

Stanazine® (S4) – The Strength and Muscle Master

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Dry Muscle vs. Wet Muscle

When training to build muscle mass – in general, athletes are looking to build what is called ‘Dry Muscle’. Dry muscle is muscle tissue that is created without the simultaneous gain of water and body fat. This ‘dry muscle’ type of mass is what gives one the toned and shredded appearance and building this type of muscle also comes with less side effects than the building of ‘wet muscle’.

What is ‘wet muscle’ then? Wet muscle is muscle that is comprised more of water weight than protein weight. When attempting to bulk up as much as possible, water retention can become a big problem for bodybuilders and other athletes, especially those that are utilising hormones for even faster gains.

When bulking up, athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike become susceptible to the action of the aromatase enzyme. This enzyme creates estrogen, which in turn, increases water retention in the exercising muscle cell. This not only reduces the muscular definition, it also increases total body weight and blood volume which can result in increased blood pressure and/or cardiovascular damage – in the long run.

Achieving Dry Muscle Gains with Stanazine® (S4)

Stanazine® (S4) was initially designed to help prevent muscle loss in sick patients with serious diseases. Without disease, the compound has the same action of drastic muscle protection in any body, which quickly caught the attention of fitness lovers around the world.

In the world of fitness and athletics, Stanazine® (S4) created quite a buzz for its ability to encourage lean muscle growth, rapid fat loss, serious strength gains and enhanced athletic performance all in one product. Stanazine® (S4) works by selectively binding to skeletal muscle androgen receptors in the body to stimulate exclusively dry muscle gains.

Stanazine® (S4) for Cutting and Re-comp

What makes Stanazine® (S4) stand out in addition to its lean muscle building effects, is its proven effectiveness for increased fat loss and muscle protection when cutting down calorie intake and/or when conducting intense cardio training frequently.

This marks Stanazine® (S4) as a superior compound – particularly useful for cutting, building and body re-composition. In fact, both fitness lovers and bodybuilders report that Stanazine® (S4) allows them to rapidly cut body fat, and achieve the “cut and dry” look that accentuates muscle striations in as little as just one 12-week cycle, in addition to correct nutrition and training.

Stanazine® (S4) has a high affinity for androgen receptors allowing this phenomenal supplement to boost strength, build lean muscle mass, accelerate cortical/periosteal bone formation and increase bone mass.

Because of its high selectivity, it bypasses the adverse effects of AAS allowing for flexible and strong joints, a stress-free liver, and maintenance of a healthy circulation while shredding fat and getting lean during any athletic program.

In summary, here are some of the amazing benefits of Stanazine® (S4):

  • Builds Lean Muscle Mass
  • Accelerates Body Fat Loss
  • Creates “Cut And Dry” Appearance
  • Increases join and tendon strength
  • Increases bone density


A dose of 25mg per day for 5 days on and 2 days off per week of Stanazine® (S4) is recommended. Each bottle contains 30 days of use. Each 1ml of liquid contains 25 mg of S4.

Cycle Length: 8 – 12 weeks.

Intel Sources:




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