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How To Reverse The Aging Process 
(A Fact-Based Article)

WhatsApp Image 2021 03 18 at 13.10.27

By M.G Thibault
Edited by Ryan McTeigue

Why do we age? It’s no big secret that people put tremendous effort, time and money to try and reverse the effects of aging and try various methods to appear vibrant and youthful. As aging is inescapable, our struggle to become perpetually young is wasted energy. However while we can’t turn back the hands of time, it has been scientifically proven through bio-age analysis, that we can reverse our biological age. This blog focuses on the mitochondria (energy producers of the cell) and the latest information to come out about the link between boosting mitochondria and its effects on anti-aging.

Recently, scientists have discovered that changes in the mitochondria of our cells pose as a potential central regulator of the aging process. Research suggests the link between anti-aging and healthy mitochondria, has to do with the mitochondria’s influence in our body’s immune system, the fact it produces almost all of our cells Adenine triphosphate (ATP) which supplies the cells and subsequently the entire body with energy and the nuclear signalling mitochondria drives that controls our circadian rhythm – the bodies automatic sleep-wake cycle.

Following the lead of the latest research studies, health and fitness proponents caught wind of this fact and are now focusing on the mitochondria as an effective route to delay the biological clock and here’s what we have found out so far:

1. High intensity interval training (HIIT)

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great strategy to boost mitochondrial function. A 2017 study in cell metabolism found that the HIIT style training caused cells to make more proteins for the mitochondria, which revitalizes them. HIIT training created a 49% increase in mitochondrial capacity for young, healthy adults in the study: the older volunteers experienced a whopping 69% increase!!

2. Grounding (or earthing)

Grounding (or earthing) is the habit of attaching bare skin to the Earth such as soil or grass. They found that the mitochondria in the grounded subjects are less stressed and not working so hard to produce energy due to the body’s state of homeostasis. Believe it or not, there is reliable scientific data behind this. A meta-analysis demonstrates that Grounding could support restorative sleep and help with chronic pain. Another research also noted its significant effects on the immune system and wound healing. So, take off your shoes and get your bare feet on the grass as often as possible.

3. CoQ10

Taking CoQ10 helps the mitochondria with energy production. CoQ10 is an antioxidant that our body naturally produces but gets depleted as we age. By facilitating Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) production in the mitochondria, CoQ10 maintains the normal functioning of our muscles and body organs especially the brain and heart which require the most fuel.

4. Supplementing with Acetyl-L-carnitine

Supplementing with Acetyl-L-carnitine or ALC provides more than 20% of mitochondrial proteins which helps our cells’ batteries to function properly, including those involved in antioxidant defence and energy production. Moreover, one of the key changes in physiology associated with longevity is an increased acetylation of mitochondrial proteins.

5. Hyper Lean

Taking Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean (SR9009) for drastically Increased Mitochondrial production and improved function is another potent way to increase the body’s energy generators. In muscle, SR9009 encourages the production of new mitochondria while lowering the deterioration rate of older cells and completely removing damaged ones. A study was conducted where lab mice treated with SR9009 showed an increased number of total and active mitochondria. This mechanism was mediated by repressing autophagy (the consumption of the body’s own tissue as a metabolic process occurring in starvation and certain diseases) genes in the muscle cells. Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean (SR9009) also leads to a relative boost in power and longer endurance when the skeletal muscles are at work!

Aside from stimulating the quantitative increase of mitochondria, SR9009 also facilitates their efficiency, thereby promoting the muscle’s fat burning ability by accelerating the metabolic rate.

As a REV-ERB α and β agonist, SR9009 increases the basal metabolic rate and promotes energy balance by regulating the expression of genes related to lipid and glucose metabolism. This is the reason why SR9009 is a popular product among fitness people and athletes. Check out this article to find out more about the fat burning properties of SR9009.

The Final Word: What we’ve now learnt about the mitochondria and how it can address the fundamental mechanism of ageing gives us an opportunity to move beyond old age and perhaps even tackle the problems and health issues that are associated with aging. This can be a phenomenal shift where we stop putting a bandage over the effect of time, but instead get to the roots of ageing which is within our cells. In this way, we can take control of our biology, health and performance as our chronological age-clock ticks into the future.

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Why MK677 Is One of the Best Anti-aging Elixirs on the Market

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Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

Can the aging process be stopped or reversed? If you’ve thought about this, you’re not alone. In fact, this is something that has crossed billions of people’s minds at some point in their life. This problem has even plagued scientists the world over for centuries, in search of the elusive fountain of youth. And while science continues to look for plausible ways to beat the biological clock, the billion-dollar business of anti-aging has come up with different products and modalities to find possible answers to the phenomenon of ageing.

There are many theories of ageing from mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular ageing to environmental factors and/or DNA damage. This article will focus on one of the most studied and strongest theory behind why we age: Hormones.

Hormones and Aging

Could your hormones be ageing you? Proponents of the hormonal ageing theory support that the interplay of different hormones in the body can be one of the most major causes behind the ageing process.

The most documented metabolic pathway involved in ageing is the IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1) signalling pathway. The decline of this pathway is closely associated with metabolic changes including fatty acid and glucose metabolism slowing down as you grow older. This is also the reason why the body loses its firmness and become saggy and tends to accumulate more visceral fat – which are those soft adipose deposits around the belly area!

Let’s break this down. Do you ever hear older people complain about sleeping problems? That’s because with increasing age, sleep becomes shallower and more fragmented. And there’s a hormone the body secretes when sleeping. It is called: Human Growth Hormone or HGH. When sleep is short and disjointed, HGH secretion decreases.

HGH is very important because it stimulates the liver to produce IGF-1 which is responsible for systemic body growth. IGF-1 has growth-promoting properties on skeletal muscles, cartilages, bones, skin, and every connective tissue in the body! Research studies also show that IGF-1 can regulate cellular DNA synthesis.

Let’s go back to HGH where we first started. What’s interesting is that when the body detects increased levels of HGH, Somatostatin (the word statin is Latin for stop) – a hormone in the hypothalamus, is secreted to inhibit further release of HGH. Hence, it is part of a feedback mechanism, and also goes by the name, growth hormone-inhibiting hormone or GHIH. It’s worth mentioning that when administered in elderlies, Somatostatin causes a significant decrease in sleep time.

So let’s review. HGH is a very important hormone because it keeps the cells in our body young and functional. It stimulates IGF-1 which mediates its beneficial effects. As we age, HGH levels decline, part of that is due to short and interrupted sleep that comes with ageing. Somatostatin is also another hormone that modulates HGH release as part of the feedback loop.

Anti-Aging Solutions that Work

The concept that hormones, or lack thereof may cause ageing has triggered a massive interest in the use of Synthetic Human Growth Hormone. These are injectable compounds which really work and had been around for ages. But the challenge lies on finding high quality HGH in a market that is flooded with fake products that can burn your pocket, big time! If you prefer this route, make sure that the product you’re buying has been tested for purity and that is actually contains HGH and is scripted by a Medical Professional if you purchasing in countries that require a script for this peptide.

Another feasible approach from the hormone theory standpoint, would be something that can improve our HGH levels- either by increasing its secretion or preventing its inhibition.

The synthesis of a novel compound called MK677 saw an important milestone in the quest for the fountain of youth. MK-677 is an HGH secretagogue, meaning it increases the secretion of HGH in the pituitary gland. MK-677 is taken orally and mimics the action of ghrelins, which send signals to the brain to stimulate the pulsatile release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). What’s really amazing about MK-677 is that research studies also show that through the HGH increase, it also causes elevated levels of Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1). Remember the action of IGF-1 and how it can sustain the health and functionality of our muscle, adipose tissues and organs?

The third mechanism of MK-677 is its ability to reduce Somatostatin release. Yes, the very hormone that prevents HGH secretion when levels get too high in the blood. MK-677, by addressing both sides of the GH equation: Increased secretion and decreased inhibition, is undoubtedly a powerful anti-aging tonic. With a once-daily oral administration, it effectively rejuvenates the GH/IGF-I axis re-creating the physiologic GH profile of a healthy young adult. It doesn’t have any adverse effects such as cortisol elevations or any hormonal suppression.

Based on scientific studies, MK677’s ability to enhance HGH and IGF-1 levels can bring about:

-Lean Muscle Gains

-Improved abdominal Fat Loss

-Enhanced Skin tone and texture

-Increased bone density and Strength

-Dramatic improvement in Sleep Quality

-Significant boost in Immune System

-Accelerated healing of tissue injuries

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How Human Growth Hormone Makes You Look and Feel Younger

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Original Design: Michelle G. Thibault
Re-design: Ryan McTeigue

Once you are born, the biological clock starts “ticking” and you become older each day. Everything in your body including your body parts, skin, organs and hormones levels are on a schedule and each day they become chronologically older. This is just how life works – everything is in a constant state of ageing.

Consequently, ageing comes with a lot of physical changes. These changes present as wrinkling and drying of the skin, bones becoming weaker, muscles becoming less toned and eventually wasting away and hair begins to grey and start to diminish…

So where does HGH come into play in all of this?

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is perhaps the most popular hormone analogue in the fitness market. Its wide array of uses include bodybuilding, strength enhancement, and in recent years, anti-ageing. This makes HGH the gold standard of therapy among adults.

Just as the name implies, HGH promotes normal growth. It is medically used in children to treat developmental issues such as stunted growth.

Does growth hormone really slow or reverse the effects of ageing? Keep reading for a scientific explanation of what one can expect from HGH – especially when used as a therapy for anti-aging.

Many health and fitness proponents believe that HGH injections, often hailed as the fountain of youth, is an incredible substance that can help alleviate symptoms that come with ageing. Competitive athletes, bodybuilders, and people who are passionate about bio-hacking have discovered that HGH can sustain their strength and youthful physique over long periods of time.

A cycle of HGH initiates a cascade of metabolic events in the body that ultimately reduce the symptoms that accompany the ageing of cells. If the question is: does HGH slow down aging? The answer is – Definitely. HGH delays the ageing process by counteracting the factors that contribute to aging. One of those factors being – low circulating HGH levels in the body.

The Scientific Evidence

A 1990 study was conducted to define the effects of growth hormone on men above 60 years old with decreased levels of insulin-like growth factor. The study revealed that the treatment with HGH reduced the amount of fat stored in the body, significantly increased their muscle mass, increased the bone density and also reduced thinning of the skin which overall improved the general wellbeing of the test subjects.

Excess body fat is always an issue that presents as a challenge – regardless of whatever age range you’re in. If you’re someone younger, it can impede you from achieving your desired physique. But as you age, fat gets deposited in the muscles and bones, which leads to weakness and un-toned muscles. It can also put you at risk for serious cardiovascular diseases.

Body fat is majorly stored in the body through the action of insulin and HGH is a strong antagonist for insulin. HGH binds directly to receptors in the adipose tissues to mobilize them and form free fatty acids. This eventually reduces the amount of fat stored in the body as HGH enables the fat cells to be utilized for energy.

HGH facilitates the uptake of proteins in the muscular tissue to optimize lean muscle gains. It is mainly this mechanism that makes HGH popular in bodybuilding to increase muscle mass. One symptom of advanced age is diminishing muscles and this can be prevented with HGH. It can promote and maintain muscle mass, as well as stimulate collagen synthesis which also improves skin tension thereby reducing the appearance of skin wrinkles.

Ageing also leads to fragile bones that negatively impacts strength. This is also the reason why older people are more susceptible to fractures. Studies have shown that HGH significantly increases the mineralization in the bone. This action is largely mediated by the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) which is synthesized in the liver. IGF-1secretion is released by Human Growth Hormone.

This gives the individual an overall sense of wellbeing. The physical and emotional stability one receives on HGH therapy not only prolongs life significantly, it can also preserves confidence and sense of security moving into older ages.

The Bottom Line

By supplementing with HGH, scientific studies and anecdotal evidence support the beneficial effects of this compound to diminish and in some cases, reverse the symptoms of ageing. This gives the individual an overall sense of wellbeing. The physical and emotional benefits one receives on HGH therapy not only prolongs life significantly, it can also preserve a sense of confidence moving into older ages.

HGH Dosage for Anti-Aging

Most doctors usually suggest that a small amount of HGH is needed to benefit from its anti-aging properties. Preferably, a daily dose of 2-3 IU of growth hormone is recommended for anti-aging benefits.

If you are using GH both for its anti-aging and bodybuilding effects or athletic support, daily dosages can range around 4-6 IU/daily.

Elite Sarms product GH Pep also known as MK677 is a growth hormone secretagogue in which a 1ml daily dosage is equivalent to around 2IU of the HGH peptide. What is great about this product is there are Zero injections required as it is an oral product. You can check out GH Pep in the Elite Sarms range here.

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Current Trends in Male Performance Enhancement: What Works

Sexual performance with Elite Sarms

In our previous blog, we explored the best natural supplements to improve male performance in the bedroom, and the science behind their response in the body. In this article, we put the spotlight on the latest pharmaceutical products in the market of enhancing sexual performance and stamina in males.

PDE5 Inhibitors

Majority of the pharmaceutical compounds used to treat erectile dysfunction and enhance libido work by stimulating blood flow to the penis – similarly to how we use nitric oxide increasers in pre-workout to enhance our muscle pumps in the gym. Oral formulations of Phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors are the most common in this category and work to block the breakdown of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). This prolongs the signalling of vasodilation molecules including; nitric oxide (NO) resulting in longer erections.

It is important to note that individuals who are taking nitrate drugs for chest pain or using alpha-blockers to treat high blood pressure should not take PDE5 inhibitors, as this can lead to a sudden decrease in blood pressure, which can become a danger.


Sildenafil (Viagra) is a popular PDE5 inhibitor, mainly due to its shorter activation time and shorter half-life. A 2002 study showed that it takes roughly 27 minutes for Sildenafil to kick in. That is relatively fast if one is looking to be spontaneous in sexual activity.

Depending on individual metabolism, Sildenafil can take 4 to 6 hours to fully leave your system. For the most part, Sildenafil can be taken for on-demand usage but if you’re looking for a daily dosage, 50mg a day is considered a safe dose.


Tadalafil (Cialis) is another PDE5 inhibitor, but slightly different compared to Sildenafil. Tadalafil’s activation period takes 1-2 hours after taking it, meaning one will have to wait longer to get fired up. This is more suited to unplanned intimacies like a night out or weekend trips – in fact Tadalafil has been dubbed “The Weekender”.

Since Tadalafil takes longer to activate, this also means it has a longer half-life. Tadalafil has an active half-life for up to 17.5 hrs resulting in erectile responsiveness for up to 36 hours with a single dose! A 2016 study established its safety and efficacy whether taken as needed, or on a daily basis.

Penile Suppositories

Alprostadil – Penile Suppository

Yes this a real thing! Alprostadil known as – MUSE – comes as a penile suppository, meaning it is placed in the urethra. MUSE, or (Medicated Urethral System for Erections), is available as a pill or injection. Alprostadil is in the vasodilator family of compounds. The pill version is inserted into the urethra, which is the opening at the tip of the penis and in 5-10 minutes, it activates by causing blood vessels to expand, by relaxing smooth muscle and allowing more blood flow into the shaft.

Despite Alprostadil’s maybe not-so-enjoyable application method, this is an important medication for males with Erectile dysfunction (ED) because it is usable by men suffering from diabetes or heart problems and those who have undergone a prostatectomy. It has no known interactions with food, alcohol or other medications making it safer than other treatments, such as the injection form, containing alprostadil.

Peptide Injections

PT-141 (Bremelanotide)

PT-141 is an FDA- approved injectable (stomach area) medication specifically effective for hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). This drug is different and exciting because it works directly on the hypothalamus in the brain to increase sexual desire. This makes it effective on men and just as effective on women, having a persistent or recurrent deficiency or absence of sexual fantasies, thoughts, and desire.

Think of it as an aphrodisiac that targets neural pathways of the brain to increase your libido…

For best effects, patients should inject PT-141 around 45 minutes before sexual activity. While this peptide carries huge potential in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), it should not be used more than once in a 24 hour period or more than 8 times in a month – according to health professionals.

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Post Cycle Therapy: Why is it Crucial to Your Muscle-building Regimen?

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What is Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

You just finished your Sarms bulking cycle, and you’re feeling great now that you’ve made some of the best gains you ever had in your life. Now your target is to maintain your lean gains. In this Blog we discuss the best protocol for keeping your gains Post-cycle.

Post-cycle therapy or PCT.

Some may not be aware of the importance of PCT in between bulking or cutting cycles, but it should be an imperative part of your regimen especially if you’re really serious about your body building/body transformation goals.

Who should take PCT and Why

If you’re an avid fitness lover, you’re no stranger to powerful supplements like SARMs, or the old school – Anabolics. Whether you belong to either of these two or you are using both, reading this article may help you with bridging the gains or losses you made during cycle so you can continue to move forward even after you’ve finished a cycle.

Anabolics and PCT

There’s nothing more dangerous when it comes to supplements like anabolic steroids. They can offer Massive gains and strength but these benefits are far outweighed by the risks.

It’s not only the adverse effects you may get during a course of steroids but also the unpleasant repercussions you’re faced with after you finish your cycle. This is where post cycle therapy comes in.

When you take Anabolics, you’re pumping the body full of huge amounts of artificial testosterone in addition to your natural androgens, to amplify muscle growth, strength and body composition. Because there’s an unnaturally high amount of testosterone circulating in the body, the negative feedback loop will firstly shut down your body’s natural production of testosterone, and then convert the rest into estrogen. We all know that too much estrogen in the body, particularly in males result in:

  • Decrease in Muscle Mass – you end up losing your gains
  • Low libido – you can have little or no sex drive
  • Gynecomastia – you can get ‘Man Boobs’ and sensitive nipples
  • Increased Fat around the Abdomen – kiss your chiselled abs goodbye
  • Mood Swings – you can have girl tantrums too. Or cry watching romance movies with your partner ; )The Takeaway: Have a PCT protocol in place if you do decide to attempt any Anabolic cycle or a Sarms cycle longer than 12 weeks.


If you’re taking SARMs you also know by now that it is much safer because of its selectivity to the androgen receptors of muscles, bones and connective tissues. Meaning it will not affect your heart, liver, or prostate; and it doesn’t shutdown your testosterone. Which begs the question, why would you still need a PCT when you’re supplementing with SARMs?

Because of Sarms high affinity to selective androgen receptors, SARMs displaces your natural testosterone that are supposed to attach to your muscles and bones. This results in 2 things: 1. Your body’s ability to gain lean muscle mass and strength increases (a SARMs effect)

2. Your natural testosterone remains circulating in the blood, which can lead to a suppression of testosterone via the minor negative feedback reaction for natural testosterone increasing in the body.

Now, it takes a longer amount of time for your endogenous testosterone to build up in your circulation to cause a mild suppression or when the brain detects it enough to start converting the testosterone to estrogen.

I want to emphasize that everyone’s biology is created differently thus, your body’s response to different supplements will vary to another reaction. Others can do away without using a PCT when they supplement with SARMs. But some may be more sensitive to their own test levels that a small increase in the blood requires a PCT.

Benefits of Post Cycle Therapy

An Effective PCT after a bulking cycle works to complete the following:

  • Blocks Estrogen
  • Detoxifies the Liver
  • Maintains muscle gains and lower body fat levels
  • Promotes and sustains Natural Test levels
    Types of PCTs

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators or SERMs work to block estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus, which stimulates LH/FSH production and stimulates testicular testosterone production. In males with a mild suppression in testosterone, the administration of Tamoxifen, 20 mg/day for 10 days is perfect to rebalancing the body. In a study of normal males, Tamoxifen stimulated a moderate increase in luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone, and estradiol levels. Studies also show patients with lower FSH levels had a significantly higher increase in sperm count and concentration when Tamoxifen daily.

Aromatase inhibitors or AI‘s is another component of a reliable Post cycle regimen. Arimistane is an Aromatase Inhibitor and works by blocking the Aromatase enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into estrogen. A daily dosage of 25 mg allows you to balance hormone levels while normalizing your testosterone secretion.

Some studies actually call Arimistane as a suicide aromatase inhibitor (AI) because it permanently binds to the aromatase enzyme and prevents any estrogen rebound. By blocking excess estrogen, you cans dodge nasty symptoms that come with it such as gynecomastia, toxic fat gain, mood swings, and water retention.

Furthermore, it has also been shown to reduce cortisol, raise LH (luteinizing hormone), and increase testosterone levels to help with results during and post-cycle.

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Best Supplements for Improving Bedroom Performance (Science-based)


Performance in the bedroom is import for males. Sexual prowess is strongly related to a man’s self-esteem, which further explains why the typical male feels powerful when he performs well and deflated when performance is not up to the preferred level.

If you have a low libido or fertility issues, you’re not alone. Clinical studies suggest that sexual dysfunction is common – 43% of women and 31% of men encounter some degree of dysfunction throughout their lifetime. It is a delicate topic that some people are embarrassed to talk about and yet its prevalence has generated a lot of public interest. Thus, there is a substantial demand for remedies, compounds and medications to address sexual dysfunction.

Supplements for Enhancing Male Performance

Supplement 1: Maca Powder

The maca plant, scientifically known as; Lepidium meyenii, is popularly referred to as the Peruvian ginseng. The plant’s root was traditionally employed to enhance fertility and sex drive, thanks to its tonic properties. The Peruvian plant, which also belongs to the Brassica family, also claims to improve energy and stamina.

It grows exclusively between 4000 and 4500m in the central Andes, weathering harsh conditions and at very high altitudes.

Compared to placebo, Research shows that Maca effectively enhances sexual drive in both male and female subjects. According to lab studies, Maca can also invigorate spermatogenesis by affecting the initial stages of sperm production. This improves sperm volume and quality, which then enhances fertility in men.

The Maca root powder is high in protein, carbs, vitamin C, copper, and iron, and is also popularly used as a mood enhancer.

Supplement 2: Panax Ginseng

This plant mainly grows in Asia, and is sometimes known as Asian ginseng, Chinese ginseng, or Korean red ginseng. Panax ginseng is typically utilised as an herbal tonic to increase alertness and improve libido.

Research studies support that Panax ginseng may be an effective alternative treatment for erectile dysfunction. The main mechanism behind its effectivity is enhanced levels of nitric oxide synthesis in the corpus cavernosum, the erectile tissue in the penis. The enhanced nitric oxide levels effect further vasodilation, thus causing the aphrodisiac action of the root.

Supplement 3: Yohimbine HCl

West African traditional medicine also has its own remedy for sexual tonic – Yohimbe is a herbal supplement which boasts a long history of use to improve sexual performance. The supplement is derived from the bark of an evergreen tree found in Western and Central Africa called the Pausinystalia johimbe.

Yohimbine, pharmacologically classified as an alpha-2-adrenoceptor antagonist, works by blocking adrenergic receptors – which play an important role in inhibiting erections. Hence, yohimbine may help alleviate erectile dysfunction. According to another clinical trial, Yohimbine’s response on participants resulted in; improved rigidity on the RigiScan test and slightly higher levels of serum testosterone – which makes Yohimbine a promising therapy to organically treat erectile dysfunction and low libido.

Supplement 4 and 5: Sildenafil and Tadalafil

One of the most common questions related to ED medicines like Sildenafil (Viagra) and Tadalafil (Cialis), is how they affect the sexual experience. Do they change the way sex feels or have any impact on sexual enjoyment or performance?

The mechanism behind Sildenafil (Viagra) is fairly simple. It is a PDE5 inhibitor, meaning it inhibits the particular enzyme that controls blood flow to the soft tissue of the penis. When you take Sildenafil, the blood vessels that supply blood to and around the penile shaft dilate, allowing more blood flow and making it easier to get an erection.

Sildenafil won’t make you spontaneously get an erection unless you’re sexually aroused, physically or mentally. Instead, it just makes it easier for your body to develop and maintain an erection by improving blood flow to the tissue of the penis.

A 2007 study noted that Sildenafil is “effective and safe” for treating premature ejaculation, which means it has a positive effect on the amount of time you can last. Sildenafil facilitates developing and sustaining an erection, which means once aroused, even when you’re feeling anxious or poorly stimulated, you’re less likely to lose your erection during sex.

Sildenafil usually leaves your system after 2 to 3 hours. Depending on your metabolism, it can take 5 to 6 hours to fully leave your system, which makes it the perfect supplement if you’re looking for Supreme male performance in the bedroom.

You can find Sildenafil in the Elite Sarms range Here:

RISE to the Occasion

Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) is a nucleotide responsible for relaxing smooth muscle tissues. In our blood vessels, when the vascular smooth muscles relax, this leads to vasodilation and increased blood flow.

(Cialis) works by preventing the breakdown of cGMP, which significantly means more vasodilation and subsequently greater blood flow to the sexual organs. What’s cutting edge about Tadalafil over other PDE5 inhibitors is its high selectivity. As a matter of fact, Tadalafil has 700x more selectivity compared to Viagra (7x) and Levitra (3x). This means Tadalafil doesn’t have some of the negative side effects that can come about such as; headache, pressure behind the eyes, stuffy nose or vision problems which can occur from other PDE5 inhibitor compounds.

Amazing fact about Tadalafil:
It has an active half-life for up to 17.5 hrs resulting in erectile responsiveness for up to 36 hours with a single dose! Compared to other male enhancement products which work for about 4-6 hours, one dose of Tadalafil will ensure that by all means, your stamina in the bedroom will be truly epic!

You can find Tadalafil in the Elite Sarms range Here:,up%20to%2036%20h%20after%201%20single%20dose.

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What are the best Supplements for Body Re-Composition?


Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

Body re-composition is the ability to burn fat and develop muscle simultaneously. You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose excess fat whilst also maintaining the right conditions for lean muscle development. This is a recent technique that is gaining popularity among fitness enthusiasts and gym goers and requires consistency and great attention for achieving results.

Nutrition and training are the most essential factors of a body re-composition protocol, with those foundations taken care of, supplements undoubtedly have a large role to play in your Body recomposition journey. By integrating certain supplements into your re-composition program, you also increase the chances of stripping stubborn body fat, and generating lean muscle growth.

Strategized supplementation can be a powerful tool to your fat loss journey in a variety of ways. Using the right supplements will give your body a push in the right direction during those final stages of fat loss for your body to shred as much as possible without losing muscle mass. This is the ultimate goal when it comes to re-composition.

Achieve a total body makeover with these tried and tested – body re-composition supplements to get lean and shredded at the same time.


A vital supplement to use during this process is protein. This is the most essential macronutrient to build muscle and strength. Pair your regular Strength training with an adequate consumption of protein to maximize muscle repair and development. It is important to stress that not having the right amount of protein in your diet will lead to muscle depletion and you won’t pull off the desired results despite your overall efforts to build muscle.

The best sources of protein for the body will always be from food. You cannot consume powders only to meet your protein requirements – even if you are vegetarian or vegan. Food will always be the most natural way for the body to process protein. When protein is eaten in the form of food the body has to get to work on breaking that food down and this creates a greater energy expenditure from the body – which results in an increased metabolism.

However if your body needs a bulk amount of protein daily to meet your muscle requirements then supplementing with protein powder is the second best option to food. There are lots of high-quality protein supplements in the market right now that will complement individual needs and preferences. The most common variation is whey protein sold in a variety of forms and flavours. If you are lactose intolerant or your body does not process lactose efficiently – which will be identified with bloating after each protein shake, there are certain formulas called isolates where more lactose is removed and the protein content is more concentrated.

One of the best sources of lactose-free protein powders is in the form of collagen. Collagen protein is abundant in connective tissue as well as muscle and won’t create a large spike in insulin. This makes collagen a great choice for those looking to lean down while preserving or building muscle.

For vegetarians and vegans looking for a plant-based source, you have now more options such as pea protein, rice protein, soy protein, hemp protein and if you look really hard you can even find plant-based collagen protein.

Fat Burners and Appetite Suppressants

If protein is used to increase muscle mass, you also need to include a fat burner supplement into your regime to facilitate fat loss as a component of your total re-composition program. Most fat burners use key ingredients that increase the metabolism which increases your capacity to burn more calories at a quicker rate. It goes without saying that you should be using fat burners in combination with proper nutrition and high-intensity training.

Green Tea & Caffeine

One of the most popular ingredients in most body re-composition and fat burning supplements is caffeine. Green tea has traditionally been known to boost metabolism because of thermogenic-inducing catechins particularly EGCG, hence it is often found in fat burning products. On top of this, caffeine acts as a stimulant and therefore increases your energy and improves focus so that you can maximize your training efforts.

Chromium Picolinate

This is a unique ingredient that is especially beneficial when you’re enduring a fat loss phase. During studies, Chromium Picolinate was demonstrated to fight hunger cravings, which in turn, effectively reduces calorie intake. This is because it enhances insulin’s effects in the body and also reduces blood sugar levels.

Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil

CBD oil is an ideal supplement for gym regulars, bodybuilders and sports people alike looking to increase the potential of their physique and aid in their weight loss goals. The secret is in CBD’s ability to regulate the Endocannabinoid System by modulating the CB receptors. Cannabinoid receptors are also responsible for transforming white adipose tissue to brown adipose tissue. Brown adipocytes are involved in thermogenesis and caloric expenditure, therefore the modulation of the CB receptors are considered potential anti-obesity supplements.

A region of the brain called the hypothalamus controls appetite which then regulates the secretion of two different hormones: ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin stimulates hunger and appetite.

Leptin creates the sensation of satiety or feeling full. Research shows that by blocking CB1 receptors, appetite suppression can be effected. And CBD oil, happens to be an incredibly effective CB1 blocker. Animal studies showed that rats given CBD ate much less food than the control, and CBD has been shown to increase leptin levels – making one feel full after receiving sufficient nutrient intake.

The Takeaway

Maintaining a diet with a calorie deficit combined with a consistent training regime are essential ingredients for Body Re-composition. That being said, it is the supplements that fine tune your body and optimize the potential to cut fat and gain lean muscle at the same time to create this coveted end goal of body re-composition.

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Normal Fat Burners Vs Elite Sarms Fat Burners

WhatsApp Image 2020 11 24 at 07.28.37

Normal Fat Burners Vs Elite Sarms Fat Burners

I remember the days when the newest fat burner to come out used to fly off the supplement store shelves. However in the last couple years it seems that science has caught up to the fitness trend and we are starting to see people becoming aware that most of what is sold as a fat burner at your local supplement shop is nothing more than artificial caffeine and other Central Nervous System jacking ingredients, unfortunately.

We are however, becoming more intelligent and looking at the ingredients and reading about these ingredients and their effects before we go and buy the next latest trending fat burner on the market. Having information at our fingertips has made us all more informed and more choosey with our supplements.

To help fast track your fat burning supp knowledge, in this blog we reveal what is in MOST fat burners on the markets and how they stack up compared to the Scientific-Founded Fat Burning products in the Elite Sarms® range. Let’s dive in….


Go into any supplement store and look at any fat burner on the shelves. The fat burning ingredients that create any effect will most likely include:

1. Caffeine Anhydrous (CNS stimulant)
2. Green Tea Extract (CNS stimulant)
3. Cayenne Pepper extract (Thermogenesis/body heat)
4. Other herbal and chemical CNS stimulants

As you can see, the main active ingredients in almost ALL normal fat burners on the market rely on cheap stimulants in the form of caffeine, green tea and other stimulants both from chemical and herbal origin to CRANK-UP the CNS (central nervous system). The ‘science’ behind this is that once the CNS is overstimulated and cranked-up the heart rate increases and body temperature goes up. This increased heart rate is then supposed to lead to an increased metabolism which then burns extra calories.

The problem with Normal Fat Burners

The problem with using CNS stimulants in ALMOST ALL fat burning products and cranking up the CNS to levels beyond normal to increase the heart rate and therefore attempt to increase the metabolism is this – CNS stimulants put your body into the “fight or flight” state. When the body is kept in this ‘fight or flight; state for long periods of time the body WILL drop weight. The problem though is that a little of the weight will come from actual body fat and most of the weight that is lost comes from:

1. Water (the body is 90% water at cellular level)
2. Muscle tissue
3. Bone mineral
4. A little bit of fat

So by using traditional Fat Burners on the market, the end result in most cases is; a little bit of fat is lost but majority of the weight that is lost comes from; water, muscle and bone and these 3 elements are all things we want to build and increase in the body and not tear down as they are responsible for our healthy: movement and function, strength, metabolism, cell hydration, bone strength and posture.

Elite Sarms – Along came science…

Luckily our awareness, knowledge and accessibility of excellent scientific products has expanded since the times of – all fat burners pretty much being CNS JACKING-UP products. Science and common sense has evolved when it comes to New fat burners. And we now know that for a Fat Burning product to actually be effective it needs to address the biological functions of the body that actually create or prevent fat loss. These include:

1. Insulin (Body Sugar levels)
2. The bodies ability to uptake glycogen (body sugar) into muscle
3. Mitochondria (the cells that are directly linked to our metabolism)
4. Cardiovascular exercise improvement (faster recovery & greater endurance)

As you can see from above, the Normal Fat Burners in the market do not even begin to address the real-life biological areas associated with fat burning and weight loss.

Below we take a look at how the Elite Sarm fat burners (Cardio Shred® and Hyper Lean®) in the range change and improve the areas in the body that are responsible for fat loss:

1. Insulin (Blood Sugar levels)

Insulin is the most anabolic and the most Lipogenic hormone in the body. This means that when the insulin system is functioning properly, it is able to help create muscle tissue in the body however, when insulin is abused and kept at high levels for a long time, it WILL eventually lead to fat gain and can also create other more serious health problems. Basically, the lower ones insulin levels the more one burns fat for energy over Sugar. And when insulin levels are kept high from consistently consuming refined carbohydrates (sugar, donuts, lollies etc) the more the body will rely on sugar for fuel and the more fat the body will store.

Insulin drives fat into fat cells and excess insulin not used by the muscle, liver or brain converts into body fat also.

Elite Sarms product – Cardio Shred® (GW0742) and other PPARδ agonists in the GW family have proven in scientific studies now to lower insulin levels – even those who had insulin resistance, which is the early stages of diabetes, in the studies displayed improvements in insulin sensitivity.

2. The bodies ability to uptake glycogen (body sugar) into skeletal muscle

The body can burn 2 types of fuel which is then converted into our energy, they are:

1. Fat (from body fat) or
2. Sugar (from the sugars we eat, after that is all used, it is then taken from inside the muscles in the form of glycogen, resulting in muscle loss).

Both Cardio Shred®(GW0742) and Hyper Lean®(SR9009) influence lipid (fat) and glucose (sugar) metabolism in the liver, resulting in more sugar being taken up into skeletal muscle instead of being stored as fat. This means the body will drive more of the sugars that are eaten into muscle to contribute to muscle growth which will result in less sugar being stored as body fat.

3. Mitochondria numbers in body and the health of those mitochondria (the cells that deal with energy production)

Mitochondria cells produce most of the ATP in the cell which is a chemical energy used by the body to perform all activities. Mitochondria cells are also termed as ‘powerhouse’ cells. The number and health of these cells determines the speed and health or your metabolism – metabolism being the bodies speed and effectiveness of processing (food to energy) and eliminating (removal) of energy.

Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® is compound SR9009.
SR9009 works by increasing the number of mitochondria in muscle, therefore increasing the body’s metabolism. It also carries the duel role of eliminating damaged mitochondria and replacing them with new ones for an overall improved metabolism 🔥

4. Cardiovascular exercise improvement (faster recovery & greater endurance)

Obviously the better a supplement works for Cardio performance the greater one can take their training intensity and the more comfortable one is to move and stay in high intensities during training – the better ones fat burning results will be.

Caffeine sourced from coffee has been proven to help with greater endurance times for athletic performance. As far as normal fat burners go, that is really the only athletic performance enhancement you are going to find. And that exercise improvement is miniscuel in comparison to something like what products Elite Sarms – Cardio Shred® and Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® produce for athletic performance.

The increased number and quality of mitochondrion that Hyper Lean® creates when combined with HIIT (high intensity interval training) leads to a drastic increase in metabolism and metabolic conditioning – creating an increase in exercise capacity by increasing mitochondria counts in skeletal muscle.

Cardio Shred® is an activator of the receptor – PPARδ in skeletal muscle. This special receptor in the body regulates muscle metabolism and reprograms muscle fibre types to enhance running endurance. Cardio Shred® helps to create and develop TYPE I muscle fibres in skeletal muscle. This is the Muscle Type that an advanced endurance athlete will train many, many hours to develop and condition.

Cardio Shred® does not complete the kilometres of endurance training it takes to develop excellent cardiovascular fitness for you, however any and all work you do put into cardiovascular training while supplementing with Cardio Shred® will be reflected via greater cardiovascular performance and all the associated health and aesthetic benefits that come from this increase in cardio performance.

Happy cardio training everyone 🚴🏻

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Metabolic Boosters for Effective Fat Loss

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Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

Adopting the latest diet trends or purchasing the next weight-loss “wonder pill” may seem like a sure-fire way to shed pounds. However, on a more important note, you also have to consider metabolism to get the results you want. Weight watchers for example, is a system that count fats, carbs, and calories diligently. However, to effectively lose weight and burn off unwanted fat, you have to understand the metabolism and what it does for your body, performance and fat loss results.

Metabolism has always been a hot topic among health and fitness groups. Read on to dispel the common myths regarding your metabolism and discover evidenced-based techniques to rev it up, and reach your fat burning potential.

How to Measure your Daily Metabolic Rate

A good starting point is calculating your BMR (basal metabolic rate), which measures how many calories you burn when you’re resting. Even when you’re just lying down, your body is still burning calories to keep your heart beating, support your respiration, regulate body temperature, and to keep blood flowing to all your muscles and body tissues. Then add to your BMR the calories you burn doing your daily activities, plus the calories you burn during workouts, and presto! You have a close estimate of your metabolic rate! Use this calculator here to work out your BMR:

Common Myths about Metabolism

Myth 1. The speed of your metabolism is determined by your genetics.
The Truth: A consistent exercise regimen paired with an effective fat burning supplement will seriously rev up one’s metabolism which allows for safe and rapid fat loss. If you are alive and blood is pumping to your heart, then you can always Crank up your metabolism by environmental factors such as exercise, nutrition and supplementation.

Myth 2. Cooler temperatures slow down your metabolic rate.
The Truth: When it’s cool, your body turns up your internal thermostat and burns extra calories to maintain your core temperature. Keep in mind, a sedentary lifestyle and greater amounts of food consumed during the winter months can undo this boost in metabolism!

Myth 3. All forms of training/exercise affect the body’s metabolism equally.
The Truth: The calories you burn while exercising varies depending on the type and intensity. Strength training enhances your metabolism because the added muscle micro-tears boost your calorie consuming capacity – for up to 48 hours post-workout. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has a double benefit since it burns calories during and after your workout sessions.

Science-backed Fat Burners in the Market

Green Tea
. Drinking green tea boosts your metabolism. Green tea’s antioxidants, particularly cathechins, and caffeine can increase the calories your body burns. When choosing your green tea, look for higher EGCG content and natural caffeine levels.

Capsaicin. Capsaicin is found in cayenne and other spicy peppers. A 2007 study claimed that consuming 150 milligrams of capsaicin an hour before working out increased fat oxidation by 40 percent. This may also be attributed to higher levels of adrenaline released by the body.

Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® (SR9009). Popularly dubbed as the ultimate ‘exercise in a bottle’ due to its unique ability to modulate the body’s physiological response as if it is in a state of constant exercise.

As a REV-ERB α and β agonist, Elite Sarms Hyper Lean® (SR9009) increases the basal metabolic rate and regulates energy balance by altering the expression of genes involved in lipid and glucose metabolism.

Clinical research shows that intake of SR9009 also diminishes the storage of fat tissue, facilitates cholesterol metabolism in the liver, increases mitochondrial production (the cell’s power house), and improves glucose and fatty acid oxidation to support skeletal muscle development.

This means the body’s metabolism continues to stay high at rest, and burns even more calories during exercise without effecting the central nervous system (CNS) at all!!! Or exhausting your adrenal glands!

To summarise, Elite Sarms Hyper Lean® (SR9009):

In the Liver: Turns off the genes that synthesizes cholesterol and bile acid.

In Muscle: Promotes the generation of new mitochondria while protecting the breakdown of already present mitochondria. The Result: More pumping power and longer endurance for skeletal muscles! Hyper Lean® also increases the activity of mitochondria, thus promoting the muscle’s fat burning ability.

In Fat cells: Turns off the genes responsible for storing fat in white adipose tissues and decreases triglyceride (Fat) production.

The Takeaway:
Paired with a HIIT and/or Strength Training regimen, studies show that the fat burning supplements: Elite Sarms Hyper Lean® (SR9009), Green Tea, Natural Caffeine, and Capsaicin are scientifically proven to boost your metabolism and ensure weight and fat loss resulting to a more toned and well-defined body.

Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® (SR9009) is an excellent supplement for athletes, bodybuilders, or fitness enthusiasts looking for a more shredded physical form. Hyper Lean® (SR9009) will effectively trim excess body fat, build muscles, and provide energy to sustain high-intensity workouts so you can scientifically burn your way to a better physique in each training session.

Our Intel Sources:

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Cardio Shred® (GW0742) – The Most Potent Fat Burner Online. Period.

WhatsApp Image 2020 11 09 at 10.10.08

Welcome to another Elite Sarms Blog. In this short snippet of information we are going to look into the most POTENT Fat Burner that can currently be purchased online: Elite Sarms – Cardio Shred® (GW0742).

The fact is, almost every single fat burning product sold online relies on thermogenesis to create an effect. This thermogenic effect is caused by jacking up the Central Nervous System to levels beyond normal – all in an effort to raise body temperature and burn some fat. But this method does not deal with the actual science of real fat burning.

With that in mind, let’s dive into the actual science behind the most potent fat burner online which is in the Elite Sarms product range as: Cardio Shred® (GW0742).

GW0742 is a PPARδ Receptor Agonist – meaning, it creates a physiological response once it binds to the PPARδ Receptor.

The physiological response created by GW0742 is – it MIMICS the effects of INTENSE CARDIO VASCULAR EXERCISE within the body – even in a rested state and here’s the crazy part – WITH ZERO Central Nervous System Stimulation. Cardio Shred® truly is a one-of-a-kind product.

Okay so let’s break down PPARδ Receptor and what happens when Cardio Shred® activates this:

PPARδ stands for: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor – Delta. Just like the Androgren Receptor (AR) which our other Elite Sarms modulate, Cardio Shred® modulates the PPARδ receptor which creates a state in the body as though one is doing INTENSE CARDIO EXERCISE CONSISTENTLY.

To see how GW0742 works to create the effects of Intense Cardio Exercise inside the body, lets see what the PPARδ Receptor is responsible for inside the body:

When the PPARδ Receptor is working below maintenance level, this can eventually lead to:

1. Diabetes
2. Obesity
3. Atherosclerosis (heart disease) and;
4. Cancers

Therefore, when the PPARδ Receptor is working at maintenance level and above it will express in the body as:

1. Healthy insulin levels
2. Healthy weight
3. Healthy heart and
4. Strong immune system

In skeletal muscle (the muscles you workout) PPARδ’s expression or effect is increased by exercise – particularly Cardio Vascular Exercise resulting in OVERALL INCREASED fat burning capacity and an increase in Type I (endurance) Muscle Fibres.

Cardio Shred® activates the PPARδ Receptor just as intense Cardio Vascular and Metabolic Training does. However, the synergistic powerhouse effects come into play when one Conducts Intense Cardio Vascular training in conjunction with supplementing Cardio Shred®.

The double activation of the PPARδ Receptor by Intense Exercise (exercise done with intensity) along with Cardio Shred® resulted in test subjects running 31.8% further after 3 weeks of continued supplementation.

The other amazing characteristic about Cardio Shred® is its fat burning abilities. Cardio Shred® changes fat metabolism within the body, so more stored fat is used for energy requirements instead of burning sugars in the body – which will protect the muscle, while burning stored fat!

This creates an overall powerful fat burning effect due to an increase in metabolism with a simultaneous increase in insulin sensitivity. This is why Cardio Shred® (GW0742) is – The Most Potent Fat Burner online.