Our Testosterone Boosting Secrets

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Testosterone is vital to a person’s overall health and well-being. Low levels of testosterone, due to aging or a medical disorder, can negatively affect body composition, slow down metabolism, decrease libido, and cause mood depressions. 

If you are experiencing symptoms of suboptimal testosterone levels, or want to boost it simply because it can improve your mood and motivation, accelerate healing and enhance your body-building efforts, this article is for you.

Diet Rich in Fatty Fish

Fatty fish like salmon, pilchard, mackerel, and sardines are rich in nutrients that are important for hormonal health. Aside from Omega-3 fatty acids, they are also packed with vitamin D and zinc.

While high cholesterol and fried foods are linked to decreased testosterone levels in some people, research showed that low-fat diets can also be detrimental for test stores. In a 2016 study,  DHA-rich fish oil sourced from fatty fish increased testosterone synthesis in male subjects after only 12 weeks of supplementation. Another study showed that zinc, when supplemented with magnesium, has contributed to elevating serum testosterone in varsity football players. 

In a different study, a significant increase in total testosterone levels, bioactive, and free testosterone was observed in the vitamin D supplemented group compared to control subjects.


Resistance and Strength Training

Resistance exercises are proven by research to cause an acute surge in serum testosterone while augmenting long-term levels. Resistance training, such as weightlifting, is a great exercise to boost testosterone, particularly in male athletes. A 2007 study found that non-athlete male university students who did strength/resistance training 3 days a week for 4 weeks were linked to increases in T levels right after a workout and over time. 

To boost your T levels, perform 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps at 95 percent of your maximum effort, targeting larger muscle groups like the quadriceps, hamstrings, back and chest. Follow by strengthening smaller muscle groups, like your biceps, calves and shoulders to help prevent injury and speeds up your metabolism. Next we reveal the Elite Sarms products that work to create Testosterone and HGH cycle effects…..


RAD 140

A type of selective androgen receptor modulators, or SARMs, it has the same benefits of testosterone WITHOUT the side effects. This exciting new compound is highly selective and only interacts with the androgen receptors of muscles, bones and other connective tissues of the musculoskeletal system.

You might wonder why I included RAD140 on the list when there are no investigations linking it to Test synthesis. Popularly known as Tight, while it doesn’t increase T levels, RAD 140 is commonly stacked with other prohormones or steroids in the market to reinforce the effects of testosterone without significant side effects. According to research, it is a Testosterone amplifier, which enhances your natural hormone’s biological action.


HGH Optimization

Scientists are now investigating the potential of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) as a prospective treatment for low testosterone. This theory is fast gaining traction among health and fitness sites and anti-aging clinics.

HGH, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, is secreted into the bloodstream to regulate various biochemical processes in the body. With the advent of hormone therapy clinics, monitored injections of HGH can help people with a growth hormone deficiency, sports injuries, or decreasing levels of HGH because of aging to improve bone density, build muscle mass, reduce body fat and speed up the repair of damaged tissues.

Based on another study, growth hormone works like a gonadotropin, a hormone that stimulates the activity of the gonads to secrete sex hormones. According to clinical results, HGH administration stimulated testosterone as well as estradiol secretions by Leydig cells in lab rats. It also modulates the action of T3 and LH to augment secretion of these steroids.


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