

Discover The Power of Physique 400 (LGD4033)

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Ligandrol, also known as LGD-4033 or Physique 400® in the Elite Sarms range, has been a favorite staple in the muscle building scene due to its reliable and consistent anabolic effects. This is due to Ligandrol’s high affinity to the androgen receptors of the bones, muscles, and connective tissues causing enhanced bone strength and accelerated muscle protein synthesis. This then equals large gains in strength and muscle mass at a highly accelerated pace compared to result times without it.

According to clinical data and anecdotal experiences, the most mentionable effects of Physique 400® are:

  • Lean Muscle Mass Gains
  • Accelerated Bulking Targets
  • Significant Boost in Athletic Performance
  • Fast increases in strength
  • Increased Bone Density
  • Enhanced Recovery Time
  • Improved SpeedOf Fat Loss

When tested on 76 healthy men for 21 days, LGD was safe and well tolerated, with noticeable increase in lean body mass, and despite the demonstrable androgenic activity, the serum PSA (The PSA test is a blood test used primarily to screen for prostate cancer. The test measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in your blood) did not change, proof that it has no adverse effects on the prostate. This only supports LGD’s low risk profile and high effectivity in low to average doses.




The Program:

The average amount of Physique 400 taken by fitness and athletic individuals is between 5 to 10 mg per day. You can take it any time throughout the day but to optimize its benefit, take 1 ml (10mg) 30 minutes before training to improve your physical strength and endurance, and accelerate recovery after. This is easily possible because Ligandrol has a half-life of 24 to 36 hrs. Which means it continues to work in your system hours and even days after taking it.

This is also the reason why you need to cycle LGD between 6-8 weeks, take a PCT for 4 weeks before starting again. LGD’s effects kick in after roughly a week. You start noticing you can push more in terms of intensity and volume during your training, you don’t feel as exhausted after a session, and you recover more quickly after an extreme workout routine. Some anecdotes report seeing a physical difference in the body as early as 2 weeks.

Physique 400® is such a potent SARM that it is not surprising to see users gain between 10 to 15 lbs (4.5kg to 6.8kg) from just one cycle when paired with the right muscle-building workout and nutritional calorie intake. For training ideas and proper nutrition tips for your muscle-building goals, read this article.



Busting the Myth about LGD-4033

Finally, I would like to address the ‘big fluster’ about Ligandrol causing liver toxicity. There was a reported case, and I would emphasize, one case of increased liver transaminases ‘allegedly’ caused by Ligandrol.

If you look at the study closely, even the authors admitted that:

1. No genetic testing was done to test for hepatic transporter protein abnormalities or other genetic abnormalities that can predispose the patient to drug induced liver injury.

2. They also acknowledged that it is possible that the Ligandrol the patient took had other different unapproved drugs (after all it wasn’t tests conducted with Elite Sarms – Physique 400® 😉

And according to another study, among the 44 products marketed and sold as selective androgen receptor modulators which the researchers have investigated, only 23 (52%) contained 1 or more selective androgen receptor modulators. So you really have to be careful, and smart when choosing your SARMs supplier. (BTW you can see all Elite Sarms Identification and Purity Testing within the images on each Individual Product page. These tests are conducted on each new batch of Elite Sarm individual products before they enter the manufacturing phase).

Which brings me to an important point. If you are going to buy Ligandrol online, it is very important to verify the purity of the product you are going to purchase. Ligandrol is safe to use with the daily dose we recommended—as long as it’s the real deal!!!

One way to know the quality of your SARMs product is to check for the COA (Certificate Of Analysis) done by an independent or 3rd party laboratory, meaning the testing is not conducted by the company selling the product, so no false results can be reproduced and marketed to you. If it’s not posted on the website, don’t be afraid to ask for the Certificate of Analysis. SARMs are research compounds, and it is absolutely your right to verify their purity before you part with your hard earned money.

At Elite Sarms we are proud to display the quality of our ingredients before they even reach our highly qualified medical scientists for manufacturing, as the industry is littered with false products, fakes and scammers and we are here to clean things up, make things right and serve you, the people exactly what you are paying for and not a mg or purity percentage under that.

Train hard, ES.




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