GH Pep (MK677) The Natural GH Enhancer & Anti-Aging Wonder

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1. In this following Elite Sarms – INTEL blog we are going to dive into the core science of growth hormone (GH), a naturally secreted peptide called Somatropin, in the body by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.

2. Lets chat about the Pituitary Gland for a moment, its role in the body and how important the health of this gland is to our overall physique and performance

3. The Pituitary Gland’s main function is to secrete hormones into your bloodstream. The Gland is a part of the body’s endocrine system. The endocrine system is a series of glands that secrete hormones that regulate metabolism, muscle growth and development, tissue functioning, reproduction, sexual function, sleep and mood.

4. As you can see, the Pituitary Gland is a gland in our body which is the Command & Control Centre for all major hormonal action occurring in our body.

– By understanding this gland and its function within the body, we can then focus on The Pituitary Gland’s optimum health by looking into the lifestyle factors and lifestyle choices that can either decrease or increase the output and health of this important gland.

4.. The amount of Growth Hormone one naturally secretes will depend on several lifestyle factors including but not limited to:

 (relaxing or stressful)

5. You will notice of all the factors above the ONLY factor you DO NOT have control over is your AGE. However! Did you know that you actually have 2 ages?

6. Yes, it’s true. We all have our chronological age – the number of years we’ve been on earth – which we cannot change, however, we also all have what is called our biological age.

7. Our biological ages are determined by all the factors that affect your DNA. Some of the most important factors include:

– HORMONAL STATE (testosterone to healthy estrogen balance)

8. Therefore, the TRUE term for anti-ageing is actually ANTI-BIOLOGICAL AGING, as it is impossible to turn back our chronological-age but it IS POSSIBLE to increase our overall health in the areas above (arrow) and REVERSE our BIOLOGICAL AGE. GH Pep® does exactly this by increasing the natural Growth Hormone output of the Pituitary Gland. Yes, it is pretty amazing.

5. There are large Natural pulses of growth hormone from the Pituitary Gland after high-intensity training, during REM sleep, after sexual activity and also first thing in the morning after good rest.
6. Elite Sarms – GH Pep (MK677) is the only Sarm in our range to drastically increase the NATURAL pulses of Growth Hormone from the Pituitary Gland.

7. The natural increase of Growth Hormone caused by GH Pep will be independent of lifestyle factors – meaning there will be an increase of GH regardless if the person has control of all of the above lifestyle factors that affect natural growth hormone output.

8. HOWEVER, add in resistance training, strength training and/or cardio and pump up the intensity! – Then you will really get to see Elite Sarms – GH Pep shine in all its glory.

9. The first thing one will notice is waking up in the morning FRESH. The New Growth Hormone pulses from taking Elite Sarms – GH Pep goes to work in the body speeding up the repair of connective tissue, muscle and bone and driving cellular rejuvenation.

10. A side-effect from the INCREASE OF SPEED OF REPAIR from GH Pep is; pain and inflammation become Drastically reduced or non-existent for some.

11. The science behind why GH Pep is one of our best INJURY REPAIRers in the range is due to the following:

12. Our body running at its Full Optimal Potential would mean our Pituitary Gland would be functioning at its Full Optimal Potential. As stated earlier, one of Growth Hormone’s major role’s in the body is TISSUE FUNCTIONING. This Tissue Functioning includes the proper repair of the tissues involved in injury – including the micro-tears caused after a session of high-intensity training.

13. With Elite Sarms – GH Pep supporting your Pituitary Gland’s Optimum release of Growth Hormone, this also creates the Optimum environment for tissue repair resulting in less inflammation and pain each day when supplementing with GH Pep – another factor that becomes more important with age.

14. This makes Elite Sarms – GH Pep perfect for anyone that is looking for Rejuvenation of the body while at the same time benefiting from the awesome Physique and Performance results of the one and only: GH Pep

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