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Normal Fat Burners Vs Elite Sarms Fat Burners

WhatsApp Image 2020 11 24 at 07.28.37

Normal Fat Burners Vs Elite Sarms Fat Burners

I remember the days when the newest fat burner to come out used to fly off the supplement store shelves. However in the last couple years it seems that science has caught up to the fitness trend and we are starting to see people becoming aware that most of what is sold as a fat burner at your local supplement shop is nothing more than artificial caffeine and other Central Nervous System jacking ingredients, unfortunately.

We are however, becoming more intelligent and looking at the ingredients and reading about these ingredients and their effects before we go and buy the next latest trending fat burner on the market. Having information at our fingertips has made us all more informed and more choosey with our supplements.

To help fast track your fat burning supp knowledge, in this blog we reveal what is in MOST fat burners on the markets and how they stack up compared to the Scientific-Founded Fat Burning products in the Elite Sarms® range. Let’s dive in….


Go into any supplement store and look at any fat burner on the shelves. The fat burning ingredients that create any effect will most likely include:

1. Caffeine Anhydrous (CNS stimulant)
2. Green Tea Extract (CNS stimulant)
3. Cayenne Pepper extract (Thermogenesis/body heat)
4. Other herbal and chemical CNS stimulants

As you can see, the main active ingredients in almost ALL normal fat burners on the market rely on cheap stimulants in the form of caffeine, green tea and other stimulants both from chemical and herbal origin to CRANK-UP the CNS (central nervous system). The ‘science’ behind this is that once the CNS is overstimulated and cranked-up the heart rate increases and body temperature goes up. This increased heart rate is then supposed to lead to an increased metabolism which then burns extra calories.

The problem with Normal Fat Burners

The problem with using CNS stimulants in ALMOST ALL fat burning products and cranking up the CNS to levels beyond normal to increase the heart rate and therefore attempt to increase the metabolism is this – CNS stimulants put your body into the “fight or flight” state. When the body is kept in this ‘fight or flight; state for long periods of time the body WILL drop weight. The problem though is that a little of the weight will come from actual body fat and most of the weight that is lost comes from:

1. Water (the body is 90% water at cellular level)
2. Muscle tissue
3. Bone mineral
4. A little bit of fat

So by using traditional Fat Burners on the market, the end result in most cases is; a little bit of fat is lost but majority of the weight that is lost comes from; water, muscle and bone and these 3 elements are all things we want to build and increase in the body and not tear down as they are responsible for our healthy: movement and function, strength, metabolism, cell hydration, bone strength and posture.

Elite Sarms – Along came science…

Luckily our awareness, knowledge and accessibility of excellent scientific products has expanded since the times of – all fat burners pretty much being CNS JACKING-UP products. Science and common sense has evolved when it comes to New fat burners. And we now know that for a Fat Burning product to actually be effective it needs to address the biological functions of the body that actually create or prevent fat loss. These include:

1. Insulin (Body Sugar levels)
2. The bodies ability to uptake glycogen (body sugar) into muscle
3. Mitochondria (the cells that are directly linked to our metabolism)
4. Cardiovascular exercise improvement (faster recovery & greater endurance)

As you can see from above, the Normal Fat Burners in the market do not even begin to address the real-life biological areas associated with fat burning and weight loss.

Below we take a look at how the Elite Sarm fat burners (Cardio Shred® and Hyper Lean®) in the range change and improve the areas in the body that are responsible for fat loss:

1. Insulin (Blood Sugar levels)

Insulin is the most anabolic and the most Lipogenic hormone in the body. This means that when the insulin system is functioning properly, it is able to help create muscle tissue in the body however, when insulin is abused and kept at high levels for a long time, it WILL eventually lead to fat gain and can also create other more serious health problems. Basically, the lower ones insulin levels the more one burns fat for energy over Sugar. And when insulin levels are kept high from consistently consuming refined carbohydrates (sugar, donuts, lollies etc) the more the body will rely on sugar for fuel and the more fat the body will store.

Insulin drives fat into fat cells and excess insulin not used by the muscle, liver or brain converts into body fat also.

Elite Sarms product – Cardio Shred® (GW0742) and other PPARδ agonists in the GW family have proven in scientific studies now to lower insulin levels – even those who had insulin resistance, which is the early stages of diabetes, in the studies displayed improvements in insulin sensitivity.

2. The bodies ability to uptake glycogen (body sugar) into skeletal muscle

The body can burn 2 types of fuel which is then converted into our energy, they are:

1. Fat (from body fat) or
2. Sugar (from the sugars we eat, after that is all used, it is then taken from inside the muscles in the form of glycogen, resulting in muscle loss).

Both Cardio Shred®(GW0742) and Hyper Lean®(SR9009) influence lipid (fat) and glucose (sugar) metabolism in the liver, resulting in more sugar being taken up into skeletal muscle instead of being stored as fat. This means the body will drive more of the sugars that are eaten into muscle to contribute to muscle growth which will result in less sugar being stored as body fat.

3. Mitochondria numbers in body and the health of those mitochondria (the cells that deal with energy production)

Mitochondria cells produce most of the ATP in the cell which is a chemical energy used by the body to perform all activities. Mitochondria cells are also termed as ‘powerhouse’ cells. The number and health of these cells determines the speed and health or your metabolism – metabolism being the bodies speed and effectiveness of processing (food to energy) and eliminating (removal) of energy.

Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® is compound SR9009.
SR9009 works by increasing the number of mitochondria in muscle, therefore increasing the body’s metabolism. It also carries the duel role of eliminating damaged mitochondria and replacing them with new ones for an overall improved metabolism 🔥

4. Cardiovascular exercise improvement (faster recovery & greater endurance)

Obviously the better a supplement works for Cardio performance the greater one can take their training intensity and the more comfortable one is to move and stay in high intensities during training – the better ones fat burning results will be.

Caffeine sourced from coffee has been proven to help with greater endurance times for athletic performance. As far as normal fat burners go, that is really the only athletic performance enhancement you are going to find. And that exercise improvement is miniscuel in comparison to something like what products Elite Sarms – Cardio Shred® and Elite Sarms – Hyper Lean® produce for athletic performance.

The increased number and quality of mitochondrion that Hyper Lean® creates when combined with HIIT (high intensity interval training) leads to a drastic increase in metabolism and metabolic conditioning – creating an increase in exercise capacity by increasing mitochondria counts in skeletal muscle.

Cardio Shred® is an activator of the receptor – PPARδ in skeletal muscle. This special receptor in the body regulates muscle metabolism and reprograms muscle fibre types to enhance running endurance. Cardio Shred® helps to create and develop TYPE I muscle fibres in skeletal muscle. This is the Muscle Type that an advanced endurance athlete will train many, many hours to develop and condition.

Cardio Shred® does not complete the kilometres of endurance training it takes to develop excellent cardiovascular fitness for you, however any and all work you do put into cardiovascular training while supplementing with Cardio Shred® will be reflected via greater cardiovascular performance and all the associated health and aesthetic benefits that come from this increase in cardio performance.

Happy cardio training everyone 🚴🏻

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Cardio Shred® (GW0742) – The Most Potent Fat Burner Online. Period.

WhatsApp Image 2020 11 09 at 10.10.08

Welcome to another Elite Sarms Blog. In this short snippet of information we are going to look into the most POTENT Fat Burner that can currently be purchased online: Elite Sarms – Cardio Shred® (GW0742).

The fact is, almost every single fat burning product sold online relies on thermogenesis to create an effect. This thermogenic effect is caused by jacking up the Central Nervous System to levels beyond normal – all in an effort to raise body temperature and burn some fat. But this method does not deal with the actual science of real fat burning.

With that in mind, let’s dive into the actual science behind the most potent fat burner online which is in the Elite Sarms product range as: Cardio Shred® (GW0742).

GW0742 is a PPARδ Receptor Agonist – meaning, it creates a physiological response once it binds to the PPARδ Receptor.

The physiological response created by GW0742 is – it MIMICS the effects of INTENSE CARDIO VASCULAR EXERCISE within the body – even in a rested state and here’s the crazy part – WITH ZERO Central Nervous System Stimulation. Cardio Shred® truly is a one-of-a-kind product.

Okay so let’s break down PPARδ Receptor and what happens when Cardio Shred® activates this:

PPARδ stands for: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor – Delta. Just like the Androgren Receptor (AR) which our other Elite Sarms modulate, Cardio Shred® modulates the PPARδ receptor which creates a state in the body as though one is doing INTENSE CARDIO EXERCISE CONSISTENTLY.

To see how GW0742 works to create the effects of Intense Cardio Exercise inside the body, lets see what the PPARδ Receptor is responsible for inside the body:

When the PPARδ Receptor is working below maintenance level, this can eventually lead to:

1. Diabetes
2. Obesity
3. Atherosclerosis (heart disease) and;
4. Cancers

Therefore, when the PPARδ Receptor is working at maintenance level and above it will express in the body as:

1. Healthy insulin levels
2. Healthy weight
3. Healthy heart and
4. Strong immune system

In skeletal muscle (the muscles you workout) PPARδ’s expression or effect is increased by exercise – particularly Cardio Vascular Exercise resulting in OVERALL INCREASED fat burning capacity and an increase in Type I (endurance) Muscle Fibres.

Cardio Shred® activates the PPARδ Receptor just as intense Cardio Vascular and Metabolic Training does. However, the synergistic powerhouse effects come into play when one Conducts Intense Cardio Vascular training in conjunction with supplementing Cardio Shred®.

The double activation of the PPARδ Receptor by Intense Exercise (exercise done with intensity) along with Cardio Shred® resulted in test subjects running 31.8% further after 3 weeks of continued supplementation.

The other amazing characteristic about Cardio Shred® is its fat burning abilities. Cardio Shred® changes fat metabolism within the body, so more stored fat is used for energy requirements instead of burning sugars in the body – which will protect the muscle, while burning stored fat!

This creates an overall powerful fat burning effect due to an increase in metabolism with a simultaneous increase in insulin sensitivity. This is why Cardio Shred® (GW0742) is – The Most Potent Fat Burner online.

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Stanazine® (S4) – The Strength and Muscle Master

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Dry Muscle vs. Wet Muscle

When training to build muscle mass – in general, athletes are looking to build what is called ‘Dry Muscle’. Dry muscle is muscle tissue that is created without the simultaneous gain of water and body fat. This ‘dry muscle’ type of mass is what gives one the toned and shredded appearance and building this type of muscle also comes with less side effects than the building of ‘wet muscle’.

What is ‘wet muscle’ then? Wet muscle is muscle that is comprised more of water weight than protein weight. When attempting to bulk up as much as possible, water retention can become a big problem for bodybuilders and other athletes, especially those that are utilising hormones for even faster gains.

When bulking up, athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike become susceptible to the action of the aromatase enzyme. This enzyme creates estrogen, which in turn, increases water retention in the exercising muscle cell. This not only reduces the muscular definition, it also increases total body weight and blood volume which can result in increased blood pressure and/or cardiovascular damage – in the long run.

Achieving Dry Muscle Gains with Stanazine® (S4)

Stanazine® (S4) was initially designed to help prevent muscle loss in sick patients with serious diseases. Without disease, the compound has the same action of drastic muscle protection in any body, which quickly caught the attention of fitness lovers around the world.

In the world of fitness and athletics, Stanazine® (S4) created quite a buzz for its ability to encourage lean muscle growth, rapid fat loss, serious strength gains and enhanced athletic performance all in one product. Stanazine® (S4) works by selectively binding to skeletal muscle androgen receptors in the body to stimulate exclusively dry muscle gains.

Stanazine® (S4) for Cutting and Re-comp

What makes Stanazine® (S4) stand out in addition to its lean muscle building effects, is its proven effectiveness for increased fat loss and muscle protection when cutting down calorie intake and/or when conducting intense cardio training frequently.

This marks Stanazine® (S4) as a superior compound – particularly useful for cutting, building and body re-composition. In fact, both fitness lovers and bodybuilders report that Stanazine® (S4) allows them to rapidly cut body fat, and achieve the “cut and dry” look that accentuates muscle striations in as little as just one 12-week cycle, in addition to correct nutrition and training.

Stanazine® (S4) has a high affinity for androgen receptors allowing this phenomenal supplement to boost strength, build lean muscle mass, accelerate cortical/periosteal bone formation and increase bone mass.

Because of its high selectivity, it bypasses the adverse effects of AAS allowing for flexible and strong joints, a stress-free liver, and maintenance of a healthy circulation while shredding fat and getting lean during any athletic program.

In summary, here are some of the amazing benefits of Stanazine® (S4):

  • Builds Lean Muscle Mass
  • Accelerates Body Fat Loss
  • Creates “Cut And Dry” Appearance
  • Increases join and tendon strength
  • Increases bone density


A dose of 25mg per day for 5 days on and 2 days off per week of Stanazine® (S4) is recommended. Each bottle contains 30 days of use. Each 1ml of liquid contains 25 mg of S4.

Cycle Length: 8 – 12 weeks.

Intel Sources:

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Elite Sarms paired with TRAINING!

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What type of training will work best with the Elite Sarm Athletic Performance products? We get this question a lot from you guys! Therefore in this Blog we will investigate the Athletic Performance Sarms and dive into what type of training will best activate each Sarm to give you the best performance results.

To investigate this topic we are going to be reviewing the Elite Sarms Athletic Performance products range, which includes:

Cardio Shred®
Hyper Lean®
– Decavar®
GH Pep®

Our athletic performance products work to promote two main areas:

1. Cardiovascular Improvement with sarms

– Cardio Shred® and;
– Hyper Lean®


2. Muscle/Connective Tissue Repair and Strengthening with sarms

– Decavar®
– Tight® and;
– GH Pep®

Different training styles will work better than others in conjunction with the 5 athletic performance Sarms. For example Cardio Shred® activates receptor sites inside muscle that induces the formation of Type I muscle fibres – the type of muscle fibres that are normally developed only after countless hours of rigorous cardio-endurance training. Whereas, GH Pep® amplifies your bodies natural growth hormone pulsations, inducing rapid growth and repair of collagen – the main component in connective tissue. Athletic performance is dependant on performing during every training session and during live events and therefore injury prevention is key to every single athlete. Developing strong connective tissue is necessary for improved; strength, power, agility and speed, meanwhile building muscle mass takes a back seat when it comes to athletic performance.

Partaking in any of the training styles or sports listed below either in training or competition, will activate the Elite Sarm and allow one to experience the product working at is full potential – due to the sarms design and what specific effect is has on the body.

Let’s dive a little deeper into each Athletic Performance Sarm and the training styles or sports that are best suited to the product and why….


Key Feature: O2 (Cardiovascular) Endurance. Cardio Shred’s active compound GW0742 is a PPARδ receptor agonist. By activating the PPARδ receptor, Cardio Shred® begins to elicit physical changes in the body as though one has been carrying out consistent cardiovascular training. Of course this effect is drastically amplified when one applies actual consistent cardio training into their workout regime.

Research revealed that GW0742 combined with cardiovascular exercise created a synergistic increase in oxidative myofibers and running endurance. Oxidative myofibers are muscle fibres that are slow-twitch fibers, which are characterised as muscles with long contraction duration, associated with endurance. It is through this improvement in the bodies muscle fibre makeup by enhancing the growth and number of endurance fibres, one is able to perform aerobic activities at greater intensities and for a longer duration!

– Marathon/Long distance running

– Triathalon
– Cycling
– Iron man
– Rowing (long distances)
– MMA (cardio endurance)
– Boxing (cardio endurance)
– Football (soccer)

Source: (increased oxidative myofibers)
Source: respiration to fuel muscle contractions)


Key Feature: Metabolic Conditioning. Hyper Lean®s active compound SR9009 has the incredible feature of increasing skeletal muscle mitochondria cells while at the same time repairing damaged mitochondria cells and detoxing dead ones. This results in the bodies ability to move high intensity work (exercise) through the body at a faster rate. In sports physiology terms this is referred to as; metabolic conditioning and is the core ingredient behind programs such as Crossfit, which combines Olympic lifting and Power Lifts with high intensity cardiovascular activities.

By improving the amount of energy producing cells (mitochondria) in muscles, Hyper Lean® is able to allow one to perform at higher intensities while at the same time requiring shorter rest due to the overall increase in the bodies metabolic activity. This makes the SR9009 compound perfect for those partaking in sports that have high intensity intervals of work followed by short rest periods such as: Boxing, MMA, Rugby League/Union or Crossfit.

– All Styles of HIIT (high intensity interval training)
– Crossfit
– Sprinting
– Rowing (shorter distances)
– MMA (metabolic conditioning)
– Boxing (metabolic conditioning)
– Rugby League/Union
– Netball
– Basketball
– Indoor Cricket


Key Feature: Active Muscular Recovery. Decavar® has amazing repairing capabilities. The active compound MK2866 has Androgen Receptor (AR) activity that results in a drastic increase in blood and nutrients being transported to the working muscles. This results in fast active recovery and increased muscular endurance, making it perfect for sports like Rock Climbing or Ninja Warrior style training, where the body and muscles need to be actively recovering fast in order to perform better in the sport.

– Rock Climbing
– Ninja Warrior
– Crossfit


Key Feature: Testosterone-like Environment. The use of testosterone in sports has long been documented. But why would having high levels of testosterone be an advantage to an athlete in a sport where having big muscles doesn’t benefit them? The answer, is in the modulation of the Androgen Receptor (AR). Testosterone works by synthetically increasing testosterone levels in the body – which then leads to activation of the bodies AR sites increasing the rate of muscle, bone and connective tissue repair.

Sarms are special compounds that bypass the hormonal system altogether and instead work directly on modulating the Androgen Receptor sites. In the case of RAD140, the AR modulation caused by this compound is virtually identical to the modulation on the AR caused by testosterone mg for mg with RAD140. This means that one can receive the exact same physiological athletic benefits of a normal-range dosage of testosterone by supplementing RAD140 while carrying out strength and power based activities.

– Bodybuilding
– Power Lifting
– Olympic Lifting
– Boxing
– Shot Put, Discus, Javelin

GH PEP® (MK677)

Key Feature: Increased Growth Hormone levels. MK677 is a growth hormone secretagogue. This means the compound increases the amount of natural growth hormone that pulses into the blood – leading to higher levels of the hormone throughout the body.

Growth hormone regulates the rate of repair of muscle and connective tissue including; cartilage, bone, tendons, ligaments and skin. These connective tissues are responsible for athletic strength, power, speed and agility. As MK677 works directly on these sites, athletes involved in sports that require high levels of strength, power, speed and agility will greatly benefit from the connective tissue fortifying effects of MK677.

– Bodybuilding
– Powerlifting
– Olympic Lifting
– MMA (power)
– Boxing (power)
– Shot Put, Discus, Javelin
– Ninja Warrior

Sources:,part%20in%20major%20sports%20events. (athletes and HGH)


As you can see from the information above, Elite Sarms can be of huge benefit to the beginner up to the advanced athlete. Getting better at any sport requires the ability to be able to perform at your best in each training session, remain injury free and to repair effectively after each training session or live competition. Thankfully, there are 5 Elite Sarm Athletic Performance SuperStars that exist for athletes like you out there, to take your cardio endurance, speed, power, strength and agility to new levels. We exist to help you push the limits of your own potential to manifest your best athletic version to come!

Other INTEL Sources:,known%20as%20a%20collagen%20helix. (Collagen),reproduction%20and%20promotes%20physical%20growth.(HGH and improved athletic performance),part%20in%20major%20sports%20events.

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How to Body Re-Comp Through Eating Food

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Note: Carbohydrate sometimes referred to as carb throughout

When your target is to achieve a very lean and defined physique, your workout routine should be geared towards building strength and muscle mass, and at the same time dieting at either maintenance level or at a calorie deficit to burn fat. This is a vital component that’s commonly overlooked by many people who will instead, not track nutrition and intensify cardio sessions and/or double up the lifting volume to attempt to lean up and get ripped.

What this actually does, overtime is over-train your body which eventually leads to muscle loss due to excess stress and excess cortisol building up in the muscles – cortisol being a muscle destroying hormone produced when the body is under prolonged stress.

When performing numerous workouts and exercises on a regular basis, your body becomes depleted of muscle glycogen from high intensity training. Muscle glycogen is derived from the carbohydrates we eat daily, however, not all carbohydrates are driven into muscle and converted into glycogen. For example, foods such as sweet potato are excellent for topping up muscle glycogen levels because sweet potato is a starchy carbohydrate and when eaten a much larger portion is stored inside muscle compared to other carb sources. If something is eaten that is high in refined sugar, in general, there are 2 things that occur:

1. A tiny portion of the refined sugar is driven into muscle and stored as glycogen

2. Most of the refined sugar is driven into fat cells

Muscle glycogen is the fuel that the body uses when we hit a high intensity in training and if the intensity is high enough, the body will also use lactate. The other fuel the body will use when exercising is fat, but the body will only begin using body fat as a fuel source during aerobic exercise and this occurs when it is performed consecutively for several minutes.

Source: Donovan, C, & Pagliassotti, M. (1998). Quantitative assessment of pathways for lactate disposal in skeletal muscle fiber types. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.

What is tricky
about body re-comping (burning fat while building muscle) is when one subjects themselves to a restricted diet – restricted meaning the amount of food consumed is tracked and kept below the maintenance amount of calories per day (a deficit). When on a restricted diet, the body has a harder time recovering from workouts. This is the hardest part about body re-composition – finding the perfect balance for your own biology where your body is in a fat burning state while you are maintaining strength and conditioning.

At this point we have two choices:

1. Maintain your current diet. Introduce advanced scientific supplementation into your current program. These supplements need to cover 2 objectives to actually be effective (to which 99% of all fat burning supplements do not achieve) these are:

a. Create insulin sensitivity so more carbohydrate consumed can be driven into muscle instead of being stored as fat and;

b. Increase metabolism so the body expends more calories

2. The second option is to do what is called Carb Cycling. Now let’s explore this Carb Cycling option a little more:


Yes, it is exactly as awesome as it sounds ^^^ Believe it or not, but scientifically you can use cheat meals in a strategic way to burn fat and build muscle. And it goes a little something like this…………..

The Science

By restricting weekly calorie intake below maintenance level while continuing to train at a high level with heavyweight and at a high intensity, the body begins to use up the glycogen that is stored in your muscles. This is called glycogen depletion. You will have experienced the feeling of carbohydrate depletion many times. Basically, if your immune system is not low, you are not getting sick however you have lost energy and motivation to train, then you are most likely overtrained and this will mean that your glycogen stores are depleted, this is the feeling of your entire body being drained. And the solution to this problem is a big ol cheat meal and some rest…. how perfect 😉

You see, in this glycogen depleted state, if you are then to have a cheat meal that is:

1. High in calories
2. High in simple and complex sugars

The sugars in the meal, both simple and complex will be taken up by the carb depleted muscles, the amount depends on the amount of muscle mass the individual has and the person’s biology, however, this process will occur no matter what level of training experience the person is.

This uptake of sugar from the cheat meal and into the muscles nourishes the muscles and creates an anabolic (muscle building) environment in the body. The higher the intensity of the training one carries out will determine the level of carb depletion one experiences and subsequently, the amount of carbohydrate that is re-loaded into the muscle, which will be higher than an untrained person.

Just like any skill though, practice makes perfect and each time you conduct a carb cycle your body gets better and better at it, and that will lead to better results each time you do one.

The Method:
This takes place over 3 days…

Part I
Choose either basmati rice or sweet potato for your starchy carbohydrate. This will be the main fuel source for your muscles during the 3 day period so you can keep the full-body sessions at a high intensity.

For your diet slightly increase your protein and healthy fats intake however for your carbohydrates with each meal conduct an 80/20 split of 80% vegetables to 20% starchy carbs (sweet potato or rice). It can be any vegetables. Broccoli and cauliflower are excellent vegetable choices to include. I call this the: 2 type carbohydrate protocol

Part II Over the next 3 days, train every muscle group in your entire body in each training session. With each movement, you carry out, keep the weight moderate-heavy around the 8 – 12 repetitions range and do not rest for a set time. Rest only long enough to carry out the next set successfully with intensity. An example training session could include:

*Each movement includes 1-2 light warm-up sets. The number before the word sets is the number of working sets to be completed*

8 – 12 Back Squats x 3 sets
8 – 12 Front Squats x 3 sets
8 – 12 Box Jumps x 3 sets
8 – 12 Deadlifts x 3 sets
8 – 12 Pullups x 3 sets
8 – 12 Chinups x 3 sets
8 – 12 Bench Press x 3 sets
8 – 12 Barbell Shoulder Press x 3 sets
8 – 12 Dumbbell Biceps Curls x 3 sets
8 – 12 Triceps Pulldowns x 3 sets
8 – 12 Dips x 3 sets

Part III This combination of the full-body workout each day, at high set volume with short rest periods combined while being fueled by a small amount of starchy carbs and heaps of vegetables creates physiological magic when it comes to depleting glycogen in the muscles. And remember, this is the end goal – to deplete as much of the glycogen in the muscles in the 3 days. Normally we are consuming more refined carbohydrates in our diet so the muscles never get a chance to fully deplete properly or re-load properly. By trying this for yourself and carrying out the 3 day full-body intensive training and following the 2 type carbohydrate protocol for the 3 days also you will achieve the goal of glycogen depletion.

The Finale On the evening of the 3rd day, you pick your favourite cheat meal and you have a cheat meal – yayyyyyyyyy. The goal here is to have a high-calorie meal that contains some protein, fats and mostly carbohydrates. It could be a burger place, it could be a pizza place it could be Thai food, you pick one that lights you up, that brings out your inner child and that brings you a little bit of excitement each week, so you stay on track and focused the rest of the week. That’s the meal we want to choose for our Carb Re-Feed.

The Carb Re-Feed results in lean muscle tissue creation (glycogen fills the muscle bells), a natural testosterone boost, nourishment and fuel for the muscles and its also a great mood lifter – from neurochemical activation also. It is also excellent for fat burning helping to release stored sugars in fat when one enters the carb depletion phase. Also, by having this cheat meal planned once per week it makes it easier to focus on a good nutrition routine the other 6 days of the week and this goes a very, very long way to successful long-term fat loss results.

Anyhow, when you do have this weekly cheat meal, really enjoy this meal! Don’t feel guilty one minute because if you have completed the Carb Depletion properly, then physiologically your muscles actually NEED the sugar, and to deprive them of that sugar would leave your entire body low on energy, weaker and if it continued for some time eventually muscle loss.

And there you have it folks, this is the science explained of how to body re-comp through eating food. We will go deeper on this subject but for now, this is the ES INTEL investigators signing off. Stay tuned to ES sources for more bio-hacking adventures.

Intel Sources

Donovan, C, & Pagliassotti, M. (1998). Quantitative assessment of pathways for lactate disposal in skeletal muscle fiber types. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.

Gualano, A., Bozza, T., Lopes, D., Roschel, H., Costa, D., Marquezi, L., Benatti, F., & Herbert, J. (2011). Branched-chain amino acids supplementation enhances exercise capacity and lipid oxidation during exercise after muscle glycogen depletion. Journal of Sports Medicine Physical Fitness, 51(1), 82 – 88.

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GH Pep (MK677) The Natural GH Enhancer & Anti-Aging Wonder

WhatsApp Image 2020 08 18 at 12.24.58 PM

1. In this following Elite Sarms – INTEL blog we are going to dive into the core science of growth hormone (GH), a naturally secreted peptide called Somatropin, in the body by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.

2. Lets chat about the Pituitary Gland for a moment, its role in the body and how important the health of this gland is to our overall physique and performance

3. The Pituitary Gland’s main function is to secrete hormones into your bloodstream. The Gland is a part of the body’s endocrine system. The endocrine system is a series of glands that secrete hormones that regulate metabolism, muscle growth and development, tissue functioning, reproduction, sexual function, sleep and mood.

4. As you can see, the Pituitary Gland is a gland in our body which is the Command & Control Centre for all major hormonal action occurring in our body.

– By understanding this gland and its function within the body, we can then focus on The Pituitary Gland’s optimum health by looking into the lifestyle factors and lifestyle choices that can either decrease or increase the output and health of this important gland.

4.. The amount of Growth Hormone one naturally secretes will depend on several lifestyle factors including but not limited to:

 (relaxing or stressful)

5. You will notice of all the factors above the ONLY factor you DO NOT have control over is your AGE. However! Did you know that you actually have 2 ages?

6. Yes, it’s true. We all have our chronological age – the number of years we’ve been on earth – which we cannot change, however, we also all have what is called our biological age.

7. Our biological ages are determined by all the factors that affect your DNA. Some of the most important factors include:

– HORMONAL STATE (testosterone to healthy estrogen balance)

8. Therefore, the TRUE term for anti-ageing is actually ANTI-BIOLOGICAL AGING, as it is impossible to turn back our chronological-age but it IS POSSIBLE to increase our overall health in the areas above (arrow) and REVERSE our BIOLOGICAL AGE. GH Pep® does exactly this by increasing the natural Growth Hormone output of the Pituitary Gland. Yes, it is pretty amazing.

5. There are large Natural pulses of growth hormone from the Pituitary Gland after high-intensity training, during REM sleep, after sexual activity and also first thing in the morning after good rest.
6. Elite Sarms – GH Pep (MK677) is the only Sarm in our range to drastically increase the NATURAL pulses of Growth Hormone from the Pituitary Gland.

7. The natural increase of Growth Hormone caused by GH Pep will be independent of lifestyle factors – meaning there will be an increase of GH regardless if the person has control of all of the above lifestyle factors that affect natural growth hormone output.

8. HOWEVER, add in resistance training, strength training and/or cardio and pump up the intensity! – Then you will really get to see Elite Sarms – GH Pep shine in all its glory.

9. The first thing one will notice is waking up in the morning FRESH. The New Growth Hormone pulses from taking Elite Sarms – GH Pep goes to work in the body speeding up the repair of connective tissue, muscle and bone and driving cellular rejuvenation.

10. A side-effect from the INCREASE OF SPEED OF REPAIR from GH Pep is; pain and inflammation become Drastically reduced or non-existent for some.

11. The science behind why GH Pep is one of our best INJURY REPAIRers in the range is due to the following:

12. Our body running at its Full Optimal Potential would mean our Pituitary Gland would be functioning at its Full Optimal Potential. As stated earlier, one of Growth Hormone’s major role’s in the body is TISSUE FUNCTIONING. This Tissue Functioning includes the proper repair of the tissues involved in injury – including the micro-tears caused after a session of high-intensity training.

13. With Elite Sarms – GH Pep supporting your Pituitary Gland’s Optimum release of Growth Hormone, this also creates the Optimum environment for tissue repair resulting in less inflammation and pain each day when supplementing with GH Pep – another factor that becomes more important with age.

14. This makes Elite Sarms – GH Pep perfect for anyone that is looking for Rejuvenation of the body while at the same time benefiting from the awesome Physique and Performance results of the one and only: GH Pep

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Beyond Potential – What happens when you Add Alpha Helix® (YK11) to your SARMS Regime?


Introducing one of the latest SARMS supplement to create a buzz in the sports and bodybuilding industry. The novel compound YK11 is a non- hormonal DHT derivative and the active ingredient of Elite Sarms – Alpha Helix®.

Written by: Michelle G. Thibault
Edited by: Ryan McTeigue

Initially created at Toho University in Japan, YK11’s mechanism of action is quite unique and makes it a perfect addition to your existing SARMS stack or sports supplementation line-up.

Firstly – YK11 works as an agonist to the androgen receptors inside your muscle fibres to promote growth;

Second – YK11 stimulates the production of follistatin which antagonizes or suppresses Myostatin- a muscle growth inhibitor protein. The suppression of Myostatin results in massive increases in strength and muscle mass.

This makes Elite SARMs Alpha Helix® (YK11) an excellent add-on especially for SARMS enthusiasts to bring their physique transformations to a higher level.

Elite Sarms Alpha Helix (YK11)

Elite Sarms Alpha Helix (YK11) works comparably with Physique 400 (LGD 4033), Tight (Rad 140), and GH Pep (MK677) to bring mass and muscle gains beyond an individual’s potential. What’s special about this combination is that while the other SARMs powerfully stimulate androgen receptors to develop new muscle tissues, YK11has the second power of suppressing myostatin’s actions to oppose further development of the muscle fibres.

So when one’s physiology begins to drastically slow down or even limit the results you can get from training and the use of other SARMs and other supplements, YK11 amplifies an individual’s genetic potential for breaking through physical plateaus in strength and muscle development.

Research studies show YK11 is also proven to burn body fat, making Elite SARMs Alpha Helix® an excellent addition to the fat-burning abilities of Hyper Lean (SR9009) and/or Cardio-Shred (GW0742).

Similar also to the actions of Stanazine (S4) and Decavar (MK2866), YK11 has documented osteogenic (bone) improvement activity that adds to the power of these well-known compounds to increase bone density and cortical mass.

Elite SARMs Alpha Helix YK11 is one of the most forthcoming and biologically exciting SARMs on the market with the many benefits and a lack of reported side effects compared to the various health risks ascribed to prohormones and anabolic steroids. Being an effective and powerful product, Alpha Helix® is truly a biohacking powerhouse that works by creating the environment for exceeding an individual’s innate physical capacity and entering new territories of physical development.

References: mighty_mice_made_mightier

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Decavar® – The Ultimate Body Re-Composition Product

Improve the function and health of your body

Welcome to another session of Elite Sarms INTEL. In this info grab we are going to dissect the phenomenal characteristics of Elite Sarms – Decavar® – The Ultimate Body Re-composition Product and how it works to burn fat and build lean muscle at the same time!

1. Decavar®’s has a few names in the chemistry world including: MK-2866, Ostarine or Enbosarm. This compound has undergone the most extensive clinical trials to date of all the Elite Sarms range.

2. In a phase 2a study, Ostarine was shown to “increase lean body mass and decrease fat mass. It also modestly improved the homeostatic model assessment (HOMA)”
(Dalton 2007 abstract from Endo meeting).

3. To understand the science of why Decavar® is such a powerful BODY RECOMPOSITION tool, let’s dive into how this product improves the Homeostatic Model Assessment and what the HOMA actually is.

4. The HOMA is a measurement of the β-cells function and Insulin Resistance.

5. The β-cells otherwise known as Beta cells are a type of cell found in Pancreatic Islets.
The pancreatic islets or islets of Langerhans are the areas of the PANCREAS that contain hormone-producing cells.

6. Beta Cells (β-cells) are responsible for the secretion (release) of insulin and amylin – the 2 hormones in our body that regulate blood sugar levels and glycogen uptake into muscle.

7. It is important to note, that people with Type I and Type II diabetes – have a LOWER amount of β-cells and experience decreased health of β-cells leading to LOW INSULIN secretion which leads to HIGH BLOOD SUGAR levels – which also leads to excess body fat storage due to the excess sugars floating around in the blood that the insulin COULD NOT drive into muscle.

8. So when β-cells are not healthy or in their optimum state, then the body does not secrete/ release insulin effectively and therefore carbohydrates eaten cannot be driven into skeletal muscle effectively.

9. Decavar® revealed in the study mentioned earlier, to improve the function and health of the β- cells. This in-turn improves the healthy release of INSULIN which then drives the carbohydrates/ sugars we eat into muscle instead of being stored as BODY FAT. It is the improvement of the β- cells from Decavar® which then makes insulin a powerful ANABOLIC driver of sugars into muscle.

10. This is the definition of INSULIN SENSITIVITY – when the body is SENSITIVE to insulin it means that it responds to a release of insulin by DIRECTING the sugars into skeletal muscle. When the body becomes INSULIN RESISTANT – this means the insulin does not drive sugars into muscle anymore because it has become damaged or abused. Instead the sugars are directed into fat cells 🙁

11. By Elite Sarms – Decavar® improving the function and health of β-cells, this helps the body to drive more sugars into muscle. This has a double bonus effect – 1. The body does not store the sugars as body fat and 2. This creates an anabolic or muscle building environment as the body prefers to burn stored fat for energy rather than muscle.

12. As you can see the results from Decavar® are fully in-line with the scientific meaning of Body Re-composition – A reduction of LIPOCYTES also know as fat cells while there is a simultaneous increase in nitrogen retention and protein synthesis (muscle creation).

Phewwwwww – there was a bit of ES INTEL there, however now you know exactly why Elite Sarms – Decavar® is the The Ultimate Body Re-Composition Product and now you know an important piece of knowledge around of the science and biology of Body Re-Composition.


Pancreatic image

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Elite Sarms Body Re-Composition in 2023

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Hi Team,

In this episode of Elite Sarms INTEL Blog, in the theme of lean muscle building, we are going to check-out what is happening in the world of Re-Composition in 2023. We will uncover the Elite Sarms products that star in body Re-Composition and all info you need for building lean muscle while reducing body-fat just in time for the New Year!

Re-Composition is a term used in the Fitness World for building muscle tissue while reducing body fat cells. Body re-composition is the main goal outside of a bulking phase in bodybuilding for example. To simultaneously grow muscle and lose fat is no easy feat, and in order to complete this successfully one has to follow specific nutrition, training and supplementation guidelines. Luckily, we have the supplementation part sorted.

Let us look at the Elite Sarms products that are best suited for Body Re-composition and some of their special characteristics they share in muscle building and fat burning:

1. Tight® (RAD140)

2. Stanazine® (S4)

3. Decavar® (MK2866)

The above 3 Elite Sarms were selected as the Best Body Re-Composition products because they can all be used as Fat Burners, and here’s the important part, they can all be used just as effectively as fat-free muscle builders. This is very important for those involved in competitive sports and athletics, as any muscle that is gained, the athlete wants that muscle to be highly functional. Any muscle gained with these 3 sarms will be functional, athletic muscle – as long as a healthy diet is adhered to while on cycle and this is due to how each product functions.

Now let’s dive a little deeper into each Elite Sarms Re-Composition product to learn more about their individuality.


Created by Radius Health, RAD140 know as Tight® in the Elite Sarms range, is our most potent Re-composition product available. This is because it is equally as effective at Fat Burning as it is in Building Muscle. Its power in fat burning comes from the drastic increase in metabolism one experiences around week 2-3 on Tight®. The drastic increase in metabolism comes from the creation of new muscle, with muscle being the most potent metabolism increaser due to requiring more energy to sustain itself. The muscle will then tap into fat stores over time to provide this newly required energy.

Tight®s Muscle Building power comes from the fact that it physiologically mimics the effects of testosterone while remaining non-steroidal and non-hormonal. This is a very amazing product in terms of the strength increases, muscle building and muscle recovery properties contained within one single compound without being a hormone. Just like testosterone, Tight® helps to increase strength but also gives the elevated mood and Focused Drive which also increases performance in the gym. It’s this combination of mental and physiological enhancement from RAD 140 that can provide the gateway for serious muscle and athletic gains.


Our next Re-Composition product is Stanazine® Stanazine®s active compound S4 has proven in studies to increase Lipolysis or fat burning due to putting the body into a state of excess calorie expenditure. This is due to the Androgen Receptor (AR) activation in both muscle and body fat. While the body is in a state of excess calorie expenditure – more calories from the food and drink you consume goes into building new muscle and less goes into storage as body fat.

A very noted effect from Stanazine® is very pronounced vascularity enhancement after around 2-3 weeks depending on the athlete and that athletes time in training. However, one will notice a very pronounced vascularity effect as well as intense muscular pumps. The muscle pumps caused by Stanazine® are due to is very specific binding of muscle AR – Unlike any other Sarm. Something that can only be experienced – but explained, it feels like a fullness within all the muscles.

Now to muscle building. Stanazine® in my opinion, is very underrated when it comes to muscle building – however, if your body type is one that reacts strongly to strength increases with muscle increases (usually ecto-mesomorph body types) then S4 may just become your new go-to-Sarm for packing on quality lean muscle. The special part is that Stanazine® will also create strength increases while on a restricted diet or calorie deficit, something that makes this Sarm loved in the Physique competition world around pre-stage time.

Finally, we uncover Decavar® the last of the Re-Composition superstars in the Elite Sarms range.

Decavar® or MK2866 is a unique character indeed. Its Power over any other Sarm and probably any other compound currently available on the market that is safe, is its anti-catabolic or anti-muscle wasting properties. This means that while reducing calories or food intake one can keep the skeletal muscle that is on their frame and even experience strength increases while in this state. This is because it is a compound for keeping muscle on a frame – even when one is weak, or reducing calorie intake.

Therefore, as you can see Decavar®s muscle building properties come from the fact it Protects Muscle – it’s the muscle Body Guard if you will – not letting catabolic hormones anywhere near it, so the body in is a perfect state for building new muscle tissue and keeping what you have already worked hard for. Decavar® also has a very strong effect on skeletal muscle Androgen Receptor (AR) and when the muscle is trained this increases the muscles ability to uptake glycogen (muscle sugar) which then creates insulin sensitivity. This creates strong muscle pumps in training – muscle that is sensitive to sugar intake. And when sugar is consumed after training one will experience – the pump – due to the sugar being driven into the muscle.

And there we have it, the 3 Superstars in the Elite Sarms body Re-Composition range and the science behind their special characteristics.

Stay tuned for next episode of Elite Sarms INTEL Blog – where we put the ES Fat Burning products under the spotlight with some optimisation tips to boot.

Happy Intense Training,

Ryan ES

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Hi crew and welcome to an edition of Elite Sarms INTEL – where we break down the science of training, nutrition and supplementation so you can optimise your results with Elite Sarms products.

In this blog we are going to cover – The Science of Building Lean Muscle.

Perhaps we’ll just be reminding you of some straight forwards facts in these areas, although there may be something new here you can apply. Either way, these Elite Sarms INTEL blogs are designed to cut straight to chase, so that all effort put into nutrition, training and supplementation can lead directly to your goal outcome.

So we understand what the end goal is here, let’s define lean muscle. There is actually no such thing as building ‘lean muscle’, the fact is, one either has low muscle mass up to high muscle mass combined with either high body fat levels or low body fat levels.

So in truth, in order to create ‘lean muscle’ we must focus on building new muscle and reducing body fat levels. This is how the ‘lean muscle’ look is created. With that in mind, let’s look into some hacks we can do in the way of training to stimulate the body into growing new fat free muscle. We’ve put together a simple, yet very effective way to increase your Strength across the major lifts that creates big results toward physique and performance across the: bench press, squat, deadlift and press.


There is a common myth when it comes to weight training, that in order to build the ‘lean muscle’ appearance, that one needs to train in the high repetition range. As we have stated above the ‘lean muscle’ look comes from building new muscle and then reducing body fat levels so the muscle definition can be seen.

When we lift weights in the lower rep ranges 1 – 5 repetitions, done with intensity and focus, we create a strong release of the endogenous (internally produced) hormone – Human Growth Hormone or HGH. If we stick to training only in high repetition ranges too often, there’s a great deal of natural hormone we can rob our bodies from receiving.

Therefore, adding in a 5 x 5 set (5 repetitions at 5 sets with rest between sets to achieve maximum lift each set) of each of the major lifts (bench press, squat, deadlift or overhead press) into your training routine each week sets a solid foundation for new muscle growth.

When we train with a moderate to heavy weight and complete a higher repetition range (12 – 15 reps) the body produces lactic acid and this repetition range is most physiologically suitable for a natural release of testosterone (in both males and females, females however produce around 1/10 of what males naturally produce).

In the training example below we are going to combine both the explosive power and strength of the 5 x 5 rep range with the lactic acid producing 12 – 15 rep range with the movements bench press and dumbbell/cable fly – as an example.

: With this training cycle, the major lift can be substituted with either; back squat, front squat, deadlift, barbell press or the bench press. The major lift is supersetted with a second exercise that targets the same muscle group directly, in the lactic acid repetition range. The training cycle goes for a total of 4 weeks.

For Example:

– Deadlift could be suppersetted with Hamstring curls
– Squat could be supersetted with Dumbbell or Barbell Lunges, and;
– Overhead Press could be supersetted with Dumbbell Lateral Fly’s or even Handstand Pushups depending on your skill levels

The point is, to perform the heavy lift to product a strong GH release and then exhaust the muscle into fatigue through the secondary movement/lift creating a strong natural testosterone release.

: Warm up with a few sets of light bench press and light dumbbell fly or cable fly. Complete 12 -15 reps each set for both movements until you have oxygenated the body and warmed up the joints. Pick your 5 repetition max weight for the bench and for the dumbbell/cable fly pick a weight where 10 reps is heavy as we are going to push out to 15 reps to create lactic acid in the muscles.

When ready, complete one set of 5 reps of Bench Press. Try and have a spotter so you can do your absolute maximum lift in each set. Without rest, move straight into the dumbell/cable fly and complete 15 repetitions (you will need to really focus on the getting a further 5 reps).

Rest only until you know you can complete the next set, then begin. This is repeated for a total of 5 sets.

This will make up only a section of your training session. It should not take that long, however really focus on each set. The goal here is to increase your 5 rep max lift to 8 repetitions over the 4 weeks and create new muscle growth as well as increasing your strength – which also leads to new muscle.

As mentioned, the training cycle runs for 4 weeks, completed at least once per week and used across any of the major lifts. Conditioned athletes could complete this same cycle 2 x per week on each muscle group.

On the 2nd week you do everything exactly the same and keep the bench press weight the same, except you increase by 1 repetition on the bench press to 6 reps, the 3rd week – 7 reps and finally on the 4th week – 8 reps. Each week you do try and increase the weight on the dumbbell/cable fly, while keeping the rep range at 15 reps. See the table below for an example of the exercise split.


Ensure you record the weight you complete each week so when you go to complete this 4 week cycle again your goal is to lift heavier than the last Forced Growth Cycle.

To get the best result with this training cycle – there are two of our products that stand-out in the creation of new muscle in our range: Elite Sarms Decavar (MK-2866) and GH Pep (MK-677). These two are powerful products just on their own, but when stacked together they create an even more powerful synergistic effect on lean muscle creation.

Elite Sarms – Decavar (MK-2866) amplifies the speed of repair of muscle cells as well as increasing nitrogen and flushing fresh blood and nutrients into the muscles, creating a perfect environment for new muscle growth. Whereas, Elite Sarms – GH Pep (MK-677) triggers the endogenous release of your bodies own growth hormone which leads to an increase in protein synthesis throughout the entire body resulting in improvements in: skin, eyes, hair, nails, muscle, connective tissue and bones, while simultaneously reducing body fat levels.

Stay tuned for the next Elite Sarms article where we dive into more science Hacks for Lean Muscle Growth.

– ES Team