

Decavar® – The Ultimate Body Re-Composition Product

Improve the function and health of your body

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Welcome to another session of Elite Sarms INTEL. In this info grab we are going to dissect the phenomenal characteristics of Elite Sarms – Decavar® – The Ultimate Body Re-composition Product and how it works to burn fat and build lean muscle at the same time!

1. Decavar®’s has a few names in the chemistry world including: MK-2866, Ostarine or Enbosarm. This compound has undergone the most extensive clinical trials to date of all the Elite Sarms range.

2. In a phase 2a study, Ostarine was shown to “increase lean body mass and decrease fat mass. It also modestly improved the homeostatic model assessment (HOMA)”
(Dalton 2007 abstract from Endo meeting).

3. To understand the science of why Decavar® is such a powerful BODY RECOMPOSITION tool, let’s dive into how this product improves the Homeostatic Model Assessment and what the HOMA actually is.

4. The HOMA is a measurement of the β-cells function and Insulin Resistance.

5. The β-cells otherwise known as Beta cells are a type of cell found in Pancreatic Islets.
The pancreatic islets or islets of Langerhans are the areas of the PANCREAS that contain hormone-producing cells.

6. Beta Cells (β-cells) are responsible for the secretion (release) of insulin and amylin – the 2 hormones in our body that regulate blood sugar levels and glycogen uptake into muscle.

7. It is important to note, that people with Type I and Type II diabetes – have a LOWER amount of β-cells and experience decreased health of β-cells leading to LOW INSULIN secretion which leads to HIGH BLOOD SUGAR levels – which also leads to excess body fat storage due to the excess sugars floating around in the blood that the insulin COULD NOT drive into muscle.

8. So when β-cells are not healthy or in their optimum state, then the body does not secrete/ release insulin effectively and therefore carbohydrates eaten cannot be driven into skeletal muscle effectively.

9. Decavar® revealed in the study mentioned earlier, to improve the function and health of the β- cells. This in-turn improves the healthy release of INSULIN which then drives the carbohydrates/ sugars we eat into muscle instead of being stored as BODY FAT. It is the improvement of the β- cells from Decavar® which then makes insulin a powerful ANABOLIC driver of sugars into muscle.

10. This is the definition of INSULIN SENSITIVITY – when the body is SENSITIVE to insulin it means that it responds to a release of insulin by DIRECTING the sugars into skeletal muscle. When the body becomes INSULIN RESISTANT – this means the insulin does not drive sugars into muscle anymore because it has become damaged or abused. Instead the sugars are directed into fat cells 🙁

11. By Elite Sarms – Decavar® improving the function and health of β-cells, this helps the body to drive more sugars into muscle. This has a double bonus effect – 1. The body does not store the sugars as body fat and 2. This creates an anabolic or muscle building environment as the body prefers to burn stored fat for energy rather than muscle.

12. As you can see the results from Decavar® are fully in-line with the scientific meaning of Body Re-composition – A reduction of LIPOCYTES also know as fat cells while there is a simultaneous increase in nitrogen retention and protein synthesis (muscle creation).

Phewwwwww – there was a bit of ES INTEL there, however now you know exactly why Elite Sarms – Decavar® is the The Ultimate Body Re-Composition Product and now you know an important piece of knowledge around of the science and biology of Body Re-Composition.

(source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pancreatic_islets

Pancreatic image

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