

Fat Loss Blockbusters: Elite Fat Loss Guide 2023

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OG Design: Michelle Gabata-Thibault
Edited: Ryan McTeigue

It’s that time of year where everyone seems to focus on getting their fitness and weight loss programs on track. With the Holiday season over, along with cheat days and ‘understandable’ lapses in training and dietary protocols, now is the best time to update your body goals and get your new re-composition routine cracking.

At Elite Sarms we have a few clever hacks and foolproof tips to support your fat loss journey in 2022.

Fast Burn Tip #1- Tweak your Habits to Facilitate Weight Loss

While you can’t wish your way to a trimmer waist or wave a wand to make extra body fat disappear, slowly tweaking your habits to work for you can be “the trick”. Swapping your light soda habit for lemon water may be just what you need to stop bloating and cleanse your organs to help your liver metabolise fat easier. Working on the 5th floor of your company building? Hit the stairs and burn more calories instead of using the elevator. And instead of surfing on your phone during commercials while you’re watching TV, you can have a quick HIIT workout for 4-5 minutes instead. Small consistent tweaks pay big dividends over time.


Fast Burn Tip #2- Eat more seafood

Crustaceans such as crabs, shrimp, crayfish and lobsters are rich in the mineral zinc which ramps up leptin production, which reduces food intake and body weight.

Fish is a substantial source of minerals, such as iron, that sends oxygen to our muscles to burn a sufficient amount of fat for fuel; magnesium, also in seafood is essential for metabolism and energy production; and iodine, helps reverse a slow metabolism by producing more thyroid hormones.





Fast Burn Tip #3- Give your Jaw a workout

If you want to boost your calorie burn, you need your jaw muscles to be working. There’s more to chewing your food than what your Mom told you so. Mastication increases ‘diet-induced thermogenesis’–energy expenditure- while improving blood-sugar control. What’s the goal? Aim for 40 chews per mouthful, instead of the typical 15. You’ll less likely to have second helpings due to increased oral stimuli including the duration of tasting food in the mouth for longer along with the extra duration of chewing your food.


Fast Burn Tip #4- Applying Technology to your Fat Loss Routine

Technology is already a big part of everyday life. It makes sense that it can be just as helpful as a fat-shredding tool. There are so many cool products and free health apps out there to facilitate your journey. Fitness and activity devices track your steps, heart rate, weight and body fat%, sleep and so much more. If your like us, we will sit in front of the computer for long periods every day, you can set your phone alarm hourly as a reminder to stretch, or do those 5-minutes of burpees 🤮


Fast Burn Tip #5- Choose the Right Supplements to Maximize Fat Loss

SR9009, popularly known as Hyper Lean is a novel compound that will supercharge your metabolic capacity. SR9009 binds to your Rev-Erb proteins to activate fat and glucose metabolism. By increasing the production and function of your muscle tissue’s mitochondria, it facilitates nutrient uptake, leading to muscle fiber hypertrophy, and an increase in endurance and strength levels that definitely enhances exercise capacity.  

Recommended dose is 1ml daily which is equal to 20mg. Hyper Lean has a short half life of roughly 4 to 6 hours. To make the most of its fat-burning effects, the ideal dose is twice daily, which can be split into 0.5ml – 1ml each dose.

Check out Hyper Lean® in our ES – Lean Endurance Stack here  



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