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These days you are only a quick Google search away from being drowned by an overwhelming amount of information in regards to building muscle and reaching your training goals. Amidst this sea of confusing information it is easy to lose direction – however this month we are here to bring you back to basics and keep you swimming all the way to reach your training goals! Let us go back to school briefly and explore the foundations of training which when done right, make muscle gain and fat loss simple!

Firstly, protein, protein, PROTEIN! You can’t build big muscles without an adequate supply! Think of building muscle as building a house, protein brick by protein brick. Each protein brick is important to make this house big and strong. As a guide, aim for one gram of protein per kg of body weight a day (less active people need less) and that should be spread out over five or six small meals per day. Eating more frequently but in smaller portions requires discipline, however it will keep your body’s metabolism firing and your mind sharp.

Carbohydrates – friends not foes! Good carbohydrates provide long lasting energy and make a perfect pre-workout meal. We need good carbs to fuel our bodies during exercise and perform to our best, and also to prevent this energy being sapped from protein or muscles. Additionally, a common mistake made is not supplying the body with enough good fats. Good fats are an important factor in growth. A perfect example of this is when bodybuilders diet down for a show. During this period, they are limiting their good fat intake to achieve that super lean stage look. However, during this time they also stop developing muscle. Supply your body with what it needs – a Ferrari won’t run without fuel in the tank.

Sleep in! Sleep is when your body heals and regenerates itself. During sleep, most of your hormones, such as growth hormones and testosterone, are released into your system, allowing your body to recover and grow. The number one overlooked factor in building a better body is rest. Make sure you take your rest day or days seriously! Nutrients and recovery will help you become bigger, stronger and injury free.

Have another drink! And no we don’t mean alcohol, we’re talking about WATER! Water comprises up to 70% of the body and if you are dehydrated, your muscle size suffers as well. One third of muscle construction is water. So, drink up!

And finally, SUPPLEMENTS! The topic we love the most. Why? Because quite simply, supplements work if you work! It’s science. If we are eating correctly and training with intensity there will be results. However sometimes those results can be slow and very hard to achieve even with the right ingredients. This is where SARMs come onto the scene and speed up the process. SARMs have the ability to rapidly repair, strengthen and optimise muscle tissue upon being stimulated by training, it’s like grouping multiple high-intensity workouts into one session from a results perspective.

We are excited about the results from SARMs because you can see and feel the difference even after just a 4 week cycle. SARMs will enhance muscle growth, endurance and shed fat faster than any other supplements on the market. Finally, remember to constantly challenge yourself by adding different movements, new exercises, heavier weights and shock your body in a good way with a new routine. If you’re performing something you always do, train harder and faster, aiming to do better than you did the last time. And most importantly, have fun and enjoy the journey!

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Consistent workouts, coupled with a balanced, nutritious diet and a deep healthy sleep act as the foundation for good fitness, but many athletes, weightlifters, and gym lovers often turn to supplements to give them extra edge to expedite their performance and body composition goals.

A topic we are most excited about (and for obvious reasons) are SARMs. SARMs are a little bit of an underdog in the supplement scene, but very much becoming a popularity amongst the rest. Why?! Because they deliver results, and fast. We live in a fast-paced world, filled with instant gratification. We all know how much dedication and discipline it takes it is to put on a few KG’s of muscle or visa versa, drop a few KG’s of body fat.

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators

So, what are SARMs? Let’s start with the basics; SARM stands for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. They are a group of compounds that selectively target receptors in muscle, bone, connective tissue and body fat. This is due to the SARM being selective in its action. Each SARM targets different Androgen Receptors within the body, which mean it amplifies your body’s OWN natural response to exercise, and based on the type of SARM you might be taking.

Androgens are chemicals present in your body responsible for controlling the development and maintenance of characteristics like muscle growth and lowering fat stores in the body. Think about Androgens like a messenger that delivers the message to our cells to take a certain action in the body.

Because SARMs are selective in their action they will target specific area that require attention or are your focus point. That could be an increase of muscle mass, healing of a particular injury, regeneration of connective tissue, and or loss of fat. This is what makes our range of supplements so unique, making them an ideal choice for athletic performance and body building.

SARMs have become most effective non-toxic sports supplement amongst health-conscious bodybuilders, athletes who are singing praises for performance enhancement and muscle building purposes as well as increased metabolic rate and anti-ageing effects. Think about increased endurance during training and reduced recovery time post training sessions and for every one work out, equals an action of two as a result in the body.

At Elite Sarms we take pride in research, looking at the latest trends and finding what works best on the human body, not only for all our customers, but ourselves too. If you have any questions on how to take your performance or body further, were here to help.