

Are Viagra & Cialis the most potent pre-workout compounds on Earth?

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Before we dive into the answer to the question – Are Viagra & Cialis the most potent pre-workout compounds on earth? It is important to get clear on how Viagra and Cialis work in the body and what their biological affect is on the entire body.


Viagra and Cialis are a class of compounds called PDE5 Inhibitors. They work by blocking the enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 or PDE5 for short. This blocking of the phosphodiesterase 5 enzyme creates a relaxation of the muscle which increases blood flow to specific areas of the body – the most known areas for increased blood flow for these compounds is the Corpus Cavernosum which is a mass of erectile tissue forming the bulk of the penis and the clitoris. PDE5 inhibitors also have a double bonus effect on vasodilation by increasing Nitric Oxide.

Nitric Oxide

Nitric Oxide is produced by almost every single cell in the human body and is one of the most crucial molecules for blood vessel health. Nitric Oxide is a vasodilator, which means – it relaxes the inner muscles of blood vessels, causing the vessels to widen. It therefore increases blood flow to the target muscle and lowers blood pressure. This is why compounds like Viagra were originally designed to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) and angina pectoris (a form of heart disease).

In healthy men Viagra increased sensitivity to nitroglycerin, an exogenous (created internally by the body) Nitric Oxide donor, by approximately 4 times the normal amount. Therefore if someone takes Viagra 30-60 minutes before training, there will be a 4 x increase to the Nitric Oxide system and a 4 x increase in vascularity and muscle pumps during and up to 4 hours after the training session.


Viagra Increases Muscle Protein Synthesis

There are brand new studies that have recently emerged that revealed – Viagra (sildenafil) Increases Muscle Protein Synthesis and Reduces Muscle Fatigue. This study was originally conducted to find a potential treatment for reductions in skeletal muscle functioning in the elderly. However the findings in the study conclude there are benefits of Viagra on skeletal muscle – whether the person is young or old.

The study states that Nitric Oxide influences skeletal muscle function through muscle contraction, blood flow and metabolism – all biological effects that are carried through resistance training. By adding Viagra into the system and changing the nitric Oxide signalling, this compound increases protein synthesis, alters protein expression and reduces fatigue in human skeletal muscle. In summary, what this study revealed is that PDE5 inhibitors such as Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil) can assist in muscle creation and regeneration and increase athletic performance on a biological level.


Where to find them?

If you are looking for a high quality and cost effective source of Viagra (Sildenafil) or Cialis (Tadalafil) we have them in the Elite Sarms range!! Elite Sarms products – Hard (Sildenafil 50mg/ml) and Rise (Tadalafil 20mg/ml) are high purity, high quality sources of these compounds manufactured into a 30ml liquid product for convenience and also for increased bioavailability (the bodies ability to absorb the compound). We’ve also found that liquid versions of these compounds is faster acting and more potent than the tablet version and carries less side-effects which can occur like – flushing of the face, headaches or stuffy nose.
Find Hard (Sildenafil) here. And find Rise (Tadalafil) here.
We hope you enjoyed viewing Viagra and Cialis from another perspective and how the use of these compounds now and in the future will be much, much broader than just for romantic encounters. As the taboo aspect of these PDE5 ingredients lessons and the public gains more awareness of their biological function and potential benefits beyond the sexual functioning scope, more people will be enjoying the benefits of these fantastic compounds in the health and fitness arenas – taking their athletic performance, workouts and physique results to new levels with them.

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