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Have you hit a plateau in your training regime? Have your workouts become boring and lengthy? As we get deeper into the season of heat, the next step from dieting for weight loss is to gain momentum with your training. Here, we will discuss alternative ways of training to reach any aesthetic goal.

Let’s get moving with HIIT!

If done right, an intense focused session of this training should take about 30 minutes including your rest intervals and your body will naturally burn fat for the rest of the day; this routine is called High-Intensity Interval Training otherwise known as HIIT. A workout that is time efficient, an ideal way for a productive day including enjoying our summer days without spending most of our times in the gym or running around all-day without showing any results.

One of the reasons why this workout is effective is what they call EPOC or Excessive Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. Due to the fast-paced workout is done within a short time you will be out of breath, excessive sweat, and that good ol’ muscle tear sensation. Once the workout is over and you are back into your daily routine, your body’s metabolism can continue to burn more calories than when at a complete slumber or rest from the night before. This is because the amount of oxygen required to restore your body to its normal state takes time. That is why the resting level of metabolic function burns calories as oxygen travels back throughout your body for restoration.

The most important step before beginning this workout is warm-up. This only takes about 5 to 10 minutes to ease your breathing and muscles in tune before giving it an intense shock without any obstacles and injuries in the long run. The beauty of this routine is that it can be done both outdoors and indoors. Here are a few basic workouts for any beginners:

Catabolic workouts you can use a track (*highly recommended), cycling, which can be done both outdoors or indoors. As for indoor based: treadmill, elliptical, and/or inclines.

  • One lap of jog gets your heart pumping, steady breathing and leg muscles going.
  • Sprint for a 100 metres as a start for day 1. (Increase these lengths only as your body can permits to its limit)
  • Take a day break and make it interval, as this workout can be done within 30 to 45 minutes at a maximum.

Anabolic workouts can also be done both outdoors or indoors, kettlebells, sandbags, or bodyweight lifts.

  • Simple weights from lightest to heaviest at your maximum stretch
  • Make sure to keep lifts to the same amount on each rep, the weight increases as much as needed until your maximum rep.
  • Give yourself at 10 seconds of breathing in between reps, this method can also be done within 30 to 45 minutes

This is a workout method that is a two-birds-one-stone where not only you are burning all the unwanted fat from summer delicacies but also work on your muscles especially on your glutes and hamstrings as it is a full body workout. Give yourself a whole week of catabolic and anabolic for the following week. This is recommended with a partner to get the best results as this method of workout is easy to talk yourself out of. But done right, rest assured it is the best workout you have ever done.

Time for Power Hour with Texas Method

One of the most common workouts we see at the regular gym, or cross fits is Power Lifting.

We always like to show off our shoulders, biceps, triceps, and traps especially this time of the year. Avid powerlifters tend to stagnate without any recovery process done along the way. There are some that overdo these lifts with little to no success of refined muscle build up. The most efficient lift known to get the best results is the Texas Method Powerlifting.

This balances the stress of increased weight and varied volume with adequate recovery time so that intermediate lifters will progress for an extended period of time.

This method consists of a three day per-week. Here is an overview example of the week regarding squats with weights:

  • Mondays are for high volume which means to lift at your limit of weight and goes up from there with at 10 intervals, and 30 reps per interval.
  • Wednesdays are active recovery which means increase maximum weight but add more batch of reps for 5 intervals.
  • Fridays are high intensity start on your maximum weight of say 315lbs for 20 reps, rest, 275lbs for 20 reps, rest, finally 225lbs for 20 reps, call it a day and recovery at home.
  • Deadlifts are only done at least twice in a week, as it does not have a recovery phase. There will be less results when overdoing it, and may result in injury.

The Texas Method is very simple in terms of the number of exercises. It is based on an increase in the loading weights of the basic structural exercises, not in the number of different ways you can perform a triceps down. Successful weight lifters or body builders works with effectiveness rather than complexity, and most importantly this progress manifest through proper diet, rest and sleep.

Mobility training and healthy recovery

There is one last training that will help you ease intensity after the first two methods and give yourself a break. Ideally, to end the day with light workouts or stretches like Hot Yoga. This gives your body some more flexibility after recovering from tearing any muscle from lifts done during the week.

Always remember:

  • to rest with proper posture in bed and sleep at a decent time for a good amount of hours (7-8 hours)
  • to make sure to put ice on any areas you have some sort of sore
  • to compress your body with some light massages
  • to elevate your lower body, feet up when laying down or sitting

Finally, consider Epsom salt baths with essential oils to build your mind and soul in preparation for another day or another week to maintain momentum and motivation.

These workouts is not filling up most of your time focusing on just shaping up your body exercising. Elite SARMS encourages everyone with these provided workout methods and supplements to live a better day to day lifestyle in the most efficient way. Be able to stay healthy and enjoy life through mind, body and soul.

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