

Metabolic Boosters for Effective Fat Loss

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Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

Adopting the latest diet trends or purchasing the next weight-loss “wonder pill” may seem like a sure-fire way to shed pounds. However, on a more important note, you also have to consider metabolism to get the results you want. Weight watchers for example, is a system that count fats, carbs, and calories diligently. However, to effectively lose weight and burn off unwanted fat, you have to understand the metabolism and what it does for your body, performance and fat loss results.

Metabolism has always been a hot topic among health and fitness groups. Read on to dispel the common myths regarding your metabolism and discover evidenced-based techniques to rev it up, and reach your fat burning potential.

How to Measure your Daily Metabolic Rate

A good starting point is calculating your BMR (basal metabolic rate), which measures how many calories you burn when you’re resting. Even when you’re just lying down, your body is still burning calories to keep your heart beating, support your respiration, regulate body temperature, and to keep blood flowing to all your muscles and body tissues. Then add to your BMR the calories you burn doing your daily activities, plus the calories you burn during workouts, and presto! You have a close estimate of your metabolic rate! Use this calculator here to work out your BMR: https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html

Common Myths about Metabolism

Myth 1. The speed of your metabolism is determined by your genetics.
The Truth: A consistent exercise regimen paired with an effective fat burning supplement will seriously rev up one’s metabolism which allows for safe and rapid fat loss. If you are alive and blood is pumping to your heart, then you can always Crank up your metabolism by environmental factors such as exercise, nutrition and supplementation.

Myth 2. Cooler temperatures slow down your metabolic rate.
The Truth: When it’s cool, your body turns up your internal thermostat and burns extra calories to maintain your core temperature. Keep in mind, a sedentary lifestyle and greater amounts of food consumed during the winter months can undo this boost in metabolism!

Myth 3. All forms of training/exercise affect the body’s metabolism equally.
The Truth: The calories you burn while exercising varies depending on the type and intensity. Strength training enhances your metabolism because the added muscle micro-tears boost your calorie consuming capacity – for up to 48 hours post-workout. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has a double benefit since it burns calories during and after your workout sessions.



Science-backed Fat Burners in the Market

Green Tea
. Drinking green tea boosts your metabolism. Green tea’s antioxidants, particularly cathechins, and caffeine can increase the calories your body burns. When choosing your green tea, look for higher EGCG content and natural caffeine levels.

Capsaicin. Capsaicin is found in cayenne and other spicy peppers. A 2007 study claimed that consuming 150 milligrams of capsaicin an hour before working out increased fat oxidation by 40 percent. This may also be attributed to higher levels of adrenaline released by the body.

Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® (SR9009). Popularly dubbed as the ultimate ‘exercise in a bottle’ due to its unique ability to modulate the body’s physiological response as if it is in a state of constant exercise.

As a REV-ERB α and β agonist, Elite Sarms Hyper Lean® (SR9009) increases the basal metabolic rate and regulates energy balance by altering the expression of genes involved in lipid and glucose metabolism.

Clinical research shows that intake of SR9009 also diminishes the storage of fat tissue, facilitates cholesterol metabolism in the liver, increases mitochondrial production (the cell’s power house), and improves glucose and fatty acid oxidation to support skeletal muscle development.

This means the body’s metabolism continues to stay high at rest, and burns even more calories during exercise without effecting the central nervous system (CNS) at all!!! Or exhausting your adrenal glands!

To summarise, Elite Sarms Hyper Lean® (SR9009):

In the Liver: Turns off the genes that synthesizes cholesterol and bile acid.

In Muscle: Promotes the generation of new mitochondria while protecting the breakdown of already present mitochondria. The Result: More pumping power and longer endurance for skeletal muscles! Hyper Lean® also increases the activity of mitochondria, thus promoting the muscle’s fat burning ability.

In Fat cells: Turns off the genes responsible for storing fat in white adipose tissues and decreases triglyceride (Fat) production.

The Takeaway:
Paired with a HIIT and/or Strength Training regimen, studies show that the fat burning supplements: Elite Sarms Hyper Lean® (SR9009), Green Tea, Natural Caffeine, and Capsaicin are scientifically proven to boost your metabolism and ensure weight and fat loss resulting to a more toned and well-defined body.

Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® (SR9009) is an excellent supplement for athletes, bodybuilders, or fitness enthusiasts looking for a more shredded physical form. Hyper Lean® (SR9009) will effectively trim excess body fat, build muscles, and provide energy to sustain high-intensity workouts so you can scientifically burn your way to a better physique in each training session.

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