OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE: 7 Ways To Build A Mindset Geared For Results!!!

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Your mindset is your most powerful tool, and your success both in the gym and out of the gym depends on how well you can sharpen your own mental power. Adopt a mindset that gears yourself for optimum performance and it will help you do more than just build muscle and lose fat!

In this article, we are going to share something far more important than any simple program or nutrition advice. These are our top 7 tips to create and utilize your own “Optimum Performance Mindset” to deliver the results you know you can achieve.

Tip 1 /// Focus only on the task at hand.

Every single daily action you take toward achieving your goal is important, but unless you make each step and each choice the most important thing at that moment, you’ll never get the results you’re capable of getting.

Adopt the mindset that once you step foot into the gym, this weight training session is the most important thing you could be doing at this very moment. This intense cardio session is the most important thing in the world while you do it. This post-workout meal is the most important thing, NOT eating that bar of chocolate is the right choice – and so on and so on. This will help you stay focused and stay disciplined even in the height of summer.

However, just know that once it’s done, it’s done!! Keep intensely focused and moving forward.

Tip 2 /// Be the best version of ‘You’

Strive to be the best version of you that you possibly can—regardless of your own limitations.

We all have natural weaknesses. We all have natural strengths. However, we’re not powerless against our genetics or our ability to constantly improve ourselves. We can choose to work with our weaknesses and grow as well as and capitalize on our strengths whether aesthetically related or not. The most important thing is to identify your current weaknesses and focus your attention on improving them every day.

Tip 3 /// Results are what matter

Results matter most. Never forget this. Don’t get complacent or comfortable just because you check a lot of tasks off your list every day. Never confuse activity for accomplishment. There’s a big difference between the two.

If you aren’t getting the results you want, you’re probably focusing on the wrong things. They say that insanity is doing the same over and over again and expecting different results. Keep pushing yourself harder, strive for daily improvement and reach new heights. It’s also good to keep a journal of your progress on a weekly basis to monitor your results.

Tip 4 /// Ask, learn, share and learn some more

As the saying goes, “To teach is to learn twice.” Openly sharing your training experience and supplementation knowledge with others is one of the most effective ways to take your own efforts to the next level. You get a better understanding and perspective on what you’re doing when you break it down to someone else.

Walk your talk. There’s no need to force what you believe onto others. If people respect what you do, they’ll seek out your advice. Failing to recognise that others have the experience you can benefit from may mean you never reach your full potential so don’t be afraid to ask others advice or opinions.

Tip 5 /// Use science and research to amplify your performance

Stay ahead of the curve and utilise the latest and most accurate scientific research to help you reach your goals. Just remember that if a great physique is your ultimate goal, to get there you will need the best possible research, knowledge, hacks and supplementation to amplify your performance on all levels.

Use the highest purity supplements, don’t buy into the fads – do your own research and make it work for you.

Tip 6 /// Nature versus Nurture.

Natural talent will only take you so far. The person who starts with little advantages but works their butt off to produce remarkable results is far more successful than the person who is extremely gifted and only puts in the minimal effort.

Stop comparing your current situation to other people who appear to be more naturally talented, and start focusing on owning every step of your own journey to success.

Tip 7 /// Potential is meaningless until actualized

Don’t waste your time thinking about ‘wanting’ to build a great physique. In life, you either do it or you don’t. Action creates reaction. Everyone has the potential to reach greatness, inaction is the antichrist of success.

Realise your potential, stay clear on what you want to achieve, keep focused on that, and take charge of your results.

Training your mind as well as your body is a practice of habit. At Elite Sarms, we believe adopting a success mindset is one of the key ingredients to take your body and your performance to the next level!

Stay tuned for our next piece on how to make goal orientated nutrition and dieting work for you!!

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