Elite Sarms paired with TRAINING!

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What type of training will work best with the Elite Sarm Athletic Performance products? We get this question a lot from you guys! Therefore in this Blog we will investigate the Athletic Performance Sarms and dive into what type of training will best activate each Sarm to give you the best performance results.

To investigate this topic we are going to be reviewing the Elite Sarms Athletic Performance products range, which includes:

Cardio Shred®
Hyper Lean®
– Decavar®
GH Pep®

Our athletic performance products work to promote two main areas:

1. Cardiovascular Improvement with sarms

– Cardio Shred® and;
– Hyper Lean®


2. Muscle/Connective Tissue Repair and Strengthening with sarms

– Decavar®
– Tight® and;
– GH Pep®

Different training styles will work better than others in conjunction with the 5 athletic performance Sarms. For example Cardio Shred® activates receptor sites inside muscle that induces the formation of Type I muscle fibres – the type of muscle fibres that are normally developed only after countless hours of rigorous cardio-endurance training. Whereas, GH Pep® amplifies your bodies natural growth hormone pulsations, inducing rapid growth and repair of collagen – the main component in connective tissue. Athletic performance is dependant on performing during every training session and during live events and therefore injury prevention is key to every single athlete. Developing strong connective tissue is necessary for improved; strength, power, agility and speed, meanwhile building muscle mass takes a back seat when it comes to athletic performance.

Partaking in any of the training styles or sports listed below either in training or competition, will activate the Elite Sarm and allow one to experience the product working at is full potential – due to the sarms design and what specific effect is has on the body.

Let’s dive a little deeper into each Athletic Performance Sarm and the training styles or sports that are best suited to the product and why….


Key Feature: O2 (Cardiovascular) Endurance. Cardio Shred’s active compound GW0742 is a PPARδ receptor agonist. By activating the PPARδ receptor, Cardio Shred® begins to elicit physical changes in the body as though one has been carrying out consistent cardiovascular training. Of course this effect is drastically amplified when one applies actual consistent cardio training into their workout regime.

Research revealed that GW0742 combined with cardiovascular exercise created a synergistic increase in oxidative myofibers and running endurance. Oxidative myofibers are muscle fibres that are slow-twitch fibers, which are characterised as muscles with long contraction duration, associated with endurance. It is through this improvement in the bodies muscle fibre makeup by enhancing the growth and number of endurance fibres, one is able to perform aerobic activities at greater intensities and for a longer duration!

– Marathon/Long distance running

– Triathalon
– Cycling
– Iron man
– Rowing (long distances)
– MMA (cardio endurance)
– Boxing (cardio endurance)
– Football (soccer)

Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18674809/ (increased oxidative myofibers)
Source: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-fitness/chapter/types-of-skeletal-muscle-fibers/(aerobic respiration to fuel muscle contractions)


Key Feature: Metabolic Conditioning. Hyper Lean®s active compound SR9009 has the incredible feature of increasing skeletal muscle mitochondria cells while at the same time repairing damaged mitochondria cells and detoxing dead ones. This results in the bodies ability to move high intensity work (exercise) through the body at a faster rate. In sports physiology terms this is referred to as; metabolic conditioning and is the core ingredient behind programs such as Crossfit, which combines Olympic lifting and Power Lifts with high intensity cardiovascular activities.

By improving the amount of energy producing cells (mitochondria) in muscles, Hyper Lean® is able to allow one to perform at higher intensities while at the same time requiring shorter rest due to the overall increase in the bodies metabolic activity. This makes the SR9009 compound perfect for those partaking in sports that have high intensity intervals of work followed by short rest periods such as: Boxing, MMA, Rugby League/Union or Crossfit.

– All Styles of HIIT (high intensity interval training)
– Crossfit
– Sprinting
– Rowing (shorter distances)
– MMA (metabolic conditioning)
– Boxing (metabolic conditioning)
– Rugby League/Union
– Netball
– Basketball
– Indoor Cricket


Key Feature: Active Muscular Recovery. Decavar® has amazing repairing capabilities. The active compound MK2866 has Androgen Receptor (AR) activity that results in a drastic increase in blood and nutrients being transported to the working muscles. This results in fast active recovery and increased muscular endurance, making it perfect for sports like Rock Climbing or Ninja Warrior style training, where the body and muscles need to be actively recovering fast in order to perform better in the sport.

– Rock Climbing
– Ninja Warrior
– Crossfit


Key Feature: Testosterone-like Environment. The use of testosterone in sports has long been documented. But why would having high levels of testosterone be an advantage to an athlete in a sport where having big muscles doesn’t benefit them? The answer, is in the modulation of the Androgen Receptor (AR). Testosterone works by synthetically increasing testosterone levels in the body – which then leads to activation of the bodies AR sites increasing the rate of muscle, bone and connective tissue repair.

Sarms are special compounds that bypass the hormonal system altogether and instead work directly on modulating the Androgen Receptor sites. In the case of RAD140, the AR modulation caused by this compound is virtually identical to the modulation on the AR caused by testosterone mg for mg with RAD140. This means that one can receive the exact same physiological athletic benefits of a normal-range dosage of testosterone by supplementing RAD140 while carrying out strength and power based activities.

– Bodybuilding
– Power Lifting
– Olympic Lifting
– Boxing
– Shot Put, Discus, Javelin

GH PEP® (MK677)

Key Feature: Increased Growth Hormone levels. MK677 is a growth hormone secretagogue. This means the compound increases the amount of natural growth hormone that pulses into the blood – leading to higher levels of the hormone throughout the body.

Growth hormone regulates the rate of repair of muscle and connective tissue including; cartilage, bone, tendons, ligaments and skin. These connective tissues are responsible for athletic strength, power, speed and agility. As MK677 works directly on these sites, athletes involved in sports that require high levels of strength, power, speed and agility will greatly benefit from the connective tissue fortifying effects of MK677.

– Bodybuilding
– Powerlifting
– Olympic Lifting
– MMA (power)
– Boxing (power)
– Shot Put, Discus, Javelin
– Ninja Warrior

Sources: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2657499/#:~:text=Athletes%20and%20bodybuilders%20claim%20that,part%20in%20major%20sports%20events. (athletes and HGH)


As you can see from the information above, Elite Sarms can be of huge benefit to the beginner up to the advanced athlete. Getting better at any sport requires the ability to be able to perform at your best in each training session, remain injury free and to repair effectively after each training session or live competition. Thankfully, there are 5 Elite Sarm Athletic Performance SuperStars that exist for athletes like you out there, to take your cardio endurance, speed, power, strength and agility to new levels. We exist to help you push the limits of your own potential to manifest your best athletic version to come!

Other INTEL Sources:


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collagen#:~:text=As%20the%20main%20component%20of,known%20as%20a%20collagen%20helix. (Collagen)

https://www.livescience.com/32601-does-human-growth-hormone-really-help-athletes.html#:~:text=Now%2C%20a%20new%20study%20has,reproduction%20and%20promotes%20physical%20growth.(HGH and improved athletic performance)


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