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BioHacking Your Way To Your Best Physique 
- An Elite Sarms Future Supps Adventure –

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By: M.G. Thibault Edited by Ryan McTeigue

It is true that you can’t increase the time and effort required to create your greatest physique ever, however you can maximize your efforts and go above and beyond traditional training programs to achieve a lean, strong and greatly developed physique, in comparison to the average person. In this article, we will discuss advanced supplement protocols and advanced training techniques that work in synergy so you can improve your overall workout productivity and move toward your best body achievement.

The following are the latest biohacking techniques that will allow you to achieve fitness, fat loss, and clean gains in minimum time using new discoveries about human biology, physiology and access to modern technology.

Glucagon-Like Peptide 1

Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonists. GLP1 agonists have been demonstrated to recruit muscle microvasculature, increase muscle delivery of insulin, and enhance the muscles use of glucose. What this means for the fitness individual is that it increases both Insulin production and sensitivity which results in stronger anabolic action of the compound and better use of glucose for muscle tissue growth. If you are looking to increase insulin sensitivity and carbohydrate utilization by muscle, a GLP-1 agonist is a peptide which has to be administered subcutaneously (under the skin). Its ability to slow down gastric emptying makes you actually want to eat less, which will be ideal for a cutting cycle or a weight and fat loss program.

Blood Flow Restriction Training

Blood Flow Restriction Training. Also known as occlusion training, is the action of simply applying an elastic band or rubber tubing around the muscle you want to target which acts like a tourniquet. Then proceed with your training. Theoretically, when you cut a small amount of blood flow to the tissue, more lactic acid accumulates faster because it doesn’t drain due to the restriction. This triggers your Growth Hormone secretion effecting more muscle building action.

A meta-analysis confirms that exercise and walking with vascular occlusion played a key role in improving strength muscle hypertrophy which is in the ball park equivalent to training high-intensity resistance training. This is compatible with those having joint pain, older fitness people and/or athletes who are recuperating from injury and just getting back into the gym.

Oxygen Restricted Training

Oxygen Restricted Training. Advance your training by biohacking your breathing. This is done by restricting your access to oxygen thereby compelling your inspiratory and expiratory muscles to work harder to take oxygen in and push carbon dioxide out.

This creates a stronger diaphragm, tougher respiratory muscles, and a higher tolerance for carbon dioxide. The “intermittent hypoxic training mask” gives you the benefits of both resisted breathing and hypoxic training—yep, like working out in an environment with reduced oxygen, like a location at high-altitude. It’s like running a marathon at Mt. Kilimanjaro. When you exercise wearing oxygen restricting mask, this can push you to a whopping 95% of lactate threshold workload. And this is a sure-fire way to improve your aerobic capacity and endurance performance once you return to normal oxygen-level environments.

YK-11 Alpha Helix. It is one of the most innovative and exciting Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators in the market right now. This unique compound stimulates Follistatin and Myogenin production- molecules that are significantly responsible for skeletal muscle development and repair.

It also inhibits Myostatin, which is a negative regulator of muscle growth and is significantly implicated in muscle-wasting disorders. What this means is that Myostatin mainly inhibits and limits muscle growth. Thanks to YK11 Alpha Helix, it blocks the action of Myostatin stopping its catabolic effects while up-regulating follistatin and myogenin activities to allow muscle tissues to grow beyond their limitations.

Like any other SARMs, YK-11 Alpha Helix can be as powerful as testosterone in terms of muscle tissue strengthening and volumisation, but without any heavy side effects as with testosterone.


The above tools will help you achieve faster physique targets as you enhance your training protocol for superior benefits. Don’t ever think these tactics are just for professional bodybuilders and athletes, these methods are simple enough and can be adopted by anyone to working to achieve their best physique yet.

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Muscle Building Marvel – RAD140


Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

RAD140, popularly known as Elite Sarms TIGHT®, is an investigational compound, which has become popular among bodybuilders, sports people and fitness enthusiasts. When looking to buy SARMs for fat loss and muscle gain, TIGHT® RAD 140 is an easy choice. It is reputed to have muscle-building and strength enhancing effects due to its high affinity with androgen receptors found in skeletal muscles, bones and connective tissues.

For those who are not so familiar with RAD 140, this article highlights the history and discovery of RAD140, and the mechanism behind why it is now considered to be Testosterone’s equal in terms of its anabolic properties – no jokes, this is what the new science is revealing to us.

RAD 140 is a potent, orally bioavailable Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) compound that was developed by Radius Health, Inc. It was originally designed as an experimental substance for androgen replacement therapy. Some of the potential benefits of RAD140 being tested within the research studies just to name a few; were for the treatment of conditions such as muscle wasting (cachexia), bone loss, and breast cancer. You can start to build a picture of how this product has come to be one of the most potent muscle building compounds while being non-steroidal.

RAD 140’s Special Features

Tissue selectivity. The tissue selectivity of RAD140 is shown by potent androgen-like properties in bone and muscle, which is mainly anabolic. Studies demonstrated an increase in the weight of the pelvic muscles of castrated rats compared to control groups with RAD140‘s lowest tested dose of 0.1 mg/kg. Impressive!

The physique and sports scene caught on very rapidly to the muscle building effects of RAD 140 making it a popular choice when buying SARMs in USA, Canada and the EU.

However, it demonstrates diminished effects in other androgen-responsive tissues, such as prostate and seminal vesicles – this is a great thing and the reason why it doesn’t cause prostate hypertrophy or infertility.

Particularly, when administered along with testosterone, RAD140 was found to somewhat antagonize the growth effect of testosterone in prostate and seminal vesicles, proposing that RAD140 acts as a competitive Androgen Receptor ligand but with reduced activity. This means that RAD140 successfully competes with Testostorone on AR sites blocking the hormone from attaching to these negative receptor sites, thus inhibiting synthetic testosterones potential tumor-promoting actions on reproductive organs. Tight® therefore, may be effective in use as protection of the prostate and other sensitive reproductive organ sites that high and long doses or testosterone have the potential to negatively effect. Ie RAD140 could be used along-side testosterone to not only enhance the positive effects but to also block any potential negative effects the synthetic testosterone can cause.

The same study also found that while taking RAD140, despite the dramatic increases in body weight over such a short time, there was no elevation of liver enzyme transaminase levels in any of the lab mice at any dose >2 fold over its baseline value. Given the established link between oral androgen use and liver stress indicators, researchers were pleasantly surprised that even at a dose 10x greater than the fully effective dose, they saw minimal liver enzyme elevations with RAD140 – this is another very positive finding.

It is Neuroprotective too!

When testosterone levels in men start to fall due to the normal aging process, the risks of dysfunction and disease in androgen-responsive tissues increases, which amazingly, also includes the brain!! After all the brain is a large organ made up of proteins such like any other organ in the body except is carries out a much grander role – allowing us to experience reality.

Since testosterone therapy can cause a potential increase in the risk of developing prostate cancer, scientists have turned to SARMs to overcome these limitations. Studies have discovered that RAD140 lacks significant androgen action in the prostate (the main hardware in the reproductive system) but exerts highly positive effects in selective androgen-responsive tissues including BRAIN NEURONS!

In a 2014 study by the Endocrine Society, RAD140’s effects were investigated in cultured rat neurons and male rat brain. RAD140 was shown to provide neuroprotection, and increased resilience from neurodegenerative diseases.

The study concluded, that by administering RAD140, it activates androgen-protective pathways that reduce cell death induced by 3 factors: Aβ peptides (coming from amyloid deposits seen in Alzheimer’s), apoptosis activator II (seen in tumor and cancer cells), and hydrogen peroxide (produced during cell injury).

Like Testosterone, RAD140 has the ability to protect the brain but also help it to function / perform better. However unlike Testosterone, RAD140 is extremely highly selective, activating androgen receptors in the muscles we use to work out and the brain tissue we use to develop business ideas, and in-general just think and continue being able to think effectively, long into our years.

We here are Elite Sarms believe we are only just looking at the tip of the ice-burg with the muscle building Marvel – RAD140 and we are exciting to continue bringing you research on what the studies continue to reveal about this amazing compound. In the meantime if you would like to conduct your own personal research and see what this amazing compound can do for your physique and for your brain performance, check out Elite Sarms Tight® (RAD140) here.

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The 411 on Decavar (MK2866) and Hyper Lean (SR9009) for Muscle Hypertrophy & Fat Loss

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Original Design: M.G. Thibault
Re-design: Ryan McTeigue

In previous Elite Sarms articles, we discussed the different principles involved for muscular growth and development. Resistance training is the key for muscle growth and this component further consists of the following factors:

  • Training frequency
  • Training intensity
  • Training volume

There are different techniques to get maximum muscular growth. Whatever protocol you’re using, it has to satisfy the following requirements for muscle hypertrophy to take place: a combination of mechanical tension and metabolic stress. By finding the optimal balance between these two dynamics, you’ll have an effective hypertrophy-oriented training program and training sessions that will yield maximum results.

Do you wonder why some of the seasoned body builders prefer a high intensity routine, meaning they train almost to the point of muscular failure? According to Jerry Brainum, a noted expert on exercise and nutrition, there are times when the weight will fall out of his hands because of total muscular fatigue. Scientifically and biologically Jerry found he couldn’t do more than 4 to 6 sets per muscle group under such high intensity conditions. Doing so would lead to excess amounts of cortisol released in the body , which leads to muscular break down. He also stated that he made the best gains of his life with those initial high intensity sessions.

This factor of high volume, training to failure for increased muscular growth is also supported by a study from the Institute of Sport Sciences in Poland stating that a good foundation for individuals seeking to maximize muscle growth should be hypertrophy-oriented Resistance Training (RT) consisting of multiple sets (3−6) of 6-12 repetitions with varying weight intensities – obviously the higher the weight the lower the repetition range will be.

This 6 – 12 range of repetitions is enough to keep blood circulating around the body and raise blood lactate levels that will stimulate the release of growth hormone to aid in the body’s anabolic activities. While the high intensity level of each set will cause an increase in Nitric oxide levels that leads to vasodilation for better blood supply, over time. Achieving maximum vasodilation also allows your body to rapidly transport metabolized amino acids and nutrients in the tissues. This also means,

↑↑ Vasodilation = greater pumping power = Increase in muscle size

Recomposition or cutting protocol

During a Recomposition or cutting protocol, Resistance Training (RT) volume and intensity is maintained despite a calorie deficit to guarantee that you burn fat while simultaneously building muscle. This is the scientific, physiological and nutritional foundations for body re-composition

In reality, it is hard to maintain your gains when you eat less calories and still maintain your training load. Then there’s the issue of muscle fatigue and injuries that come with attempting to maintain this work load while reducing calories. This is where SARMs supplementation can really help you the most.

The selective androgen receptor modulator, MK 2866, known as Decavar or Ostarine, activates muscle stem cells (satellite cells), which help remodel and regenerate muscles. The implications? This makes Decavar an important tool for efficient recovery post-workout thus preventing muscle fatigue and injuries – assisting in re-composition in times of reduced caloric intake combined with consistent resistant training.

Another cool feature of Decavar is that it increases the activity insulin-like growth factor 1 gene (IGF-1), which boosts muscle growth and strength. Because the half-life of MK-2866 is 24 hrs, taking 1ml a day for a cycle of 6-8 weeks is enough to ensure fat free muscle gains and increased athletic performance.

SR9009, also known as Hyper Lean
is another compound that will work synergistically with your Recomposition program. SR9009 sets off a host of processes in the body through the activating and binding of Rev-Erb proteins. This stimulates an increase in the production of mitochondria and oxidative function with an increase in antioxidant activity in the body. This facilitates glucose metabolism for augmented carbohydrate uptake and ultimately lean muscle gains.

Mitochondria are powerhouses of the cells, which enhance metabolism to build your muscle. Even with lesser energy intake during a Recomp, SR9009 helps to synthesize more mitochondria in the muscle tissues leading to an increase in muscle size, and an upsurge in endurance and strength levels improving exercise capacity.

The recommended dose for Hyper Lean® (SR9009) is 1 ml per day either taking once before training or split into an am and pm dosage with around 6 hours between dosages. This 1ml daily dosage is equal to 20mg of active SR9009 in the Elite Sarms range. Hyper Lean has a short half life of roughly 4 to 6 hours. Therefore, to make the most of its fat-burning effects, optimal dosing is twice daily.

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Is it Possible to Gain Muscle Even on a restricted Diet? Discover the Power of S4

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Original Design: Michelle G. Thibault
Re-design: Ryan McTeigue

An essential component of effective Body Re-comping is being in a caloric deficit. In reality, it comes down to calories in vs. calories out. You cannot argue against the first law of thermodynamics, your metabolism operates under this universal law. Fat storage will not decrease without the restriction of energy intake.

This has been verified by more than a century of research on nutrition and weight management. Your body burns so much calories in a day and when you provide it with less than the calories it needs, your body has no choice but to utilise fat stores in order to sustain itself.

One of the biggest challenges in a Re-comp protocol is not loosing muscle gains while under a caloric restriction.There has to be a strategy for how much calories are limited, and equally as important – is where those calories come from. It is imperative to eat enough protein so your body can have the raw materials needed to build muscle mass.

Is it possible to Gain muscle even on a restricted diet?

The Answer is YES and thankfully we have science studies to prove it. A 2011 research exhibited that trained athletes were able to gain muscle while losing fat over a 9-week period. This was achieved by performing a slow body fat cut which was equal to a loss of 0.7% of total bodyweight each week (over a 7 day period). Check out the study below for the full report:

How Does Stanazine® (S4) achieve muscle building while on a Calorie Deficit?

S4, more popularly known in the Elite Sarms range as Stanazine® or in the wider sarms world as Andarine, is a selective androgen receptor, known to be among the best SARMs for cutting. In addition to improving muscle gains, S4 is well-established where fat loss is concerned. If you want to have that “dry and lean” physique, it requires developing muscle while having a significant reduction in body fat.

Stanazine is well known for its muscle protecting abilities. It is ideal during a cutting cycle because you won’t lose hard-earned gains. S4 really is the perfect supplement for a Recomp program which both males and females can use (without vitalising for girls). Research studies showed its ability to strengthen bones and increase lean muscles, even when under a calorie-deficit.

Stanazine® Dosage

This dosage seems to have the best results with almost no side effects. Remember to split your dosing into two parts:

Take 25mg in the morning and 25mg in the evening (for males); that’s 1ml 2x/day.

Take 12.5mg in the morning and 12.5mg in the evening (for females); that’s 1/2 ml 2x/day

The Split dosage protocol is because S4 has a half-life of around 8 hours. Over 99% of a substance is eliminated when seven half-lives have passed. This means a single dose of Stanazine will be completely cleared from your body after 56 hours. Hence, we recommend taking it in small amounts divided over 2 doses, at a cycle length of 6 – 8 weeks.

This protocol will ensure the best results without side effects – the most common side-effect for high dosages of S4 comes from the compounding binding with the AR in the optical nerve of the eyes. This can cause a yellow haze, which is completely temporary and has no long-term negative effect, ceasing when the dose is lowered or completely stopped – but sticking to our dosage protocol will ensure this weird side effect does not occur.

For men who are concerned about Testosterone suppression, don’t worry. At such a low dosage, you will be fine. For women who are thinking of virilisation effects, with 12.5 mg twice a day, it won’t have androgenic effects – just fat shredding ones!

It is important to note that the metabolic rate differs for every person, so you can slowly increase the dose until you find your sweet spot.

Recommended Rep range

The optimal way to keep blood circulating around the body and raise whole-body lactate levels is to pair upper and lower-body exercises for 10-12 reps or in the 12-15 rep range per exercise, with short 30-60 second rest intervals. More lactate corresponds to a greater release of growth hormone, which tells your body to build muscle and burn more body fat.

This will prevent you from losing muscle proteins thereby maintaining the fullness of your gains, and even facilitate lean muscle growth. You can get S4, Stanazine® here

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Body Re-comping Secrets You Need To Know (Part 2)

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Original Design: Michelle G. Thibault
Re-design: Ryan McTeigue

In Part 1 of: Body Re-comping Secrets You Need To Know (August week 1 blog here) we discussed the importance of glycogen in muscle physiology, maintenance of function as well as increasing muscle density and volume. We also talked about the role of scientific based nutrition and supplementation for an effective Re-comp protocol that will guarantee you significant fat loss and muscle gains simultaneously.

One of the main challenges of Body Recomposition, as previously mentioned is being on a calorie-deficit diet to ensure fat loss while sustaining muscle growth. In this article, we will dive deeper into the discussion, assist you in staying consistent with intelligent training protocols, and give you tips on staying motivated throughout your Recomp journey. After all, once you have been given the scientific information, the hardest part is physically applying that information and staying on track with consistency. With that in mind – lets get it in part 2 of Body Recomping Secrets you need to know…

Carb Cycling

Carb cycling is a dietary strategy with alternating high carb and low carb days. It has built-in reward days when you can still eat your favorite foods on intervals. And you can use your cheat meals to burn fat and build muscle! Sounds absolutely perfect, right? You can eat healthy foods, enjoy foods you love, and still get in line with your fitness goals!

The Benefits of Carb Cycling

So why choose Carb Cycling? Here are the perks:

  • It is flexible and can fit any lifestyle.
  • You’ll effectively lose weight and body fat by learning how to make smart lifestyle choices through your Recomp Program. THIS PUTS YOU IN- CHARGE.
  • You will build lean, strong muscles.
  • You get to eat the foods you love.
  • You’ll feel empowered because you don’t have to constantly deprive yourself to achieve your goals.
  • It gives you more energy.
  • You’ll feel motivated because you see the results in just a few weeks

How to Work It

Remember that when you reduce your daily calorie intake below maintenance levels when high intensity training is ongoing, your glycogen stores become depleted. To prevent fatigue and muscle loss, you correctly time a cheat meal to reward yourself (hello dopamine!) and some well-deserved rest.

It is very important that your cheat meals are:
1. High in calories
2. High in simple and complex sugars

That’s easy enough! But let me explain why, in a glycogen depleted state, your muscles are so hungry that this allows them to take in the maximum amount of nutrients they can get to replenish stores. In addition, this increases insulin sensitivity therefore creating an anabolic (muscle building) environment. It doesn’t matter what level of training experience you have. Follow this equation:

↑↑ Intensity of the training = ↑↑ Carb depletion = ↑↑ Nutrients being reloaded into the muscles

Like any skill, it gets better with practice and every time you conduct a carb cycle, it conditions your body to be more efficient leading to better results each time you do one.

The Nitty-Gritty

1. If you look up Carb Cycling, you’ll discover there are various types. For the purpose of this article, let’s do the Low Carb day for a 3-day period. Adopt the 2-type carbohydrate protocol: 80% vegetables + 20% starchy carbs. With this Carb intake, it will ensure that you’ll have enough fuel to carry out full-body exercise sessions at a high intensity.

Here are some examples of vegetables and starchy carbs you can incorporate in your meals:

Veggies– broccoli, asparagus, green beans, bok choy, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower

Starchy Carbs– sweet potato, parsnips, yam, taro root, basmati rice, pot barley, oats, buckwheat

By focusing on eating complex, nutritious carbs, this will help sustain your energy, maintain endurance during training, and stabilize your blood sugar levels. And when I say good, complex carbohydrates, they should contain 3 components:

  • High in fiber content
  • Allows slow digestion
  • Unprocessed (meaning natural ingredients are not removed)

2. Over the next 3 days, train every muscle group in your entire body in each training session. The intensity and volume of your exercise should accomplish 2 things:

1. Keep the blood circulating throughout the whole body during the course of the workout.

2. Raise the levels of blood lactate to accelerate fat loss. More lactate corresponds to a greater release of growth hormone, which tells your body to build muscle and burn body fat- the very essence of body recomposition!

The Magic number: 8-12 Reps per set, 3 sets per exercise

Sample Exercises:

Back Squats
Front Squats
Box Jumps
Bench Press
Barbell Shoulder Press
Dumbbell Biceps Curls
Triceps Pulldowns

3. On the evening of the 3rd day, reward yourself with…TADA! A cheat meal. This is your reward for working so hard, this a time to satisfy your appetite- but you don’t have to lose your head!

The cheat meal has a goal here – to replenish your glycogen stores and create favourable conditions for your muscles to grow. So, it has to be a high-calorie meal that contains some protein, fats and mostly carbohydrates. It can be a Quarter pound Burger, a cheesy Italian pasta, a deep-dish Pizza perhaps or Beef and rice Stir-fry. This is a gift to yourself to keep you motivated and a prize to look forward to every 3rd day of your Carb cycle.

Additional Key Points

  • Focus mostly on eliminating added sugar and other refined carbs, like muffins and pastries during your low-carb phase. Load up on fiber and nutrient-rich vegetables for satiety and maintenance of important vitamins and minerals.
  • For rapid recovery from prolonged exercise, it is important to replenish muscle glycogen stores and induce muscle tissue repair and adaptation.
  • Efficiency of muscle glycogen storage can be increased significantly with the addition of protein to your post-exercise meal.

Incorporating protein supplements to your Carb cycling protocol also has the added advantage of limiting post exercise muscle damage and promoting muscle protein accretion.

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The Best Sarms Combo for Ultimate Muscle Growth

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The Best Sarms Combo for Ultimate Muscle Growth

Written by M.G Thibault
Edited by Ryan McTeigue

Many the gym lovers hit the Iron Temple (gym) with a vague goal in mind. We hear common targets through customer enquiries such as I want to “lose weight”, “build muscle”, “get ripped”, “bulk up” or “shred fat”. The typical roadblock occurs when these goals remain as dreams in your mind because There is no plan in place. In this article we aim to deliver some important information so you are hitting the gym with a fully formulated plan in combination with the perfect Elite Sarm product combinations for Ultimate Muscle Growth.

So first things first – 1. Set a defined and achievable goal. It doesn’t hurt to write it down and be looking at it morning and evening. This could be to gain 1- 2kgs of lean muscle per month. To know more about the basics of muscle building, you can refer to previous article here: our article here (How the body builds muscle 101).

Let’s continue with the example goal of muscle building, since this is a popular fitness target. YOUR goal needs should be clear, detailed, and have a deadline. The thing is if you don’t have a specific date in mind, more often than not, the goal will NEVER be accomplished. Assuming you read the above article or you have practised and researched quite a bit on gaining muscle mass, you should have an excellent training program in place and a dietary plan that supports muscle building. You should also strategize sufficient recovery periods to avoid muscle fatigue that can deter your muscle building momentum.

Let’s address something vital from a nutritional point of view. When building new muscle, you need a greater amount of protein compared to the average diet in order to meet your muscle requirements. This will be around 20-30% of your total nutritional intake, and you may want to supplement with protein powders to meet this requirement the most common form of protein powder is when protein and isolates.

Another option would be collagen sourced from fish (marine collagen) or grass-fed beef. Collagen protein is abundant in connective tissue as well as muscle and doesn’t cause an increase in insulin levels like whey protein. This makes collagen more compatible to you if you’re planning lean down while maintaining or building muscle. Collagen is also better on digestion so those sensitive to whey protein will benefit highly from collagen protein. Vegetarians and vegans can choose from an array of plant-based sources, such as pea protein, rice protein, soy protein, and hemp protein.

If you’re on a budget, the following are affordable protein sources:

– Canned fish, frozen fish, rice cakes with nut butters, eggs, soy protein (TVP)

After you have an executable nutrition structure in place, next the time duration needed to accomplish your goal needs to be set. The big question is, When is the Right Time to Bulk?

There are factors to consider for effective and efficient bulking. Remember, your body builds muscle most efficiently when you are at your leanest – not with high body fat (as the bro scientist might claim). The reason for this? – Insulin Sensitivity. You’re far more insulin sensitive when you carry less body fat which means your body can more efficiently use glucose (converted from the carbohydrates you consume) as an energy source driven into muscle, instead of being stored in fat cells.

Some protocols suggest that to efficiently gain more muscle and less fat during a bulking phase, the starting point should be within 9-12% of body fat for men, and somewhere between 20-24% body fat for women. If this is not the case, another route is to begin with a dieting phase first, then transition into a building phase once you lean out.

Game Changing Supplements

The discovery of ‘Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators’ or SARMs has been without a doubt one of the greatest breakthroughs in the Health and Fitness industry. These innovative compounds, originally designed to treat muscle wasting in sick patients, has the anabolic properties of hormones but WITHOUT the side effects, thanks to their high selectivity. When attaching to androgen receptors, SARMs only specifies those receptors in muscles, bones and connective tissues to stimulate cellular growth and thus increase their mass and volume. This mechanism of action ensures NO toxic effects on other organs of the body like the heart, liver and prostate. Although all SARMs stimulate muscle hypertrophy while metabolizing fat for the body’s fuel, below are our TOP Favourites when it comes to Muscle Building:

1. Physique 400’s (LGD-4033) – Popularly known as Ligandrol, it is one of the most studied SARMs which emphasises its potent action on bolstering muscle mass and volume. Ligandrol is a muscle building heavyweight with clinical studies under its belt demonstrating its powerful hypertrophic effects. The clear-cut primary benefit of LGD 4033 is its ability to increase lean muscle mass without increasing fat when bulking.

2. Elite Sarms Tight (RAD 140)– There are studies that compare RAD 140 as being identical to the anabolic power of Testosterone. On top of its anabolic prowess, it amplifies the power and strength of muscle fibers. Other testosterone users stack RAD 140 with other compounds to reinforce the effects of testosterone without the side effects. An Icing to its impressive anabolic profile RAD 140 also demonstrates protective and generative factors on brain neurons! Ever heard of brain gains? Well now you have.

3. Elite Sarms Decavar (MK-2866)– MK-2866 or Ostarine as other studies call it, got famous because of its regenerative effects on test subjects in studies with muscle wasting and bone density problems. Remember that recovery is one of the biggest Elements of your Bulking Protocol. Micro tears have to heal in order to generate bigger and stronger muscle fibers to continue training and moving forward. MK-2866 promptly became a favorite supplement for athletes and fitness enthusiast in need of speedy recovery from their muscle-bulking workouts.

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You Vs. THE-VID – How to bulletproof your immune system to athletically thrive in 2021 (Part II)

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How to bulletproof your immune system to athletically thrive in 2021 (Part II)

By Ryan McTeigue

I am not going to go into what Covid-19 is and how we got to this point – there are already enough articles, videos, blogs and information online thats been forced down your throat on the subject and I’m sure by now your probably tired of reading, hearing, and experiencing the social effects of these trying times.

Instead, I am going to go straight into 6 Practical Steps you can take – right now – to bulletproof your immune system so you can keep moving towards your physique and athletic performance goals in 2021.

As always, these steps are fully backed by scientific studies and evidence which are sited throughout the blog and at the conclusion. I will only give you verified steps to ensure your immune system is so high that no virus in the world can come within 100 miles when you integrate these 6 steps into your weekly routine and consistently apply them each day whenever possible.

You could call this your all-natural vaccine from this thing. I am not a medical doctor, but I Am an intelligent human being that can read between the lines, know my own body, my own immune system and the power we all have within us to overcome sickness especially when we remove toxicities from our physical vehicles and lifestyle and allow the body to do what it was designed to do – thrive!!!

1. Exercise

The first one on the list is my favourite natural vaccine of all times and the most potent Immune booster in this list is – EXERCISE. As cited in the Journal of Sport and Health Science (Volume 8, Issue 3, May 2019, Pages 201-217) – exercise causes a change in antibodies and white blood cells which are the bodies immune system cells that fight ALL disease. These antibodies accumulate more rapidly with consistent exercise detecting illness and then destroying it before the sickness can take over the body.

Consistent exercise in the correct time frame and intensity lowers cortisol levels – the stress hormone that can either boost or lower the immune system. Cortisol is actually a necessary function in the body, however when it is kept high for prolonged periods of time, this can cause a decrease in the immune system. With financial and social stress at an all-time high in the world right now reducing elevated cortisol levels through physical exercise is more important than ever – especially for our mental and emotional state which prolonged elevated cortisol also readily effects.

Exercise also causes sweating and the heating of the body which leads to the release of toxins. There is also a vasodilation effect – where blood vessels expand improving circulation and improving further mobilisation of toxins from the body.!

2. Hydration

Drinking water can help improve the overall immunity of your body. Staying well hydrated helps the body naturally flush bacteria and toxins out that can cause infection or illness.

When we get an adequate amount of water daily, oxygen and nutrients are dispersed throughout the entire body, and waste material is flushed out from the body. Thus, it helps keep diseases at bay by increasing the bodies metabolism of cellular hydration and toxin removal.

As the immune system drives the health of the body and its capability to fight diseases and water hydration is scientifically proven to flush toxins thus improving the immune system then drinking enough water daily can be viewed as a preventative type of health maintenance.

Now we’ve covered how important it is to stay hydrated each day, next we’ll talk about the best types of water. One of the most hydrating and effective waters known today is called: Alkaline water. Alkaline refers to the pH scale of the water. This pH scale is from 0 – 14 and measures how acidic or basic a substance is. Alkaline water has a pH level between 8 and 10.

The difference between normal water and alkaline water is normal waters acidity level. Normal tap water contains more hydroxide than hydrogen ions.

Alkaline water also contains more minerals like; magnesium, potassium and calcium. It is known to neutralise toxic compounds present in the body. The body can also absorb more alkaline water – meaning more water that is consumed throughout the day can be used by the body to hydrate you.

Add some lemon to your water for an extra boost in vitamin C, B-vitamins, potassium, magnesium and iron. The vitamin C from the lemon juice helps prevent free radicals from causing cell damage which if allowed to build up – can lead to serious diseases like cancer.

3. Sunlight (Vitamin D)

The UV rays in our sun help the body to make more Vitamin D – which is considered one of the most important pro-hormones (not technically a vitamin) for the body as it is responsible for the health of all the bodies; bones, blood cells and the immune cells. It also helps the body absorb minerals and nutrients effectively. Low Vitamin D levels are linked to the development of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis.
Apart from vitamin D’s direct effect on the immune system, it also helps to regulate the circadian rhythm – helping those who get adequate sunlight during the day fall asleep easily at night, meaning better rest and better recovery for the body.

4. Sleep and rest

Making sure your body has a chance to rest and recover from the day is important for your immune system to function at its full strength and full capacity.

When we sleep, our bodies produce a protein called cytokines, which target infection and inflammation, creating an immune response during our sleeping hours. Our bodies also produce T-cells during sleep, which are white blood cells that play a critical role in our body’s immune response to an infectious disease such as Covid-19.

Studies have found that this inflammation response caused by the cytokines occurs even when a person isn’t actively hurt or sick. Research conducted on the type of cells and cytokines involved in this nighttime immune activity indicates that its primary role is to – strengthen adaptive immunity7. Meaning, when we are in deep rest our body is teaching our immune system to be more resilient to disease and infection.

Just like sleep can help the brain consolidate learning and memory8, research now suggests that sleep strengthens the immune memory. The immune memory is the interaction of the immune system components during sleep reinforcing the immune system’s ability to remember how to recognize and react to dangerous antigens.

5. Nutrition

oes nutrition play a part in immunity and a strong or weak immune system? The answer is a loud – YES!

Eating enough nutrients as part of a varied diet is required for the health and function of all cells, including immune cells. Certain nutritional programs may better prepare the body for microbial attacks and excess inflammation, but it is unlikely that individual foods offer special protection. Each stage of the body’s immune response relies on the presence of many micronutrients. Examples of nutrients that have been identified as critical for the growth and function of immune cells include: vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, selenium, iron, and protein (including the amino acid glutamine). These micronutrients are all found in a variety of plant and animal foods.

Diets that are limited in variety and lower in nutrients, such as diets consisting of large amounts of ultra-processed foods and lacking in minimally processed foods, can negatively affect a healthy immune system. It is also believed that a Western diet high in refined sugar and red meat and low in fruits, vegetables and fibre can promote disturbances in healthy intestinal microorganisms, resulting in chronic inflammation of the gut, and associated suppressed immunity.

The microbiome is an internal galaxy of trillions of microorganisms that live in our body, mostly in the intestines. It is an area of intense and active research, as scientists are finding that the microbiome plays a key role in immune function. The gut is a major site of immune activity and the production of antimicrobial proteins. Diet plays a large role in determining what kinds of microbes live in our gut. A high-fiber plant-rich diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes appear to support the growth and maintenance of beneficial microbes.

Certain helpful microbes break down fibers into short chain fatty acids, which have been shown to activate immune cell activity. These fibers are called prebiotics because they feed microbes. Probiotic foods contain live helpful bacteria. Some examples of Probiotic foods are: Kefir, yogurt with live active cultures, fermented cheeses, fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut, tempeh, kombucha tea, kimchi and miso soup.

An example of some Prebiotic foods are: Garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes, dandelion, bananas, seaweed. A good daily dosage of fruits and vegetables will provide a healthy amount of dietary prebiotics.

6. Immune boosting herbs and supplements

Ginger, Tumeric, Cayenne pepper tonic:

This is a favourite tonic of mine, which is my go-to whenever I can feel my immune system lowered and sickness coming on and also during the times of feeling unwell.

For the best version of this tonic you will need a cold-pressed juicer. However if that is unavailable to you a normal juicer will suffice. Cut 2 lemons in quarters and feed directly into the cold press juicer, then juice around 50 grams of fresh Tumeric and 50 grams of fresh ginger and finally add 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to the final juice. Mix this all up and take around 30mls for each dosage. This can be dosed 3 – 6 times in one day when your immune system is down. Or 1-3 times daily to keep your immune system high each day.

The lemon, ginger and turmeric work to clean the blood, destroy bad bacteria and pathogens while the cayenne pepper works to deliver all the nutrients of the mixture directly into the blood. This works wonders for the common flu and cold’s.


A deficiency of minerals and nutrients have ben scientifically proven to alter the body’s immune response. Studies have found that deficiencies in zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C, D, and E can alter immune responses. These important nutrients help the immune system in several ways: working as an antioxidant to protect healthy cells, supporting growth and activity of immune cells, and producing antibodies. Epidemiological studies find that those who are poorly nourished of these important minerals are at greater risk of bacterial, viral, and other infections.

In conclusion, instead of focusing on the outer news, this article aims to focus you on your bodies inner news. By listening to your body and implementing these immune boosting practical steps will help you to actively navigate through these times by taking control of and boosting your bodies own natural defence system.

It is time to take back the power that has been given to others and take control of our lives again in 2021. I hope you find the hope in this article the way it was intended to be given – and take from it the gold you need to athletically, physically, emotionally and mentally thrive in the new year.

Peace and hard training everyone,


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You Vs. THE-VID (Part I) How to Bulletproof your Immune System to Athletically thrive in 2021

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You Vs. THE-VID (Part I)
How to Bulletproof your Immune System to Athletically thrive on 2021

The year 2020 certainly threw a curve ball at us when the COVID Pandemic hit and precipitated a change that impacted our lives one way or the other. While adapting to the new normal, the threat of being infected isn’t lessening right now. Covid-19 is something that we have to live with, despite the launch of vaccines, which in turn is controversial and is met with scepticism and criticism from various healthcare professionals around the world.

If you are someone who wants to take charge of your health, and choose the proactive route of boosting your immune system, this is the article for you. Have a read and essentially be invulnerable to the COVID virus or any infectious microbes that come your way.

Immune Booster #1 Consume more plant-based foods to improve your gut health

People with low immune systems especially those of under and over ages are particularly susceptible to Covid-19. Do you know that our immune system, which shields our body from various diseases, is built on beneficial live bacteria that lives in the gut? When the immune system is low, weak, or impaired, it literally turns into an open invitation for infections such as coronavirus or chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. Plantbased foods specifically greens, are rich in fiber and prebiotics that increase the number of beneficial bacteria in our intestines. This in turn helps the overall gut microbiome health, which makes up to 85% of the body’s immune system.

Immune Booster #2 Pack in the Zinc and Magnesium

An essential micronutrient, Zinc is used in DNA synthesis and cell proliferation. It is also involved in the regulation of innate and adaptive immune responses, cell signaling, and production of immune cells. Red meat, nuts and shellfish are jam-packed with Zinc to enhance your disease fighting faculties.

Another vital mineral for our immune system is magnesium. Fun fact – Magnesium is an important electrolyte that helps strengthen our immune system’s natural cells that destroy disease and lymphocytes – the foot soldiers of the body. It is also a key source of energy for our cells called adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is crucial in fuelling our cells, tissues and organ systems for proper daily functions.

This is good news to sports and fitness enthusiasts who are taking, or planning to include ZMA into their supplementation. This serves a dual function both as an immune booster and as a post-workout supplement. College football players taking 450 mg of magnesium aspartate and 30mg of zinc daily, over a 7-week period demonstrated a significant increase in quadriceps and hamstrings torque and power measurements and increased concentrations of total testosterone, free testosterone, and insulin-like growth factor!

Immune Booster #3 Take Vitamin D to induce an Anti-viral state

New evidence suggests that Vitamin D plays a key function in regulating the immune system, including the body’s immune response to viral infections. How? Vitamin D has the ability to up-regulate the anti-microbial peptides LL-37 and human beta defensin 2.

Study results support that vitamin D induces LL-37 and human beta defensin 2 peptides, which are found to play a major role in the inhibition of viruses. LL-37’s anti-bacterial effect is linked to its ability to disrupt bacterial membranes through electrostatic interactions. This is also the case for viral infections, only this time LL-37 interacts with the lipid (fat) sections of viruses. LL-37 is now being compared to other anti-microbial peptides by blocking viral entry in a similar manner. The main point here is that the sun is not only heating and tanning the skin when we lye in the sun – but also activating immune boosting peptides that are scientifically proven to raise your immune system.

Immune Booster#4 Training and Exercise as a Natural Defense against the-Vid

It is common knowledge that physical exercise is one of the main components of a fit and healthy lifestyle. For the athletic minded, it’s an added bonus that on top of achieving a great physique, physical training can also prevent systemic inflammation of the entire body and chronic diseases. Another potential benefit of working out regularly is that it can reduce communicable diseases, which include viral and bacterial infections.

As studies have shown, physical training strengthens the immune system, by modulating the body’s response to viral infections. Thus, regular exercise of adequate intensity is suggested as a tool in strengthening and preparing the immune system for COVID-19.

Maintain a consistent regime by accelerating your recovery time in between workouts. For faster recoupment and muscle repair after your training sessions, Elite Sarms Decavar MK-2866 can drastically help increase cellular recovery. It selectively attaches to the androgen receptors of muscle, to restore micro tears and increase muscle bulk over time. It also stimulates bone, tendon and ligament tissues to re-establish functionality at a much faster rate.

Immune Booster#5 Strong Muscles Equals an Effective Immune System

New research in animals has revealed that strong skeletal muscles play an important role in maintaining an effective immune system. This is principally the case when the body’s immune system is worn down by infection or chronic illnesses.

Researchers conducted a study to explore the relationship between skeletal muscle mass, and T cells – which are cells that function to maintain homeostasis of the body and to regulate the immune system. By injecting the lab mice with a controlled virus, scientists noticed that in response to the infection, the mice’s muscle cells released more of the messenger substance interleukin-15.

Interleukin-15 in turn, attracts the precursors of T cells towards the skeletal muscles, which builds up more T cells around the infected cell or tissue to help combat the virus.

For muscle gains that will fortify your immune defence system, Elite Sarms – Physique 400 (LGD-4033), is a powerful supplement that augments lean muscle mass without increasing fat when bulking. Phase 1 trials showed that participants taking 1.0mg of Ligandrol acquired an average 2.66lbs (1.21kg) of lean body mass over a 21-day period.

Stay tuned next week when we bring you Part II of – You Vs. THE-VID (How to Bulletproof your Immune System to Athletically thrive on 2021) for more practical and scientific based approaches to beating this outbreak and staying on top of your game this year.

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What are the best Supplements for Body Re-Composition?


Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

Body re-composition is the ability to burn fat and develop muscle simultaneously. You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose excess fat whilst also maintaining the right conditions for lean muscle development. This is a recent technique that is gaining popularity among fitness enthusiasts and gym goers and requires consistency and great attention for achieving results.

Nutrition and training are the most essential factors of a body re-composition protocol, with those foundations taken care of, supplements undoubtedly have a large role to play in your Body recomposition journey. By integrating certain supplements into your re-composition program, you also increase the chances of stripping stubborn body fat, and generating lean muscle growth.

Strategized supplementation can be a powerful tool to your fat loss journey in a variety of ways. Using the right supplements will give your body a push in the right direction during those final stages of fat loss for your body to shred as much as possible without losing muscle mass. This is the ultimate goal when it comes to re-composition.

Achieve a total body makeover with these tried and tested – body re-composition supplements to get lean and shredded at the same time.


A vital supplement to use during this process is protein. This is the most essential macronutrient to build muscle and strength. Pair your regular Strength training with an adequate consumption of protein to maximize muscle repair and development. It is important to stress that not having the right amount of protein in your diet will lead to muscle depletion and you won’t pull off the desired results despite your overall efforts to build muscle.

The best sources of protein for the body will always be from food. You cannot consume powders only to meet your protein requirements – even if you are vegetarian or vegan. Food will always be the most natural way for the body to process protein. When protein is eaten in the form of food the body has to get to work on breaking that food down and this creates a greater energy expenditure from the body – which results in an increased metabolism.

However if your body needs a bulk amount of protein daily to meet your muscle requirements then supplementing with protein powder is the second best option to food. There are lots of high-quality protein supplements in the market right now that will complement individual needs and preferences. The most common variation is whey protein sold in a variety of forms and flavours. If you are lactose intolerant or your body does not process lactose efficiently – which will be identified with bloating after each protein shake, there are certain formulas called isolates where more lactose is removed and the protein content is more concentrated.

One of the best sources of lactose-free protein powders is in the form of collagen. Collagen protein is abundant in connective tissue as well as muscle and won’t create a large spike in insulin. This makes collagen a great choice for those looking to lean down while preserving or building muscle.

For vegetarians and vegans looking for a plant-based source, you have now more options such as pea protein, rice protein, soy protein, hemp protein and if you look really hard you can even find plant-based collagen protein.

Fat Burners and Appetite Suppressants

If protein is used to increase muscle mass, you also need to include a fat burner supplement into your regime to facilitate fat loss as a component of your total re-composition program. Most fat burners use key ingredients that increase the metabolism which increases your capacity to burn more calories at a quicker rate. It goes without saying that you should be using fat burners in combination with proper nutrition and high-intensity training.

Green Tea & Caffeine

One of the most popular ingredients in most body re-composition and fat burning supplements is caffeine. Green tea has traditionally been known to boost metabolism because of thermogenic-inducing catechins particularly EGCG, hence it is often found in fat burning products. On top of this, caffeine acts as a stimulant and therefore increases your energy and improves focus so that you can maximize your training efforts.

Chromium Picolinate

This is a unique ingredient that is especially beneficial when you’re enduring a fat loss phase. During studies, Chromium Picolinate was demonstrated to fight hunger cravings, which in turn, effectively reduces calorie intake. This is because it enhances insulin’s effects in the body and also reduces blood sugar levels.

Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil

CBD oil is an ideal supplement for gym regulars, bodybuilders and sports people alike looking to increase the potential of their physique and aid in their weight loss goals. The secret is in CBD’s ability to regulate the Endocannabinoid System by modulating the CB receptors. Cannabinoid receptors are also responsible for transforming white adipose tissue to brown adipose tissue. Brown adipocytes are involved in thermogenesis and caloric expenditure, therefore the modulation of the CB receptors are considered potential anti-obesity supplements.

A region of the brain called the hypothalamus controls appetite which then regulates the secretion of two different hormones: ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin stimulates hunger and appetite.

Leptin creates the sensation of satiety or feeling full. Research shows that by blocking CB1 receptors, appetite suppression can be effected. And CBD oil, happens to be an incredibly effective CB1 blocker. Animal studies showed that rats given CBD ate much less food than the control, and CBD has been shown to increase leptin levels – making one feel full after receiving sufficient nutrient intake.

The Takeaway

Maintaining a diet with a calorie deficit combined with a consistent training regime are essential ingredients for Body Re-composition. That being said, it is the supplements that fine tune your body and optimize the potential to cut fat and gain lean muscle at the same time to create this coveted end goal of body re-composition.

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Body Re-composition CHALLENGES and how to OVERCOME them.


Body Re-composition CHALLENGES and how to OVERCOME them.

By Michelle Gabata-Thibault and Ryan McTeigue

Recomposition. Incase you are new to the term Re-comp or body re-composition – this is one of the hardest feats to create in the human body – building muscle while simultaneously loosing body fat. The below article aims to point out the intense challenges that one will face when attempting this coveted goal and the potential solutions you can practically apply in order to overcome these challenges to WIN the body of your dreams.

Let’s dive in….

Challenge 1 – Mental Fatigue

So, you have a goal in mind and you’ve motivated yourself to hit the gym and push hard at every workout, but once mental fatigue sets in, it makes you feel that you need to work harder physically in order to achieve your Recomposition target, you feel a bit discouraged which decreases your performance in the gym and punches holes in your training consistency.

The mind and body are so interconnected that thinking or more precisely over-thinking can greatly impact the body’s physical performance including power, muscular endurance, speed and reaction time. The motivation to train is definitely governed by mental energy.

For instance, when the perception of fatigue sets in – muscles burning and the feeling like they’re about to cramp—is amplified, your brain tells you “STOP,” and exhaustion sets in. You‘re probably physiologically good and your body may be capable of performing much more, the problem is you are mentally incapable of going any further – which has a very physical effect on the body.

The Solution

It’s a no brainer to some, but many are still unaware that training intensity is king – not duration. Shorter, higher-intensity workouts do not require as much mental energy as longer workouts. Just like anything you want to get better at, start small and increase over time. In the gym this will translate to shorter, more intense workouts and with each training session you gradually increase your workout duration over time while keeping the intensity high.

You can prevent mental fatigue from setting in too early in your workouts by the type of training you do also. Integrating High-intensity interval training sessions (HIIT), which are high-intensity, low-duration workouts into your Body Recomp protocol is a highly effective way of cutting fat and building muscle.

Supplements like coffee and nootropics can also improve physical performance by giving you the extra push to fight mental fatigue and support your willpower. Another powerful supplement is CBD or Cannabidiol, which regulates the Endocannabinoid System to relieve mental exhaustion, provide focus, and enhance your concentration for longer periods of time. Elite Sarms Tight® (RAD 140) is another nootropic proven to not only boost your focus, but also help you gain lean muscle mass while shredding fat simultaneously.

For a mindset reprogramming towards peak performance, check out our article: OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE: 7 Ways To Build A Mindset Geared For Results.

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Challenge 2 – Underestimating the Importance of Sleep

Do you realize that lack of sleep will make you gain fat and even leads to muscle loss?

Yesssss sir and the culprit is – Cortisol.

Our body increases the secretion of cortisol when we lack sleep. If cortisol is chronically elevated it means this hormone will constantly increase blood sugar levels, which in turn will lead to more frequent releases of insulin. This will lead to body fat gain and can also lead to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can impede your fat shredding goals because constantly elevated insulin levels make it harder to mobilize stored fat.

When it comes to cortisol’s effects on muscle mass, this bad boy directly increases muscle breakdown – the opposite of what we are going for. It does this by; firstly, decreasing nutrient uptake by the muscles, thereby making it more problematic to transport amino acids to the muscles to build new tissue and restore muscle glycogen stores. Secondly, cortisol stimulates myostatin – a protein that inhibits muscle cell growth and differentiation. By increasing myostatin through chronic cortisol elevation your potential for muscle development becomes limited.

The Solution

Take your sleep as serious as you take your training. Help the mind and body to relax at night by establishing a proper sleep routine and making sure your bedroom is quiet, dark and relaxing at bedtime. Also, make a habit of removing electronic devices, such as mobile phones, tablets and computers from the bedroom and switch off the TV. These electronic devices interfere with the bodies natural energy patterns and most definitely effects sleep. Also when it’s dark, your body releases more melatonin which switches your circadian rhythm into sleep mode.

Studies show that supplements like ZMA and Melatonin facilitate relaxation at night and help improve the quality of sleep. CBD Oil works wonders to reset the Central Nervous System (CNS) into a deeper level of relaxation to allow maximum muscle recovery. CBD Oil’s multiple effects through the ECS (endocannabinoid system) also regulate pain and inflammation in the body while releasing stress to help you fall into deeper sleep and stay there.

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Challenge 3 – Tracking what you Eat

It’s easy to over or underestimate your calorie needs if you don’t take your Re-comp nutrition serious. One of the biggest hitches with dieters is they underestimate the significance of having portions and macros correctly dialled-in. How can you tell if you’re reaching the necessary amount of calories and nutrients ideal for cutting fat and gaining muscle if you are not measuring?

It’s useless to start a diet program if you’re not going to put the effort of weighing and measuring your food. Especially when your goal is to lose fat. Ie if you make the mistake of under-eating for days only to end up caving in and pigging out on fast absorbing sugars when you cave – then perhaps its best to re-group on your nutrition strategy.

The Solution

Teach yourself to track calories and macros and make it a habit. At the beginning of your Re-comp protocol, spend extra time weighing and measuring your food to see the proper portion size that will give you the right number of calories and macros. You’ll be amazed at the difference in how fast your body transforms once you start tracking your calorie and macro intake rather than – just winging it.

If you are feeling particularly challenged when it comes to suppressing your appetite, CBD oil can also help in controlling hunger pangs due to its ability to block CB1 receptors. Research demonstrates that by blocking CB1 receptors, appetite suppression is affected. One lab study even showed that rats given CBD ate much less food than the control, through increasing leptin sensitivity – a hormone that creates communication between the brain and stomach and signals to your brain when you are actually full.

Intel sources:


So, there you have it. Body re-composition is not challenge free, but if it were easy everyone would have an amazing body. But the truth is, it has to be earn’t, over time and with discipline. By relating to these challenges you face on a daily basis and by taking our grounded approach in the solution to these challenges, you have a plan in place to create a body re-comp protocol that works for you.

With determination, willpower and time you can can achieve your most athletic and fulfilled physique. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or a Pro – be sure to take advantage of high quality supplementation – as exactly that – to supplement the strong foundations you are setting in your body re-composition journey, never forgetting the true foundations to your best physique are and always will be, through highly-focused nutrition, training and rest.

Peace and gains team,

– Elite Sarms