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Protect® (Tamoxifen): Combatting Estrogen Dominance for Effective Fat Loss

By: M. G. Thibault

Hormones regulate many bodily functions in women, including sleep, stress, appetite, and libido, to name a few. It may be overwhelming to fully comprehend the hormone puzzle, and we are here to help you better understand how hormones work and how they can affect our bodies and health. Estrogen and progesterone are two of the most important hormones affecting women.

Estrogen is a female sex hormone and its primary function is to promote growth. It is especially important during puberty and pregnancy, and it plays a role in the menstrual cycle, bone strength, and fat distribution in the body.

Progesterone is a hormone secreted by the female reproductive system to regulate the uterine inner lining (endometrium), and plays an essential role in regulating the menstrual cycle and maintaining the early stages of pregnancy.

What is Estrogen Dominance?

Estrogen dominance occurs when there is an excess of estrogen in the body relative to other sex hormones. Estrogen dominance can cause abnormal menstruation (heavy/painful periods), fluid retention, headaches, decreased sex drive, bloating, mood swings, fatigue, anxiety & depression, breast tenderness, and hormonal weight gain. If you are experiencing some of these symptoms, excess estrogen is a big possibility. Let’s investigate further to know what’s causing this and how you can manage disproportionate levels of estrogen.

Factors Contributing to Estrogen Dominance

Insulin and cortisol imbalance: These two hormones regulate stress responses and blood sugar levels in the body, which can interfere with ovarian, thyroid, progesterone, testosterone, and sleep hormones.

Contraceptive Pills: The pill controls your hormones by preventing ovulation. However, if you do not ovulate, you do not produce progesterone, which can result in higher estrogen levels.

Poor liver function: estrogen is detoxified by the liver and then eliminated through the bowel. If our livers aren’t working properly and we’re not getting rid of the estrogen, it can lead to a buildup.

Weight gain: Because our fat cells can produce estrogen, the more fat we store, the higher our estrogen levels can rise.

Poor diet: To effectively metabolize estrogen, the body requires B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein. If you don’t get enough of these vitamins and minerals in your diet, your estrogen levels will rise.

Family genetics: Also play a role in estrogen production. Some women may produce too much estrogen without any negative symptoms, whereas others struggle greatly.

Chemical estrogens: ingested or absorbed through the skin, chemical estrogens such as BPA, pesticides, and beauty products can mimic our bodies’ own estrogen, causing levels to rise.

Managing Estrogen Dominance:

Liver support: avoiding substances toxic to the liver, particularly alcohol, in order to efficiently metabolize estrogen and facilitate its elimination.

Reduce your stress levels: to help balance your cortisol levels.

Manage insulin levels: by eating a diet low in processed sugar and carbohydrates.

Avoid chemical estrogens: by using BPA-free plastics or alternatives, switching to natural brands for toiletries and cosmetics, and going organic to reduce pesticide exposure.

Lose weight: remember less fat = less estrogen production.

Supplementation: we recommend taking supplements to help restore balance between your estrogen and progesterone levels.

Protect® (Tamoxifen) in Reducing the Effects of Estrogen Dominance

We talked about the use of supplements to facilitate a healthy estrogen balance and one of the most effective products currently available is Protect® (Tamoxifen). Classed as a selective estrogen receptor modulator or SERM, it is a non-steroidal anti-estrogen drug developed in the 1960’s to prevent breast cancer. By blocking the effects of estrogen in the body, it stops the proliferative effects caused by the hormone in certain cancers. Although initially used to treat breast cancer patients, it has gained popularity among fitness people and bodybuilders as a fat loss agent. The benefits of using tamoxifen to burn fat with minimal muscle wastage has made it popular as a fat burning agent in both healthcare and the fitness industry.

While Protect® (Tamoxifen) doesn’t directly promote weight loss, it can prevent estrogen-induced weight gain. Tamoxifen can help minimize the amount of receptors available for estrogen binding. Because of this, you’ll be less likely to add weight and you’ll have a better chance of losing stubborn fat around problem areas like the stomach, hips, thighs and triceps.

Upon binding to estrogen receptors, tamoxifen blocks the action of estrogen and significantly reduces the accumulation of adipose tissues. This is extremely important because as we mentioned, fat gain can be caused by high levels of estrogen in the body. By binding with these receptors, Protect® effectively inhibits these effects.

In a ground-breaking study, published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers found that tamoxifen was proven to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat percentage in both men and women. Furthermore, the use of tamoxifen
is associated with improved cardiovascular health, which helps increase blood flow and aids in recovery from strenuous exercise.

If you are concerned about safety, it is important to note that SERMs don’t actually eliminate the estrogenic compounds in the body, meaning the risk of low estrogen related problems are severely reduced. Protect® does not carry the risk of totally eliminating a women’s estrogen, opening her up to joint and reproductive issues as well as a greater risk of virilization

For dosing recommendations, the typical dose for breast cancer patients is around 20-40 mg a day. You don’t need to take that much. Off-label use of Protect® (Tamoxifen) as a fat shredding agent is 10-20 mg a day, which is equivalent to .5-1ml daily.


If you want to burn body fat and get ripped more efficiently, give tamoxifen a try. This drug blocks the effects of excessive estrogen in your body, and exerts a direct effect on your body’s ability to lose stubborn body fat while preserving lean muscle mass. Protect® (Tamoxifen)  is fairly safe since it allows women to enjoy the physique benefits of a reduced estrogenic load without actually removing the estrogen, which is then free to perform other body functions.

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The A,B,C’s of Sarms in Getting Bigger and Stronger Muscles

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By: M. G. Thibault

Mechanism of anabolic hormones in muscle

What are Androgenic Receptors?

You probably already know that testosterone and synthetic esters of this male hormone have a huge role in muscle growth and development. However, do you know the exact role of androgenic receptors (AR’s) in muscle growth?

Androgenic receptors are the primary target of anabolic steroids, growth hormone, IGF-1, and most performance-enhancing drugs work by stimulating hypertrophy in muscle tissues

There is a considerable density of androgen receptors in muscle tissue, specifically in the myonuclei. These receptors profoundly modulate the response of the muscles to contractile stimuli (ie. Resistance training – weights). The data indicates that the androgenic receptors are critical regulators of muscle growth, being both necessary and sufficient for full stimulation of protein synthesis and for fiber growth inside the muscle.

Because there are more testosterone-receptor proteins than actual cellular androgen receptors, this shows that there is a biological mechanism within all cells to respond whenever it encounters androgens.

Given AR’s widespread expression in many cells and tissues, Androgen receptors have a diverse range of biological actions including important roles in the development and maintenance of the reproductive, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, immune, neural and hemopoietic systems.

Many of today’s bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts are taking supplements daily in order to improve some aspect of their physique. These compounds are usually synthetic anabolic or growth promoting agents that work by artificially increasing hormone levels and the secondary to that – stimulating the androgen receptor sites, which in turn allows for the development of the muscle cell with increases in strength depending upon the compound used. Sarms bypass the artificial hormone elevations and drops and targets the Androgen Receptors directly and selectively.  

Androgenic Anabolic Steroids

When you hear about anabolic steroids, you think about their ability to increase muscle mass and strength. However, what many people don’t know is that these compounds also come with some severe side effects on a user’s health, due to their non-discriminatory action on different cells. 

As what was mentioned earlier, androgen receptors are found in different cells and tissues all over the human body. They are present in fat tissues, muscles, bones, the prostate gland, liver, nervous system, brain, hair follicles and cardiac cells.  

So when you say non-discriminatory action, this means that when you take testosterone for muscle growth, it doesn’t only stimulate the androgen receptors in the skeletal muscles, it also affects the different AR’s in the body resulting in oily skin, acne, hair loss, headache, nausea and vomiting. What’s even worse, some individuals take massive amounts of this testosterone esters that are way, way above the recommended dose, which may cause, in extreme cases, liver diseases, prostate cancer and heart attacks. As soon as a synthetic hormone enters the body, it signals the hypothalamus in the brain to stop producing LH and FSH. In short, natural testosterone production is shut down as the body reads there is no reason to continue producing T since it is receiving synthetic testosterone from and outside source. Sarms mitigate this process by their design of not being a hormone, but a direct Androgen Receptor Modulator.

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs)

Mechanism of SARMS

This is where Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) come into play. These compounds have a selective action on the body, which means that they affect only certain parts of it. SARMs are a novel class of androgen receptor ligands. They bind to the androgen receptor more selectively, exhibit tissue selective activation of gene transcription and enhance protein synthesis. The relative selectivity of SARMs for muscle and bone over prostate and sebaceous glands has potential application in the treatment of muscle wasting, osteoporosis and functional limitations associated with aging. 

The unique pharmacology of SARMs makes it a much safer choice compared to androgenic anabolic steroids. Because of its high selectivity — meaning it only stimulates the androgen receptors of muscles, bones, body fat, nerves, connective tissues and in some Sarms like Tight® (RAD140), the brain. Sarms have become a reliable tool and a fitness staple among serious fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilders and athletes who aim to take their physique and strength building goals to the next level.

With Elite Sarms Tight® (RAD140), a daily intake of 10mg, which is equal to 1ml, affects muscle tissues resulting in a significant increase in strength and endurance. By attaching to androgen receptors, Tight® (RAD140) stimulates muscle development while repairing connective tissues (bones and joints) and efficiently metabolizing body fat.  

Another muscle building superstar in this category of compounds is Elite Sarms Decavar® (MK-2866).  Decavar® (MK-2866) stimulates tissue regeneration by targeting the androgen receptors in muscle fibers. It also increases nitrogen in the blood vessels that supply muscle tissues, enabling more blood and nutrients to flow and nourish the muscles. The enhanced levels of nitric oxide also improves and aids in muscle tissue recovery by clearing lactic acid and sustaining pH balance, thus making Ostarine the greatest muscle tissue regenerator of all SARMs.

Decavar® (MK-2866) has been demonstrated in studies to prevent muscle degradation following recovery from major surgery or other disorders.

What is The Take Home?

Overall, what we’re trying to achieve is to get as close to the ideal scenario as possible. And that means not only getting the proper nutrition and training with enough volume and intensity, but also choosing a healthy and intelligent supplement regimen in a way that favors muscle growth.

SARMs are a class of supplements that offer similar anabolic effects to steroids with the purpose of increasing muscle mass, gaining strength and promoting the loss of fat without the undesirable side effects associated with steroid use. Rest assured, with appropriate dosing of your chosen SARMs supplements, trusted suppliers with full transparency (See ES Lab Tests Results here), you will not experience water retention, blood pressure increase, liver damage or testosterone shutdown, while enjoying the benefits of maximum gains in lean muscle and strength while preserving your hard earned muscle.

Elite Sarms are the future of athletic performance supplementation. 

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Our Testosterone Boosting Secrets

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Testosterone is vital to a person’s overall health and well-being. Low levels of testosterone, due to aging or a medical disorder, can negatively affect body composition, slow down metabolism, decrease libido, and cause mood depressions. 

If you are experiencing symptoms of suboptimal testosterone levels, or want to boost it simply because it can improve your mood and motivation, accelerate healing and enhance your body-building efforts, this article is for you.

Diet Rich in Fatty Fish

Fatty fish like salmon, pilchard, mackerel, and sardines are rich in nutrients that are important for hormonal health. Aside from Omega-3 fatty acids, they are also packed with vitamin D and zinc.

While high cholesterol and fried foods are linked to decreased testosterone levels in some people, research showed that low-fat diets can also be detrimental for test stores. In a 2016 study,  DHA-rich fish oil sourced from fatty fish increased testosterone synthesis in male subjects after only 12 weeks of supplementation. Another study showed that zinc, when supplemented with magnesium, has contributed to elevating serum testosterone in varsity football players. 

In a different study, a significant increase in total testosterone levels, bioactive, and free testosterone was observed in the vitamin D supplemented group compared to control subjects.

Resistance and Strength Training

Resistance exercises are proven by research to cause an acute surge in serum testosterone while augmenting long-term levels. Resistance training, such as weightlifting, is a great exercise to boost testosterone, particularly in male athletes. A 2007 study found that non-athlete male university students who did strength/resistance training 3 days a week for 4 weeks were linked to increases in T levels right after a workout and over time. 

To boost your T levels, perform 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps at 95 percent of your maximum effort, targeting larger muscle groups like the quadriceps, hamstrings, back and chest. Follow by strengthening smaller muscle groups, like your biceps, calves and shoulders to help prevent injury and speeds up your metabolism. Next we reveal the Elite Sarms products that work to create Testosterone and HGH cycle effects…..

RAD 140

A type of selective androgen receptor modulators, or SARMs, it has the same benefits of testosterone WITHOUT the side effects. This exciting new compound is highly selective and only interacts with the androgen receptors of muscles, bones and other connective tissues of the musculoskeletal system.

You might wonder why I included RAD140 on the list when there are no investigations linking it to Test synthesis. Popularly known as Tight, while it doesn’t increase T levels, RAD 140 is commonly stacked with other prohormones or steroids in the market to reinforce the effects of testosterone without significant side effects. According to research, it is a Testosterone amplifier, which enhances your natural hormone’s biological action.

HGH Optimization

Scientists are now investigating the potential of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) as a prospective treatment for low testosterone. This theory is fast gaining traction among health and fitness sites and anti-aging clinics.

HGH, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, is secreted into the bloodstream to regulate various biochemical processes in the body. With the advent of hormone therapy clinics, monitored injections of HGH can help people with a growth hormone deficiency, sports injuries, or decreasing levels of HGH because of aging to improve bone density, build muscle mass, reduce body fat and speed up the repair of damaged tissues.

Based on another study, growth hormone works like a gonadotropin, a hormone that stimulates the activity of the gonads to secrete sex hormones. According to clinical results, HGH administration stimulated testosterone as well as estradiol secretions by Leydig cells in lab rats. It also modulates the action of T3 and LH to augment secretion of these steroids. 

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Growth Hormone Hacking Through Scientific Workouts

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Science has unlocked major discoveries in the way we can improve our overall health and longevity. But for many, understanding how to use these scientific breakthroughs to sustain a healthy mind and body is a daunting task.

This year’s anti-aging toolkit comprises of 3 different aspects:

Holistic nutrition- Go the extra mile by including foods in your diet that help combat free radicals by targeting DNA repair and cell renewal.

Targeted training- Integrate workouts to improve fitness levels, maintain cardiovascular health, and boost metabolism. 

Smart Supplementation- Take the appropriate supplements that will maximize your body’s capacity for tissue regeneration and proper organ function.

Youth-preserving diet

You could live more than a decade longer by eating more plant-based foods. That’s according to a new study from the University of Bergen in Norway that was published today in PLOS Medicine.

A 2020 analysis found that eating whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and coffee is associated with a reduced risk for all-cause mortality. A high intake of red or processed meats was associated with higher all-cause mortality.

The benefits of consuming unsaturated fats and oils include improved blood cholesterol levels and reduced heart disease risk. The American Heart Association recommends  that instead of saturated or trans fats, use olive oil in salads and cooking, canola oil when baking, or sunflower oil for frying.

Age-reversing workouts

You can help protect your cells from aging with regular exercise. A new study published in the European Heart Journal found that High intensity interval training (HIIT) and Endurance training increase telomerase activity, which is beneficial for cell growth and replication. Telomeres are nucleotide sequences found at the end of chromosomes that protect our genetic information. They allow cells to divide, replenish, and reproduce. When they shorten, cellular aging occurs. HIIT and endurance training were found to increase telomere length, inhibiting cell death, and ultimately producing an anti-aging effect.

A great way to find the right intensity of your workouts is through the HIIT method. Research has shown that many people are able to stay engaged with HIIT workouts because they get to choose their own intervals and work-to-recovery ratio. Below is a sample progression of work-to-recovery HIIT ratio that you can make up to 4 rounds. 

Week 1-4: Ratio of 1:3. Example, 30 seconds work: 90 seconds recovery

Week 5-8: Ratio of 1:2. Example, 30 seconds work: 60 seconds recovery

Week 9-12: Ratio of 1:1. Example, 45 seconds work: 45 seconds recovery

Week 13-16: Ratio of 2:1. Example, 90 seconds work: 45 seconds recovery

HIIT Workouts: Sit-ups. Crunches. Push-ups. Cable chops. High knees. Jumping jacks. Lunges. Squats. Chest press. Sprints.

Endurance Sports: Cycling. Triathlons. Swimming. Rowing. Tennis. Boxing. Field Hockey. Long distance running. Cross-country skiing. Martial Arts.

The Best Anti-Aging Supplements

GH Pep (MK-677) enhances your own body’s secretion of Growth hormone, essentially disrupting the undesirable effects of aging. It’s like turning back the clock by years!  Also discovered to release more IGF-1, a.k.a. the key to anabolic lean tissue growth and mediator of metabolic homeostasis, (MK-677) maximizes the biochemical pathways of your body to achieve optimum energy, vitality, and extend your mental and physical peak.

The Biotropin HGH Pen is the perfect low dose solution for those who want to enjoy the benefits of Human Growth Hormone: Increase lean body mass and accelerate fat loss; Improve muscle strength and reduce muscle fatigue; Promote collagen production and wound repair; Reduce wrinkles, repair skin elasticity & improve skin texture

ELITE SARMS GH Pep (MK-677) is one of the most potent Growth Hormone (GH) secretagogues in the market, which effectively boosts the pituitary gland’s GH secretion. Together with its partner, the Elite Bioscience Biotropin HGH Pen, your body’s Growth Hormone level is accelerated to new heights!
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Fat Loss Blockbusters: Elite Fat Loss Guide 2023

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OG Design: Michelle Gabata-Thibault
Edited: Ryan McTeigue

It’s that time of year where everyone seems to focus on getting their fitness and weight loss programs on track. With the Holiday season over, along with cheat days and ‘understandable’ lapses in training and dietary protocols, now is the best time to update your body goals and get your new re-composition routine cracking.

At Elite Sarms we have a few clever hacks and foolproof tips to support your fat loss journey in 2022.

Fast Burn Tip #1- Tweak your Habits to Facilitate Weight Loss

While you can’t wish your way to a trimmer waist or wave a wand to make extra body fat disappear, slowly tweaking your habits to work for you can be “the trick”. Swapping your light soda habit for lemon water may be just what you need to stop bloating and cleanse your organs to help your liver metabolise fat easier. Working on the 5th floor of your company building? Hit the stairs and burn more calories instead of using the elevator. And instead of surfing on your phone during commercials while you’re watching TV, you can have a quick HIIT workout for 4-5 minutes instead. Small consistent tweaks pay big dividends over time.

Fast Burn Tip #2- Eat more seafood

Crustaceans such as crabs, shrimp, crayfish and lobsters are rich in the mineral zinc which ramps up leptin production, which reduces food intake and body weight.

Fish is a substantial source of minerals, such as iron, that sends oxygen to our muscles to burn a sufficient amount of fat for fuel; magnesium, also in seafood is essential for metabolism and energy production; and iodine, helps reverse a slow metabolism by producing more thyroid hormones. 

Fast Burn Tip #3- Give your Jaw a workout

If you want to boost your calorie burn, you need your jaw muscles to be working. There’s more to chewing your food than what your Mom told you so. Mastication increases ‘diet-induced thermogenesis’–energy expenditure- while improving blood-sugar control. What’s the goal? Aim for 40 chews per mouthful, instead of the typical 15. You’ll less likely to have second helpings due to increased oral stimuli including the duration of tasting food in the mouth for longer along with the extra duration of chewing your food. 

Fast Burn Tip #4- Applying Technology to your Fat Loss Routine

Technology is already a big part of everyday life. It makes sense that it can be just as helpful as a fat-shredding tool. There are so many cool products and free health apps out there to facilitate your journey. Fitness and activity devices track your steps, heart rate, weight and body fat%, sleep and so much more. If your like us, we will sit in front of the computer for long periods every day, you can set your phone alarm hourly as a reminder to stretch, or do those 5-minutes of burpees 🤮

Fast Burn Tip #5- Choose the Right Supplements to Maximize Fat Loss

SR9009, popularly known as Hyper Lean is a novel compound that will supercharge your metabolic capacity. SR9009 binds to your Rev-Erb proteins to activate fat and glucose metabolism. By increasing the production and function of your muscle tissue’s mitochondria, it facilitates nutrient uptake, leading to muscle fiber hypertrophy, and an increase in endurance and strength levels that definitely enhances exercise capacity.  

Recommended dose is 1ml daily which is equal to 20mg. Hyper Lean has a short half life of roughly 4 to 6 hours. To make the most of its fat-burning effects, the ideal dose is twice daily, which can be split into 0.5ml – 1ml each dose.

Check out Hyper Lean® in our ES – Lean Endurance Stack here 

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Hormones and How they Affect Body Fat Loss

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Hormones are biochemical messengers secreted by endocrine glands to control the different processes in your body, especially your metabolic pathways. If you are having difficulty losing weight or simply looking to shed fat, understanding your hormones and working with them can help you take your fat loss to the next level.

In this article, we will review the major hormones that affect the accumulation of adipose tissue and the metabolism of fat, which are vital to your body transformation journey. By improving the efficacy of your hormone profile, homeostasis is reached, leading to better fat loss. Read on for understanding of how this works.

Leptin and Leptin Resistance 

Synthesized by fat cells, the hormone leptin is secreted into the bloodstream to reduce a person’s appetite and control how the body stores adipose tissues. This means that if you have a higher body fat percentage, your leptin levels are higher. You get to think, okay, if I have a higher amount of leptin, that means lesser cravings because it is an appetite suppressant. 

The problem is with higher amounts of this hormone, its sensitivity is also greatly reduced. As a result, you don’t feel full during and after a meal… Which eventually leads to over-eating and weight gain. 

Solution: Regular physical exercise, sufficient sleep, a decrease in sugar consumption are helpful steps you can adopt to improve leptin sensitivity.

Insulin Regulates Fat metabolism

Insulin holds a major role in regulating carbohydrates and fat metabolism. Where lipid metabolism is concerned, insulin decreases the rate of lipolysis in adipose tissue while stimulating fatty acid synthesis and uptake of triglycerides from the blood, leading to fat accumulation.

Insulin resistance is very rampant today due to hereditary predisposition, stressful lifestyles, diet, and environmental factors. This leads to hyperinsulinemia because your body doesn’t respond to the effects of insulin. This eventually results in the abnormal accumulation of fat tissues in the body and the development of metabolic disorders.

Solution: GW0742, a selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-δ agonist, has been shown to improve metabolic abnormalities including Insulin Resistance in skeletal muscle of lab mice. 1ml a day of Elite Sarms Cardio Shred® Cardarine (GW0742) maximizes your body’s fat burning capacity as it increases glucose uptake to fuel up your muscles and stimulate lean mass gains.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Speeds up Lipolysis

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) also called Somatotropin, is anabolic, particularly for your bones and muscles. What’s unique about HGH is that it has an opposite effect on fats, by stimulating the breakdown and oxidation of adipocytes. 

The most immediate effect of growth hormone (GH) administration in humans is a significant increase in free fatty acids after 1-2 hours, reflecting the stimulation of lipolysis and ketogenesis. The insulin-antagonistic effects of GH help in shredding fat stores in the body while simultaneously building lean muscle and bone density.

Solution: Optimize your HGH levels to easily burn excess fat, including those stubborn lumps that cling to your body despite your regular workouts. Biotropin® HGH stimulates lipolysis, a process for burning adipose tissues, thus promoting weight loss. Biotropin® HGH also stimulates hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) enzyme to facilitate fat cell breakdown by releasing it from adipose tissues, resulting in a significant reduction of body fat.

Androgens Decreases Fat Buildup

Androgens have a negative effect on adipogenesis and lipid synthesis by up-regulating the Androgen Receptors for catecholamine, thus increasing lipolysis. In addition, androgens reduce lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity that is necessary for fat accumulation. By inhibiting the LPL enzyme, it also stops adipose tissue from building up on skeletal muscles and organs.

Solution: LGD4033 (Physique 400®) is one of the best SARMs for muscle-building and fat loss. Thanks to its potency that equals androgenic hormones like Testosterone and DH, Physique 400® increases fat loss while growing lean muscles, affecting no other organs because of the high selectivity of its effects mainly confined to your bones, skeletal muscles and connective tissues. 

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Anti-Aging Biohacks for Athletes of Any Age

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By: M.G. Thibault. Edited by Ryan McTeigue

Whether you are in your 20’s or whether you are in your 50’s it doesn’t matter. The following hacks below won’t just make you feel younger, they will help your body regenerate, recover and for the ladies there is even some beauty biohacking thrown in here. These trends in Age-reversal and body amplificationcome and go especially with new scientific discoveries and advancements in medicine.

However, the best way to find out which modality is right for you is through careful research and professional consultation so you can discuss your goals and customize a hormone and cellular enhancing program tailored to your lifestyle, genetics, needs, and budget.

Here are the most promising non-invasive anti-aging treatments and devices predicted to go big according to our Intel’s forecast.

Infrared Sauna

Infrared Sauna. Scientists at Stanford-Burnham Prebys Institute confirms that sauna use have beneficial effects on health and longevity. What happens is when you expose the body to high temperatures of about 120°-180° F, it creates heat shock proteins and stimulates the lymph system, which detoxifies the system and increases microcirculation. Far Infrared saunas (FIR) are waves of energy, entirely invisible to the naked eye, which infiltrate the surface of the skin where they slightly elevate the body’s surface temperature. FIR are shown to reduce inflammation and oxidative damage, and has the potential to alleviate health conditions that arise with aging.

Stem Cell Facelift. This revolutionary treatment provides the regenerative benefits of stem cell therapy for anti-aging purposes, but entails no surgery and no downtime. A new study finds that after just a few weeks, stem cell treatment eliminates the skin’s sun-damaged elastin network, and replaced with normal, undamaged tissues.

Basically, stem cells migrate to sites of inflammation to dramatically calm down the inflammatory cascade and then lay down a new cellular framework. This treatment yields dramatic skin renewal and a natural lift that can last 3 years.


Endermologie. Endermologie is a noninvasive mechanical body-contouring used in the treatment of cellulites. Here the cellulite-affected skin is sucked between the rollers and kneaded for approximately 34-45 min. Endermologie was initially developed in the late 1970s in France to soften scars and standardize physical therapy; however, other benefits were seen in patients treated with the LPG machinesuch as improvement in body contour and skin texture, reducing the appearance of cellulite and retaining the youthful suppleness of the body.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a popular modality when it comes to effectively treating hot flashes, mood swings, low libido, and a decline in energy- all of which are symptoms that accompany aging.

Our production of certain hormones begins to decrease as early as our mid 30’s. As one gets older, this decrease in certain hormones changes the way cells and tissues function leading to a myriad of uncomfortable symptoms. BHRT is also a reliable treatment for osteoporosis, thinning hair, poor memory, and other forms of chronic inflammation, that may be observed in both men and women.

BHRT helps correct hormonal deficiencies by providing the body with hormones that have the exact same chemical and molecular structure as those endogenously produced by the body. BHRT is a perfect example of how rejuvenation treatments can help clients age more gracefully and painlessly. BHRT has gotten a lot of attention in recent years as they promise a “natural” solution to hormone issues. One example is Biotropin® HGH synthesized via recombinant technology, which has the exact protein structure of your natural growth hormone, and is made up of 191-amino acids.

A Biotropin® HGH replenishment course boosts Somatropin levels and effectively stimulates tissue repair, cell renewal, and sustain brain and other organ functions thus alleviating the typical symptoms that come with ageing.

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Circadian Rhythm and Rejuvenation. How Re-Setting The Rhythm Can Potentiate Your Entire Body

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By: M.G. Thibault. Edited Ryan McTeigue

Your Circadian rhythm controls many aspects of your health from sleep to heart rate, hormone secretion, blood pressure, neurological function, and metabolic routes. As you can see many things which can either improve of decrease an athletes performance.

Today, researchers are learning that the circadian rhythm can also be a new target to help rejuvenate the whole body and extend lifespan. This area of research holds so much potential that lab studies from MIT discovered a link between a healthy circadian rhythm and the constant rejuvenation of an organism. Scientists are positive that by enhancing the body’s circadian cycle, one can prevent and treat diseases not only due to aging but disorders that arise from very active (fitness lovers) or strenuous lifestyles (most humans on earth).

You can’t really exaggerate the importance of this research since many health conditions arise from the disruption of our circadian rhythms especially in these modern times. These increasing disturbances in one’s “body clock” is strongly linked with inflammatory states including neurodegenerative diseases.

Whether disorders in the body arise from stressful daily routines, environmental toxins, excessive physical demand, or simply from aging, at the molecular level, thanks to our scientific community, a person can now restore the body’s circadian rhythm to a more youthful state and effect complete rejuvenation in the body.

Based on the ongoing stream of confirmatory data, there are particular compounds that can help synchronize and restore the proper operation of the body’s circadian rhythm. This article will prove to be of great value if you feel out-of-sync with your current sleeping habits. This article is for the following person who is:

– Consistently working out

– Regularly engaging in sports or outdoor activities

– Involved in mentally demanding tasks as part of the job

– Constantly multi-tasks in a daily basis

– Looking to increase their productivity levels

– Gearing up for a more challenging workload ahead

– Experiencing problems due to inflammatory conditions

– Already feeling age-related effects in performance

If one of more factors on this list describe YOU, your priority right now is to regain control over the proper function of your circadian rhythm in order to re-claim your essential health and rejuvenate your body to its highest level. Below we outline a few hacks which can greatly help with this task::

1. Melatonin

Scientists have found that we can keep our circadian clock in sync through melatonin supplementation. This unique nutritional approach targets both central and peripheral clocks to regulate circadian rhythm. When the brain’s pineal gland secretes melatonin, this helps normalize hormone production, neurotransmitter functions and healthy sleep patterns.

A 2017 study shows that daily supplementation of 10 mg of Melatonin in subjects with obesity decreased oxidative stress and facilitated body weight reduction while improving the body’s antioxidant defence. This factor translates to healthy, normal individuals as well.

2. SIRT 1 activators

Researchers have shown that SIRT1 (Sirtuin) helps regulate circadian rhythm and protect against the diseases of aging. The SIRT1 gene is also shown to protect against diseases of aging and plays a key role in controlling the body’s circadian rhythms. Conversely, loss of SIRT1 function impairs circadian control in young mice, mimicking what happens in normal aging. Activating the SIRT1 pathway to sustain adequate circadian control and thus reverse aging is a probable therapeutic target that Regenerative Medicine is currently looking into.

By activating the SIRT1 pathway, damage in our DNA created by environmental factors, stress, energy deprivation, and toxins that the body accumulates are constantly being replenished and cell division continues to ensue.

Sirtuin-activating compounds include ginseng, resveratrol, quercetin, polyphenols found in bitter vegetables, cacao, curcumin, ginger, and DHA sourced from fatty fish, eggs, and algae. So ensure you add greens to your daily meals and consider into adding the aforementioned herbal and food supplements into your weekly routine – test it out and see if you feel better after at least 14 days of consistent usage.

3.Rev-erb-α Agonists

Rev-erb-α is critical for the proper timing of the core clock machinery, regulating many metabolic functions, which include lipid and bile acid metabolism, gluconeogenesis, and the body’s inflammatory response. Rev-erb-α ligands, specifically agonists or activators, modify the transcriptional activity (telling the body what to do) and suggest that Rev-erb-α may serve as a promising target for the treatment of circadian alterations of metabolic pathways.

Rev-erb-α modulation was proven to be efficient in phase-advance sleep disorders commonly seen in the aging population, while it helps correct delayed circadian rhythms, frequently seen in individuals with super-active or very stressful lifestyles. In short compounds such as SR9009 can help to balance the circadian rhythms in both sleep deprived and overly-active individuals – assisting in rejuvenation and regeneration of the entire body. Leading to more energy to train, work and do more of the things you love doing!

Rev-Erbα agonists such as Hyper Lean SR9009 has been proposed to coordinate circadian metabolic responses while maintaining the timely schedule of wakefulness, sleep, body temperature, and hormone regulation which in turn facilitates a myriad of biochemical pathways. Therefore, Rev-erb-α ligands may be useful in resetting the Circadian clock into its youthful resonance and efficiency.

You can find Elite Sarms Rev-erb-α Agonist Hyper Lean® (SR9009) here.

Sweet dreams,


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Elite Sarms Rejuvenation Biohacking Tech

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By: M.G. Thibault Edited by Ryan McTeigue

Aging leads to a series of changes in an organism as deep as the cellular level. Although, the mechanisms that underlie aging are poorly understood, innovations in science continue to identify factors that explain the decline in fitness and the rise of different health problems that go with advancing age.

While slowing the aging process remains to be a popular topic, what’s even more compelling is the subject of Age-reversal; this is referred to as Rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation is a process that not only defers aging, but literally reverts it- resulting in a younger cell, tissue, or body. Rejuvenation includes diminishing all the damages your body has accumulated throughout its lifespan, and erasing the hallmarks of a matured age. Come to think of it, successful rejuvenation not only leads to the extension of life but ultimately to eternal youth! Does it look like something you’d be interested in? Read on…

Cell-regenerating Nutrition

Our body is an extraordinary machine and its primary fuel are the nutrients we get from the food we eat on a daily basis. By purposefully consuming foods that have ‘supercharging compounds’, a person can promote the rapid regeneration and restoration of some of the body’s most important tissues and organs.

Nerve-regenerative substances:
A 2010 study published in the journal Rejuvenation Research, for instance, found a combination of blueberry, green tea and carnosine have neuritogenic (i.e. promoting neuronal regeneration) and stem-cell regenerative effects in an animal model of neurodegenerative disease. Other researched neuritogenic substances include: curcumin, Lion’s Mane Mushroom, and apigenin, a plant flavonoid usually found in celery.

On the other hand, you can stimulate liver mass regeneration and function by ingesting via supplements that focus on liver renewal such as Korean Ginseng, Rooibos, Vitamin E, and Carvacrol, a compound found in oregano.

Age-defying Exercises

According to a medical article, exercise improves muscle health by renewing the powerhouse of the cells: the mitochondria. Mitochondria are vital to the proper functioning of our bodies, and the improvement of our overall health and longevity.

Aerobic exercise, in particular, positively affects the mitochondria through a process called “mitophagy.” Mitophagy is a mechanism by which damaged or defective mitochondria are selected and removed, usually after a period of stress. This keeps skeletal muscle healthy and strong by improving the mitochondrial quality of the muscle fibers.

If you are a gym person- the treadmill, elliptical or rowing machine may be your go to equipment to achieve your fill of cardio exercises. Likewise, if you prefer the outdoors, you may try swimming, soccer, triathlons and cross country skiing as enjoyable alternatives to improve your aerobic capacity.

Supplements for Age-Reversal

In the ever-evolving world of Cellular rejuvenation, supplements are constantly being discovered and re-formulated. So far, the following are considered to be on top of the food chain when it comes to reverting the aging process:

There are secretagogues, which stimulates the endocrine glands’ ability to secrete more Growth Hormone, which in turn affects the major metabolic pathways in the body, such as fat oxidation, glucose utilization, muscle synthesis, and collagen production just to name a few.

Rejuvenation procedures in private clinics almost always integrate bio-identical Somatropin injections as part of their hormone optimization courses, while others employ drips and infusions of high doses of Vitamin C to regenerate hormones that have degraded. A powerful electron donor, vitamin C has the capacity to provide electrons in order to resurrect the form and function of estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone.

Current Modalities on Rejuvenation

Ablative laser resurfacing is generally considered to be the gold standard for the rejuvenation of facial photo-damage and scarring. The procedure is a wounding laser that gets rid of the thin outer layer of skin (epidermis) and heats the underlying skin (dermis), which then triggers the growth of new collagen fibers. As the epidermis heals and regrows, the treated area appears smoother and tighter.

Neck rejuvenation mainly targets skin laxity, that often increase with age due to progressive loss of bone mass, increased subcutaneous fat, and loosening of the connective tissue framework. Using unipolar and bipolar radiofrequency or Infra-red light, sagging skin in the neck area is targeted yielding a tighter, firmer, and younger looking skin just after a few sessions.

A new paradigm for human cell rejuvenation, cellular reprogramming proves to be a promising route when it comes to retracting the procession of aging, which is the basis of rejuvenation.

This is the most recent breakthrough in the anti-aging field, which involves a genetic or chemical method to reverse the epigenetic age of cells. This genetic code instructs mature, specialized cells to read the right genes at the right time, as though they were young again. The factors scientists are currently using to reprogram these mature cells are called Yamanaka factors, which can turn back an adult cell into a young, pluripotent stem cell. Literally!

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BioHacking Your Way To Your Best Physique 
- An Elite Sarms Future Supps Adventure –

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By: M.G. Thibault Edited by Ryan McTeigue

It is true that you can’t increase the time and effort required to create your greatest physique ever, however you can maximize your efforts and go above and beyond traditional training programs to achieve a lean, strong and greatly developed physique, in comparison to the average person. In this article, we will discuss advanced supplement protocols and advanced training techniques that work in synergy so you can improve your overall workout productivity and move toward your best body achievement.

The following are the latest biohacking techniques that will allow you to achieve fitness, fat loss, and clean gains in minimum time using new discoveries about human biology, physiology and access to modern technology.

Glucagon-Like Peptide 1

Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonists. GLP1 agonists have been demonstrated to recruit muscle microvasculature, increase muscle delivery of insulin, and enhance the muscles use of glucose. What this means for the fitness individual is that it increases both Insulin production and sensitivity which results in stronger anabolic action of the compound and better use of glucose for muscle tissue growth. If you are looking to increase insulin sensitivity and carbohydrate utilization by muscle, a GLP-1 agonist is a peptide which has to be administered subcutaneously (under the skin). Its ability to slow down gastric emptying makes you actually want to eat less, which will be ideal for a cutting cycle or a weight and fat loss program.

Blood Flow Restriction Training

Blood Flow Restriction Training. Also known as occlusion training, is the action of simply applying an elastic band or rubber tubing around the muscle you want to target which acts like a tourniquet. Then proceed with your training. Theoretically, when you cut a small amount of blood flow to the tissue, more lactic acid accumulates faster because it doesn’t drain due to the restriction. This triggers your Growth Hormone secretion effecting more muscle building action.

A meta-analysis confirms that exercise and walking with vascular occlusion played a key role in improving strength muscle hypertrophy which is in the ball park equivalent to training high-intensity resistance training. This is compatible with those having joint pain, older fitness people and/or athletes who are recuperating from injury and just getting back into the gym.

Oxygen Restricted Training

Oxygen Restricted Training. Advance your training by biohacking your breathing. This is done by restricting your access to oxygen thereby compelling your inspiratory and expiratory muscles to work harder to take oxygen in and push carbon dioxide out.

This creates a stronger diaphragm, tougher respiratory muscles, and a higher tolerance for carbon dioxide. The “intermittent hypoxic training mask” gives you the benefits of both resisted breathing and hypoxic training—yep, like working out in an environment with reduced oxygen, like a location at high-altitude. It’s like running a marathon at Mt. Kilimanjaro. When you exercise wearing oxygen restricting mask, this can push you to a whopping 95% of lactate threshold workload. And this is a sure-fire way to improve your aerobic capacity and endurance performance once you return to normal oxygen-level environments.

YK-11 Alpha Helix. It is one of the most innovative and exciting Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators in the market right now. This unique compound stimulates Follistatin and Myogenin production- molecules that are significantly responsible for skeletal muscle development and repair.

It also inhibits Myostatin, which is a negative regulator of muscle growth and is significantly implicated in muscle-wasting disorders. What this means is that Myostatin mainly inhibits and limits muscle growth. Thanks to YK11 Alpha Helix, it blocks the action of Myostatin stopping its catabolic effects while up-regulating follistatin and myogenin activities to allow muscle tissues to grow beyond their limitations.

Like any other SARMs, YK-11 Alpha Helix can be as powerful as testosterone in terms of muscle tissue strengthening and volumisation, but without any heavy side effects as with testosterone.


The above tools will help you achieve faster physique targets as you enhance your training protocol for superior benefits. Don’t ever think these tactics are just for professional bodybuilders and athletes, these methods are simple enough and can be adopted by anyone to working to achieve their best physique yet.