How Important Is Post Workout Recovery? (What Experts are Saying)

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Original Design: Michelle G. Thibault
Re-design: Ryan McTeigue

It is common knowledge within fitness circles that some discomfort is part of athletic activities. Every successful training program includes some degree of pain since for muscle strength to improve, the muscle tissue must experience an increase in stress over what it is used to, which is what we call the “burn” during training. This mild burn is what we call good pain and also the root of the popular expression, “No pain, no gain.” Take note, this pain should be short-lived and should resolve within a day or two.

Do you know when your workout regimen is pushing the limits of your athletic capacity?

When you feel fatigued after a good, strenuous workout, you can tell you had a great session if it also leaves you feeling exhilarated. But when this fatigue stretches for days, this means you have excessively challenged your physical form, and the energy stores in your muscles are not being adequately replenished.

Chronic fatigue after extreme exercise indicates that you are overtraining yourself. If after appropriate rest the fatigue continues, it may be a symptom of a medical problem and you should consult a doctor for further work-up.

According to McFarland and Cosgarea, both Orthopedic Specialists from John Hopkins School of Medicine, muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bones of the body are living structures that react to the stress of exercise only gradually. If they are exposed to stress too fast, they cannot respond effectively and may begin to fail.

One research reports that the total amounts of exercise has the strongest and most consistent association to a higher risks of injury. When we say the total amount of exercise, we pertain to the product of the intensity, duration, and frequency of your workout sessions.

This also points us to the necessity of an effective post-workout protocol. Our Intel further explains why exercise recovery is critical to your fitness and overall performance, and lets you in on recovery strategies that actually work.

Recovery Time Helps You to be Injury-Free

Sufficient rest in between workouts will help reenergize the body so you have the stamina to give it your all during your next workout, says Melissa Leber, MD, an orthopedic surgeon at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City If you want to push it to your maximum, you also have to give your body time to recoup in between.

“Overtraining can lead to overuse, which can lead to burnout and injury,” Dr. Leber explains. Common overuse injuries include runner’s knee, stress fractures, ligament tears, and muscle strains.

Post Workout Supplements

After training, replenishing your body is critical for accelerated recovery and performance. While there are tons of products on the market that claim to support and optimize your post-workout strategy, choosing a safe and scientifically-proven recovery supplement is equally important.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids. “Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids, particularly the long chain variety EPA and DHA found in fish oils, can reduce inflammation, swelling and stiffness in the muscles and assist healing after intense workouts,” according to Anita Bean, a nutritionist and the author of The Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition. Omega-3 fats are shown to increase blood flow to muscles during exercise, reduce post-exercise soreness and increase the muscle-building response of the body to a meal.

Boswellia and Curcumin. A study recently published in the Journal of American College of Sports Medicine shows that a combination of curcumin extract and boswellia extract, accelerates muscle recovery post-exercise. Results showed that the combined supplementation produced lower levels of creatine kinase, which is a marker for muscle damage. Muscle injury, perceived soreness, and loss of muscle strength were also reduced in the supplement group.

(MK-2866) or Decavar/Ostarine/Enobosarm. Widely documented for its reliable anabolic action, it quickly regenerates “microtears” in the muscle tissues during intense workouts, while promoting new growth of lean muscle fibres for a sharper, more solid physique. This mechanism also allows the body to bounce back rapidly while increasing mass gains, muscle strength and energy without any adverse effects thanks to its high tissue selectivity.

Decavar’s notable healing properties on muscle and bone tissues has also exhibited consistent results in enhancing functional performance and endurance. This is explained by experts who discovered an increase in the blood supply and enzyme activity of muscle tissues of test subjects, thereby facilitating the contractile force of their muscles.

Athletes, body builders and fitness buffs can benefit significantly from Decavar MK-2866 as it shortens recovery time in between workouts. By facilitating tissue regeneration and restoring their normal physiology, your bones and muscles can recover faster and grow stronger.

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