Normal Fat Burners Vs Elite Sarms Fat Burners
I remember the days when the newest fat burner to come out used to fly off the supplement store shelves. However in the last couple years it seems that science has caught up to the fitness trend and we are starting to see people becoming aware that most of what is sold as a fat burner at your local supplement shop is nothing more than artificial caffeine and other Central Nervous System jacking ingredients, unfortunately.
We are however, becoming more intelligent and looking at the ingredients and reading about these ingredients and their effects before we go and buy the next latest trending fat burner on the market. Having information at our fingertips has made us all more informed and more choosey with our supplements.
To help fast track your fat burning supp knowledge, in this blog we reveal what is in MOST fat burners on the markets and how they stack up compared to the Scientific-Founded Fat Burning products in the Elite Sarms® range. Let’s dive in….
Go into any supplement store and look at any fat burner on the shelves. The fat burning ingredients that create any effect will most likely include:
1. Caffeine Anhydrous (CNS stimulant)
2. Green Tea Extract (CNS stimulant)
3. Cayenne Pepper extract (Thermogenesis/body heat)
4. Other herbal and chemical CNS stimulants
As you can see, the main active ingredients in almost ALL normal fat burners on the market rely on cheap stimulants in the form of caffeine, green tea and other stimulants both from chemical and herbal origin to CRANK-UP the CNS (central nervous system). The ‘science’ behind this is that once the CNS is overstimulated and cranked-up the heart rate increases and body temperature goes up. This increased heart rate is then supposed to lead to an increased metabolism which then burns extra calories.
The problem with Normal Fat Burners
The problem with using CNS stimulants in ALMOST ALL fat burning products and cranking up the CNS to levels beyond normal to increase the heart rate and therefore attempt to increase the metabolism is this – CNS stimulants put your body into the “fight or flight” state. When the body is kept in this ‘fight or flight; state for long periods of time the body WILL drop weight. The problem though is that a little of the weight will come from actual body fat and most of the weight that is lost comes from:
1. Water (the body is 90% water at cellular level)
2. Muscle tissue
3. Bone mineral
4. A little bit of fat
So by using traditional Fat Burners on the market, the end result in most cases is; a little bit of fat is lost but majority of the weight that is lost comes from; water, muscle and bone and these 3 elements are all things we want to build and increase in the body and not tear down as they are responsible for our healthy: movement and function, strength, metabolism, cell hydration, bone strength and posture.
Elite Sarms – Along came science…
Luckily our awareness, knowledge and accessibility of excellent scientific products has expanded since the times of – all fat burners pretty much being CNS JACKING-UP products. Science and common sense has evolved when it comes to New fat burners. And we now know that for a Fat Burning product to actually be effective it needs to address the biological functions of the body that actually create or prevent fat loss. These include:
1. Insulin (Body Sugar levels)
2. The bodies ability to uptake glycogen (body sugar) into muscle
3. Mitochondria (the cells that are directly linked to our metabolism)
4. Cardiovascular exercise improvement (faster recovery & greater endurance)
As you can see from above, the Normal Fat Burners in the market do not even begin to address the real-life biological areas associated with fat burning and weight loss.
Below we take a look at how the Elite Sarm fat burners (Cardio Shred® and Hyper Lean®) in the range change and improve the areas in the body that are responsible for fat loss:
1. Insulin (Blood Sugar levels)
Insulin is the most anabolic and the most Lipogenic hormone in the body. This means that when the insulin system is functioning properly, it is able to help create muscle tissue in the body however, when insulin is abused and kept at high levels for a long time, it WILL eventually lead to fat gain and can also create other more serious health problems. Basically, the lower ones insulin levels the more one burns fat for energy over Sugar. And when insulin levels are kept high from consistently consuming refined carbohydrates (sugar, donuts, lollies etc) the more the body will rely on sugar for fuel and the more fat the body will store.
Insulin drives fat into fat cells and excess insulin not used by the muscle, liver or brain converts into body fat also.
Elite Sarms product – Cardio Shred® (GW0742) and other PPARδ agonists in the GW family have proven in scientific studies now to lower insulin levels – even those who had insulin resistance, which is the early stages of diabetes, in the studies displayed improvements in insulin sensitivity.
2. The bodies ability to uptake glycogen (body sugar) into skeletal muscle
The body can burn 2 types of fuel which is then converted into our energy, they are:
1. Fat (from body fat) or
2. Sugar (from the sugars we eat, after that is all used, it is then taken from inside the muscles in the form of glycogen, resulting in muscle loss).
Both Cardio Shred®(GW0742) and Hyper Lean®(SR9009) influence lipid (fat) and glucose (sugar) metabolism in the liver, resulting in more sugar being taken up into skeletal muscle instead of being stored as fat. This means the body will drive more of the sugars that are eaten into muscle to contribute to muscle growth which will result in less sugar being stored as body fat.
3. Mitochondria numbers in body and the health of those mitochondria (the cells that deal with energy production)
Mitochondria cells produce most of the ATP in the cell which is a chemical energy used by the body to perform all activities. Mitochondria cells are also termed as ‘powerhouse’ cells. The number and health of these cells determines the speed and health or your metabolism – metabolism being the bodies speed and effectiveness of processing (food to energy) and eliminating (removal) of energy.
Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® is compound SR9009.
SR9009 works by increasing the number of mitochondria in muscle, therefore increasing the body’s metabolism. It also carries the duel role of eliminating damaged mitochondria and replacing them with new ones for an overall improved metabolism 🔥
4. Cardiovascular exercise improvement (faster recovery & greater endurance)
Obviously the better a supplement works for Cardio performance the greater one can take their training intensity and the more comfortable one is to move and stay in high intensities during training – the better ones fat burning results will be.
Caffeine sourced from coffee has been proven to help with greater endurance times for athletic performance. As far as normal fat burners go, that is really the only athletic performance enhancement you are going to find. And that exercise improvement is miniscuel in comparison to something like what products Elite Sarms – Cardio Shred® and Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® produce for athletic performance.
The increased number and quality of mitochondrion that Hyper Lean® creates when combined with HIIT (high intensity interval training) leads to a drastic increase in metabolism and metabolic conditioning – creating an increase in exercise capacity by increasing mitochondria counts in skeletal muscle.
Cardio Shred® is an activator of the receptor – PPARδ in skeletal muscle. This special receptor in the body regulates muscle metabolism and reprograms muscle fibre types to enhance running endurance. Cardio Shred® helps to create and develop TYPE I muscle fibres in skeletal muscle. This is the Muscle Type that an advanced endurance athlete will train many, many hours to develop and condition.
Cardio Shred® does not complete the kilometres of endurance training it takes to develop excellent cardiovascular fitness for you, however any and all work you do put into cardiovascular training while supplementing with Cardio Shred® will be reflected via greater cardiovascular performance and all the associated health and aesthetic benefits that come from this increase in cardio performance.
Happy cardio training everyone 🚴🏻