The Best Sarms Combo for Ultimate Muscle Growth

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The Best Sarms Combo for Ultimate Muscle Growth

Written by M.G Thibault
Edited by Ryan McTeigue

Many the gym lovers hit the Iron Temple (gym) with a vague goal in mind. We hear common targets through customer enquiries such as I want to “lose weight”, “build muscle”, “get ripped”, “bulk up” or “shred fat”. The typical roadblock occurs when these goals remain as dreams in your mind because There is no plan in place. In this article we aim to deliver some important information so you are hitting the gym with a fully formulated plan in combination with the perfect Elite Sarm product combinations for Ultimate Muscle Growth.

So first things first – 1. Set a defined and achievable goal. It doesn’t hurt to write it down and be looking at it morning and evening. This could be to gain 1- 2kgs of lean muscle per month. To know more about the basics of muscle building, you can refer to previous article here: our article here (How the body builds muscle 101).

Let’s continue with the example goal of muscle building, since this is a popular fitness target. YOUR goal needs should be clear, detailed, and have a deadline. The thing is if you don’t have a specific date in mind, more often than not, the goal will NEVER be accomplished. Assuming you read the above article or you have practised and researched quite a bit on gaining muscle mass, you should have an excellent training program in place and a dietary plan that supports muscle building. You should also strategize sufficient recovery periods to avoid muscle fatigue that can deter your muscle building momentum.

Let’s address something vital from a nutritional point of view. When building new muscle, you need a greater amount of protein compared to the average diet in order to meet your muscle requirements. This will be around 20-30% of your total nutritional intake, and you may want to supplement with protein powders to meet this requirement the most common form of protein powder is when protein and isolates.

Another option would be collagen sourced from fish (marine collagen) or grass-fed beef. Collagen protein is abundant in connective tissue as well as muscle and doesn’t cause an increase in insulin levels like whey protein. This makes collagen more compatible to you if you’re planning lean down while maintaining or building muscle. Collagen is also better on digestion so those sensitive to whey protein will benefit highly from collagen protein. Vegetarians and vegans can choose from an array of plant-based sources, such as pea protein, rice protein, soy protein, and hemp protein.

If you’re on a budget, the following are affordable protein sources:

– Canned fish, frozen fish, rice cakes with nut butters, eggs, soy protein (TVP)

After you have an executable nutrition structure in place, next the time duration needed to accomplish your goal needs to be set. The big question is, When is the Right Time to Bulk?

There are factors to consider for effective and efficient bulking. Remember, your body builds muscle most efficiently when you are at your leanest – not with high body fat (as the bro scientist might claim). The reason for this? – Insulin Sensitivity. You’re far more insulin sensitive when you carry less body fat which means your body can more efficiently use glucose (converted from the carbohydrates you consume) as an energy source driven into muscle, instead of being stored in fat cells.

Some protocols suggest that to efficiently gain more muscle and less fat during a bulking phase, the starting point should be within 9-12% of body fat for men, and somewhere between 20-24% body fat for women. If this is not the case, another route is to begin with a dieting phase first, then transition into a building phase once you lean out.

Game Changing Supplements

The discovery of ‘Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators’ or SARMs has been without a doubt one of the greatest breakthroughs in the Health and Fitness industry. These innovative compounds, originally designed to treat muscle wasting in sick patients, has the anabolic properties of hormones but WITHOUT the side effects, thanks to their high selectivity. When attaching to androgen receptors, SARMs only specifies those receptors in muscles, bones and connective tissues to stimulate cellular growth and thus increase their mass and volume. This mechanism of action ensures NO toxic effects on other organs of the body like the heart, liver and prostate. Although all SARMs stimulate muscle hypertrophy while metabolizing fat for the body’s fuel, below are our TOP Favourites when it comes to Muscle Building:

1. Physique 400’s (LGD-4033) – Popularly known as Ligandrol, it is one of the most studied SARMs which emphasises its potent action on bolstering muscle mass and volume. Ligandrol is a muscle building heavyweight with clinical studies under its belt demonstrating its powerful hypertrophic effects. The clear-cut primary benefit of LGD 4033 is its ability to increase lean muscle mass without increasing fat when bulking.

2. Elite Sarms Tight (RAD 140)– There are studies that compare RAD 140 as being identical to the anabolic power of Testosterone. On top of its anabolic prowess, it amplifies the power and strength of muscle fibers. Other testosterone users stack RAD 140 with other compounds to reinforce the effects of testosterone without the side effects. An Icing to its impressive anabolic profile RAD 140 also demonstrates protective and generative factors on brain neurons! Ever heard of brain gains? Well now you have.

3. Elite Sarms Decavar (MK-2866)– MK-2866 or Ostarine as other studies call it, got famous because of its regenerative effects on test subjects in studies with muscle wasting and bone density problems. Remember that recovery is one of the biggest Elements of your Bulking Protocol. Micro tears have to heal in order to generate bigger and stronger muscle fibers to continue training and moving forward. MK-2866 promptly became a favorite supplement for athletes and fitness enthusiast in need of speedy recovery from their muscle-bulking workouts.

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