Is S4 The 2021 Version of Winstrol for Athletic Performance?

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Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

In general, performance enhancing substances, otherwise known as ergogenic aids are utilized by sports people and professional athletes to boost their game. Athletes often seek out alternative nutrition to further improve their performance, and sports supplements are one way. As far as the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is concerned, these supplements fall into 2 categories: the legal substances, and those that are banned. If you are a professional athlete who gets tested before competitions, check with your sports governing body to be sure what compounds are on their Prohibited list.

Let’s talk about one particular substance that has gained fame, or shall we say infamy since athletes were stripped off of their medals when proven to have used this compound.

Winstrol’s popularity hit the roof when Olympic Sprinter Ben Johnson tested positive for it. If you look at Johnson, he was lean, and ripped. But what’s more prominent was his strength and speed. He had the athletic agility that earned him the title, “world’s fastest human being”.

Worlwide interest magnified when Russian race walker Olimpiada Ivanova and National Rugby League footballer Rodney Howe also tested positive. And that’s what Stanozolol, the generic name of the anabolic steroid Winstrol, does for you. It will give you a massive surge in strength without putting in a lot of bulk to your frame. It also allows your body for a fast recovery, not only from gruelling training sessions but also from injuries.

Most people from the bodybuilding community call it ‘Winny’ and has become a big favourite among ‘physique’ oriented groups. Say for example, if someone is seeking to gain a decent amount of muscle without gaining a lot of water and fat, bodybuilding mavens effectively stack Test and Winny to achieve their target.

The problem with Winstrol

Because Stanozolol (Winstrol) is an anabolic hormone, side effects are expected. The following adverse results were reported:

– severe liver toxicity

– insomnia

– electrolyte imbalance

– acne

– ankle swelling

– testosterone suppression

– electrolyte imbalance

– gynecomastia for men

A Bettter and Safer Alternative

The advent of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators or SARMs marks a turning point in the world of fitness and sports because it undoubtedly raised the bar as far as physique and sports enhancing supplements are concerned. Imagine Winstrol but without the side effects. Remarkable… right?

It’s called S4. Alternatively known as Stanazine or Andarine, this substance has a high affinity for androgen receptors, and therefore mimics the effects of testosterone. Even better is the fact that its effects are much stronger in muscles and bones without involving the reproductive organs. This property of high selectivity is why S4 and other SARMs are believed to cause fewer side effects when compared to anabolic steroids. Bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts won’t have to deal with severe testosterone suppression and increased estrogens if they take SARMs instead of steroids.

Potential Uses of
Stanazine (S4)

This section focuses on the clinical and scientific research that have been done on S4.

Based on current data, the following are its effects:

1. Increase in Muscle Mass

This drug was developed to prevent muscle wasting, and animal studies do indeed show that S4 improves muscle growth and strength in animals. When given to castrated rats for 4 weeks, S4 increased muscle weight as markedly as Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) but without prostate enlargement, which is a big concern when taking steroids.

2. Increase in Bone Strength and Combat Osteoporosis

Andarine increased bone mineral density and strength in both in castrated male rats and in female rats whose ovaries had been removed.In addition to improving bone density, it also improves muscle strength, reducing the risk of falls and fractures.

3. Fat Loss

In female rats whose ovaries have been removed, apart from improving bone strength, S4 also decreased body fat.

The above factors play a big role in athletic performance because bone and muscle strength determine stability, power, speed and endurance. Remember:

a) Slow-twitch muscles– move more slowly but help to keep you moving. Associated with stamina, and endurance, sustained for a longer amount of time.

b) Fast- twitch muscles– help you move faster, but for shorter periods. Related to speed, strength and sudden bursts of energy in a shorter period.

Research studies demonstrate that Stanazine S4 also promotes bone healing and accelerated recovery, which means faster repair of fractures and muscular micro-tears athletes oftentimes suffer during training sessions.

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