

Elite Sarms – Physique Stack

Original price was: $227.00.Current price is: $182.00.

144 in stock

Included in the stack

1 x Decavar® (MK-2866)
1 x GH Pep® (MK-677)

Build Your Best Physique

ELITE SARMS – PHYSIQUE STACK combines the great healing and recovery boosting edge of Decavar® (MK-2866), and the growth amplifying effects of GH Pep®(MK-677). The powerful combined action of these 2 Elite Sarms products not only warrants fast post-workout recovery but also massive gains in bone density and muscle tissue.

Elite Sarms – Decavar® (MK-2866) or Ostarine as other studies term the novel compound, has been documented to closely resemble the anabolic Avar. MK-2866 became prominent due to its healing prowess on test subjects with muscle wasting and bone density problems. MK 2866 promptly became a favorite supplement for athletes, physique contenders, and gym goers in need of speedy recovery from vigorous workouts while having Zero negative effects on the heart, prostate and liver.

Elite Sarms Decavar®’s impressive healing and anabolic properties on muscle tissue has also exhibited consistent results in enhancing functional performance and endurance. Athletes and body builders can benefit significantly from MK-2866 as it enhances lean muscle mass and strength levels and enables one to maintain muscle gains even with reduced caloric intake.

Elite Sarms GH Pep® (MK-677) is an orally administered Growth Hormone Secretagogue. A secretagogue is the term for a substance that naturally signals the pituitary gland to secrete GH. This product is proven to accelerate muscle growth while simultaneously boosting basal metabolic rate, breaking down carbohydrates and fats while assisting in the uptake of glucose into skeletal muscle. This makes GH Pep an effective and great body re-composition product.

While clinical trials have shown enhanced pulsatile Growth Hormone secretion with GH Pep®, the studies also demonstrated sustained increases in plasma levels of several hormones including insulin-like-growth-factor 1 (IGF-1) for up to 24 hours. This resulted in significant fat-free muscle gains.

Elite Sarms GH Pep® (MK-677)

Elite Sarms GH Pep®
(MK-677) is a ghrelin mimetic comparable to peptides like IGF-1 Lr3 or MGF(peptides), only it doesn’t require any injections nor does it have any adverse effects such as an increase in cortisol levels.

The Elite SARMs Physique Stack is an excellent blend for athletes, professional physique competitors, fitness buffs, or individuals looking to improve their physical form. This stack will effectively accelerate post-workout recovery, fast-track muscle and bone building, augment fat loss and enhance strength & endurance, as a total whole-body physique and performance improvement package.



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* 99% Pure Sarms
* Pharmaceutical grade
* Compounded by Elite Sarms Pharmacologist
* HPLC Tested
* Registered USPS post with tracking
* Scientific-backed advice and assistance
* Compounded in grape seed oil for taste & health

These products are not for use in preventing, curing, or treating a particular disease or ailments. For research only.


Decavar®: A dose of 25mg per day of Decavar® (MK-2866) is recommended for males and 12.5mg per day for females. Each bottle has 30ml with an average dose being 1ml for males or .5ml for females. 1ml is 3/4 of the dropper or 25mg. Each bottle contains 30+ days of use. Cycle Length 6 – 8 weeks.

GH Pep®: A dose of 25mg per day of GH Pep® (MK-677) is recommended. Each bottle has 30ml with an average dose being 1ml. 1ml is 3/4 of the dropper or 25 mg. Each bottle contains 30+ days of use. Cycle Length: 8-12 weeks

Shake well before use.

Customer Reviews

Based on 35 reviews
James Murphy
Currently in cycle

Slight increase in strength, no real drastic signs of difference in physic besides pump and veins. For recovery I can defiantly tell I am not as sore.

Dan Mewing
Can highly recommend

Very noticeable results, can recommend. They’ve fixed the flavour now too, much better!

Good Results

My cardio output increased significantly. Also noticed better recovery as I could train twice a day with little decrease in performance.

Darren Moss


Nice product

GW is a very good product for fat loss, strenght and some muscle gains.