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Growth Hormone Hacking Through Scientific Workouts

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Science has unlocked major discoveries in the way we can improve our overall health and longevity. But for many, understanding how to use these scientific breakthroughs to sustain a healthy mind and body is a daunting task.

This year’s anti-aging toolkit comprises of 3 different aspects:

Holistic nutrition- Go the extra mile by including foods in your diet that help combat free radicals by targeting DNA repair and cell renewal.

Targeted training- Integrate workouts to improve fitness levels, maintain cardiovascular health, and boost metabolism. 

Smart Supplementation- Take the appropriate supplements that will maximize your body’s capacity for tissue regeneration and proper organ function.

Youth-preserving diet

You could live more than a decade longer by eating more plant-based foods. That’s according to a new study from the University of Bergen in Norway that was published today in PLOS Medicine.

A 2020 analysis found that eating whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and coffee is associated with a reduced risk for all-cause mortality. A high intake of red or processed meats was associated with higher all-cause mortality.

The benefits of consuming unsaturated fats and oils include improved blood cholesterol levels and reduced heart disease risk. The American Heart Association recommends  that instead of saturated or trans fats, use olive oil in salads and cooking, canola oil when baking, or sunflower oil for frying.

Age-reversing workouts

You can help protect your cells from aging with regular exercise. A new study published in the European Heart Journal found that High intensity interval training (HIIT) and Endurance training increase telomerase activity, which is beneficial for cell growth and replication. Telomeres are nucleotide sequences found at the end of chromosomes that protect our genetic information. They allow cells to divide, replenish, and reproduce. When they shorten, cellular aging occurs. HIIT and endurance training were found to increase telomere length, inhibiting cell death, and ultimately producing an anti-aging effect.

A great way to find the right intensity of your workouts is through the HIIT method. Research has shown that many people are able to stay engaged with HIIT workouts because they get to choose their own intervals and work-to-recovery ratio. Below is a sample progression of work-to-recovery HIIT ratio that you can make up to 4 rounds. 

Week 1-4: Ratio of 1:3. Example, 30 seconds work: 90 seconds recovery

Week 5-8: Ratio of 1:2. Example, 30 seconds work: 60 seconds recovery

Week 9-12: Ratio of 1:1. Example, 45 seconds work: 45 seconds recovery

Week 13-16: Ratio of 2:1. Example, 90 seconds work: 45 seconds recovery

HIIT Workouts: Sit-ups. Crunches. Push-ups. Cable chops. High knees. Jumping jacks. Lunges. Squats. Chest press. Sprints.

Endurance Sports: Cycling. Triathlons. Swimming. Rowing. Tennis. Boxing. Field Hockey. Long distance running. Cross-country skiing. Martial Arts.

The Best Anti-Aging Supplements

GH Pep (MK-677) enhances your own body’s secretion of Growth hormone, essentially disrupting the undesirable effects of aging. It’s like turning back the clock by years!  Also discovered to release more IGF-1, a.k.a. the key to anabolic lean tissue growth and mediator of metabolic homeostasis, (MK-677) maximizes the biochemical pathways of your body to achieve optimum energy, vitality, and extend your mental and physical peak.

The Biotropin HGH Pen is the perfect low dose solution for those who want to enjoy the benefits of Human Growth Hormone: Increase lean body mass and accelerate fat loss; Improve muscle strength and reduce muscle fatigue; Promote collagen production and wound repair; Reduce wrinkles, repair skin elasticity & improve skin texture

ELITE SARMS GH Pep (MK-677) is one of the most potent Growth Hormone (GH) secretagogues in the market, which effectively boosts the pituitary gland’s GH secretion. Together with its partner, the Elite Bioscience Biotropin HGH Pen, your body’s Growth Hormone level is accelerated to new heights!
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Fat Loss Blockbusters: Elite Fat Loss Guide 2023

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OG Design: Michelle Gabata-Thibault
Edited: Ryan McTeigue

It’s that time of year where everyone seems to focus on getting their fitness and weight loss programs on track. With the Holiday season over, along with cheat days and ‘understandable’ lapses in training and dietary protocols, now is the best time to update your body goals and get your new re-composition routine cracking.

At Elite Sarms we have a few clever hacks and foolproof tips to support your fat loss journey in 2022.

Fast Burn Tip #1- Tweak your Habits to Facilitate Weight Loss

While you can’t wish your way to a trimmer waist or wave a wand to make extra body fat disappear, slowly tweaking your habits to work for you can be “the trick”. Swapping your light soda habit for lemon water may be just what you need to stop bloating and cleanse your organs to help your liver metabolise fat easier. Working on the 5th floor of your company building? Hit the stairs and burn more calories instead of using the elevator. And instead of surfing on your phone during commercials while you’re watching TV, you can have a quick HIIT workout for 4-5 minutes instead. Small consistent tweaks pay big dividends over time.

Fast Burn Tip #2- Eat more seafood

Crustaceans such as crabs, shrimp, crayfish and lobsters are rich in the mineral zinc which ramps up leptin production, which reduces food intake and body weight.

Fish is a substantial source of minerals, such as iron, that sends oxygen to our muscles to burn a sufficient amount of fat for fuel; magnesium, also in seafood is essential for metabolism and energy production; and iodine, helps reverse a slow metabolism by producing more thyroid hormones. 

Fast Burn Tip #3- Give your Jaw a workout

If you want to boost your calorie burn, you need your jaw muscles to be working. There’s more to chewing your food than what your Mom told you so. Mastication increases ‘diet-induced thermogenesis’–energy expenditure- while improving blood-sugar control. What’s the goal? Aim for 40 chews per mouthful, instead of the typical 15. You’ll less likely to have second helpings due to increased oral stimuli including the duration of tasting food in the mouth for longer along with the extra duration of chewing your food. 

Fast Burn Tip #4- Applying Technology to your Fat Loss Routine

Technology is already a big part of everyday life. It makes sense that it can be just as helpful as a fat-shredding tool. There are so many cool products and free health apps out there to facilitate your journey. Fitness and activity devices track your steps, heart rate, weight and body fat%, sleep and so much more. If your like us, we will sit in front of the computer for long periods every day, you can set your phone alarm hourly as a reminder to stretch, or do those 5-minutes of burpees 🤮

Fast Burn Tip #5- Choose the Right Supplements to Maximize Fat Loss

SR9009, popularly known as Hyper Lean is a novel compound that will supercharge your metabolic capacity. SR9009 binds to your Rev-Erb proteins to activate fat and glucose metabolism. By increasing the production and function of your muscle tissue’s mitochondria, it facilitates nutrient uptake, leading to muscle fiber hypertrophy, and an increase in endurance and strength levels that definitely enhances exercise capacity.  

Recommended dose is 1ml daily which is equal to 20mg. Hyper Lean has a short half life of roughly 4 to 6 hours. To make the most of its fat-burning effects, the ideal dose is twice daily, which can be split into 0.5ml – 1ml each dose.

Check out Hyper Lean® in our ES – Lean Endurance Stack here 

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Diverse Rejuvenation in a Bottle – Decavar MK-2866

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By: M.G. Thibault. Edited: Ryan McTeigue

While scientists continue and progress in SARMs research, studies are increasingly assessing how to push the boundaries of SARMs development to maximize their potency, bioavailability, half-life and tissue selectivity, while minimizing side effects. Over 50 years of androgen research has resulted to one of the most cutting-edge SARM – MK-2866 (Decavar®).

MK-2866, otherwise known as Ostarine or Decavar® is a compound developed by the company Gtx Inc. In 2009, initially designed to fight muscle wasting diseases like cancers in all forms. MK-2866 went through numerous phases of trials from roughly 2005 through 2014. MK-2866 was studied and tested for its effectiveness against different medical conditions. It has a molar mass of 389.33g/mol and its melting point is 270°F to 277°F or 132°C to 136°C, rendering its stability even at higher temperatures, scientifically MK2866 is a sturdy compound.

Pharmacodynamics of MK-2866

MK-2866 is an orally available non-steroidal SARM (all Sarms are non-steroidal despite having steroid like results, an amazing fact in and of itself) that has shown promising results in both preclinical and clinical trials, and is currently being studied for a number of different indications.

MK-2866, popularly known as Decavar is a selective androgen receptor modulator, which aims to increase the growth of muscle mass and improve strength. This main action occurring through the drastic increase of repair and rejuvenation of collagen. Collagen being the material located throughout the body in: muscle, bone, tendons, ligaments, organs, blood vessels, skin, intestinal lining and all other connective tissue. It’s this collagen increase and modulation of repair that attributes to Ostarines muscle building, muscle and joint rejuvenation, muscle conditioning and strength increasing properties. The compound also prevents muscle wasting that occurs in diseased states, fasted states and accompanies aging.

What is MK-2866’s mechanism of action?

MK 2866 is highly selective and only binds to bone and muscle androgen receptors while simultaneously modulating collagen as previously mentioned. What is so impressive about this novel substance is that it has multi-functional properties and the product can be used for not only building muscle mass, but for the regeneration of joints, muscles, and connective tissues. The substance proves to be a great bone regenerating supplement fortifying bones and prominently enhancing the strength and density of them. Structural improvements in post-menopausal female subjects were proven in lab testing resulting in bone improvements such as increased bone mineral density and increased bone volume density. You can then imagine the bone fortifying results a trained athlete will receive when the application of MK2866 is introduced to their training regime.

A 2019 study in the University of Life Science researched the effect of MK-2866 on fat cells of lab rats. The research results demonstrated:

The stimulation of androgen receptor expression. Whereby the metabolism was improved by facilitating the mRNA and protein expression of Androgen Receptors.

Decavar MK-2866 stimulates lipolysis. Investigations found that as little as 1 μM (micromole) of MK-2866, roused lipolysis in isolated rat adipocytes (fat cells) after just 120 and 480 minutes of incubation.

MK-2866 inhibits lipogenesis (fat creation). In animal studies MK-2866 displayed a marked effect on the halting of glucose (carbohydrates) to lipids (fats) in the lab. When MK-2866 is added to animal adipocytes (fat cells), it also inhibited (ceased or reduced) the rate of fat creation in those test subjects.

Decavar MK-2866 modulates the expression and secretion of leptin. Leptin is a hormone that sits in the stomach lining and basically tells the brain when you are full. When this signal is disrupted one will continue to eat beyond the bodies energy requirements – and disrupted leptin levels are the culprit of these signals to the brain telling one to eat more.

Leptin levels being low or disrupted (usually via consuming inflammatory creating foods) are directly associated with adipose tissue mass (fat tissue mass). Leptin concentrations are directly connected to cases such as obesity and cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and myocardial infarction, both of which are more commonly seen in the aging population. Experiments showed that by administering MK-2866 to isolated rat adipocytes, leptin gene expression was normalised.


Most MK-2866 cycles last between 8 and 12 weeks. The cycle for beginners on average begins with a lower dosage of 10mg. With more experience in the use of SARMs, the dose can be increased, but the entire cycle should not last more than 12 weeks.

Decavar® is highly anabolic especially when paired with a well-calculated balanced diet including adequate, quality protein, good fats and complex carbs. Leaving the weekends or set days to eat outside these healthy foods and replenish the inner child through “cheat meal”. Then jumping straight back onto the horse and riding the nutrient rich diet once again. For us normal to serious training folk a good nutrition split is 80/20; 80% clean nutrition with 20% for not so clean, not so nutrient dense cheat meals. But that’s a whole other blog…….

Future Trends

The research community is now looking on esterification of MK-2866, a process in which the compound is altered to increase the half-life and biological action of the compound. So Instead of taking 1 dosage of Decavar® daily this could lead to only having to take 3, 2 or 1 dosages in a weekly period. Although this process is in the early experimental stages, the pharmacological optimization of one of the most documented and widely used SARMs – Decavar® (MK2866) offers a fresh take and may open up more exciting avenues for SARMs research.

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BioHacking Your Way To Your Best Physique 
- An Elite Sarms Future Supps Adventure –

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By: M.G. Thibault Edited by Ryan McTeigue

It is true that you can’t increase the time and effort required to create your greatest physique ever, however you can maximize your efforts and go above and beyond traditional training programs to achieve a lean, strong and greatly developed physique, in comparison to the average person. In this article, we will discuss advanced supplement protocols and advanced training techniques that work in synergy so you can improve your overall workout productivity and move toward your best body achievement.

The following are the latest biohacking techniques that will allow you to achieve fitness, fat loss, and clean gains in minimum time using new discoveries about human biology, physiology and access to modern technology.

Glucagon-Like Peptide 1

Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonists. GLP1 agonists have been demonstrated to recruit muscle microvasculature, increase muscle delivery of insulin, and enhance the muscles use of glucose. What this means for the fitness individual is that it increases both Insulin production and sensitivity which results in stronger anabolic action of the compound and better use of glucose for muscle tissue growth. If you are looking to increase insulin sensitivity and carbohydrate utilization by muscle, a GLP-1 agonist is a peptide which has to be administered subcutaneously (under the skin). Its ability to slow down gastric emptying makes you actually want to eat less, which will be ideal for a cutting cycle or a weight and fat loss program.

Blood Flow Restriction Training

Blood Flow Restriction Training. Also known as occlusion training, is the action of simply applying an elastic band or rubber tubing around the muscle you want to target which acts like a tourniquet. Then proceed with your training. Theoretically, when you cut a small amount of blood flow to the tissue, more lactic acid accumulates faster because it doesn’t drain due to the restriction. This triggers your Growth Hormone secretion effecting more muscle building action.

A meta-analysis confirms that exercise and walking with vascular occlusion played a key role in improving strength muscle hypertrophy which is in the ball park equivalent to training high-intensity resistance training. This is compatible with those having joint pain, older fitness people and/or athletes who are recuperating from injury and just getting back into the gym.

Oxygen Restricted Training

Oxygen Restricted Training. Advance your training by biohacking your breathing. This is done by restricting your access to oxygen thereby compelling your inspiratory and expiratory muscles to work harder to take oxygen in and push carbon dioxide out.

This creates a stronger diaphragm, tougher respiratory muscles, and a higher tolerance for carbon dioxide. The “intermittent hypoxic training mask” gives you the benefits of both resisted breathing and hypoxic training—yep, like working out in an environment with reduced oxygen, like a location at high-altitude. It’s like running a marathon at Mt. Kilimanjaro. When you exercise wearing oxygen restricting mask, this can push you to a whopping 95% of lactate threshold workload. And this is a sure-fire way to improve your aerobic capacity and endurance performance once you return to normal oxygen-level environments.

YK-11 Alpha Helix. It is one of the most innovative and exciting Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators in the market right now. This unique compound stimulates Follistatin and Myogenin production- molecules that are significantly responsible for skeletal muscle development and repair.

It also inhibits Myostatin, which is a negative regulator of muscle growth and is significantly implicated in muscle-wasting disorders. What this means is that Myostatin mainly inhibits and limits muscle growth. Thanks to YK11 Alpha Helix, it blocks the action of Myostatin stopping its catabolic effects while up-regulating follistatin and myogenin activities to allow muscle tissues to grow beyond their limitations.

Like any other SARMs, YK-11 Alpha Helix can be as powerful as testosterone in terms of muscle tissue strengthening and volumisation, but without any heavy side effects as with testosterone.


The above tools will help you achieve faster physique targets as you enhance your training protocol for superior benefits. Don’t ever think these tactics are just for professional bodybuilders and athletes, these methods are simple enough and can be adopted by anyone to working to achieve their best physique yet.

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Discover The Power of Physique 400 (LGD4033)

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Ligandrol, also known as LGD-4033 or Physique 400® in the Elite Sarms range, has been a favorite staple in the muscle building scene due to its reliable and consistent anabolic effects. This is due to Ligandrol’s high affinity to the androgen receptors of the bones, muscles, and connective tissues causing enhanced bone strength and accelerated muscle protein synthesis. This then equals large gains in strength and muscle mass at a highly accelerated pace compared to result times without it.

According to clinical data and anecdotal experiences, the most mentionable effects of Physique 400® are:

  • Lean Muscle Mass Gains
  • Accelerated Bulking Targets
  • Significant Boost in Athletic Performance
  • Fast increases in strength
  • Increased Bone Density
  • Enhanced Recovery Time
  • Improved SpeedOf Fat Loss

When tested on 76 healthy men for 21 days, LGD was safe and well tolerated, with noticeable increase in lean body mass, and despite the demonstrable androgenic activity, the serum PSA (The PSA test is a blood test used primarily to screen for prostate cancer. The test measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in your blood) did not change, proof that it has no adverse effects on the prostate. This only supports LGD’s low risk profile and high effectivity in low to average doses.,below%20the%20bladder%20in%20males.

The Program:

The average amount of Physique 400 taken by fitness and athletic individuals is between 5 to 10 mg per day. You can take it any time throughout the day but to optimize its benefit, take 1 ml (10mg) 30 minutes before training to improve your physical strength and endurance, and accelerate recovery after. This is easily possible because Ligandrol has a half-life of 24 to 36 hrs. Which means it continues to work in your system hours and even days after taking it.

This is also the reason why you need to cycle LGD between 6-8 weeks, take a PCT for 4 weeks before starting again. LGD’s effects kick in after roughly a week. You start noticing you can push more in terms of intensity and volume during your training, you don’t feel as exhausted after a session, and you recover more quickly after an extreme workout routine. Some anecdotes report seeing a physical difference in the body as early as 2 weeks.

Physique 400® is such a potent SARM that it is not surprising to see users gain between 10 to 15 lbs (4.5kg to 6.8kg) from just one cycle when paired with the right muscle-building workout and nutritional calorie intake. For training ideas and proper nutrition tips for your muscle-building goals, read this article.

Busting the Myth about LGD-4033

Finally, I would like to address the ‘big fluster’ about Ligandrol causing liver toxicity. There was a reported case, and I would emphasize, one case of increased liver transaminases ‘allegedly’ caused by Ligandrol.

If you look at the study closely, even the authors admitted that:

1. No genetic testing was done to test for hepatic transporter protein abnormalities or other genetic abnormalities that can predispose the patient to drug induced liver injury.

2. They also acknowledged that it is possible that the Ligandrol the patient took had other different unapproved drugs (after all it wasn’t tests conducted with Elite Sarms – Physique 400® 😉

And according to another study, among the 44 products marketed and sold as selective androgen receptor modulators which the researchers have investigated, only 23 (52%) contained 1 or more selective androgen receptor modulators. So you really have to be careful, and smart when choosing your SARMs supplier. (BTW you can see all Elite Sarms Identification and Purity Testing within the images on each Individual Product page. These tests are conducted on each new batch of Elite Sarm individual products before they enter the manufacturing phase).

Which brings me to an important point. If you are going to buy Ligandrol online, it is very important to verify the purity of the product you are going to purchase. Ligandrol is safe to use with the daily dose we recommended—as long as it’s the real deal!!!

One way to know the quality of your SARMs product is to check for the COA (Certificate Of Analysis) done by an independent or 3rd party laboratory, meaning the testing is not conducted by the company selling the product, so no false results can be reproduced and marketed to you. If it’s not posted on the website, don’t be afraid to ask for the Certificate of Analysis. SARMs are research compounds, and it is absolutely your right to verify their purity before you part with your hard earned money.

At Elite Sarms we are proud to display the quality of our ingredients before they even reach our highly qualified medical scientists for manufacturing, as the industry is littered with false products, fakes and scammers and we are here to clean things up, make things right and serve you, the people exactly what you are paying for and not a mg or purity percentage under that.

Train hard, ES.

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Muscle Building Marvel – RAD140


Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

RAD140, popularly known as Elite Sarms TIGHT®, is an investigational compound, which has become popular among bodybuilders, sports people and fitness enthusiasts. When looking to buy SARMs for fat loss and muscle gain, TIGHT® RAD 140 is an easy choice. It is reputed to have muscle-building and strength enhancing effects due to its high affinity with androgen receptors found in skeletal muscles, bones and connective tissues.

For those who are not so familiar with RAD 140, this article highlights the history and discovery of RAD140, and the mechanism behind why it is now considered to be Testosterone’s equal in terms of its anabolic properties – no jokes, this is what the new science is revealing to us.

RAD 140 is a potent, orally bioavailable Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) compound that was developed by Radius Health, Inc. It was originally designed as an experimental substance for androgen replacement therapy. Some of the potential benefits of RAD140 being tested within the research studies just to name a few; were for the treatment of conditions such as muscle wasting (cachexia), bone loss, and breast cancer. You can start to build a picture of how this product has come to be one of the most potent muscle building compounds while being non-steroidal.

RAD 140’s Special Features

Tissue selectivity. The tissue selectivity of RAD140 is shown by potent androgen-like properties in bone and muscle, which is mainly anabolic. Studies demonstrated an increase in the weight of the pelvic muscles of castrated rats compared to control groups with RAD140‘s lowest tested dose of 0.1 mg/kg. Impressive!

The physique and sports scene caught on very rapidly to the muscle building effects of RAD 140 making it a popular choice when buying SARMs in USA, Canada and the EU.

However, it demonstrates diminished effects in other androgen-responsive tissues, such as prostate and seminal vesicles – this is a great thing and the reason why it doesn’t cause prostate hypertrophy or infertility.

Particularly, when administered along with testosterone, RAD140 was found to somewhat antagonize the growth effect of testosterone in prostate and seminal vesicles, proposing that RAD140 acts as a competitive Androgen Receptor ligand but with reduced activity. This means that RAD140 successfully competes with Testostorone on AR sites blocking the hormone from attaching to these negative receptor sites, thus inhibiting synthetic testosterones potential tumor-promoting actions on reproductive organs. Tight® therefore, may be effective in use as protection of the prostate and other sensitive reproductive organ sites that high and long doses or testosterone have the potential to negatively effect. Ie RAD140 could be used along-side testosterone to not only enhance the positive effects but to also block any potential negative effects the synthetic testosterone can cause.

The same study also found that while taking RAD140, despite the dramatic increases in body weight over such a short time, there was no elevation of liver enzyme transaminase levels in any of the lab mice at any dose >2 fold over its baseline value. Given the established link between oral androgen use and liver stress indicators, researchers were pleasantly surprised that even at a dose 10x greater than the fully effective dose, they saw minimal liver enzyme elevations with RAD140 – this is another very positive finding.

It is Neuroprotective too!

When testosterone levels in men start to fall due to the normal aging process, the risks of dysfunction and disease in androgen-responsive tissues increases, which amazingly, also includes the brain!! After all the brain is a large organ made up of proteins such like any other organ in the body except is carries out a much grander role – allowing us to experience reality.

Since testosterone therapy can cause a potential increase in the risk of developing prostate cancer, scientists have turned to SARMs to overcome these limitations. Studies have discovered that RAD140 lacks significant androgen action in the prostate (the main hardware in the reproductive system) but exerts highly positive effects in selective androgen-responsive tissues including BRAIN NEURONS!

In a 2014 study by the Endocrine Society, RAD140’s effects were investigated in cultured rat neurons and male rat brain. RAD140 was shown to provide neuroprotection, and increased resilience from neurodegenerative diseases.

The study concluded, that by administering RAD140, it activates androgen-protective pathways that reduce cell death induced by 3 factors: Aβ peptides (coming from amyloid deposits seen in Alzheimer’s), apoptosis activator II (seen in tumor and cancer cells), and hydrogen peroxide (produced during cell injury).

Like Testosterone, RAD140 has the ability to protect the brain but also help it to function / perform better. However unlike Testosterone, RAD140 is extremely highly selective, activating androgen receptors in the muscles we use to work out and the brain tissue we use to develop business ideas, and in-general just think and continue being able to think effectively, long into our years.

We here are Elite Sarms believe we are only just looking at the tip of the ice-burg with the muscle building Marvel – RAD140 and we are exciting to continue bringing you research on what the studies continue to reveal about this amazing compound. In the meantime if you would like to conduct your own personal research and see what this amazing compound can do for your physique and for your brain performance, check out Elite Sarms Tight® (RAD140) here.

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The 411 on Decavar (MK2866) and Hyper Lean (SR9009) for Muscle Hypertrophy & Fat Loss

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Original Design: M.G. Thibault
Re-design: Ryan McTeigue

In previous Elite Sarms articles, we discussed the different principles involved for muscular growth and development. Resistance training is the key for muscle growth and this component further consists of the following factors:

  • Training frequency
  • Training intensity
  • Training volume

There are different techniques to get maximum muscular growth. Whatever protocol you’re using, it has to satisfy the following requirements for muscle hypertrophy to take place: a combination of mechanical tension and metabolic stress. By finding the optimal balance between these two dynamics, you’ll have an effective hypertrophy-oriented training program and training sessions that will yield maximum results.

Do you wonder why some of the seasoned body builders prefer a high intensity routine, meaning they train almost to the point of muscular failure? According to Jerry Brainum, a noted expert on exercise and nutrition, there are times when the weight will fall out of his hands because of total muscular fatigue. Scientifically and biologically Jerry found he couldn’t do more than 4 to 6 sets per muscle group under such high intensity conditions. Doing so would lead to excess amounts of cortisol released in the body , which leads to muscular break down. He also stated that he made the best gains of his life with those initial high intensity sessions.

This factor of high volume, training to failure for increased muscular growth is also supported by a study from the Institute of Sport Sciences in Poland stating that a good foundation for individuals seeking to maximize muscle growth should be hypertrophy-oriented Resistance Training (RT) consisting of multiple sets (3−6) of 6-12 repetitions with varying weight intensities – obviously the higher the weight the lower the repetition range will be.

This 6 – 12 range of repetitions is enough to keep blood circulating around the body and raise blood lactate levels that will stimulate the release of growth hormone to aid in the body’s anabolic activities. While the high intensity level of each set will cause an increase in Nitric oxide levels that leads to vasodilation for better blood supply, over time. Achieving maximum vasodilation also allows your body to rapidly transport metabolized amino acids and nutrients in the tissues. This also means,

↑↑ Vasodilation = greater pumping power = Increase in muscle size

Recomposition or cutting protocol

During a Recomposition or cutting protocol, Resistance Training (RT) volume and intensity is maintained despite a calorie deficit to guarantee that you burn fat while simultaneously building muscle. This is the scientific, physiological and nutritional foundations for body re-composition

In reality, it is hard to maintain your gains when you eat less calories and still maintain your training load. Then there’s the issue of muscle fatigue and injuries that come with attempting to maintain this work load while reducing calories. This is where SARMs supplementation can really help you the most.

The selective androgen receptor modulator, MK 2866, known as Decavar or Ostarine, activates muscle stem cells (satellite cells), which help remodel and regenerate muscles. The implications? This makes Decavar an important tool for efficient recovery post-workout thus preventing muscle fatigue and injuries – assisting in re-composition in times of reduced caloric intake combined with consistent resistant training.

Another cool feature of Decavar is that it increases the activity insulin-like growth factor 1 gene (IGF-1), which boosts muscle growth and strength. Because the half-life of MK-2866 is 24 hrs, taking 1ml a day for a cycle of 6-8 weeks is enough to ensure fat free muscle gains and increased athletic performance.

SR9009, also known as Hyper Lean
is another compound that will work synergistically with your Recomposition program. SR9009 sets off a host of processes in the body through the activating and binding of Rev-Erb proteins. This stimulates an increase in the production of mitochondria and oxidative function with an increase in antioxidant activity in the body. This facilitates glucose metabolism for augmented carbohydrate uptake and ultimately lean muscle gains.

Mitochondria are powerhouses of the cells, which enhance metabolism to build your muscle. Even with lesser energy intake during a Recomp, SR9009 helps to synthesize more mitochondria in the muscle tissues leading to an increase in muscle size, and an upsurge in endurance and strength levels improving exercise capacity.

The recommended dose for Hyper Lean® (SR9009) is 1 ml per day either taking once before training or split into an am and pm dosage with around 6 hours between dosages. This 1ml daily dosage is equal to 20mg of active SR9009 in the Elite Sarms range. Hyper Lean has a short half life of roughly 4 to 6 hours. Therefore, to make the most of its fat-burning effects, optimal dosing is twice daily.

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Is it Possible to Gain Muscle Even on a restricted Diet? Discover the Power of S4

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Original Design: Michelle G. Thibault
Re-design: Ryan McTeigue

An essential component of effective Body Re-comping is being in a caloric deficit. In reality, it comes down to calories in vs. calories out. You cannot argue against the first law of thermodynamics, your metabolism operates under this universal law. Fat storage will not decrease without the restriction of energy intake.

This has been verified by more than a century of research on nutrition and weight management. Your body burns so much calories in a day and when you provide it with less than the calories it needs, your body has no choice but to utilise fat stores in order to sustain itself.

One of the biggest challenges in a Re-comp protocol is not loosing muscle gains while under a caloric restriction.There has to be a strategy for how much calories are limited, and equally as important – is where those calories come from. It is imperative to eat enough protein so your body can have the raw materials needed to build muscle mass.

Is it possible to Gain muscle even on a restricted diet?

The Answer is YES and thankfully we have science studies to prove it. A 2011 research exhibited that trained athletes were able to gain muscle while losing fat over a 9-week period. This was achieved by performing a slow body fat cut which was equal to a loss of 0.7% of total bodyweight each week (over a 7 day period). Check out the study below for the full report:

How Does Stanazine® (S4) achieve muscle building while on a Calorie Deficit?

S4, more popularly known in the Elite Sarms range as Stanazine® or in the wider sarms world as Andarine, is a selective androgen receptor, known to be among the best SARMs for cutting. In addition to improving muscle gains, S4 is well-established where fat loss is concerned. If you want to have that “dry and lean” physique, it requires developing muscle while having a significant reduction in body fat.

Stanazine is well known for its muscle protecting abilities. It is ideal during a cutting cycle because you won’t lose hard-earned gains. S4 really is the perfect supplement for a Recomp program which both males and females can use (without vitalising for girls). Research studies showed its ability to strengthen bones and increase lean muscles, even when under a calorie-deficit.

Stanazine® Dosage

This dosage seems to have the best results with almost no side effects. Remember to split your dosing into two parts:

Take 25mg in the morning and 25mg in the evening (for males); that’s 1ml 2x/day.

Take 12.5mg in the morning and 12.5mg in the evening (for females); that’s 1/2 ml 2x/day

The Split dosage protocol is because S4 has a half-life of around 8 hours. Over 99% of a substance is eliminated when seven half-lives have passed. This means a single dose of Stanazine will be completely cleared from your body after 56 hours. Hence, we recommend taking it in small amounts divided over 2 doses, at a cycle length of 6 – 8 weeks.

This protocol will ensure the best results without side effects – the most common side-effect for high dosages of S4 comes from the compounding binding with the AR in the optical nerve of the eyes. This can cause a yellow haze, which is completely temporary and has no long-term negative effect, ceasing when the dose is lowered or completely stopped – but sticking to our dosage protocol will ensure this weird side effect does not occur.

For men who are concerned about Testosterone suppression, don’t worry. At such a low dosage, you will be fine. For women who are thinking of virilisation effects, with 12.5 mg twice a day, it won’t have androgenic effects – just fat shredding ones!

It is important to note that the metabolic rate differs for every person, so you can slowly increase the dose until you find your sweet spot.

Recommended Rep range

The optimal way to keep blood circulating around the body and raise whole-body lactate levels is to pair upper and lower-body exercises for 10-12 reps or in the 12-15 rep range per exercise, with short 30-60 second rest intervals. More lactate corresponds to a greater release of growth hormone, which tells your body to build muscle and burn more body fat.

This will prevent you from losing muscle proteins thereby maintaining the fullness of your gains, and even facilitate lean muscle growth. You can get S4, Stanazine® here

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How Important Is Post Workout Recovery? (What Experts are Saying)

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Original Design: Michelle G. Thibault
Re-design: Ryan McTeigue

It is common knowledge within fitness circles that some discomfort is part of athletic activities. Every successful training program includes some degree of pain since for muscle strength to improve, the muscle tissue must experience an increase in stress over what it is used to, which is what we call the “burn” during training. This mild burn is what we call good pain and also the root of the popular expression, “No pain, no gain.” Take note, this pain should be short-lived and should resolve within a day or two.

Do you know when your workout regimen is pushing the limits of your athletic capacity?

When you feel fatigued after a good, strenuous workout, you can tell you had a great session if it also leaves you feeling exhilarated. But when this fatigue stretches for days, this means you have excessively challenged your physical form, and the energy stores in your muscles are not being adequately replenished.

Chronic fatigue after extreme exercise indicates that you are overtraining yourself. If after appropriate rest the fatigue continues, it may be a symptom of a medical problem and you should consult a doctor for further work-up.

According to McFarland and Cosgarea, both Orthopedic Specialists from John Hopkins School of Medicine, muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bones of the body are living structures that react to the stress of exercise only gradually. If they are exposed to stress too fast, they cannot respond effectively and may begin to fail.

One research reports that the total amounts of exercise has the strongest and most consistent association to a higher risks of injury. When we say the total amount of exercise, we pertain to the product of the intensity, duration, and frequency of your workout sessions.

This also points us to the necessity of an effective post-workout protocol. Our Intel further explains why exercise recovery is critical to your fitness and overall performance, and lets you in on recovery strategies that actually work.

Recovery Time Helps You to be Injury-Free

Sufficient rest in between workouts will help reenergize the body so you have the stamina to give it your all during your next workout, says Melissa Leber, MD, an orthopedic surgeon at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City If you want to push it to your maximum, you also have to give your body time to recoup in between.

“Overtraining can lead to overuse, which can lead to burnout and injury,” Dr. Leber explains. Common overuse injuries include runner’s knee, stress fractures, ligament tears, and muscle strains.

Post Workout Supplements

After training, replenishing your body is critical for accelerated recovery and performance. While there are tons of products on the market that claim to support and optimize your post-workout strategy, choosing a safe and scientifically-proven recovery supplement is equally important.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids. “Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids, particularly the long chain variety EPA and DHA found in fish oils, can reduce inflammation, swelling and stiffness in the muscles and assist healing after intense workouts,” according to Anita Bean, a nutritionist and the author of The Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition. Omega-3 fats are shown to increase blood flow to muscles during exercise, reduce post-exercise soreness and increase the muscle-building response of the body to a meal.

Boswellia and Curcumin. A study recently published in the Journal of American College of Sports Medicine shows that a combination of curcumin extract and boswellia extract, accelerates muscle recovery post-exercise. Results showed that the combined supplementation produced lower levels of creatine kinase, which is a marker for muscle damage. Muscle injury, perceived soreness, and loss of muscle strength were also reduced in the supplement group.

(MK-2866) or Decavar/Ostarine/Enobosarm. Widely documented for its reliable anabolic action, it quickly regenerates “microtears” in the muscle tissues during intense workouts, while promoting new growth of lean muscle fibres for a sharper, more solid physique. This mechanism also allows the body to bounce back rapidly while increasing mass gains, muscle strength and energy without any adverse effects thanks to its high tissue selectivity.

Decavar’s notable healing properties on muscle and bone tissues has also exhibited consistent results in enhancing functional performance and endurance. This is explained by experts who discovered an increase in the blood supply and enzyme activity of muscle tissues of test subjects, thereby facilitating the contractile force of their muscles.

Athletes, body builders and fitness buffs can benefit significantly from Decavar MK-2866 as it shortens recovery time in between workouts. By facilitating tissue regeneration and restoring their normal physiology, your bones and muscles can recover faster and grow stronger.

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Hacking Your Bioage With NAD+

WhatsApp Image 2021 06 23 at 15.13.16

By M.G. Thibault
Edited by Ryan McTeigue

Aging is a natural and organic process that everyone undergoes. Both our bodies and mind go through cycles of changes throughout our life. As we age, our cells have a lesser capacity to divide and multiply, some lose their function, and eventually deteriorate. This is the scientific meaning of ageing

The dilemmas that come with aging

As our age advances, wrinkles become more prominent in our skin, our hair thins and loses pigmentation, and our memory is not as retentive. More importantly, we feel a decrease in energy and strength; we become more susceptible to diseases, while abnormalities and dysfunction begin to show within our body.

So, when this article mentions about “hacking” your biological age, this means we are providing you with science-based information that leads to some adjustments in your lifestyle and diet, which can intervene with these signs and symptoms of aging.

The Role of “Nutrigenomics”

When we talk about Biohacking, we have to mention its close associate, “Nutrigenomics.” This term supports the idea that our body’s total genetic expression can be optimized by taking the right nutrients that influence our overall health over time.

The thing is, genes may be critical for determining inherent abilities, but Nutrition can modify the extent to which different genes are expressed and thus modifies whether an individual reaches the potential established by their genetic pre-disposition.

This emerging knowledge can transform nutrition and dietary practices to optimise health, promote longevity, and prevent or even treat certain diseases.

First off, we’ll identify the “poor-quality” foods that induce inflammation. Some studies consider aging as a chronic inflammatory state, so one of the best anti-aging hacks would be to stop eating junk food (such as fried foods) and start incorporating more anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory foods in your diet.

Avoid trans fats, that easily produce cancer-causing free radicals and literally slow the body down. It will also benefit you to refrain from eating too much sugar and processed carbohydrates (like pasta, bread, and pastries) as this may lead to chronically high insulin levels that positively correlate with age-related diseases including diabetes and heart diseases.

Treated meats like hot dogs, bacon, and pepperoni are usually high in nitrates, which also lead to inflammation. Moderate drinking (a 5-ounce glass of red wine per day, 5x a week) may be good for your heart, but heavy drinking will only speed up the aging process.

Boosting NAD+ levels

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide otherwise known as NAD+ is a chemical compound, which is found in essentially every cell of the body, and produced in abundance during adolescence all the way up to early adulthood. Its main function is to facilitate healthy brain function, regulate metabolism, repair damaged DNA, and strengthen our cell’s defences. Like most compounds secreted by the body, NAD+ levels start to decrease as we age.

Recent lab tests on animals have shown that raising NAD+ levels may help reverse signs of aging and reduce the incidence of many chronic diseases. You can boost your NAD+ levels by:

1. Exercise. Daily workouts require more NAD+ for energy, and your body responds to increased demand by producing it.

2. Raw foods that contain vitamin B, like avocados, steamed fish, whole grains, and nuts can boost NAD+ levels. Consider adding fermented foods and drinks to your diet like sauerkraut and kombucha. These are rich in NAD+ and also effective in easing persistent bloating and chronic joint pain.

3.Oral NAD+ supplements. One article shows that supplementation of Nicotinamide Riboside (NR, 500 mg, 2×/day), a NAD+ precursor, effectively stimulates NAD+ metabolism in healthy middle-aged and older adults.

4. NAD+ infusions. The Intravenous route promotes higher bioavailability, compared to oral supplements meaning a fuller dosage enters the body to help restore the mitochondria, and renew power at the cellular level. Specialised health and anti-aging clinics may have this available, shop around the internet to find one near you if you are interested.

5. Growth Hormone Mimetics. GH Pep® (MK-677) is a growth hormone secretagogue, which amplifies the body’s natural release of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like-growth-factor 1 (IGF-1). Among their many benefits such as lean muscle gains, accelerated fat loss, and tissue repair, the increase in GH and IGF-1 levels regulate mitochondrial mass and function and contribute significantly to mitochondrial biogenesis, respiration and ATP production.

How does this relate to boosting NAD+ levels?

A Study from the University of California demonstrates that the mitochondria in cells create NAD from the nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), one of its precursors. This explains why NAD+ levels decline with mitochondrial dysfunction aka slow metabolism and reduced NAD+/NADH ratio is implicated in mitochondrial disorders, as well as during aging.

As far as anti-aging goes, Elite Sarms product: GH Pep® (MK-677) is a remarkable anti-aging supplement since it not only boosts your growth hormone and IGF-1, sustaining your hormone profile in a state of perpetual youth, it also increases the production of your NAD+ which you now know is another Key Level Player in the quest for the fountain of youth.