

How Shredding Fat can Turbo-charge the Immune System
 (The Private War going on inside your body Right Now)

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Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

If you have ever had a cut that got infected, then you have experienced the process we are about to describe in this article. And after reading this article you will actually have a logical understanding of what exactly your body did and how this process relates to dropping body fat. Lets dive in…

When your body contracts an infection – the body’s defence system gets activated, leading to a state of inflammation. Inflammation is part of the body’s natural immune response that acts as the first line of defence against the attack of foreign bodies.

The inflammation process is what causes redness, pain and swelling in the infected area which gives you discomfort and agony over the course of the infection. Remember how you felt and looked when you last got the flu? – Well, this is actually the result of inflammation.

One important word to remember where inflammation is concerned is – CYTOKINES. These are proteins emitted by your white blood cells and macrophages – and are the body’s special forces- to fight invading microbes. These cytokines kick-start the inflammation process.

The inflammation triggered by your immune system is a healthy biological response. When you become inflamed this confirms that your body is secreting the appropriate hormones and proteins to WAKE UP your immune cells, which in turn initiates the “rescue mission”, and finally defeats the infection. Once these invading microorganisms are neutralized, the inflammation subsides and the body returns to homeostasis or perfect balance.

You’re probably wondering.. If inflammation is a good thing, then why have I heard about it being BAD???

The answer is: Inflammation is only a bad thing – When Inflammation Becomes Long-Term.

White blood cells aren’t the only type of cells that have the faculty to produce cytokines. Another category of cells that can release cytokines and cause inflammation is adipocytes otherwise known as fat cells. And in this case they can be really nasty….

Inflammation, Body fat, and Obesity

It’s common knowledge that the body stores surplus calories as fat as the body’s tool of saving fuel reserves it can access once food becomes scarce. However, recent studies have discovered that adipose tissues can be considered an active endocrine organ that can secrete a whole array of proteins and chemicals, including the inflammation proteins – cytokines. Even some scientific researchers characterise obesity as “a constant state of low-grade, chronic inflammation.”

The repercussions? If your body is constantly in a state of inflammation, which puts it under continuous stress, then your immune system is also “on guard, 24/7”. And what happens to an army that’s perpetually on high alert 24/7 for fear of an imminent attack say…for years? It usually ends in some soldiers having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – and in the case of the body and constant inflammation – What can result is; an altered Immune System, an altered Metabolism and greater risk for further Infections…



Cut the Fat, Boost your Immunity

Great news for those passionate about fitness out there – Shredding fat and gaining muscle can seriously boost your Immune system! We already know that excess fat in the body can lead to chronic inflammation, which for prolonged periods of time can wear-out the entire immune system.

In addition, gaining lean muscle mass increases the level of Interleukin-15, which protects precursor T-cells (immunity cells) by moving them away from the infected tissue and storing them in skeletal muscle to prevent them from being degraded. Once the old T-cells have lost their functionality through continuous stimulation while fighting the infection, these precursor cells can then travel out from the muscles and develop into operational T cells – who’s Operational Directive is to continue the battle on disease and infection.


Supplements for Fat Loss and Immune Support

By focusing on dropping body fat through; diet, exercise and supplementation you also strengthen the immune system – a double bonus earned for living a healthy, active lifestyle. Now, lets review what supplements can assist in reducing body fat levels further boosting your immune system:

  1. Green Tea – Green tea has emerged as one of the most popular fat burners in the market today, thanks to its caffeine content and the massive amount of antioxidants known as cathechins that enhance your metabolism and improve your body’s fat burning ability. The high concentration of vitamins and minerals also provide an extra boost to your immune health.
  2. Maitake Mushrooms – Maitake mushroom, also known as hen of the woods mushroom, contains beta-glucan, a polysaccharide that studies claim, can help prevent certain cancers, help fight obesity, support the immune system, and improve high blood pressure and diabetes. For centuries, it has been used as a remedy in traditional Asian medicine.
  3. Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® (SR9009) – Hyper Lean (SR9009) effectively increases the number of mitochondria in your skeletal muscles, allowing for enhanced strength and endurance during workouts. It’s a REV-ERB α and β agonist, and what it does is alter the expression of the bodies genes responsible for lipid and glucose metabolism. The result is a significant increase in your metabolic rate and fat cell oxidation leading to accelerated fat loss. Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean (SR9009) plays a dual role as an Anti-inflammatory agent and Immuno-stimulant because of its role in regulating the body’s innate immune response and modulating the secretion of cytokines by amplifying the mitochondria cells.

The Takeaway

By being consistent with your training program and deploying a clean and scheduled nutrition and supplementation routine you are not only working towards developing your optimism physique – you are also powering up your body’s immune system to be invulnerable to disease-causing microbes. And the scientific evidence is clear about that!

We have one body in this lifetime and it can be fine tuned to be a weapon that works for you or against you. Employ the tools that will give you the maximum results by supplementing with logical, science-based supplements and consuming foods that promote both your Immune system and bodybuilding goals.

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