate and liver.

Elite Sarms MK-2866’s phenomenal anabolic action on muscle tissue has exhibited promising results in Phase I and II clinical trials, not only improving total lean body mass, but also enhancing functional performance of the test subjects while showing a decrease in their total body fat.

To address the metabolic dysfunction that occurs which is a common hallmark of aging,  Elite Sarms Hyper Lean (SR9009)efficiently facilitates the body’s physiological response as if it’s in a state of constant exercise. This is why Hyper Lean (SR9009) is popularly tagged ‘exercise in a bottle’ .

As a REV-ERB α and β agonist, Elite Sarms Hyper Lean increases the basal metabolic rate and maintains energy homeostasis by altering the expression of genes involved in lipid and glucose metabolism. These pathways usually show a decline with advancing age which explains obesity in individuals on their middle years.

Studies show that intake of SR9009 also decreases the storage of fat tissue, aids cholesterol and bile acid synthesis in the liver, increases mitochondrial content (the cell’s power house), and improves glucose and fatty acid oxidation to support skeletal muscle development.

Even without physical exertion, Elite Sarms SR9009 continue to stimulate metabolic pathways  while omitting the ‘wired effect’ that most fat burners impart.

Elite Sarms GH Pep (MK-677) is an orally administered Growth Hormone Secretagogue. A secretagogue is the term for a substance that naturally signals the pituitary gland to secrete GH. This product is proven to  accelerate muscle growth, boost basal metabolic rate, at the same time promoting the uptake of glucose into skeletal muscle.

Clinical trials
also demonstrated sustained increases of the  insulin-like-growth-factor 1 (IGF-1) which in turn results to significant fat-free muscle gains. Aside from forming new muscle tissues, it also helps in improving complexion, regulate REM sleep cycle, and may also improve sexual performance.

Anti-aging stack

The Elite SARMs Anti-aging stack
is the perfect blend for athletes recuperating from injury, individuals in their midlife, and fitness proponents  who want to defy the perils of aging and maintain their youthful energy and stamina.

This stack will effectively regenerate damaged and mature tissues, add lean muscle mass, increase bone density, sustain strength and enhance performance – all of which truly challenge the parameters of physical aging.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18981485   https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19852734











Fast same day registered post shipping.

* 99% Pure Sarms
* Pharmaceutical grade
* Manufactured in USA
* Raw compound sourced from Germany
* HPLC Tested
* Registered post with tracking
* Scientific-backed advice and assistance
* Compounded in MCT oil

These products are not for use in preventing, curing, or treating a particular disease or ailments. For research only.


Research suggests this compound (MK-677) is effective dosed at 12.5mg – 25mg per day. Each bottle has 30ml with 25mg of MK-677 being equal to 1ml. Each bottle contains 30 + dosages. Research cycle length: 8 – 12 Weeks. Shake well before use.


Research suggests this compound (SR9009) is effective dosed at 12.5 – 20mg per day. Each bottle has 30ml with 20mg of SR9009 being equal to 1ml. Each bottle contains 30 + dosages. Research cycle length: 8 – 12 Weeks. Shake well before use.

DOSAGE (MK-2866)

Research suggests this compound (MK-2866) is effective dosed at 12.5mg – 25mg per day. Each bottle has 25ml with 30mg of MK-2866 being equal to 1ml. Each bottle contains 30 + dosages. Research cycle length: 6 – 8 Weeks. Shake well before use.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Quality Product

These products actually work as promised and have provided great results over the past 4 weeks, unlike other Sarms I've tried.