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Muscle Building Program to Maximize your Muscle Mass with the Elite Sarms Builders

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Written by: M.G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

There are many advantages to building muscle that go beyond having the perfect body or an increase in physical strength. Whether your desire to consistently train and maintain a particular diet comes from health or aesthetic motivations, for either reason there are 3 main criteria that must be fulfilled to ensure maximum muscle gains occur:

1. Proper nutrition that will support muscle growth

2. An exercise routine that will challenge your muscles and cause stress and adaptation

3. Smart supplementation that will allow faster and full recovery to continue progressing forward

These are just some of the basic foundations for building more muscle than you have right now or at a minimum maintaining what muscle you have right now. To find out more key factors for increasing muscle mass and the factors behind that coveted goal for every male and a growing number of fitness females. For more info and details read on…..


While the topic of Nutrition can spur endless discussions that can go on for days, this article focuses on the importance of protein and some of the major issues that surround this macromolecule. Studies have clearly shown that protein requirements are considerably greater in those who train regularly or play sports.

According to researches published in recent year, in order for muscle protein synthesis (MPS) to take place, a maximum amount between 20 to 40 grams of protein should be ingested per meal. Now, this is a ballpark amount and your requirement may be in the lower or higher limit depending on the frequency and intensity of your physical training.

Another point I’d like to emphasize is Anabolic Resistance. This refers to the body’s decreased ability to absorb amino acids into muscle and is commonly observed in:

  • older adults
  • systemic inflammation
  • insulin resistance
  • disease states

If you belong to one of these groups, what this is implying is that if you are involved in weight-training exercise, you need to ingest a greater amount of protein, particularly essential amino acids, to overcome the Anabolic Resistance effect.

The most important essential amino acid where increased MPS is concerned is the branched-chain amino acid, leucine. Leucine is the trigger amino acid for elevated MPS because it activates the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR), kick-starting the entire protein synthesis process. Ideally, to overcome Anabolic Resistance, you need:

2.5 grams of leucine per meal if under 40 years of age, and

4 grams of leucine per meal if 40 years and above


For efficient muscle building effects, you can combine compound exercises to recruit multiple muscle groups at once, with isolation exercises for better form and technique. Train with progressive overload, which means gradually challenge your muscles by increasing the weight or reps performed. This will guarantee bigger gains.

Examples of Compound Exercises (1-5 rep range)


Back Squat

Front Squat

Bench press

Barbell Shoulder press


Push Press

Examples of Isolation Exercises (10-20 rep range)

Dumbbell Flyes- decline and incline

Cable Crossovers

Bodyweight Flyes

Butterfly Machine

Cable Iron Cross

Cable Flyes- flat bench, incline & decline

Single-Arm Cable Crossover

Low Cable Crossover

Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press

Cable Chest Press- incline, decline

Superset 2-4 movements together per set with minimal rest and perform each exercise set twice a week. If you’re reaching the level of muscle fatigue, don’t let your ego get the better of you. If you need to scale back the weight, better listen to your body and avoid injury.


Whether you are a professional competitor or someone who’s very motivated to refine your physique, you are the kind of in the zone of active muscle building that powerlifters or bodybuilders are working towards. If you are in the fitness scene long enough, you are also aware how supplementation can ramp up your lean muscle gains big time.

Creatine. Creatine is an amino acid found in the body’s muscles and brain. It donates phosphate groups that form Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. ATP the molecule powering your muscle’s contractions during a workout. Aside from being a phosphate donor, Creatine also serves as a weak buffer preventing the pH within your muscle fibers to drop too low, hence suspending fatigue. In short, Creatine pushes your muscles to work harder and longer.

Recommended dose: To load, take 20 grams of Creatine per day for 5–7 days. For maintenance, take 3–5 grams per day. You can stick with this dosage for a long time.

Physique 400® (LGD-4033) . Well-known as Ligandrol, it is one of the most researched SARMs because of its potent effects on augmenting muscle mass and volume. When it comes to bulking, Physique 400 is a big leaguer with clinical studies under its belt. It demonstrates powerful hypertrophic effects comparable to anabolic hormones. One major benefit of LGD 4033 is its ability to increase fat-free muscle tissue when bulking.

Recommended dose: 10mg or 1ml of LGD 4033 per day. Suggested cycle length is 6 – 8 weeks.

Elite Sarms Tight® (RAD 140). More and more studies are comparing RAD 140 as being identical to the anabolic power of Testosterone. In addition to its propensity for muscle building, it amplifies the power and strength of muscle fibers. Seasoned gym goers even stack RAD 140 with Test or prohormones to amplify the effects of testosterone minus the side effects. Almost too good to be true, RAD 140 also shows neuroprotective and regenerative effects on brain neurons!

Recommended dose: 10mg or 1ml of RAD 140 per day. Suggested cycle length is 6 – 8 weeks.

Elite Sarms Stanazine® (S4). What makes Stanazine (S4) unique on top of its lean muscle building effects, is its efficacy for increased fat loss and muscle protection during a cutting phase. Because S4 allows you to gain lean mass during intensive training with a limited calorie intake, it is also an ideal supplement for body re-composition.

Other studies compare S4 to the muscle-generating effects of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is 3x more anabolic than testosterone. Stanazine is also proven to boost muscle strength and increase bone mass.

Recommended dose: 25 mg or 1ml of S4 per day. Suggested cycle length is 6 – 8 weeks.

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How Important Is Post Workout Recovery? (What Experts are Saying)

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Original Design: Michelle G. Thibault
Re-design: Ryan McTeigue

It is common knowledge within fitness circles that some discomfort is part of athletic activities. Every successful training program includes some degree of pain since for muscle strength to improve, the muscle tissue must experience an increase in stress over what it is used to, which is what we call the “burn” during training. This mild burn is what we call good pain and also the root of the popular expression, “No pain, no gain.” Take note, this pain should be short-lived and should resolve within a day or two.

Do you know when your workout regimen is pushing the limits of your athletic capacity?

When you feel fatigued after a good, strenuous workout, you can tell you had a great session if it also leaves you feeling exhilarated. But when this fatigue stretches for days, this means you have excessively challenged your physical form, and the energy stores in your muscles are not being adequately replenished.

Chronic fatigue after extreme exercise indicates that you are overtraining yourself. If after appropriate rest the fatigue continues, it may be a symptom of a medical problem and you should consult a doctor for further work-up.

According to McFarland and Cosgarea, both Orthopedic Specialists from John Hopkins School of Medicine, muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bones of the body are living structures that react to the stress of exercise only gradually. If they are exposed to stress too fast, they cannot respond effectively and may begin to fail.

One research reports that the total amounts of exercise has the strongest and most consistent association to a higher risks of injury. When we say the total amount of exercise, we pertain to the product of the intensity, duration, and frequency of your workout sessions.

This also points us to the necessity of an effective post-workout protocol. Our Intel further explains why exercise recovery is critical to your fitness and overall performance, and lets you in on recovery strategies that actually work.

Recovery Time Helps You to be Injury-Free

Sufficient rest in between workouts will help reenergize the body so you have the stamina to give it your all during your next workout, says Melissa Leber, MD, an orthopedic surgeon at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City If you want to push it to your maximum, you also have to give your body time to recoup in between.

“Overtraining can lead to overuse, which can lead to burnout and injury,” Dr. Leber explains. Common overuse injuries include runner’s knee, stress fractures, ligament tears, and muscle strains.

Post Workout Supplements

After training, replenishing your body is critical for accelerated recovery and performance. While there are tons of products on the market that claim to support and optimize your post-workout strategy, choosing a safe and scientifically-proven recovery supplement is equally important.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids. “Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids, particularly the long chain variety EPA and DHA found in fish oils, can reduce inflammation, swelling and stiffness in the muscles and assist healing after intense workouts,” according to Anita Bean, a nutritionist and the author of The Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition. Omega-3 fats are shown to increase blood flow to muscles during exercise, reduce post-exercise soreness and increase the muscle-building response of the body to a meal.

Boswellia and Curcumin. A study recently published in the Journal of American College of Sports Medicine shows that a combination of curcumin extract and boswellia extract, accelerates muscle recovery post-exercise. Results showed that the combined supplementation produced lower levels of creatine kinase, which is a marker for muscle damage. Muscle injury, perceived soreness, and loss of muscle strength were also reduced in the supplement group.

(MK-2866) or Decavar/Ostarine/Enobosarm. Widely documented for its reliable anabolic action, it quickly regenerates “microtears” in the muscle tissues during intense workouts, while promoting new growth of lean muscle fibres for a sharper, more solid physique. This mechanism also allows the body to bounce back rapidly while increasing mass gains, muscle strength and energy without any adverse effects thanks to its high tissue selectivity.

Decavar’s notable healing properties on muscle and bone tissues has also exhibited consistent results in enhancing functional performance and endurance. This is explained by experts who discovered an increase in the blood supply and enzyme activity of muscle tissues of test subjects, thereby facilitating the contractile force of their muscles.

Athletes, body builders and fitness buffs can benefit significantly from Decavar MK-2866 as it shortens recovery time in between workouts. By facilitating tissue regeneration and restoring their normal physiology, your bones and muscles can recover faster and grow stronger.

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Hacking Your Bioage With NAD+

WhatsApp Image 2021 06 23 at 15.13.16

By M.G. Thibault
Edited by Ryan McTeigue

Aging is a natural and organic process that everyone undergoes. Both our bodies and mind go through cycles of changes throughout our life. As we age, our cells have a lesser capacity to divide and multiply, some lose their function, and eventually deteriorate. This is the scientific meaning of ageing

The dilemmas that come with aging

As our age advances, wrinkles become more prominent in our skin, our hair thins and loses pigmentation, and our memory is not as retentive. More importantly, we feel a decrease in energy and strength; we become more susceptible to diseases, while abnormalities and dysfunction begin to show within our body.

So, when this article mentions about “hacking” your biological age, this means we are providing you with science-based information that leads to some adjustments in your lifestyle and diet, which can intervene with these signs and symptoms of aging.

The Role of “Nutrigenomics”

When we talk about Biohacking, we have to mention its close associate, “Nutrigenomics.” This term supports the idea that our body’s total genetic expression can be optimized by taking the right nutrients that influence our overall health over time.

The thing is, genes may be critical for determining inherent abilities, but Nutrition can modify the extent to which different genes are expressed and thus modifies whether an individual reaches the potential established by their genetic pre-disposition.

This emerging knowledge can transform nutrition and dietary practices to optimise health, promote longevity, and prevent or even treat certain diseases.

First off, we’ll identify the “poor-quality” foods that induce inflammation. Some studies consider aging as a chronic inflammatory state, so one of the best anti-aging hacks would be to stop eating junk food (such as fried foods) and start incorporating more anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory foods in your diet.

Avoid trans fats, that easily produce cancer-causing free radicals and literally slow the body down. It will also benefit you to refrain from eating too much sugar and processed carbohydrates (like pasta, bread, and pastries) as this may lead to chronically high insulin levels that positively correlate with age-related diseases including diabetes and heart diseases.

Treated meats like hot dogs, bacon, and pepperoni are usually high in nitrates, which also lead to inflammation. Moderate drinking (a 5-ounce glass of red wine per day, 5x a week) may be good for your heart, but heavy drinking will only speed up the aging process.

Boosting NAD+ levels

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide otherwise known as NAD+ is a chemical compound, which is found in essentially every cell of the body, and produced in abundance during adolescence all the way up to early adulthood. Its main function is to facilitate healthy brain function, regulate metabolism, repair damaged DNA, and strengthen our cell’s defences. Like most compounds secreted by the body, NAD+ levels start to decrease as we age.

Recent lab tests on animals have shown that raising NAD+ levels may help reverse signs of aging and reduce the incidence of many chronic diseases. You can boost your NAD+ levels by:

1. Exercise. Daily workouts require more NAD+ for energy, and your body responds to increased demand by producing it.

2. Raw foods that contain vitamin B, like avocados, steamed fish, whole grains, and nuts can boost NAD+ levels. Consider adding fermented foods and drinks to your diet like sauerkraut and kombucha. These are rich in NAD+ and also effective in easing persistent bloating and chronic joint pain.

3.Oral NAD+ supplements. One article shows that supplementation of Nicotinamide Riboside (NR, 500 mg, 2×/day), a NAD+ precursor, effectively stimulates NAD+ metabolism in healthy middle-aged and older adults.

4. NAD+ infusions. The Intravenous route promotes higher bioavailability, compared to oral supplements meaning a fuller dosage enters the body to help restore the mitochondria, and renew power at the cellular level. Specialised health and anti-aging clinics may have this available, shop around the internet to find one near you if you are interested.

5. Growth Hormone Mimetics. GH Pep® (MK-677) is a growth hormone secretagogue, which amplifies the body’s natural release of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like-growth-factor 1 (IGF-1). Among their many benefits such as lean muscle gains, accelerated fat loss, and tissue repair, the increase in GH and IGF-1 levels regulate mitochondrial mass and function and contribute significantly to mitochondrial biogenesis, respiration and ATP production.

How does this relate to boosting NAD+ levels?

A Study from the University of California demonstrates that the mitochondria in cells create NAD from the nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), one of its precursors. This explains why NAD+ levels decline with mitochondrial dysfunction aka slow metabolism and reduced NAD+/NADH ratio is implicated in mitochondrial disorders, as well as during aging.

As far as anti-aging goes, Elite Sarms product: GH Pep® (MK-677) is a remarkable anti-aging supplement since it not only boosts your growth hormone and IGF-1, sustaining your hormone profile in a state of perpetual youth, it also increases the production of your NAD+ which you now know is another Key Level Player in the quest for the fountain of youth.

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Is S4 The 2021 Version of Winstrol for Athletic Performance?

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Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

In general, performance enhancing substances, otherwise known as ergogenic aids are utilized by sports people and professional athletes to boost their game. Athletes often seek out alternative nutrition to further improve their performance, and sports supplements are one way. As far as the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is concerned, these supplements fall into 2 categories: the legal substances, and those that are banned. If you are a professional athlete who gets tested before competitions, check with your sports governing body to be sure what compounds are on their Prohibited list.

Let’s talk about one particular substance that has gained fame, or shall we say infamy since athletes were stripped off of their medals when proven to have used this compound.

Winstrol’s popularity hit the roof when Olympic Sprinter Ben Johnson tested positive for it. If you look at Johnson, he was lean, and ripped. But what’s more prominent was his strength and speed. He had the athletic agility that earned him the title, “world’s fastest human being”.

Worlwide interest magnified when Russian race walker Olimpiada Ivanova and National Rugby League footballer Rodney Howe also tested positive. And that’s what Stanozolol, the generic name of the anabolic steroid Winstrol, does for you. It will give you a massive surge in strength without putting in a lot of bulk to your frame. It also allows your body for a fast recovery, not only from gruelling training sessions but also from injuries.

Most people from the bodybuilding community call it ‘Winny’ and has become a big favourite among ‘physique’ oriented groups. Say for example, if someone is seeking to gain a decent amount of muscle without gaining a lot of water and fat, bodybuilding mavens effectively stack Test and Winny to achieve their target.

The problem with Winstrol

Because Stanozolol (Winstrol) is an anabolic hormone, side effects are expected. The following adverse results were reported:

– severe liver toxicity

– insomnia

– electrolyte imbalance

– acne

– ankle swelling

– testosterone suppression

– electrolyte imbalance

– gynecomastia for men

A Bettter and Safer Alternative

The advent of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators or SARMs marks a turning point in the world of fitness and sports because it undoubtedly raised the bar as far as physique and sports enhancing supplements are concerned. Imagine Winstrol but without the side effects. Remarkable… right?

It’s called S4. Alternatively known as Stanazine or Andarine, this substance has a high affinity for androgen receptors, and therefore mimics the effects of testosterone. Even better is the fact that its effects are much stronger in muscles and bones without involving the reproductive organs. This property of high selectivity is why S4 and other SARMs are believed to cause fewer side effects when compared to anabolic steroids. Bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts won’t have to deal with severe testosterone suppression and increased estrogens if they take SARMs instead of steroids.

Potential Uses of
Stanazine (S4)

This section focuses on the clinical and scientific research that have been done on S4.

Based on current data, the following are its effects:

1. Increase in Muscle Mass

This drug was developed to prevent muscle wasting, and animal studies do indeed show that S4 improves muscle growth and strength in animals. When given to castrated rats for 4 weeks, S4 increased muscle weight as markedly as Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) but without prostate enlargement, which is a big concern when taking steroids.

2. Increase in Bone Strength and Combat Osteoporosis

Andarine increased bone mineral density and strength in both in castrated male rats and in female rats whose ovaries had been removed.In addition to improving bone density, it also improves muscle strength, reducing the risk of falls and fractures.

3. Fat Loss

In female rats whose ovaries have been removed, apart from improving bone strength, S4 also decreased body fat.

The above factors play a big role in athletic performance because bone and muscle strength determine stability, power, speed and endurance. Remember:

a) Slow-twitch muscles– move more slowly but help to keep you moving. Associated with stamina, and endurance, sustained for a longer amount of time.

b) Fast- twitch muscles– help you move faster, but for shorter periods. Related to speed, strength and sudden bursts of energy in a shorter period.

Research studies demonstrate that Stanazine S4 also promotes bone healing and accelerated recovery, which means faster repair of fractures and muscular micro-tears athletes oftentimes suffer during training sessions.

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Bliss CBD Oil for Athletes

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Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

Bliss CBD Oils for Athletes

With the advent of the novel CBD oil in the world of cannabis and hemp related products, more and more research is emerging to provide scientific proof and establish the medical benefits of cannabis especially in particular extracts like Cannabidiol. CBD is a non-psychoactive property that is found in industrial hemp and is the vital ingredient for the medicinal properties of cannabis.

As an athlete or a fitness lover, your body is subjected to exhaustion, physical injuries, and the consequences of wear and tear. At the end of a long session of extensive training or a rigorous workout, you will feel these effects and it will definitely affect your performance. This article will explore the medical benefits associated with Bliss Formula CBD Oil and how it will facilitate your best game ever and support you to a speedy recovery!

Bliss Formula CBD oil tinctures do not contain any THC so they will not give you the psychoactive buzz and are completely legal. Our formulas are based from scientific research illustrated through the following:

Bliss CBD Oil on Inflammation

Athletic and physically active individuals face inflammation on a daily basis. Bliss CBD oil acts as an anti-inflammatory thus saving you from joint and muscle injury during workouts, as well as reducing the usual aches and pains. This is made possible through the Endocannabinoid System that we have in our body mediated by CB1 and CB2 receptors.

Bliss CBD Oil on Game-day Nerves and Anxiety

It is typical to feel anxious for a big game or event despite all that hard work and rigorous training. Bliss CBD Oil targets performance anxiety and nips it right in the bud. Renowned for its anti-depressant/anxiolytic properties, bodybuilders and athletes alike have switched to CBD from pharmaceuticals like Xanax and Zoloft. In addition to its mood-lifting and calming properties, Bliss CBD oil is completely safe, non-habit forming and all natural.

Bliss CBD Oil on Recovery

Sustaining an injury during a workout, a practice session or a game event is sometimes inescapable. A good alternative away from strong painkillers that give you liver and kidney damage, Bliss CBD Oil effectively combats pain while speeding up your recovery time. Lab Analysis reveals a direct interaction between CBD and S296 which consequently mediate glycinergic cannabinoid-induced suppression of pain.

Scientific research has multiple evidences of CBD’s healing effects on degenerative diseases like Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer, even traumatic brain injuries. Bliss CBD oil can absolutely bring your body to a state of homeostasis and well-being to help you get back into the game in no time.

CBD is taking the Sports and Fitness industry by storm with all its proven benefits and exceptional range of medicinal applications. If you are looking for a supplement that is all-natural, therapeutically safe and effective without the side-effects, try Bliss CBD Oil for peak athletic performance and fast recovery. It is an absolute gem to help you keep winning in this big game we call life!





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The Best Sarms Combo for Ultimate Muscle Growth

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The Best Sarms Combo for Ultimate Muscle Growth

Written by M.G Thibault
Edited by Ryan McTeigue

Many the gym lovers hit the Iron Temple (gym) with a vague goal in mind. We hear common targets through customer enquiries such as I want to “lose weight”, “build muscle”, “get ripped”, “bulk up” or “shred fat”. The typical roadblock occurs when these goals remain as dreams in your mind because There is no plan in place. In this article we aim to deliver some important information so you are hitting the gym with a fully formulated plan in combination with the perfect Elite Sarm product combinations for Ultimate Muscle Growth.

So first things first – 1. Set a defined and achievable goal. It doesn’t hurt to write it down and be looking at it morning and evening. This could be to gain 1- 2kgs of lean muscle per month. To know more about the basics of muscle building, you can refer to previous article here: our article here (How the body builds muscle 101).

Let’s continue with the example goal of muscle building, since this is a popular fitness target. YOUR goal needs should be clear, detailed, and have a deadline. The thing is if you don’t have a specific date in mind, more often than not, the goal will NEVER be accomplished. Assuming you read the above article or you have practised and researched quite a bit on gaining muscle mass, you should have an excellent training program in place and a dietary plan that supports muscle building. You should also strategize sufficient recovery periods to avoid muscle fatigue that can deter your muscle building momentum.

Let’s address something vital from a nutritional point of view. When building new muscle, you need a greater amount of protein compared to the average diet in order to meet your muscle requirements. This will be around 20-30% of your total nutritional intake, and you may want to supplement with protein powders to meet this requirement the most common form of protein powder is when protein and isolates.

Another option would be collagen sourced from fish (marine collagen) or grass-fed beef. Collagen protein is abundant in connective tissue as well as muscle and doesn’t cause an increase in insulin levels like whey protein. This makes collagen more compatible to you if you’re planning lean down while maintaining or building muscle. Collagen is also better on digestion so those sensitive to whey protein will benefit highly from collagen protein. Vegetarians and vegans can choose from an array of plant-based sources, such as pea protein, rice protein, soy protein, and hemp protein.

If you’re on a budget, the following are affordable protein sources:

– Canned fish, frozen fish, rice cakes with nut butters, eggs, soy protein (TVP)

After you have an executable nutrition structure in place, next the time duration needed to accomplish your goal needs to be set. The big question is, When is the Right Time to Bulk?

There are factors to consider for effective and efficient bulking. Remember, your body builds muscle most efficiently when you are at your leanest – not with high body fat (as the bro scientist might claim). The reason for this? – Insulin Sensitivity. You’re far more insulin sensitive when you carry less body fat which means your body can more efficiently use glucose (converted from the carbohydrates you consume) as an energy source driven into muscle, instead of being stored in fat cells.

Some protocols suggest that to efficiently gain more muscle and less fat during a bulking phase, the starting point should be within 9-12% of body fat for men, and somewhere between 20-24% body fat for women. If this is not the case, another route is to begin with a dieting phase first, then transition into a building phase once you lean out.

Game Changing Supplements

The discovery of ‘Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators’ or SARMs has been without a doubt one of the greatest breakthroughs in the Health and Fitness industry. These innovative compounds, originally designed to treat muscle wasting in sick patients, has the anabolic properties of hormones but WITHOUT the side effects, thanks to their high selectivity. When attaching to androgen receptors, SARMs only specifies those receptors in muscles, bones and connective tissues to stimulate cellular growth and thus increase their mass and volume. This mechanism of action ensures NO toxic effects on other organs of the body like the heart, liver and prostate. Although all SARMs stimulate muscle hypertrophy while metabolizing fat for the body’s fuel, below are our TOP Favourites when it comes to Muscle Building:

1. Physique 400’s (LGD-4033) – Popularly known as Ligandrol, it is one of the most studied SARMs which emphasises its potent action on bolstering muscle mass and volume. Ligandrol is a muscle building heavyweight with clinical studies under its belt demonstrating its powerful hypertrophic effects. The clear-cut primary benefit of LGD 4033 is its ability to increase lean muscle mass without increasing fat when bulking.

2. Elite Sarms Tight (RAD 140)– There are studies that compare RAD 140 as being identical to the anabolic power of Testosterone. On top of its anabolic prowess, it amplifies the power and strength of muscle fibers. Other testosterone users stack RAD 140 with other compounds to reinforce the effects of testosterone without the side effects. An Icing to its impressive anabolic profile RAD 140 also demonstrates protective and generative factors on brain neurons! Ever heard of brain gains? Well now you have.

3. Elite Sarms Decavar (MK-2866)– MK-2866 or Ostarine as other studies call it, got famous because of its regenerative effects on test subjects in studies with muscle wasting and bone density problems. Remember that recovery is one of the biggest Elements of your Bulking Protocol. Micro tears have to heal in order to generate bigger and stronger muscle fibers to continue training and moving forward. MK-2866 promptly became a favorite supplement for athletes and fitness enthusiast in need of speedy recovery from their muscle-bulking workouts.

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How To Reverse The Aging Process 
(A Fact-Based Article)

WhatsApp Image 2021 03 18 at 13.10.27

By M.G Thibault
Edited by Ryan McTeigue

Why do we age? It’s no big secret that people put tremendous effort, time and money to try and reverse the effects of aging and try various methods to appear vibrant and youthful. As aging is inescapable, our struggle to become perpetually young is wasted energy. However while we can’t turn back the hands of time, it has been scientifically proven through bio-age analysis, that we can reverse our biological age. This blog focuses on the mitochondria (energy producers of the cell) and the latest information to come out about the link between boosting mitochondria and its effects on anti-aging.

Recently, scientists have discovered that changes in the mitochondria of our cells pose as a potential central regulator of the aging process. Research suggests the link between anti-aging and healthy mitochondria, has to do with the mitochondria’s influence in our body’s immune system, the fact it produces almost all of our cells Adenine triphosphate (ATP) which supplies the cells and subsequently the entire body with energy and the nuclear signalling mitochondria drives that controls our circadian rhythm – the bodies automatic sleep-wake cycle.

Following the lead of the latest research studies, health and fitness proponents caught wind of this fact and are now focusing on the mitochondria as an effective route to delay the biological clock and here’s what we have found out so far:

1. High intensity interval training (HIIT)

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great strategy to boost mitochondrial function. A 2017 study in cell metabolism found that the HIIT style training caused cells to make more proteins for the mitochondria, which revitalizes them. HIIT training created a 49% increase in mitochondrial capacity for young, healthy adults in the study: the older volunteers experienced a whopping 69% increase!!

2. Grounding (or earthing)

Grounding (or earthing) is the habit of attaching bare skin to the Earth such as soil or grass. They found that the mitochondria in the grounded subjects are less stressed and not working so hard to produce energy due to the body’s state of homeostasis. Believe it or not, there is reliable scientific data behind this. A meta-analysis demonstrates that Grounding could support restorative sleep and help with chronic pain. Another research also noted its significant effects on the immune system and wound healing. So, take off your shoes and get your bare feet on the grass as often as possible.

3. CoQ10

Taking CoQ10 helps the mitochondria with energy production. CoQ10 is an antioxidant that our body naturally produces but gets depleted as we age. By facilitating Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) production in the mitochondria, CoQ10 maintains the normal functioning of our muscles and body organs especially the brain and heart which require the most fuel.

4. Supplementing with Acetyl-L-carnitine

Supplementing with Acetyl-L-carnitine or ALC provides more than 20% of mitochondrial proteins which helps our cells’ batteries to function properly, including those involved in antioxidant defence and energy production. Moreover, one of the key changes in physiology associated with longevity is an increased acetylation of mitochondrial proteins.

5. Hyper Lean

Taking Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean (SR9009) for drastically Increased Mitochondrial production and improved function is another potent way to increase the body’s energy generators. In muscle, SR9009 encourages the production of new mitochondria while lowering the deterioration rate of older cells and completely removing damaged ones. A study was conducted where lab mice treated with SR9009 showed an increased number of total and active mitochondria. This mechanism was mediated by repressing autophagy (the consumption of the body’s own tissue as a metabolic process occurring in starvation and certain diseases) genes in the muscle cells. Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean (SR9009) also leads to a relative boost in power and longer endurance when the skeletal muscles are at work!

Aside from stimulating the quantitative increase of mitochondria, SR9009 also facilitates their efficiency, thereby promoting the muscle’s fat burning ability by accelerating the metabolic rate.

As a REV-ERB α and β agonist, SR9009 increases the basal metabolic rate and promotes energy balance by regulating the expression of genes related to lipid and glucose metabolism. This is the reason why SR9009 is a popular product among fitness people and athletes. Check out this article to find out more about the fat burning properties of SR9009.

The Final Word: What we’ve now learnt about the mitochondria and how it can address the fundamental mechanism of ageing gives us an opportunity to move beyond old age and perhaps even tackle the problems and health issues that are associated with aging. This can be a phenomenal shift where we stop putting a bandage over the effect of time, but instead get to the roots of ageing which is within our cells. In this way, we can take control of our biology, health and performance as our chronological age-clock ticks into the future.

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Why MK677 Is One of the Best Anti-aging Elixirs on the Market

ES EDM BLOG 4ef2e2e6 b56d 4dba 90ea 6df439239764

Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

Can the aging process be stopped or reversed? If you’ve thought about this, you’re not alone. In fact, this is something that has crossed billions of people’s minds at some point in their life. This problem has even plagued scientists the world over for centuries, in search of the elusive fountain of youth. And while science continues to look for plausible ways to beat the biological clock, the billion-dollar business of anti-aging has come up with different products and modalities to find possible answers to the phenomenon of ageing.

There are many theories of ageing from mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular ageing to environmental factors and/or DNA damage. This article will focus on one of the most studied and strongest theory behind why we age: Hormones.

Hormones and Aging

Could your hormones be ageing you? Proponents of the hormonal ageing theory support that the interplay of different hormones in the body can be one of the most major causes behind the ageing process.

The most documented metabolic pathway involved in ageing is the IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1) signalling pathway. The decline of this pathway is closely associated with metabolic changes including fatty acid and glucose metabolism slowing down as you grow older. This is also the reason why the body loses its firmness and become saggy and tends to accumulate more visceral fat – which are those soft adipose deposits around the belly area!

Let’s break this down. Do you ever hear older people complain about sleeping problems? That’s because with increasing age, sleep becomes shallower and more fragmented. And there’s a hormone the body secretes when sleeping. It is called: Human Growth Hormone or HGH. When sleep is short and disjointed, HGH secretion decreases.

HGH is very important because it stimulates the liver to produce IGF-1 which is responsible for systemic body growth. IGF-1 has growth-promoting properties on skeletal muscles, cartilages, bones, skin, and every connective tissue in the body! Research studies also show that IGF-1 can regulate cellular DNA synthesis.

Let’s go back to HGH where we first started. What’s interesting is that when the body detects increased levels of HGH, Somatostatin (the word statin is Latin for stop) – a hormone in the hypothalamus, is secreted to inhibit further release of HGH. Hence, it is part of a feedback mechanism, and also goes by the name, growth hormone-inhibiting hormone or GHIH. It’s worth mentioning that when administered in elderlies, Somatostatin causes a significant decrease in sleep time.

So let’s review. HGH is a very important hormone because it keeps the cells in our body young and functional. It stimulates IGF-1 which mediates its beneficial effects. As we age, HGH levels decline, part of that is due to short and interrupted sleep that comes with ageing. Somatostatin is also another hormone that modulates HGH release as part of the feedback loop.

Anti-Aging Solutions that Work

The concept that hormones, or lack thereof may cause ageing has triggered a massive interest in the use of Synthetic Human Growth Hormone. These are injectable compounds which really work and had been around for ages. But the challenge lies on finding high quality HGH in a market that is flooded with fake products that can burn your pocket, big time! If you prefer this route, make sure that the product you’re buying has been tested for purity and that is actually contains HGH and is scripted by a Medical Professional if you purchasing in countries that require a script for this peptide.

Another feasible approach from the hormone theory standpoint, would be something that can improve our HGH levels- either by increasing its secretion or preventing its inhibition.

The synthesis of a novel compound called MK677 saw an important milestone in the quest for the fountain of youth. MK-677 is an HGH secretagogue, meaning it increases the secretion of HGH in the pituitary gland. MK-677 is taken orally and mimics the action of ghrelins, which send signals to the brain to stimulate the pulsatile release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). What’s really amazing about MK-677 is that research studies also show that through the HGH increase, it also causes elevated levels of Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1). Remember the action of IGF-1 and how it can sustain the health and functionality of our muscle, adipose tissues and organs?

The third mechanism of MK-677 is its ability to reduce Somatostatin release. Yes, the very hormone that prevents HGH secretion when levels get too high in the blood. MK-677, by addressing both sides of the GH equation: Increased secretion and decreased inhibition, is undoubtedly a powerful anti-aging tonic. With a once-daily oral administration, it effectively rejuvenates the GH/IGF-I axis re-creating the physiologic GH profile of a healthy young adult. It doesn’t have any adverse effects such as cortisol elevations or any hormonal suppression.

Based on scientific studies, MK677’s ability to enhance HGH and IGF-1 levels can bring about:

-Lean Muscle Gains

-Improved abdominal Fat Loss

-Enhanced Skin tone and texture

-Increased bone density and Strength

-Dramatic improvement in Sleep Quality

-Significant boost in Immune System

-Accelerated healing of tissue injuries

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How Human Growth Hormone Makes You Look and Feel Younger

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Original Design: Michelle G. Thibault
Re-design: Ryan McTeigue

Once you are born, the biological clock starts “ticking” and you become older each day. Everything in your body including your body parts, skin, organs and hormones levels are on a schedule and each day they become chronologically older. This is just how life works – everything is in a constant state of ageing.

Consequently, ageing comes with a lot of physical changes. These changes present as wrinkling and drying of the skin, bones becoming weaker, muscles becoming less toned and eventually wasting away and hair begins to grey and start to diminish…

So where does HGH come into play in all of this?

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is perhaps the most popular hormone analogue in the fitness market. Its wide array of uses include bodybuilding, strength enhancement, and in recent years, anti-ageing. This makes HGH the gold standard of therapy among adults.

Just as the name implies, HGH promotes normal growth. It is medically used in children to treat developmental issues such as stunted growth.

Does growth hormone really slow or reverse the effects of ageing? Keep reading for a scientific explanation of what one can expect from HGH – especially when used as a therapy for anti-aging.

Many health and fitness proponents believe that HGH injections, often hailed as the fountain of youth, is an incredible substance that can help alleviate symptoms that come with ageing. Competitive athletes, bodybuilders, and people who are passionate about bio-hacking have discovered that HGH can sustain their strength and youthful physique over long periods of time.

A cycle of HGH initiates a cascade of metabolic events in the body that ultimately reduce the symptoms that accompany the ageing of cells. If the question is: does HGH slow down aging? The answer is – Definitely. HGH delays the ageing process by counteracting the factors that contribute to aging. One of those factors being – low circulating HGH levels in the body.

The Scientific Evidence

A 1990 study was conducted to define the effects of growth hormone on men above 60 years old with decreased levels of insulin-like growth factor. The study revealed that the treatment with HGH reduced the amount of fat stored in the body, significantly increased their muscle mass, increased the bone density and also reduced thinning of the skin which overall improved the general wellbeing of the test subjects.

Excess body fat is always an issue that presents as a challenge – regardless of whatever age range you’re in. If you’re someone younger, it can impede you from achieving your desired physique. But as you age, fat gets deposited in the muscles and bones, which leads to weakness and un-toned muscles. It can also put you at risk for serious cardiovascular diseases.

Body fat is majorly stored in the body through the action of insulin and HGH is a strong antagonist for insulin. HGH binds directly to receptors in the adipose tissues to mobilize them and form free fatty acids. This eventually reduces the amount of fat stored in the body as HGH enables the fat cells to be utilized for energy.

HGH facilitates the uptake of proteins in the muscular tissue to optimize lean muscle gains. It is mainly this mechanism that makes HGH popular in bodybuilding to increase muscle mass. One symptom of advanced age is diminishing muscles and this can be prevented with HGH. It can promote and maintain muscle mass, as well as stimulate collagen synthesis which also improves skin tension thereby reducing the appearance of skin wrinkles.

Ageing also leads to fragile bones that negatively impacts strength. This is also the reason why older people are more susceptible to fractures. Studies have shown that HGH significantly increases the mineralization in the bone. This action is largely mediated by the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) which is synthesized in the liver. IGF-1secretion is released by Human Growth Hormone.

This gives the individual an overall sense of wellbeing. The physical and emotional stability one receives on HGH therapy not only prolongs life significantly, it can also preserves confidence and sense of security moving into older ages.

The Bottom Line

By supplementing with HGH, scientific studies and anecdotal evidence support the beneficial effects of this compound to diminish and in some cases, reverse the symptoms of ageing. This gives the individual an overall sense of wellbeing. The physical and emotional benefits one receives on HGH therapy not only prolongs life significantly, it can also preserve a sense of confidence moving into older ages.

HGH Dosage for Anti-Aging

Most doctors usually suggest that a small amount of HGH is needed to benefit from its anti-aging properties. Preferably, a daily dose of 2-3 IU of growth hormone is recommended for anti-aging benefits.

If you are using GH both for its anti-aging and bodybuilding effects or athletic support, daily dosages can range around 4-6 IU/daily.

Elite Sarms product GH Pep also known as MK677 is a growth hormone secretagogue in which a 1ml daily dosage is equivalent to around 2IU of the HGH peptide. What is great about this product is there are Zero injections required as it is an oral product. You can check out GH Pep in the Elite Sarms range here.

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Current Trends in Male Performance Enhancement: What Works

Sexual performance with Elite Sarms

In our previous blog, we explored the best natural supplements to improve male performance in the bedroom, and the science behind their response in the body. In this article, we put the spotlight on the latest pharmaceutical products in the market of enhancing sexual performance and stamina in males.

PDE5 Inhibitors

Majority of the pharmaceutical compounds used to treat erectile dysfunction and enhance libido work by stimulating blood flow to the penis – similarly to how we use nitric oxide increasers in pre-workout to enhance our muscle pumps in the gym. Oral formulations of Phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors are the most common in this category and work to block the breakdown of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). This prolongs the signalling of vasodilation molecules including; nitric oxide (NO) resulting in longer erections.

It is important to note that individuals who are taking nitrate drugs for chest pain or using alpha-blockers to treat high blood pressure should not take PDE5 inhibitors, as this can lead to a sudden decrease in blood pressure, which can become a danger.


Sildenafil (Viagra) is a popular PDE5 inhibitor, mainly due to its shorter activation time and shorter half-life. A 2002 study showed that it takes roughly 27 minutes for Sildenafil to kick in. That is relatively fast if one is looking to be spontaneous in sexual activity.

Depending on individual metabolism, Sildenafil can take 4 to 6 hours to fully leave your system. For the most part, Sildenafil can be taken for on-demand usage but if you’re looking for a daily dosage, 50mg a day is considered a safe dose.


Tadalafil (Cialis) is another PDE5 inhibitor, but slightly different compared to Sildenafil. Tadalafil’s activation period takes 1-2 hours after taking it, meaning one will have to wait longer to get fired up. This is more suited to unplanned intimacies like a night out or weekend trips – in fact Tadalafil has been dubbed “The Weekender”.

Since Tadalafil takes longer to activate, this also means it has a longer half-life. Tadalafil has an active half-life for up to 17.5 hrs resulting in erectile responsiveness for up to 36 hours with a single dose! A 2016 study established its safety and efficacy whether taken as needed, or on a daily basis.

Penile Suppositories

Alprostadil – Penile Suppository

Yes this a real thing! Alprostadil known as – MUSE – comes as a penile suppository, meaning it is placed in the urethra. MUSE, or (Medicated Urethral System for Erections), is available as a pill or injection. Alprostadil is in the vasodilator family of compounds. The pill version is inserted into the urethra, which is the opening at the tip of the penis and in 5-10 minutes, it activates by causing blood vessels to expand, by relaxing smooth muscle and allowing more blood flow into the shaft.

Despite Alprostadil’s maybe not-so-enjoyable application method, this is an important medication for males with Erectile dysfunction (ED) because it is usable by men suffering from diabetes or heart problems and those who have undergone a prostatectomy. It has no known interactions with food, alcohol or other medications making it safer than other treatments, such as the injection form, containing alprostadil.

Peptide Injections

PT-141 (Bremelanotide)

PT-141 is an FDA- approved injectable (stomach area) medication specifically effective for hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). This drug is different and exciting because it works directly on the hypothalamus in the brain to increase sexual desire. This makes it effective on men and just as effective on women, having a persistent or recurrent deficiency or absence of sexual fantasies, thoughts, and desire.

Think of it as an aphrodisiac that targets neural pathways of the brain to increase your libido…

For best effects, patients should inject PT-141 around 45 minutes before sexual activity. While this peptide carries huge potential in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), it should not be used more than once in a 24 hour period or more than 8 times in a month – according to health professionals.