

Beyond Potential – What happens when you Add Alpha Helix® (YK11) to your SARMS Regime?


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Introducing one of the latest SARMS supplement to create a buzz in the sports and bodybuilding industry. The novel compound YK11 is a non- hormonal DHT derivative and the active ingredient of Elite Sarms – Alpha Helix®.

Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

Initially created at Toho University in Japan, YK11’s mechanism of action is quite unique and makes it a perfect addition to your existing SARMS stack or sports supplementation line-up.

Firstly – YK11 works as an agonist to the androgen receptors inside your muscle fibres to promote growth;

Second – YK11 stimulates the production of follistatin which antagonizes or suppresses Myostatin- a muscle growth inhibitor protein. The suppression of Myostatin results in massive increases in strength and muscle mass.

This makes Elite SARMs Alpha Helix® (YK11) an excellent add-on especially for SARMS enthusiasts to bring their physique transformations to a higher level.

Elite Sarms Alpha Helix (YK11)

Elite Sarms Alpha Helix (YK11) works comparably with Physique 400 (LGD 4033), Tight (Rad 140), and GH Pep (MK677) to bring mass and muscle gains beyond an individual’s potential. What’s special about this combination is that while the other SARMs powerfully stimulate androgen receptors to develop new muscle tissues, YK11has the second power of suppressing myostatin’s actions to oppose further development of the muscle fibres.

So when one’s physiology begins to drastically slow down or even limit the results you can get from training and the use of other SARMs and other supplements, YK11 amplifies an individual’s genetic potential for breaking through physical plateaus in strength and muscle development.

Research studies show YK11 is also proven to burn body fat, making Elite SARMs Alpha Helix® an excellent addition to the fat-burning abilities of Hyper Lean (SR9009) and/or Cardio-Shred (GW0742).

Similar also to the actions of Stanazine (S4) and Decavar (MK2866), YK11 has documented osteogenic (bone) improvement activity that adds to the power of these well-known compounds to increase bone density and cortical mass.

Elite SARMs Alpha Helix YK11 is one of the most forthcoming and biologically exciting SARMs on the market with the many benefits and a lack of reported side effects compared to the various health risks ascribed to prohormones and anabolic steroids. Being an effective and powerful product, Alpha Helix® is truly a biohacking powerhouse that works by creating the environment for exceeding an individual’s innate physical capacity and entering new territories of physical development.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/23995658/#fft https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/21372378/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29491216 https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/ mighty_mice_made_mightier

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