Bliss CBD Oil for Athletes

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Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

Bliss CBD Oils for Athletes

With the advent of the novel CBD oil in the world of cannabis and hemp related products, more and more research is emerging to provide scientific proof and establish the medical benefits of cannabis especially in particular extracts like Cannabidiol. CBD is a non-psychoactive property that is found in industrial hemp and is the vital ingredient for the medicinal properties of cannabis.

As an athlete or a fitness lover, your body is subjected to exhaustion, physical injuries, and the consequences of wear and tear. At the end of a long session of extensive training or a rigorous workout, you will feel these effects and it will definitely affect your performance. This article will explore the medical benefits associated with Bliss Formula CBD Oil and how it will facilitate your best game ever and support you to a speedy recovery!

Bliss Formula CBD oil tinctures do not contain any THC so they will not give you the psychoactive buzz and are completely legal. Our formulas are based from scientific research illustrated through the following:

Bliss CBD Oil on Inflammation

Athletic and physically active individuals face inflammation on a daily basis. Bliss CBD oil acts as an anti-inflammatory thus saving you from joint and muscle injury during workouts, as well as reducing the usual aches and pains. This is made possible through the Endocannabinoid System that we have in our body mediated by CB1 and CB2 receptors.

Bliss CBD Oil on Game-day Nerves and Anxiety

It is typical to feel anxious for a big game or event despite all that hard work and rigorous training. Bliss CBD Oil targets performance anxiety and nips it right in the bud. Renowned for its anti-depressant/anxiolytic properties, bodybuilders and athletes alike have switched to CBD from pharmaceuticals like Xanax and Zoloft. In addition to its mood-lifting and calming properties, Bliss CBD oil is completely safe, non-habit forming and all natural.

Bliss CBD Oil on Recovery

Sustaining an injury during a workout, a practice session or a game event is sometimes inescapable. A good alternative away from strong painkillers that give you liver and kidney damage, Bliss CBD Oil effectively combats pain while speeding up your recovery time. Lab Analysis reveals a direct interaction between CBD and S296 which consequently mediate glycinergic cannabinoid-induced suppression of pain.

Scientific research has multiple evidences of CBD’s healing effects on degenerative diseases like Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer, even traumatic brain injuries. Bliss CBD oil can absolutely bring your body to a state of homeostasis and well-being to help you get back into the game in no time.

CBD is taking the Sports and Fitness industry by storm with all its proven benefits and exceptional range of medicinal applications. If you are looking for a supplement that is all-natural, therapeutically safe and effective without the side-effects, try Bliss CBD Oil for peak athletic performance and fast recovery. It is an absolute gem to help you keep winning in this big game we call life!





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