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How Human Growth Hormone Makes You Look and Feel Younger

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Original Design: Michelle G. Thibault
Re-design: Ryan McTeigue

Once you are born, the biological clock starts “ticking” and you become older each day. Everything in your body including your body parts, skin, organs and hormones levels are on a schedule and each day they become chronologically older. This is just how life works – everything is in a constant state of ageing.

Consequently, ageing comes with a lot of physical changes. These changes present as wrinkling and drying of the skin, bones becoming weaker, muscles becoming less toned and eventually wasting away and hair begins to grey and start to diminish…

So where does HGH come into play in all of this?

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is perhaps the most popular hormone analogue in the fitness market. Its wide array of uses include bodybuilding, strength enhancement, and in recent years, anti-ageing. This makes HGH the gold standard of therapy among adults.

Just as the name implies, HGH promotes normal growth. It is medically used in children to treat developmental issues such as stunted growth.

Does growth hormone really slow or reverse the effects of ageing? Keep reading for a scientific explanation of what one can expect from HGH – especially when used as a therapy for anti-aging.

Many health and fitness proponents believe that HGH injections, often hailed as the fountain of youth, is an incredible substance that can help alleviate symptoms that come with ageing. Competitive athletes, bodybuilders, and people who are passionate about bio-hacking have discovered that HGH can sustain their strength and youthful physique over long periods of time.

A cycle of HGH initiates a cascade of metabolic events in the body that ultimately reduce the symptoms that accompany the ageing of cells. If the question is: does HGH slow down aging? The answer is – Definitely. HGH delays the ageing process by counteracting the factors that contribute to aging. One of those factors being – low circulating HGH levels in the body.

The Scientific Evidence

A 1990 study was conducted to define the effects of growth hormone on men above 60 years old with decreased levels of insulin-like growth factor. The study revealed that the treatment with HGH reduced the amount of fat stored in the body, significantly increased their muscle mass, increased the bone density and also reduced thinning of the skin which overall improved the general wellbeing of the test subjects.

Excess body fat is always an issue that presents as a challenge – regardless of whatever age range you’re in. If you’re someone younger, it can impede you from achieving your desired physique. But as you age, fat gets deposited in the muscles and bones, which leads to weakness and un-toned muscles. It can also put you at risk for serious cardiovascular diseases.

Body fat is majorly stored in the body through the action of insulin and HGH is a strong antagonist for insulin. HGH binds directly to receptors in the adipose tissues to mobilize them and form free fatty acids. This eventually reduces the amount of fat stored in the body as HGH enables the fat cells to be utilized for energy.

HGH facilitates the uptake of proteins in the muscular tissue to optimize lean muscle gains. It is mainly this mechanism that makes HGH popular in bodybuilding to increase muscle mass. One symptom of advanced age is diminishing muscles and this can be prevented with HGH. It can promote and maintain muscle mass, as well as stimulate collagen synthesis which also improves skin tension thereby reducing the appearance of skin wrinkles.

Ageing also leads to fragile bones that negatively impacts strength. This is also the reason why older people are more susceptible to fractures. Studies have shown that HGH significantly increases the mineralization in the bone. This action is largely mediated by the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) which is synthesized in the liver. IGF-1secretion is released by Human Growth Hormone.

This gives the individual an overall sense of wellbeing. The physical and emotional stability one receives on HGH therapy not only prolongs life significantly, it can also preserves confidence and sense of security moving into older ages.

The Bottom Line

By supplementing with HGH, scientific studies and anecdotal evidence support the beneficial effects of this compound to diminish and in some cases, reverse the symptoms of ageing. This gives the individual an overall sense of wellbeing. The physical and emotional benefits one receives on HGH therapy not only prolongs life significantly, it can also preserve a sense of confidence moving into older ages.

HGH Dosage for Anti-Aging

Most doctors usually suggest that a small amount of HGH is needed to benefit from its anti-aging properties. Preferably, a daily dose of 2-3 IU of growth hormone is recommended for anti-aging benefits.

If you are using GH both for its anti-aging and bodybuilding effects or athletic support, daily dosages can range around 4-6 IU/daily.

Elite Sarms product GH Pep also known as MK677 is a growth hormone secretagogue in which a 1ml daily dosage is equivalent to around 2IU of the HGH peptide. What is great about this product is there are Zero injections required as it is an oral product. You can check out GH Pep in the Elite Sarms range here.

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How Shredding Fat can Turbo-charge the Immune System
 (The Private War going on inside your body Right Now)

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Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

If you have ever had a cut that got infected, then you have experienced the process we are about to describe in this article. And after reading this article you will actually have a logical understanding of what exactly your body did and how this process relates to dropping body fat. Lets dive in…

When your body contracts an infection – the body’s defence system gets activated, leading to a state of inflammation. Inflammation is part of the body’s natural immune response that acts as the first line of defence against the attack of foreign bodies.

The inflammation process is what causes redness, pain and swelling in the infected area which gives you discomfort and agony over the course of the infection. Remember how you felt and looked when you last got the flu? – Well, this is actually the result of inflammation.

One important word to remember where inflammation is concerned is – CYTOKINES. These are proteins emitted by your white blood cells and macrophages – and are the body’s special forces- to fight invading microbes. These cytokines kick-start the inflammation process.

The inflammation triggered by your immune system is a healthy biological response. When you become inflamed this confirms that your body is secreting the appropriate hormones and proteins to WAKE UP your immune cells, which in turn initiates the “rescue mission”, and finally defeats the infection. Once these invading microorganisms are neutralized, the inflammation subsides and the body returns to homeostasis or perfect balance.

You’re probably wondering.. If inflammation is a good thing, then why have I heard about it being BAD???

The answer is: Inflammation is only a bad thing – When Inflammation Becomes Long-Term.

White blood cells aren’t the only type of cells that have the faculty to produce cytokines. Another category of cells that can release cytokines and cause inflammation is adipocytes otherwise known as fat cells. And in this case they can be really nasty….

Inflammation, Body fat, and Obesity

It’s common knowledge that the body stores surplus calories as fat as the body’s tool of saving fuel reserves it can access once food becomes scarce. However, recent studies have discovered that adipose tissues can be considered an active endocrine organ that can secrete a whole array of proteins and chemicals, including the inflammation proteins – cytokines. Even some scientific researchers characterise obesity as “a constant state of low-grade, chronic inflammation.”

The repercussions? If your body is constantly in a state of inflammation, which puts it under continuous stress, then your immune system is also “on guard, 24/7”. And what happens to an army that’s perpetually on high alert 24/7 for fear of an imminent attack say…for years? It usually ends in some soldiers having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – and in the case of the body and constant inflammation – What can result is; an altered Immune System, an altered Metabolism and greater risk for further Infections…

Cut the Fat, Boost your Immunity

Great news for those passionate about fitness out there – Shredding fat and gaining muscle can seriously boost your Immune system! We already know that excess fat in the body can lead to chronic inflammation, which for prolonged periods of time can wear-out the entire immune system.

In addition, gaining lean muscle mass increases the level of Interleukin-15, which protects precursor T-cells (immunity cells) by moving them away from the infected tissue and storing them in skeletal muscle to prevent them from being degraded. Once the old T-cells have lost their functionality through continuous stimulation while fighting the infection, these precursor cells can then travel out from the muscles and develop into operational T cells – who’s Operational Directive is to continue the battle on disease and infection.

Supplements for Fat Loss and Immune Support

By focusing on dropping body fat through; diet, exercise and supplementation you also strengthen the immune system – a double bonus earned for living a healthy, active lifestyle. Now, lets review what supplements can assist in reducing body fat levels further boosting your immune system:

  1. Green Tea – Green tea has emerged as one of the most popular fat burners in the market today, thanks to its caffeine content and the massive amount of antioxidants known as cathechins that enhance your metabolism and improve your body’s fat burning ability. The high concentration of vitamins and minerals also provide an extra boost to your immune health.
  2. Maitake Mushrooms – Maitake mushroom, also known as hen of the woods mushroom, contains beta-glucan, a polysaccharide that studies claim, can help prevent certain cancers, help fight obesity, support the immune system, and improve high blood pressure and diabetes. For centuries, it has been used as a remedy in traditional Asian medicine.
  3. Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® (SR9009) – Hyper Lean (SR9009) effectively increases the number of mitochondria in your skeletal muscles, allowing for enhanced strength and endurance during workouts. It’s a REV-ERB α and β agonist, and what it does is alter the expression of the bodies genes responsible for lipid and glucose metabolism. The result is a significant increase in your metabolic rate and fat cell oxidation leading to accelerated fat loss. Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean (SR9009) plays a dual role as an Anti-inflammatory agent and Immuno-stimulant because of its role in regulating the body’s innate immune response and modulating the secretion of cytokines by amplifying the mitochondria cells.

The Takeaway

By being consistent with your training program and deploying a clean and scheduled nutrition and supplementation routine you are not only working towards developing your optimism physique – you are also powering up your body’s immune system to be invulnerable to disease-causing microbes. And the scientific evidence is clear about that!

We have one body in this lifetime and it can be fine tuned to be a weapon that works for you or against you. Employ the tools that will give you the maximum results by supplementing with logical, science-based supplements and consuming foods that promote both your Immune system and bodybuilding goals.

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You Vs. THE-VID – How to bulletproof your immune system to athletically thrive in 2021 (Part II)

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How to bulletproof your immune system to athletically thrive in 2021 (Part II)

By Ryan McTeigue

I am not going to go into what Covid-19 is and how we got to this point – there are already enough articles, videos, blogs and information online thats been forced down your throat on the subject and I’m sure by now your probably tired of reading, hearing, and experiencing the social effects of these trying times.

Instead, I am going to go straight into 6 Practical Steps you can take – right now – to bulletproof your immune system so you can keep moving towards your physique and athletic performance goals in 2021.

As always, these steps are fully backed by scientific studies and evidence which are sited throughout the blog and at the conclusion. I will only give you verified steps to ensure your immune system is so high that no virus in the world can come within 100 miles when you integrate these 6 steps into your weekly routine and consistently apply them each day whenever possible.

You could call this your all-natural vaccine from this thing. I am not a medical doctor, but I Am an intelligent human being that can read between the lines, know my own body, my own immune system and the power we all have within us to overcome sickness especially when we remove toxicities from our physical vehicles and lifestyle and allow the body to do what it was designed to do – thrive!!!

1. Exercise

The first one on the list is my favourite natural vaccine of all times and the most potent Immune booster in this list is – EXERCISE. As cited in the Journal of Sport and Health Science (Volume 8, Issue 3, May 2019, Pages 201-217) – exercise causes a change in antibodies and white blood cells which are the bodies immune system cells that fight ALL disease. These antibodies accumulate more rapidly with consistent exercise detecting illness and then destroying it before the sickness can take over the body.

Consistent exercise in the correct time frame and intensity lowers cortisol levels – the stress hormone that can either boost or lower the immune system. Cortisol is actually a necessary function in the body, however when it is kept high for prolonged periods of time, this can cause a decrease in the immune system. With financial and social stress at an all-time high in the world right now reducing elevated cortisol levels through physical exercise is more important than ever – especially for our mental and emotional state which prolonged elevated cortisol also readily effects.

Exercise also causes sweating and the heating of the body which leads to the release of toxins. There is also a vasodilation effect – where blood vessels expand improving circulation and improving further mobilisation of toxins from the body.!

2. Hydration

Drinking water can help improve the overall immunity of your body. Staying well hydrated helps the body naturally flush bacteria and toxins out that can cause infection or illness.

When we get an adequate amount of water daily, oxygen and nutrients are dispersed throughout the entire body, and waste material is flushed out from the body. Thus, it helps keep diseases at bay by increasing the bodies metabolism of cellular hydration and toxin removal.

As the immune system drives the health of the body and its capability to fight diseases and water hydration is scientifically proven to flush toxins thus improving the immune system then drinking enough water daily can be viewed as a preventative type of health maintenance.

Now we’ve covered how important it is to stay hydrated each day, next we’ll talk about the best types of water. One of the most hydrating and effective waters known today is called: Alkaline water. Alkaline refers to the pH scale of the water. This pH scale is from 0 – 14 and measures how acidic or basic a substance is. Alkaline water has a pH level between 8 and 10.

The difference between normal water and alkaline water is normal waters acidity level. Normal tap water contains more hydroxide than hydrogen ions.

Alkaline water also contains more minerals like; magnesium, potassium and calcium. It is known to neutralise toxic compounds present in the body. The body can also absorb more alkaline water – meaning more water that is consumed throughout the day can be used by the body to hydrate you.

Add some lemon to your water for an extra boost in vitamin C, B-vitamins, potassium, magnesium and iron. The vitamin C from the lemon juice helps prevent free radicals from causing cell damage which if allowed to build up – can lead to serious diseases like cancer.

3. Sunlight (Vitamin D)

The UV rays in our sun help the body to make more Vitamin D – which is considered one of the most important pro-hormones (not technically a vitamin) for the body as it is responsible for the health of all the bodies; bones, blood cells and the immune cells. It also helps the body absorb minerals and nutrients effectively. Low Vitamin D levels are linked to the development of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis.
Apart from vitamin D’s direct effect on the immune system, it also helps to regulate the circadian rhythm – helping those who get adequate sunlight during the day fall asleep easily at night, meaning better rest and better recovery for the body.

4. Sleep and rest

Making sure your body has a chance to rest and recover from the day is important for your immune system to function at its full strength and full capacity.

When we sleep, our bodies produce a protein called cytokines, which target infection and inflammation, creating an immune response during our sleeping hours. Our bodies also produce T-cells during sleep, which are white blood cells that play a critical role in our body’s immune response to an infectious disease such as Covid-19.

Studies have found that this inflammation response caused by the cytokines occurs even when a person isn’t actively hurt or sick. Research conducted on the type of cells and cytokines involved in this nighttime immune activity indicates that its primary role is to – strengthen adaptive immunity7. Meaning, when we are in deep rest our body is teaching our immune system to be more resilient to disease and infection.

Just like sleep can help the brain consolidate learning and memory8, research now suggests that sleep strengthens the immune memory. The immune memory is the interaction of the immune system components during sleep reinforcing the immune system’s ability to remember how to recognize and react to dangerous antigens.

5. Nutrition

oes nutrition play a part in immunity and a strong or weak immune system? The answer is a loud – YES!

Eating enough nutrients as part of a varied diet is required for the health and function of all cells, including immune cells. Certain nutritional programs may better prepare the body for microbial attacks and excess inflammation, but it is unlikely that individual foods offer special protection. Each stage of the body’s immune response relies on the presence of many micronutrients. Examples of nutrients that have been identified as critical for the growth and function of immune cells include: vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, selenium, iron, and protein (including the amino acid glutamine). These micronutrients are all found in a variety of plant and animal foods.

Diets that are limited in variety and lower in nutrients, such as diets consisting of large amounts of ultra-processed foods and lacking in minimally processed foods, can negatively affect a healthy immune system. It is also believed that a Western diet high in refined sugar and red meat and low in fruits, vegetables and fibre can promote disturbances in healthy intestinal microorganisms, resulting in chronic inflammation of the gut, and associated suppressed immunity.

The microbiome is an internal galaxy of trillions of microorganisms that live in our body, mostly in the intestines. It is an area of intense and active research, as scientists are finding that the microbiome plays a key role in immune function. The gut is a major site of immune activity and the production of antimicrobial proteins. Diet plays a large role in determining what kinds of microbes live in our gut. A high-fiber plant-rich diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes appear to support the growth and maintenance of beneficial microbes.

Certain helpful microbes break down fibers into short chain fatty acids, which have been shown to activate immune cell activity. These fibers are called prebiotics because they feed microbes. Probiotic foods contain live helpful bacteria. Some examples of Probiotic foods are: Kefir, yogurt with live active cultures, fermented cheeses, fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut, tempeh, kombucha tea, kimchi and miso soup.

An example of some Prebiotic foods are: Garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes, dandelion, bananas, seaweed. A good daily dosage of fruits and vegetables will provide a healthy amount of dietary prebiotics.

6. Immune boosting herbs and supplements

Ginger, Tumeric, Cayenne pepper tonic:

This is a favourite tonic of mine, which is my go-to whenever I can feel my immune system lowered and sickness coming on and also during the times of feeling unwell.

For the best version of this tonic you will need a cold-pressed juicer. However if that is unavailable to you a normal juicer will suffice. Cut 2 lemons in quarters and feed directly into the cold press juicer, then juice around 50 grams of fresh Tumeric and 50 grams of fresh ginger and finally add 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to the final juice. Mix this all up and take around 30mls for each dosage. This can be dosed 3 – 6 times in one day when your immune system is down. Or 1-3 times daily to keep your immune system high each day.

The lemon, ginger and turmeric work to clean the blood, destroy bad bacteria and pathogens while the cayenne pepper works to deliver all the nutrients of the mixture directly into the blood. This works wonders for the common flu and cold’s.


A deficiency of minerals and nutrients have ben scientifically proven to alter the body’s immune response. Studies have found that deficiencies in zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C, D, and E can alter immune responses. These important nutrients help the immune system in several ways: working as an antioxidant to protect healthy cells, supporting growth and activity of immune cells, and producing antibodies. Epidemiological studies find that those who are poorly nourished of these important minerals are at greater risk of bacterial, viral, and other infections.

In conclusion, instead of focusing on the outer news, this article aims to focus you on your bodies inner news. By listening to your body and implementing these immune boosting practical steps will help you to actively navigate through these times by taking control of and boosting your bodies own natural defence system.

It is time to take back the power that has been given to others and take control of our lives again in 2021. I hope you find the hope in this article the way it was intended to be given – and take from it the gold you need to athletically, physically, emotionally and mentally thrive in the new year.

Peace and hard training everyone,


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Recovery and Sports Performance – What Tools are the most Effective?


Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

The Recovery Principle

Scheduling recovery practices into any training and exercise program is essential to high-level performance across the board. For athletes and recreational fitness lovers alike, building in a recovery program into one’s weekly fitness routine allows the body to replenish energy stores, optimise muscle synthesis, and repair damaged tissues.

Below we will discuss some of the most effective Body Recovery methods the Elite Sarms team have found to be most effective along the way in their fitness and wellness journey’s. Let’s dive in;

Your Post-Workout Regimen – The most important recovery window

. It is vital to include stretching as a gentle calming routine for the body to counterbalance high-intensity workouts. Full-body stretches helps ease tension and tightness which relieves pain and expedites recovery from any type of physical activity.

Stretching also increases blood flow and aids in the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to sore muscles, preventing injury during and after workouts, while increasing joint mobility and range of motion for better performance.

Foam rolling
. Foam rolling is a type of self-massage that allows you to alleviate tightness or trigger points —which are dense muscle knots in the fascia — by leaning into a foam roller and ‘rolling out’ tight muscles and joints.

Foam rolling helps injury prevention by retaining muscle length and alleviating tension and tightness before it can build into an overuse injury. This simple routine also increases blood flow and elasticity in the body’s connective tissues namely the muscles, joints, and fascia – which facilitates mobility, relaxation, and athletic output.

Stands for cold-therapy. By incorporating cryotherapy into your post-workout routine, you can provide immediate and longer-term results that will help you feel less pain, have tighter skin, and reduce the inflammatory process – speeding up the recovery process.

The practice of using very cold temperatures to treat pain and feel energized can be traced back to ancient times with practices carried out like ice-pool plunging, which were part of a holistic treatment program to stimulate the immune system, build stamina and avoid disease.

This ancient technology has since been greatly rediscovered in todays society as to the powerful health benefits of exposing the body to extreme temperatures for short periods of time to active the CNS (central nervous system) and immune system as well as move stagnant energy throughout the entire body – including blood, minerals and nutrients.

As inflammation is a major issue for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike, many will turn to ice baths and cryotherapy creams to diminish muscle soreness and accelerate tissue recovery as this is an effective recovery method proven since ancient times.

Beneficial Supplements and Sarms for Recovery

Whey Protein Isolates.
WPIs are concentrated, fast-absorbing proteins that supply the muscles after a workout with amino acids, particularly BCAAs needed to repair and grow muscles. Studies have proven, the sooner you can consume whey protein following your workout, the better, given its a clean WPI source.

Healthy Fats. Consuming Omega-3s – EPA and DHA, found in fish oil supplements or fatty fish like salmon, algae and krill can help offset free radical damage produced during strenuous training. They act as anti-inflammatory agents, while keeping the arteries clear and maintaining efficient blood flow to the muscles, and even the brain.

Curcumin and CBD. Cannabidiol works by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system and regulating receptor activity, resulting in significant reduction of inflammation and pain. Curcumin, the active component of Turmeric, have many scientifically proven recovery and health benefits due to its potent ant-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

Blending the two may help the fitness person to reap numerous benefits from this synergistic pair including pain and stress relief and faster muscle recovery.

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators or SARMs.
These novel compounds are simply one of the greatest milestones in the Health and Fitness industry.

The key feature of SARMS is their high selectivity, allowing them to target muscles, bones and connective tissues specifically resulting in accelerated recovery and optimal muscle and fitness improvements. Below we take a closer look at Elite Sarms and their specific recovery qualities:

  • Decavar® (MK-2866) – Research studies on Decavar® have repeatedly proven its impressive rapid repair and recovery boosting abilities on connective tissues and skeletal muscle.Decavar® – works great in restoring sore muscles and even exceeds expectations in repairing torn rotator cuffs, stretched ligaments and even fractures!

    Decavar®’s – restorative properties repair damaged tissues and re-establish functionality at a much faster rate.

  • Physique 400® (LGD 4033) – Clinical trials show LGD 4033’s ability to increase strength levels, improve lean muscle mass, and enhance vascularity which improves the restoration of muscle after physical activity.Physique 400® (LGD 4033) had also shown to prevent muscle and bone wasting on test volunteers with functional limitations due to injury, illness or aging.

  • Stanazine® (S4) – A number of studies on SARMs, support Stanazine®’s restorative effects on lean muscle mass. Moreover, results suggest an increase in muscle strength, therefore ensuring its protection when cutting down calorie intake and/or intensive physical training.

  • Tight® (Rad 140) – More popularly known as the ‘nootropic’ among the SARMs range, Tight® (Rad 140) is a reliable post-workout supplement thanks to its muscle strengthening and bulking prowess. Tight® (Rad 140) immensely improves stamina and endurance during high-intensity training allowing for naturally faster recovery.

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Growth Hormone – Is your training program optimised for HGH?

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There are specific ways that we can train that signal the body to release high doses of Growth Hormone. This specific training can come in the form of movements, patterns and intensities that can be included into training each week to ensure we are priming our bodies to yield higher Growth Hormone output each week leading to greater health, physique, performance, mood and recovery.

Before we dive into the science of GH Positive training, let’s back up a second, as in case you missed out on the last ES INTEL Blog, you may be wondering, what is the advantage of training in ways that release the most amount of Growth Hormone over other training methods that don’t take hormonal output into account?

The answer is, Growth Hormone, otherwise known as Human Growth Hormone or by its peptide name; somatropin, is one of, if not the most important hormone inside our body. Its main responsibilities include but are not limited to:

– Cellular repair of all the body
– Metabolism management
– Body fat management
– Insulin management
– Signals the body to use stored fat for energy
– Drives glycogen (sugar) into skeletal muscle
– Muscle, protein and collagen growth and regeneration
– Bone mineral fortifying

As you can see from this list, Growth Hormone produced inside our bodies is responsible for the growth, repair and metabolism of the cells inside the body. The higher ones output of Growth Hormone the better that body is at regenerating and the younger the bio-age of that person – with Growth Hormone levels being the major marker when calculating the biological age.

Now let’s get back to The Training that will produce the greatest natural GH output.

3 training styles that have been proven in studies to produce High Growth Hormone output include:

1. HIIT Training

2. 1-3 Reps Compound Lift in the barbell squat, deadlift, barbell bench press and barbell shoulder press

3. Sub 1 minute rest between sets of circuit training (30-35 mins of intense work maximum duration)

So what is the science behind these training technique’s and what causes the physiological response of larger Growth Hormone secretions compare to other styles of training?

1. HIIT – This stands for High Intensity Interval Training. This is where an absolute all-out effort is carried out for a certain movement followed by a rest period – to fully recover – then the all-out effort is repeated again, for sets.

Studies have revealed there is a linear response to growth hormone (GH) secretion and exercise intensity. HIIT training is perfect for high Growth Hormone secretions as it is the Intensity of output that the body is undergoing during an all-out effort that triggers the pineal gland to release GH into the blood. By taking the body into a high intensity and then letting the body fully recover before repeating again creates the trigger to amplify growth hormone output. The higher the intensity we reach within each HIIT interval, the higher the GH secretion we create inside our body and the more the positive effects are felt and seen in the body post exercise.

The Method
(How to apply HIIT to your weekly training schedule): We are going to choose Sprinting as our movement of choice for this HIIT Session because it is an activity that includes the activation of all the muscles in the entire body when done at full intensity and also Sprinting it is a great movement to reach an all-out effort with practice, over time.

The Training
1. Warm up sufficiently ensuring the entire lower and upper body is warm and mobile.
2. Create a starting line. Begin about 10m behind your starting line
3. Begin running, then when you hit the starting line go into an all-out sprint for about 7 seconds or 100m. If you have a partner with you, have them time your 7 seconds then mark the distance you reached in the 7 seconds, otherwise carry a marker and drop it around the 7 second mark.
Note: this is an all-out effort and therefore unless we are an Olympic sprinter, majority of humans can only sprint for an all-out effort of around 7 seconds. Beyond this time we will have to slow down and this then defeats the entire purpose of HIIT training
4. After the sprint you time your rest. Rest until you are ready to hit the same intensity for the next sprint. This is usually between 2-3.5 minutes. This is repeated for 4-5 rounds at first. Slowly each week increase your sprint repetitions to up to 8 sprints over a period of around 3-4 weeks. In my experience, no more than 8 all-out sprints need to be carried out to obtain the greatest benefit from HIIT training for the sprint and for the greatest GH release post training it. This will take around 20 minutes and can even be placed before or after a training session.
***Note: This is completely opposite to long-distance running where you preserve your energy to last the distance. When completing an all-out sprint the fast twitch muscle fibres become highly engaged and over time these athletic fibres will develop and strengthen adding more high quality Type II muscle fibres to your lean-muscular physique.


2. 1-3 Reps All-Out Effort in the barbell squat, deadlift, barbell bench press or barbell shoulder press

Studies have revealed that it is not only all-out cardio sprints that create high GH output but also all out compound weighted movements performed at maximum effort. Studies concluded that compound weighted movements such as the squat, deadlift, bench press and barbell shoulder press at 90 – 100% of our 1 rep maximum lift in the 1 – 3 repetition range favours the greatest output of Growth Hormone, compared to higher repetition ranges. Basically, as the weight of the lift increases and the effort on the central nervous system, muscles, bones and connective tissue also increases the body responds to this intensity by secreting large amounts of Growth Hormone. You could say it’s the bodies way of rewarding you for making a great effort 🙂

The Method

For this exercise pattern, we are going to choose the Barbell Back Squat. The barbell back squat is a compound movement that activates the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, ankles and feet (if completed without shoes). It is an excellent movement for growth hormone activation because we are applying a strong load to the glutes, hamstrings and quads and these are the largest muscle groups in the body. The more muscle fibres that are activated within the movement the higher the stress on the nervous system, the greater the GH output. In this exercise pattern we will complete a pyramid set where we begin at a light weight and high repetition range and then increase the weight each set and decrease the repetitions until we reach a 1 rep maximum lift (with a lil surprise at the end).

The Training

Warm up completing 30 body weighted squats. Then, starting with the barbell only complete another 20 repetitions in full range of motion with full control.
2. Complete the Barbell Back Squat with a light weight and do 15 repetitions rest as required. Next increase the weight and move to 12 reps. Rest, then increase the weight and go to 10 repetitions carry this out all the way through, 8, 6, 4 repetitions. Resting as long as required to complete the next set but not exceeding 3 minutes.
***Note: Once you are at 3 repetitions we are going to add another movement as a super set just for the final 3 sets. Its is this extra intensity and activation of the muscle fibres that will ensure a strong GH release once the sets are completed.
4. Complete 3 reps of Barbell Back Squat then super set straight into 20 x Kettle Bell Weighted Squat Jumps (holding a kettlebell squat all the way down past 90 degrees then explode into a jump as high as possible before landing and going straight into the jump again. Repeat for 20 repetitions).
5. Rest for 3 minutes. Then complete the same super set for 2 and then 1 repetitions
6. Try not to spew 😉


3. Short Rest PeriodSub 1 minute rest between sets of circuit training (30-35 mins of intense work maximum duration)

You may be picking up a theme here with GH focused training. It is the short periods of really high intensity that yield the greatest GH output in the body and allow for more muscle growth and better fat metabolism. It is no surprise then that having rest periods that are just short of your body fully recovering is another training tool that creates high GH output. Again it is this period of intensity, not of initial effort, but of sustained effort while the body has to continue work while not being fully rested that pulls the trigger on high Growth Hormone output during and after the session is completed. In contrast to the mechanical stress created in the 1 – 3 rep compound lift, this training pattern creates metabolic stress which is a high GH output activator.

The Method and Training
1. Carry out a 30 – 35 minute training session where you combine weighted and body weighted movements focusing on 2 muscle groups throughout the entire training session
2. Work in the 60-80% weight range of your 1 rep maximum for each exercise. Carry out 8-10 repetitions for each movement and set. Ensure you are reaching maximum effort by rep 10
3. Conduct intervals where you work for 2 minutes then using a stopwatch rest for just under 1 minute before completing the next work interval
4. Complete 15 – 20 intervals in total or when 35 minutes is completed


This medium-high intensity circuit training with sub 1 minute rest can be completed up to 3 x per week. Just ensure only 2 or 3 muscle groups maximum are worked during the entire circuit and each muscle group stress only 1 or 2 in one week to ensure cortisol levels remain low and all positive hormones remain elevated and the body is able to regenerate and strengthen effectively.

Whatever your training regime is right now, if you are overlooking any of these high GH Output training staples in your weekly program, then now is the time to add them back in and with consistency. You do not want to miss out the full activation of the most important hormone inside your body on a weekly basis! Growth Hormone is our literal, fountain of youth with its rise and fall determining our bio-age on a daily basis.

Including some or all of these GH Training Elements outlined above into your weekly program, adapted to your current fitness levels with the intention of improvement every week, will have a major positive effect on your overall health, fitness, strength, muscle mass, body fat levels, mood and recovery.

author: Ryan McTeigue

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GH Pep (MK677) The Natural GH Enhancer & Anti-Aging Wonder

WhatsApp Image 2020 08 18 at 12.24.58 PM

1. In this following Elite Sarms – INTEL blog we are going to dive into the core science of growth hormone (GH), a naturally secreted peptide called Somatropin, in the body by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.

2. Lets chat about the Pituitary Gland for a moment, its role in the body and how important the health of this gland is to our overall physique and performance

3. The Pituitary Gland’s main function is to secrete hormones into your bloodstream. The Gland is a part of the body’s endocrine system. The endocrine system is a series of glands that secrete hormones that regulate metabolism, muscle growth and development, tissue functioning, reproduction, sexual function, sleep and mood.

4. As you can see, the Pituitary Gland is a gland in our body which is the Command & Control Centre for all major hormonal action occurring in our body.

– By understanding this gland and its function within the body, we can then focus on The Pituitary Gland’s optimum health by looking into the lifestyle factors and lifestyle choices that can either decrease or increase the output and health of this important gland.

4.. The amount of Growth Hormone one naturally secretes will depend on several lifestyle factors including but not limited to:

 (relaxing or stressful)

5. You will notice of all the factors above the ONLY factor you DO NOT have control over is your AGE. However! Did you know that you actually have 2 ages?

6. Yes, it’s true. We all have our chronological age – the number of years we’ve been on earth – which we cannot change, however, we also all have what is called our biological age.

7. Our biological ages are determined by all the factors that affect your DNA. Some of the most important factors include:

– HORMONAL STATE (testosterone to healthy estrogen balance)

8. Therefore, the TRUE term for anti-ageing is actually ANTI-BIOLOGICAL AGING, as it is impossible to turn back our chronological-age but it IS POSSIBLE to increase our overall health in the areas above (arrow) and REVERSE our BIOLOGICAL AGE. GH Pep® does exactly this by increasing the natural Growth Hormone output of the Pituitary Gland. Yes, it is pretty amazing.

5. There are large Natural pulses of growth hormone from the Pituitary Gland after high-intensity training, during REM sleep, after sexual activity and also first thing in the morning after good rest.
6. Elite Sarms – GH Pep (MK677) is the only Sarm in our range to drastically increase the NATURAL pulses of Growth Hormone from the Pituitary Gland.

7. The natural increase of Growth Hormone caused by GH Pep will be independent of lifestyle factors – meaning there will be an increase of GH regardless if the person has control of all of the above lifestyle factors that affect natural growth hormone output.

8. HOWEVER, add in resistance training, strength training and/or cardio and pump up the intensity! – Then you will really get to see Elite Sarms – GH Pep shine in all its glory.

9. The first thing one will notice is waking up in the morning FRESH. The New Growth Hormone pulses from taking Elite Sarms – GH Pep goes to work in the body speeding up the repair of connective tissue, muscle and bone and driving cellular rejuvenation.

10. A side-effect from the INCREASE OF SPEED OF REPAIR from GH Pep is; pain and inflammation become Drastically reduced or non-existent for some.

11. The science behind why GH Pep is one of our best INJURY REPAIRers in the range is due to the following:

12. Our body running at its Full Optimal Potential would mean our Pituitary Gland would be functioning at its Full Optimal Potential. As stated earlier, one of Growth Hormone’s major role’s in the body is TISSUE FUNCTIONING. This Tissue Functioning includes the proper repair of the tissues involved in injury – including the micro-tears caused after a session of high-intensity training.

13. With Elite Sarms – GH Pep supporting your Pituitary Gland’s Optimum release of Growth Hormone, this also creates the Optimum environment for tissue repair resulting in less inflammation and pain each day when supplementing with GH Pep – another factor that becomes more important with age.

14. This makes Elite Sarms – GH Pep perfect for anyone that is looking for Rejuvenation of the body while at the same time benefiting from the awesome Physique and Performance results of the one and only: GH Pep