

Elite Sarms – Hard Stack

Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $180.00.

166 in stock

Included in the stack

1 x Decavar (MK-2866)
1 x Stanazine (S4)

Fast same day registered post shipping. We ship to New Zealand.

* 99% Pure Sarms
* Pharmaceutical grade
* Compounded by Elite Sarms Pharmacologist
* HPLC Tested
* Scientific-backed advice and assistance
* Compounded in grape seed oil for taste & health

These products are not for use in preventing, curing, or treating a particular disease or ailments. For research only.

Dosage of Hard Stack

Decavar: A dose of 25mg per day of Decavar (MK-2866) is recommended for males and 12.5mg per day for females. Each bottle has 30ml with an average dose being 1ml for males or .5ml for females. 1ml is 3/4 of the dropper or 25mg. Each bottle contains 30+ days of use. Cycle Length 6 – 8 weeks.

Stanazine: A dose of 25mg per day for 5 days on and 2 days off per week of Stanazine (S4) is recommended. Each bottle contains 30+ days of use. 1 ml is 3/4 of the dropper or 25 mg. Cycle Length: 8 – 12 weeks. Shake well before use.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Billy Falcone
Satisfied Customer

After placing my order , I received it within 7 working days . Postage tracking was legit an the products packaged well. Look forward to see the results of the products.


Been training for 30 years. Sick of all the black market gear being injected in my body. Took a gamble and looked on line for sarms. Found Elite. Better than the gear. Why. The results are fast. I run faster lift harder. Look better just with a tiny drop on my tongue. Why would I go back to my old ways. I also added MK677 just a few days ago and it’s better than the growth. I look way bigger and harder than my traditional stack faster and cheaper with no sides. I can’t believe I didn’t try them earlier.

Gregory Nomchong
S4 mk2 stack

This stack is great. I’ve been using it for 3 weeks now and started seeing results half way through week 2.

I strongly Recommend pairing this stack with good sleep and a clean diet to get the most out of it