How Human Growth Hormone Makes You Look and Feel Younger

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Original Design: Michelle G. Thibault
Re-design: Ryan McTeigue

Once you are born, the biological clock starts “ticking” and you become older each day. Everything in your body including your body parts, skin, organs and hormones levels are on a schedule and each day they become chronologically older. This is just how life works – everything is in a constant state of ageing.

Consequently, ageing comes with a lot of physical changes. These changes present as wrinkling and drying of the skin, bones becoming weaker, muscles becoming less toned and eventually wasting away and hair begins to grey and start to diminish…

So where does HGH come into play in all of this?

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is perhaps the most popular hormone analogue in the fitness market. Its wide array of uses include bodybuilding, strength enhancement, and in recent years, anti-ageing. This makes HGH the gold standard of therapy among adults.

Just as the name implies, HGH promotes normal growth. It is medically used in children to treat developmental issues such as stunted growth.

Does growth hormone really slow or reverse the effects of ageing? Keep reading for a scientific explanation of what one can expect from HGH – especially when used as a therapy for anti-aging.

Many health and fitness proponents believe that HGH injections, often hailed as the fountain of youth, is an incredible substance that can help alleviate symptoms that come with ageing. Competitive athletes, bodybuilders, and people who are passionate about bio-hacking have discovered that HGH can sustain their strength and youthful physique over long periods of time.

A cycle of HGH initiates a cascade of metabolic events in the body that ultimately reduce the symptoms that accompany the ageing of cells. If the question is: does HGH slow down aging? The answer is – Definitely. HGH delays the ageing process by counteracting the factors that contribute to aging. One of those factors being – low circulating HGH levels in the body.

The Scientific Evidence

A 1990 study was conducted to define the effects of growth hormone on men above 60 years old with decreased levels of insulin-like growth factor. The study revealed that the treatment with HGH reduced the amount of fat stored in the body, significantly increased their muscle mass, increased the bone density and also reduced thinning of the skin which overall improved the general wellbeing of the test subjects.

Excess body fat is always an issue that presents as a challenge – regardless of whatever age range you’re in. If you’re someone younger, it can impede you from achieving your desired physique. But as you age, fat gets deposited in the muscles and bones, which leads to weakness and un-toned muscles. It can also put you at risk for serious cardiovascular diseases.

Body fat is majorly stored in the body through the action of insulin and HGH is a strong antagonist for insulin. HGH binds directly to receptors in the adipose tissues to mobilize them and form free fatty acids. This eventually reduces the amount of fat stored in the body as HGH enables the fat cells to be utilized for energy.

HGH facilitates the uptake of proteins in the muscular tissue to optimize lean muscle gains. It is mainly this mechanism that makes HGH popular in bodybuilding to increase muscle mass. One symptom of advanced age is diminishing muscles and this can be prevented with HGH. It can promote and maintain muscle mass, as well as stimulate collagen synthesis which also improves skin tension thereby reducing the appearance of skin wrinkles.

Ageing also leads to fragile bones that negatively impacts strength. This is also the reason why older people are more susceptible to fractures. Studies have shown that HGH significantly increases the mineralization in the bone. This action is largely mediated by the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) which is synthesized in the liver. IGF-1secretion is released by Human Growth Hormone.

This gives the individual an overall sense of wellbeing. The physical and emotional stability one receives on HGH therapy not only prolongs life significantly, it can also preserves confidence and sense of security moving into older ages.

The Bottom Line

By supplementing with HGH, scientific studies and anecdotal evidence support the beneficial effects of this compound to diminish and in some cases, reverse the symptoms of ageing. This gives the individual an overall sense of wellbeing. The physical and emotional benefits one receives on HGH therapy not only prolongs life significantly, it can also preserve a sense of confidence moving into older ages.

HGH Dosage for Anti-Aging

Most doctors usually suggest that a small amount of HGH is needed to benefit from its anti-aging properties. Preferably, a daily dose of 2-3 IU of growth hormone is recommended for anti-aging benefits.

If you are using GH both for its anti-aging and bodybuilding effects or athletic support, daily dosages can range around 4-6 IU/daily.

Elite Sarms product GH Pep also known as MK677 is a growth hormone secretagogue in which a 1ml daily dosage is equivalent to around 2IU of the HGH peptide. What is great about this product is there are Zero injections required as it is an oral product. You can check out GH Pep in the Elite Sarms range here.

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