

Elite Sarms – Athletic Performance (Anaerobic) Stack

Original price was: $962.00.Current price is: $721.00.

89 in stock

Included in the stack

2 x GH Pep (MK-677)
2 x TIGHT (RAD140)
2 x Decavar (MK2866)

2 x Hyper Lean (SR9009)

Anaerobic Lovers

The powerful blend of these 4 Elite Sarms products warrants solid muscle mass, fat-burning power, and athletic endurance whilst providing quick recovery during serious drills and rigorous workouts. Elite Sarms Athletic Performance (Anaerobic) Stack is ideal for the serious athlete, physique competitor, or any individual who prioritises form and fitness as their main focus.

Elite Sarms GH Pep®

Elite Sarms GH Pep®
 (MK-677) is an orally administered Growth Hormone Secretagogue which innately signals the pituitary gland to secrete GH. This product is proven to accelerate muscle growth while simultaneously boosting basal metabolic rate to break down carbohydrates and fats and facilitate the uptake of glucose into skeletal muscle. This makes GH Pep® an effective and great body re-composition product.

Clinical trials also exhibited sustained increases in insulin-like-growth-factor 1 (IGF-1) for up to 24 hours which results in substantial muscle gains minus the fat tissue. GH Pep® is conveniently taken as an oral liquid and doesn’t have any side effects such as cortisol level increase or organ damage.

Dosage: Each bottle has 30ml with 1ml being equal to 30mg of GH Pep® (MK-677). 1 ml a day is recommended to be taken with or without food. Each bottle contains 30 + dosages.

Cycle length: 8 – 12 Weeks.

Elite Sarms – Tight®

Elite Sarms – Tight® (RAD140) was initially created to replace testosterone allowing the body to produce similar anabolic effects without the adverse reactions. Studies on (RAD140) have shown that with regular dosing, it provides an incremental increase in lean mass while decreasing adipose tissue.

Elite Sarms – Tight® (RAD140) has gained popularity over the years because it is proven to stimulate not only muscle growth, but also bone density and connective tissue repair.

Additionally, lab studies show its activity on androgen receptors in injured brain regions, such as the hippocampus. This reinforced RAD-140’s role as a potent nootropic that stimulates particular neurochemical pathways to support brain health and funtion.

Dosage: Each bottle has 30ml with 1ml being equal to 10mg of Tight® (RAD140). 1 ml a day is recommended to be taken with or without food. Each bottle contains 30 + dosages.

Cycle length: 8 – 12 Weeks.

Elite Sarms Decavar®

Elite Sarms Decavar® (MK2866) is one of the most researched SARMs in the market and boasts of numerous therapeutic applications. Proven medical uses include androgen-deficient disorders, muscular diseases, wasting syndromes and other ailments associated with aging.

A number of studies support Decavar®’s restorative effects on muscle mass which makes you lithe and always on the go. Increase in muscle strength is observed due to an augmented muscle size and changes in MHC (Myosin Heavy Chain) expression.

In addition to its muscle building and strength-boosting effects, Decavar® (MK2866) successfully enhances fat loss while protecting muscle gains when cutting.  It conserves muscle tissues  during calorie deficits and/or intensive cardio workouts.

Dosage: A dose of 25mg per day for 5 days on and 2 days off per week of Decavar® (MK2866) is recommended. Each bottle contains 30 days of use. 1 ml is 3/4 of the dropper or 25 mg.

Cycle Length: 8 – 12 weeks.

Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean®

Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® (SR9009) is famously tagged ‘exercise in a bottle’ because of its unique action of regulating the body’s metabolic pathways as though it’s in a state of constant exercise.

As a REV-ERB α and β agonist, Hyper Lean® (SR9009) stimulates the basal metabolic rate and sustains energy production by modifying gene expression engaged in lipid and glucose metabolism.

With regular dosing, research shows Hyper Lean® (SR9009) also diminishes fat tissue stores, facilitates cholesterol and bile acid synthesis in the liver, increases mitochondrial production(the cell’s power house), and improves glucose and fatty acid oxidation to nourish skeletal muscle growth.

Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® (SR9009) amplifies the metabolic function of the body even without exercise. It is ideal for those who require ample amounts of energy and stamina while shredding body fat for a more toned and well-defined build. Hyper Lean® (SR9009) doesn’t cause hyperactivity or nervous jitters unlike most fat burners on the market.

Dosage: Each bottle has 30ml with 1ml being equal to 20mg of Hyper Lean® (SR9009). 1 ml a day is recommended to be taken with or without food. Each bottle contains 30 + dosages. Note: Due to its short half- life, optimal dosing is twice daily

Cycle Length: 8 – 12 weeks.

Elite Sarms Athletic Performance (Anaerobic) Stack

Elite Sarms Athletic Performance (Anaerobic) Stack is the supplement of choice when you want to achieve a ripped and solid physique that exudes power and resilience. It is definitely the corps d’elite of all SARMs Stacks and will last you for up to 8 weeks or more.

Fast same day registered post shipping.

* 99% Pure Sarms
* Pharmaceutical grade
* Manufactured in USA
* Raw compound sourced from Germany
* HPLC Tested
* Registered USPS post with tracking
* Scientific-backed advice and assistance
* Compounded in MCT oil

These products are not for use in preventing, curing, or treating a particular disease or ailments. For research only.

DOSAGE (Decavar®)

Research suggests this compound (MK2866) is effective dosed at 12.5mg – 25mg per day. Each bottle has 30ml total liquid volume. 1ml of liquid is equal to 25mg of MK2866. Each bottle contains 30 + dosages. Research cycle length: 6 – 8 Weeks. Shake well before use.

DOSAGE (Hyper Lean®)

Research suggests this compound (SR9009) is effective dosed at 10mg – 20mg per day. Each bottle has 30ml with 30mg of SR9009 being equal to 1ml. Each bottle contains 30 + dosages. Research cycle length: 8 – 12 Weeks. Shake well before use.


Research suggests this compound (MK-677) is effective dosed at 12.5mg – 25mg per day. Each bottle has a 30ml total liquid volume. 1ml of liquid is equal to 25mg of MK2866. Each bottle contains 30 + dosages. Research cycle length: 8 – 12 Weeks. Shake well before use.


Research suggests this compound (RAD140) is effective dosed at 5mg – 10mg per day. Each bottle has 30ml with 10mg of RAD140 being equal to 1ml. Each bottle contains 30 + dosages. Research cycle length: 6 – 8 Weeks. Shake well before use.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Gemma Scott
Excellent service and product

Very friendly responsive and knowledgeable team. Super quick and awesome products. I’ll be looking to order again soon

Kayn Corboy
Haven’t got it yet

Still waiting to receive order